Epilogue: (Part 1) Caging the Heart, which belongs to me...

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My heart felt thanks to all the lovely readers, who liked this story a lot...

Thanks for all your immense love and support...

As promised, here I'm with a long epilogue of this story... But it's quite a long one... So I'm in a forced situation to split it into two...

Really I'm so Sorry for doing so... I want to explain some situations in detail.... I hope you all are okay with it... Don't worry... In few days, you will get the balance part...

Many shocking and unexpected twists are awaiting... Hold on to your hearts properly and proceed further...

Read the shot with your own risk and strictly no bashing is allowed...


My heart and soul wants only you and no one else...

The heart which I thougt as mine all my life, has been parted away from me, cruelly... The heart never cared that I will be broken beyond pieces... But another heart which always cared and loved me is ready to do anything for me and is showering me with immense love... Though I'm blessed enough and enjoying the joy of happiness, which I never dreamt of, there is a void in my heart, as I'm not accepting him truly as my soulmate...

When the angels asks me what I love the most in my life, I'll say it's you and nothing else...


It's a chilly and cold evening... The weather is quite rough and the chilled weather will bring a shrill in anyone's body ... But Abhi and Pragya never cared about anything and have happily stepped out from the house, as it's been long time, since they went out together...

Abhi couldn't stop admiring Pragya, who is smiling happily after many years... He couldn't concentrate well in the road and he suddenly stops the car, as he didn't want to risk their lives at any cost...

Pragya: Hey Nugget ... What happened to you??? Why did you stopped the car, suddenly?? Are you okay???

Pragya quickly keeps her hands on Abhi's neck and forehead to check whether he is having any fever or not... A heartfelt smile creeps up in Abhi's face and he looks at his cupcake lovingly...

Pragya: Hey idiot... Instead of answering me, why are you laughing, haan??? I'm worrying for you but you are looking at me, as if you are seeing me for the first time..

Abhi: Of course... I'm seeing my baby girl in her chirpy, talkative mode after a longgggg time... My bak bak complaining, angry parrot is back to form finally....

How can I drive the car just like that, without admiring my cupcake???? Impossible... Let me look at you for some good minutes and cherish this beautiful moment, which I longed for many years... How about a selfie, muffin???

Pragya keeps her fingers on her lips and giggles like a kid and her cheeks turns crimson red, as Abhi is looking at her lovingly... Abhi pulls Pragya's cheeks, while she beats on his hands and leans to his shoulders...

Abhi kisses her forehead and a happy smile lingers in Abhi's lips... He closes his eyes and enjoys the long lost happiness after the deadly incident, which changed their lives upside down...

Pragya: I'm also seeing your happy smiling face after a long time, Nugget... You lost your smile and happiness, all these years... All because of my stupidity only...

I was so selfish and never cared for you and didn't bothered what you were going through too... I forced you to do everything just to fulfill the promise , I made to Bunny...

I'm the one to be blamed, as these much happened because of me only... Sorry Nugget... In my helpless and confused state, I ordered, blackmailed and forced you to do all these... After that too, I annoyed and bothered you a lot....

Abhi: Not at all... Baby... Will you listen to me??? (Pragya nods her head as yes) Let's think that all our dark days have been vanished... Think it's our new birth and we are stepping into a new beginning...

I know it's very hard to come out from the bitter past... But how long we gonna be like this... Let's move on in our life, at least to make our parents happy... Even Shabbo Bhai will expect us to do this only... Shall we try cupcake???

Pragya: But Nugget...

Abhi: Shhhh... See... Your tummy has started to make wierd noises... Let's talk everything later... Now, it's time to have dinner... Is it clear???

Abhi starts the car and drives to the famous XYZ restaurant, which is reserved only for the celebrities and VIPs... Though Abhi hates to go to such porsche places, he is in a compulsion to take Pragya over there, as he badly needs some privacy and wanna spend some quality time with his little muffin...

Both Abhi and Pragya had a huge fan follow in that place and it's very hard for them to escape from their Fan's sight... Without any choice left and not to miss this wonderful chance, which he got after many years, Abhi drives the car towards the classy restaurant...


Abhi and Pragya are chit chatting happily and are eating their favourite food, enjoying the melodious music running in the background... Two pair of eyes watches their lovely bonding with a moist eyes and felt contented that the true lovely hearts will be happy, after these....

Abhi growls irritatingly, as he is surrounded by some short dressed girls, who seems to be from rich family... Their short revealing dresses, their odd make up, the costly fragrance from their bodies, the way they talk cheesy and flirty with him, irked Abhi to the core...

Pragya didn't reacted much to the happenings and is amusingly watching the scenario, as if she is enjoying some movie scenes... Abhi pleads Pragya through his eyes to save him from those girls, who is boiling his nerves to the core....

Pragya shruggs her shoulders and is hopping on to her favourite dessert, as if she is eating it for the first time... Abhi doesn't know how to push those girls, who is talking to him in the name of his fans and annoying him too much...

Abhi's anger roses as the girls tried to hug and kiss him and trying to get intimate with him, when taking the selfies... He feels creepy to stand with them and he feels as if he is surrounded by ugly worms... Abhi takes a deep breath to control his temper and looks at Pragya longingly to save him..

But to his dismay, Pragya winks at him and asked him to enjoy that happily... It took Abhi a long time to send off those girls and he had to come up with many excuses to reject their offer to dance with them...

Abhi: This is too much, cupcake..

Pragya: Arrey... Just I had one ice cream..

Abhi: Ho god!!! I'm not talking about your ice cream, crazy girl... What's with those reactions haan... I didn't expected you will do like this...

Pragya: Can you explain me clearly, what did I do??? I didn't reacted and never stopped you to enjoy your life.. I will be the happiest person in this whole earth, if my Nugget forget everything and enjoy his life...

Abhi shrinks his brows: What do you mean, cupcake???? Come again... I couldn't understand your double meaning dialogues...

Pragya lazily moves her plate and inserts the fork in it... She dips the fork in the chicken piece and gently took the fork near her mouth.. She chews the chicken pieces and swallows it by making a humming sound... Abhi irritatingly looks at Pragya, who is boiling his nerves to the core...

Abhi: Don't annoy me , Cupcake... I don't want to lose my temper on you, any time.. I don't want to create unnecessary scene in a public place... Damn it... Answer me...

Pragya: Will you do anything I wish for???? I know Nugget, you will nod your head as yes... You never cared for your happiness and it's always me, who comes in your priority list ...

I want to see you happy, Nugget... I want my Nugget to enjoy his life... I'm not heartless and don't think that the marriage we had is stopping you to do anything, you wish for...

I wholeheartedly and willingly saying this to you Nugget... You have to move on in your life and enjoy it to the fullest... What I mean is that... Vo... Vo... Nugget... It's that...

( Sucks her dried lips and fills a lung full of air to say what's in her heart... The fire in Abhi's eyes scares Pragya a lot... But Pragya badly wants to do this for Abhi and she gathers up all her courage to say the matter... Not able to meet Abhi's eyes, Pragya bends her head down...)

What I mean is that... Nugget... I want you not to hold on to your virginity, anymore... Go and find a girl and be happy with her..

Abhi yells angrily: What nonsense are you talking, cupcake... Do you understand what rubbing words, you are uttering...

Pragya: I know , what I mean... I want my Nugget not to give up his desires and bodily needs for my sake... As a legally wedded wife, I'm not doing anything for you and is not giving you the basic happiness, a husband expects from his wife...

How long are you going to be like this... As a man, you have some desires and needs.. I'm not so heartless to stop you from getting it... At least, I want you not to give up on your basic needs for the name sake marriage and a name sake wife like me..

Choose anyone you want or any girls, who are ready to fulfill your needs... Whether it's be an one night stand or a continuos affair, I don't have any problem at all... You can even bring the girls to our home too, if you are not comfortable in hotels...

Pragya's breath hitched, as the shrilling sound of the glass table in which the dishes are kept is broken down into pieces... Abhi thrusts his card to the manager, who runs there hurriedly on hearing the noise and is shocked to see the costly table was destroyed completely....

Abhi barges out of the restaurant after settling the bills and given a warning to the manager that the news shouldn't be leaked at any cost.. Abhi never had anything other than the starters and not even minds the blood droplets smearing from his hands, as a result of breaking the table...

Pragya hurriedly follows Abhi, who is boiling like a huge volcano... Pragya wished to calm down Abhi at any cost and wanna do the first aid to him... But she shuts her mouth tightly on seeing the deadly glare of Abhi, who will kill her if she opens her mouth too...

The awkward silence is scaring Pragya a lot... A cold breeze hits her body very rashly and Pragya feels that someone has slapped her hardly for talking stupidly with Abhi and hurting his heart again and again....

A loud sound echoes in Pragya's ears continuously for doing such awful things and troubling Abhi repeatedly, who is living only for her happiness... Pragya rubs her heart and wipes her moist eyes and thinks deeply, how to console Abhi....


Abhi barges into the house angrily and never cared that whether Pragya has come inside or not... The way he shuts the door clearly explains Pragya how much Abhi is angry on her...

Pragya stares at the bathroom door for a long time, as it's been more than an hour, since Abhi is inside... A deep sigh echoes from Pragya, as Abhi has come out finally after wearing his dress and he had dressed up his wounded hands too...

But it's clear to Pragya that Abhi is not interested to wipe his hairs or body and falls on the bed, with water droplets splashing over the bed... His body started to shiver and gets chilled up in the cold weather..

Pragya panicks and runs inside the closet.. She hurriedly picks up a towel and rushed towards Abhi.. She started to wipe Abhi's hairs quickly.. But she has to stop it abruptly, as Abhi pushes her hands away from him...

Pragya: Nugget... Please... Let me wipe your hair... You will get sick, if you sleep like this.. You have an important match in the upcoming week...

Abhi: You don't need to care, whether I get sick or even if I die too... Don't show your fake concern on me, cupcake... You are not my little muffin, my baby girl who loves me dearly...

You are the heartless Pragya... How can you ask me to do those nasty things??? Just tell me one thing... Did I ever get angry on you or did I have scolded you ever???

Pragya: No Nugget...

Abhi: Now I'm hell angry on you and wanna scold you for talking those nonsense things to me... But I'm controlling myself, as I can't hurt my baby girl ever in my life... Ask me to die, rather than forcing me to do all these...

Pragya slaps Abhi hardly and pulls his collars angrily...

Pragya: Shut up.. How dare you to say that you will die???? 😭😭😭😭😭... Why Nugget???? Why you too want to leave me like that idiot Bunny???

Abhi: I don't want to leave you ever... That's why I have survived this much and living for you, after the ****** of Shaboo bhai too... But it's you, who is forcing me to do so...

How can you say like that cupcake??? Don't you know about your Nugget... Did I ever looked at any woman with any desires or did I behaved wrongly with you, by any means???

Didn't I told you earlier that I'm not interested in marriage and didn't I happily said that I will be happy to be the father of Shaboo bhai and your baby.... How can you term me as a lusty monster, cupcake...

Pragya screams aloud: Nooooo... I didn't mean in that sense.... I wanted to do something for you... How can you hold on to your desires, Nugget ??? Isn't it wrong on your part to give up on your bodily needs???

Abhi: Ohhh... What you mean is that you too are ready to do that... Isn't it????

Pragya shows a disgusting look and yells at Abhi angrily...

Pragya: How mean... Do you think that this Pragya can allow any men to touch me... Even as your wife, I am not ready to get intimate with you... Through out my life, I vowed to give my virginity to my Bunny only and no one else...

Abhi: Wow... What an explanation... You are ready to live all your life as a virgin... But you want me to lose my virginity just like that and wanna run behind those girls, saying that I need to fulfill my bodily needs..

Great thoughts, cupcake.. Hats off to you... 👏👏👏👏👏.... How cruel of you to think about me like that.. Not as a husband, but as your Nugget, I expected you will give me the respect, I deserve..

But you pushed me down and insulting me and is hell adamant to tarnish my image and character.. How can you think so low about me and ask me to do those disgusting things???

Shaboo Bhai... Are you hearing what our Cupcake is saying??? 😭😭😭😭... She is potraying me as a lusty person and pushing me away from her and wishing me to go and have fun with some random girls...

Why did you do this to me Shaboo Bhai???? 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Why ???? Why you left your crazy lover with me???? She is living only for you and is troubling her too much, Bhai...

Why our fates are so cruel??? Why God has saved me and given me a chance to live again ???? Why it's you, who has to *****, instead of me???? Why Shaboo bhai???? Why did you get such a promise from our cupcake????

😭😭😭😭... You would have happily killed me for doing like this... Didn't I loved you two truly and didn't I lived for your happiness... Now you pushed me in a living hell and this cupcake is pushing me away from her, as if I'm forcing her to become my wife in true sense....

Give some sense in her, Bhai... Tell her that I'm her same Nugget only and she is my baby girl... Say to her that this Abhi won't touch her ever in wrong sense... At least ask her to have some trust on me... Please... 😭😭😭😭😭

Abhi gets up from the bed and falls on his knees, before the photo of Shabbir and cries aloud... A cold breeze hits Abhi, as if caressing his head gently and patting his back and pleading him not to cry.... Abhi feels some calmness in his broken heart...

Abhi wipes his tears and looks at Pragya, who has buried her head on her knees and is crying vigorously... Abhi takes a deep breath and touches Pragya.... Pragya screams Nugget and hugs him tightly and started to cry aloud....

They didn't talked anything but the heavy crying sounds are echoing the whole room.... The two cold eyes which is looking at the scenario with moist eyes is helplessly looking at the duo, who are thinking only about Shabbir and spoiling their happiness and a beautiful future, awaiting for them...

The interlinked three hearts are beating faster and the trio badly wants to forget the horrible accident, which is the root cause for all their sadness....


Shàbbir fumes in anger and yells to the top of his lungs and bashed Pragya mercilessly for playing such a nasty game with them... Shabbir is not in a mind set to forgive Pragya and warned her that he will cut off all the relationships with her, if anything wrong happens to Abhi..

Shabbir: Listen Pragya.. Stop behaving childishly and act matured enough for your age and your profession, at least ...

I have to blame that idiot only... He pampered you so much and spoiled you rotten... He always danced to your tunes and never cared for anything...

You too will use him as your puppet only right... What's needed to play such a silly game like this and you blackmailed us to do it... Your one stupid move has made my brother to suffer like this..

He is struggling for his life and none of your explanations gonna change my foul mood... Remember... If anything wrong happens to my Abhi, I will surely kill you..

Pragya wipes her tears: Nothing will happen to my Nugget.. I will surely save him.. Even I can survive without you.. But this Pragya's heart beats will surely stop, if anything wrong happens to my Nugget..

Shabbir makes a disinterested look and quickly picks up the bike keys.. In a hurry to go to the hospital soon, Pragya completely forgets where she has hidden their helmets too, which she did it purposely to play prank with her Bunny..

Not in a mood to waste much time, Shabbir starts the bike quickly.. His mind is haunted with only one thought... Abhi has to be saved and he is ready to throw Pragya away from his life too, if the negative happens...

( Abhi, Pragya and Priya Mehra shares the same blood group, which is very rare in nature.. Though Priya has given the blood for Abhi already, Abhi needs some more blood, as he had a huge blood loss..

It's the reason, all tried to contact Pragya for a long time and ask her to come soon to give the needed blood.. Pragya is wiping her teary eyes and keeps on praying hardly that her Nugget should be safe and sound.. )

Shabbir drives the bike in high speed and all he want is to reach the hospital very soon.. He never minds the speed limit and never bothered about the traffic rules and signals too....

All of a sudden,



What has happened???

Did Shabbir and Pragya reached the hospital on time???

What's the promise Shabbir asked from Pragya???

What had happened to Shabbir???

Do you think, Abhi and Pragya can move on in their life and take forward their relationship ???

Keep guessing and stay tuned..

Words used: 3475+

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Meet you all very soon...


Bidding adieu,

Yours cliffy buddy,


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