Shot. 3 (Part 2): The bitter incident which tied us in an eternal bond...

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Life is always unpredictable... Sometimes, the playful words said by us can happen in real too...

When you love and care for someone more, you will get hurted more than you deserve...

Behind my smile is a hurted heart.. Behind my laugh is my wounded soul...
Behind my tears is my uncontrollable love...
This is not the real me... I'm faking everything as my heart is not with me...


Pragya caress the photo in her hands and she couldn't stop smiling as how she used to be earlier... Her mind uncontrollably thinks about the incidents which turns all their lives upside down...


It's a warm, bright morning... The loud shrilling sound of the rock music is shaking the whole room and the floor is blushing on seeing a hot, sizzling, handsome hunk is dancing, not minding that he is draped only in a towel and not wiped his bathed body too ...

Not minding anything or thinking that it's a bachelor's room, the door gets opened all of a sudden and a girl enters inside with a deadly glare... She made faces and searches something quickly...

She is not interested in that handsome guy and her heart didn't desired him at all, who is a dream boy of many girls... She is highly annoyed and irritated and switches off the music system with the remote...

She throws many a things at him angrily and is about to break the precious possession of him... He screams aloud and holded it possessively before she breaks it, as if it's his life...

He securely kept the trophy (which is jointly won by Abhi and Pragya in a singing competition) inside the cupboard... He looks at the angry glaring Pragya, who is fuming like a volcano..

A lump formed in Abhi's throat and he curses his brother Shabbir for trapping him to Pragya always... Abhi is helpless and he is the one, who gets crushed between the Romeo, Juliet of their house and he has to act as an umpire to settle their issues and fights ....

Abhi understands very well that his brother Shabbir is the reason for Pragya's anger... Abhi rushes inside his closet and wears a tee and pant quickly...

He sighs on seeing the condition of his room, which is in a pathetic state... He comes slowly towards Pragya and pulled her in his embrace and patted her back to calm her down...

Abhi: What happened cupcake??? Why this much angry in morning itself???

Pragya cries aloud and buries her face in Abhi's heart, which always gives her the needed peace and comfort... Abhi doesn't understand, what has happened and what made Pragya to cry like this...

Pragya: Nug... Nugget... 😭😭😭😭😭... I... I... I hate that stupid Bunny... I don't want to marry him... He is not loving me at all...

He loves only his business and I'm not at all important to him... He is neglecting me... I hate that arrogant khadoos... Take me somewhere... I don't want to see his face too...

Abhi: Hey baby doll... What's this... Don't you know about Shabbu bhai... He is single handedly managing and looking after everything... Papa and Uncle are busy in wedding arrangements na... Try to understand his situation, cupcake...

How will your Romeo forget and neglect you??? Bhai loves you dearly... But, I will blame only you for his behaviour... You are not at all smart enough to make Shabbu bhai to dance to your tunes...

Pragya: That idiot is not my Nugget to understand me and do whatever I wish for... He is one thick headed... Grrrr... Close your ears, Nugget... I'm going to say bad words...

Abhi chuckles: Aww... My cute muffin ... Just calm down, baby... Tell me... What do you want??? I will do it for you... Do you want to go somewhere???

Pragya: I have to do an important shopping... But when I said it to that heartless dracula, he scolded me and asked me to get out from the room saying that he has some important works...

Ahead of me, he is having important things na... You come with me and fight with your brother... That stupid is thinking that no one is there to support me...

As all the elders are favouring him, he is thinking high of himself... Let me show him that my Nugget's support is enough for me to face anything...

Abhi showed thumbs up and pulls Pragya's cheeks... Pragya holds Abhi's hands and drags him and brought him in front of Shabbir, who is fully decked up in his office suit...

Abhi: Bhai... Can you spare few minutes???

Shabbir: Abhi... I'm getting late... Let's talk everything later... Just take care of this crazy girl... She is eating my head, all these time...

Pragya: No one is dying here to eat you... Khadoos... Heartless... Arrogant jerk... Don't touch me... Nugget... Ask this idiot to move away from me... I hate this stupid Gorilla...

Abhi: What's this bhai??? Why are you doing like this??? Why are you hurting our cupcake??? Don't you know, how much she loves you??? She is crying like a baby and is complaining that you are neglecting her...

Shabbir: Abhi... You are also not understanding my situation... Already a big problem is going on in our business... Lots of headaches and unwanted issues and tensions are suffocating me...

I told Papa and Uncle to postpone the wedding, as I can't focus on it properly... But Priya Maa and Sarla Maa are saying that the wedding should be done at that date, as some problems are going in our horoscopes... I just don't know what to do to stop the wedding...

Ahead of all this, this stupid girl is saying that I'm purposely avoiding her... She is thinking that I'm getting interested in someone and that's why I'm trying to postpone or stop the wedding...

Pragya: Oh hello... This Pragya is a biggest gift to you... If I didn't marry you, no girls will even look at a khadoos like you... You are not worth that much to impress any girl..

Abhi bites his lips, not to laugh on seeing the duo, who are about to attack each other....

Abhi: Hey cupcake... My bhai is the hot throb in the world famous University... The foreign girls chased him like a love sick puppy...

Shabbir: Say aloud, Abhi... This stupid girl doesn't know this Shabbir's class and status...

Pragya: Woha... Good joke... I can even bet you... In front of my Nugget's mass and status, you are nothing... I only showed pity on you and is going to give life to you...

Pragya smirks and shows her tongue out and leans on to Abhi's shoulders... Abhi shooks his head unbelievably and doesn't know how to solve their issues...

Abhi: Bhai...

Shabbir: Abhi... I need to go now... Hey naughty girl... (Pats lightly on her head) Go with Abhi, today... Tomorrow, I will try to spend some time with you...

Please understand me, darling... I'm sorry... Forgive me... I won't say, I will stop the marriage ... Whatever happens, the wedding will happen on that day for sure... It's a promise...

Abhi: Hey cupcake... Show some pity on bhai... After all, he is your to be husband na...

Pragya: Mr. Khadoos Shabbir Mehra... I'm forgiving you, as my Nugget is saying so... If you repeat the mistakes, I will surely not going to marry you...

Shabbir: Ahaan... Then who else are you going to marry, Pragya madam... No men or your fans are making a queue to marry you...

Pragya:  I don't need any queues or any stupid men... If I say a word, my Nugget will marry me... You will marry me right, Nugget....

Shabbir: Say yes, Abhi... I will escape from this mental case... I will find a hot chick and bring her as the elder bahu of this house... Haan... I will romance her in front of this Pragya...

Pragya stomps on Shabbir's feet angrily and walks out of the room, with moist eyes...

Abhi: Hey baby doll... Stop... Bhai is just kidding and teasing you only... What's this bhai??? Why are you making our little muffin to cry like this??? Atleast go and console her... Poor cupcake... She is hurted a lot...

Shabbir: Abhi... Already I'm getting late man... See how much calls are coming... Do take care of our naughty baby...

Get whatever she wishes... I want to see her happy face, tonight... Bye bro... Say my love to my sweetheart...

Shabbir picks up his laptop bag and rushes out of the house... Abhi sighs and moves to Pragya's room to console her... Abhi caress her head gently and wipes her tears...

Abhi: Go and wash your face and get ready quickly... We are going out...

Pragya: I'm not coming... Ask you bhai to go and marry anyone... Cancel this marriage, as he wished... Bunny doesn't like me na, Nugget...

Abhi: Hey silly girl... He is loving you madly... Do you think, Bhai will do like that... He is just playing with you... It's also a way of showing his love on you....

Pragya: The great love guru is saying, all these haan... Oh god... Why am I looking horrible??? Yeeks... I will freshen up and come... We are going to enjoy today... Let me show to that Bunny that my Nugget only can make me happy...

Pragya runs inside the restroom to fresh up... Abhi chuckles as he sees Pragya only as that of a small kid... He moves to his room to pick his car keys and wallet...

The trio are not aware that their silly arguments are going to happen in real and it's going to be Abhi, who will marry Pragya, instead of Bunny...


Abhi is completely embarrassed and closed his face, as he can't bear the teasing look of the sales girl... Pragya didn't mind anything and is busy in selecting the s**y lingeries, short nightwares for her honeymoon...

Abhi just want to dig a big hole and bury himself, as Pragya is asking him to select what will be best for her... He wanna kill his brother Shabbir for trapping him like this...

Pragya: Tell me, Nugget... This Red one or Purple or Black or any other colours??? I'm confused to select ... You only can correctly say which will suit me... I'm going to choose whatever your say... Come on...

Abhi: Oh God!!! Silly cupcake... You have to ask all these questions to Shabbu bhai and not me...

Pragya: That's why I called that idiot to come along with me... Even I called him and asked him to say his choices...

I even told him that I will send him the pictures... But that stupid only said that ask my Bro, don't disturb me, blah blahs and all... Leave that unromantic fellow...

You tell me, Nugget... What's best for me??? Remember, I have to look hot, sizzling and s**y to seduce that khadoos... That idiot has to run behind me and chant my name like a mantra...

Abhi chuckles as he understands that his brother Shabbir is going to have a tough time to handle Pragya for sure...


Few days later,

The elders were waiting for their kids to join them in the breakfast... A loud gasps echoes the whole house and all blinks their eyes, as they spots both Abhi and Shabbir are dressed up similarly and is looking like twins...

All got confused as their mannerisms are similar and they couldn't understand and find out who is Abhi and who is Shabbir... Pragya is holding her stomach and laughing continuously... She is stubborn not to reveal who they are and she didn't allowed them to talk to anyone too...

After sometime,
Pragya hands over the car key and gestured him to go to office... His pleading looks didn't melted her heart... Without any choice , he goes to office, not aware of the problem he is going to face....

Pragya raises her brows and gestured him to start the bike... She squeals happily like a free bird, as she has made both the brothers to accept to her demands finally... Shabbir's all anger vanished in thin air on seeing the happy smile of Pragya....

Shabbir: You tricked and trapped us right... But this is unfair darling... Abhi is going to have a tough time to handle the issues...

Pragya: My Nugget can handle anything easily... Stop talking about office... You promised to spend some alone time with me... Leave all the tensions and drive the bike fast...

Shabbir: You are becoming too much bossy... Now be a good girl and kiss me...

Pragya: Oh hello... You didn't do anything to impress me, Bunny bear... Do something to melt my heart... Then I will give you 1000 kisses...

Shabbir: At least give me one  motivational kiss or a booster to start this day...

Pragya keeps her fingers on her lips and blows a kiss and keeps the fingers on Shabbir's lips...

Shabbir: What the hell is this...

Pragya: Motivational kiss... Your so called booster...

Before Pragya irritates him further, Shabbir slowed down the bike and parked it in the secluded corner... He pulls her in the front and caged her lips with his...

The duo were not aware that this is going to be the last kiss they are going to share ever in their life... The fate is laughing at them cruelly as the day is going to end all their happiness...


Pragya is highly irritated and annoyed as her mobile is vibrating continuously... She has switched off Shabbir's mobile long back, but she puts her mobile in silent mode...

Shabbir: Hey sweetie... Take that mobile na... It's ringing continuously...

With much annoyance, Pragya picked up her mobile... Her eyes popped out, as she has got missed call from Abhi more than 50 times... What shocked her is that Ram, Priya, Sarla and Raguveer has called her too many times...

Pragya: Oh my goodness...

Shabbir: Hey what happened sweet heart??? Why are you sweating like this??? Why your hands are shaking???

Pragya hands over her mobile to Shabbir without uttering a word... She is not in a state to attend the call and her whole self started to shake in fear... She prays hardly that nothing should happen to anyone...

Shabbir attends the call and his face showed varied emotions... Tears oozes out from his eyes uncontrollably and he couldn't talk anything, but nods his head in agreement... He pushed Pragya's hand forcibly from him and glares at her murderously...

Shabbir: Are you happy now??? When are you going to become matured??? I have to blame that idiot Abhi only... He always treats you like a baby and will do whatever you wish for, without thinking of the consequences...

Now too he is suffering this much because of your stupidity and adamant nature only... Remember Pragya... If anything wrong happen to my brother Abhi, I will kill you... I won't forgive you and will surely throw you away from our life...

Pragya who is drenched in tears didn't bother about Shabbir's harsh words too... But what brings fear and shrill in her is that Abhi shouldn't face any health issues and all she want to hear is Abhi is fine...

Pragya: How is my Nugget??? Nothing happened to him na...

Shabbir: He is admitted in hospital and is in critical condition... Some of my rivals has attacked him, thinking that it's me... Abhi is struggling for life and he is in need of blood it seems... We need to rush up there...

Both Shabbir and Pragya rushes out of the restaurant forgetting the most important thing there... In a hurry, Shabbir didn't mind it all and Pragya too forget that she has hidden it there to tease Shabbir....


After 10 days,

Silence is haunting the house cruelly... The lively house has lost it's life and all are drowning in misery... They don't know what to cry for and what not to...

The arrangements made for the wedding is stopped abruptly and blood tears are oozing out from everyone's tearless eyes, which are dried like a desert... No one is able to come out of the bitter incident and they doesn't know how to come out of it too...

Pragya looks at everyone lifelessly... She couldn't tolerate as her one stupid move has spoiled everything and pushed everyone in a living hell.... Pragya wipes her tears and walks towards Abhi in determination...

The words of Shabbir are echoing in her ears continuously... She fills a lung full of air and takes a deep breath to do the needful... She caress the head of Abhi and sits near him and leans to his shoulder... Abhi holds her in his embrace and kisses her forehead...

Abhi: Do you need anything cupcake??? (In a meek whisper)

Pragya: Yes... Nu... Nugget... Will you do what I ask ànd wish for???

Abhi: Sure, I will... Order me... I will do it...

Pragya: Marry me, Nugget..

Abhi shouts: Whatttt...

Pragya (in a stern and loud tone) : I want you to marry me... The wedding should happen on that date at any cost... It's a promise on me and my Bunny...

I want to hear only yes from you, Nugget... Papa, Uncle... Look after the wedding arrangements... Maa, Priya Maa... I want this wedding to happen with all the rituals, as planned...

All are dumb struck and they doesn't know what to do, as Pragya is way too stubborn in her decision... All looks at Abhi with full of hope in their eyes...

With teary eyes, Abhi nods his head as yes, as he can't say no to his cupcake ... The elders felt relieved and thinks that this is what God has decided and that's why everything has happened without their control...


Much to everyone's shock, Abhi married Pragya in a grand manner and they become husband and wife legally... The media buzzed and gossiped and is hell adamant to tarnish the image of Abhi and Pragya, by making a debate about them and their lives....

But Money and influence played a major role and the media is made to get tongue tied by Ram and Raghuveer... The elders were very keen not to make anyone to pour acid in their already wounded souls....


Pragya jerked up from her thoughts, as her mobile rings loud... Wiping her tears, she picked up the call, as it's from Abhi....

Pragya: Hey Nugget... You called me so early... Just an hour gone, since you moved from house...

Abhi: Haan cupcake... I just can't be here anymore... In my over excitement, I couldn't concentrate on anything... I'm on the way... Get ready soon... We will go out...

Pragya: Ahaan... Today, I'm in a mission to wipe off all your bank balance....

Abhi: I'm eagerly waiting for that these many years, muffin... Get ready quickly...

Pragya: Shall we wear matching dresses???

Abhi: Sure sure... Why not??? It's been long na since we did like that... Open my cupboard... On the top shelf, I have kept a cover... We are going to wear that if you like it...

Pragya smiles brightly and cuts the call... She picked up the cover and squeals in happiness, as Abhi still remembers her likings a lot... She rushes and got ready and eagerly waits for Abhi to come soon...


Abhi and Pragya are chillaxing in a restaurant and is watching the dance silently... All of a sudden, Pragya said something to Abhi, making his eyes to pop out from his sockets in shock... He grits his teeth angrily and crushes the glass in his hands...

Abhi turns his face angrily and didn't let Pragya to touch him too... Two blurred eyes are watching the duo silently and is praying hardly that Abhi and Pragya should become as couples truely and their hearts, soul and body should be united and they should live a happily ever after...



All right... Don't try to attack me.... No bad words... Poor me..

Still Epilogue is left...

As you all have asked, I have given the next update within a day...

But will post the epilogue, after I get the needed votes....


In the epilogue, You all will get to know what has happened to Shabbir and what words of Shabbir made Pragya to force Abhi to marry her ....

Do you all think Abhi and Pragya can forget everything and live a happy life???

Will they consummate their marriage????

Will they are blessed with kids???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Words used: 3500+

Eagerly looking forward to hear it from you all...


Yours Clifffy Buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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