Shot 1. Lucky in marriage, but unlucky in love...

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Hola my crazy phankhas...

Good day to you all...


Any guesses on who might be Nugget and Bunny???

You people are becoming too smart haan.... Wah wah... What a smart guess, my dear buddies...

As you all know, there are only two options... Either this or that... You people are saying both the answers 😂😂😂😂😂... But the answer is...

Peep inside and find the answer....

Are you all ready to read the first shot:

Here you go...


Some people are so lucky that even after hurting , they get more love... But some are unlucky that even after loving so much, they get hurted a lot...

Just when it seems that life is getting good and fine, as you wished, something unexpected has to come up and ruin everything...

It really sucks when you wish to let it go, yet your inner self is hell adamant in waiting for the impossible to happen...


It's a soothing and chilly evening... Sun rays are unwillingly moving away from the earth and is glaring at the beauty queen Moon, for spoiling his romance with his darling earth... Controlling the terrific anger, the Sun bids adieu to the earth and closes its shining rays...

The moon is smiling happily and winking at the hot, angry sun, as if conveying him that it's her time to do the romance with the cozy, dark clouds... Slowly the moon started to shine brightly in the dark sky and the glow in the moon, may be the secret of her romantic love story too...

The stars too starts to twinkle in the dark sky... Chill breeze is hitting the earth and it seems like it can freeze anyone, who comes out, without wearing their sweaters and jerkins... The whole place is looking like an ice clad snowy region and the nearby snowy mountain can freeze anyone with the chillness...

A petite figure is sitting in the classy swimming pool of the beautiful villa, by drowning her legs completely inside the chilled water, without minding the coldness, which can drain all her blood and can froze her whole body into an ice berg...

The freezing cold is not at all bothering the girl, who is hugged up by a loose, sleeveless crop top and a high waist, short pants... She is sitting aimlessly and staring at the moon and the stars, while her eyes are trying to shed the precious tears ....

A big thunderstorm is wavering inside her heart and she feels completely broken, as she didn't expected such a thing will happen in her life... She wants to shout aloud and cry hardly for her misery and destroy everything around her mercilessly...

Left without any option, Pragya is staring at the sky blankly and she being the reason behind all her misery, pricks her heart into pieces... Not only did she spoiled her happiness and future, but also she has destroyed the life of the two brothers, who loved her dearly, all these years...

Even the tears were not coming out from her poor eyes, as it's been dried and worn out, long long back... What else can the poor eyes do, rather than that... All these five years, the eyes are shedding only blood tears, and it's going on repeatedly and endlessly....

Nothing can make, Pragya to get back to normal... Five long years have gone already... However hard she tries too, she can't bring back the lost happiness and it's impossible for her to focus on the future too... She couldn't understand, why life has become so cruel for her...

Thinking of her misery deeply, she failed to notice that she is not only destroying her happiness, yet she is pushing the life of her husband too, in a living hell... Other than showering her with unconditional love and marrying her, only for the happiness of their Parents and her, he is not at all at any fault...

After five years too, he is the behaving the same and he never forces Pragya to carry forward in their relationship... Never he had any expectations in their married life and he never asked Pragya to be his wife, in any means and he never talked anything about having physical relationship too...

For him, Pragya is only his cupcake, his little muffin, his partner in crime, his darling, his baby and more than anything, she is like a mother and friend to him... From the day, Pragya is born, she is like a heart beat to him and he never leaves her side, any a time...

But their relationship is so pure and genuine... Even though they hug and kiss too, there isn't any sort of desire or physical attraction in that... Even many a times, they said I love you too... But it's like a daughter saying to her father or it's like a son saying to his mother...

Never and ever, they have imagined that, they will be tied up in an unbreakable bond of marriage... Pragya in her wild dreams too hadn't thought that she will bear the mangalsutra and kumkum in the name of her Nugget...

All her life, she imagined herself to be the wife of her Bunny and she lived only as Bunny's wife, by heart and soul... But to her bad luck, she couldn't become her Bunny's wife at all and she has become the wife of her Ñugget, in an unexpected situation ...

The bitter reality is that Pragya is the one who forced her Nugget to marry  her and that too to make her Bunny happy... Though she has transformed from Pragya Arora to Pragya Mehra, Pragya couldn't be happy at all, as this is not the life, she has imagined and wished for...

The bad fate has played a cruel game in the lives of the three hearts, which are interconnected... But to make one heart happy, the other two hearts are forced into an unwanted and undigestable relationship...

Never did they know that it's fate's  horrific play, as they are destined to become as soulmates... Yet these five years of married life is really a living hell for both of them...

While Pragya can't come out from her misery and accept the life, she has got now, her Nugget is feeling really bad for marrying her... Though he cares for her a lot and married her out of compulsion, he doesn't know how to give the happiness, she has lost...

Pragya didn't mind how much long she is sitting there too... Slowly her body gives up, as her body started to lose the control and the whole body started to freeze like an ice bar...

Pragya is not in a state to feel anything and all of a sudden, she drowns in the water completely... Pragya is not in her senses at all... Her eyes are forced to cry, as the images of both her Nugget and Bunny flashes in her mind, again and again...

She wants to scream aloud and cry her heart out, for hurting the two souls repeatedly and is not giving any kind of happiness and peace to them... Rather her whole body went numb in the chillness and she feels that it's better to die, rather than being a troublemaker to her loved ones...


After two days,

Pragya stirrs in the bed and her whole body is paining like anything.. She slowly opens her eyes and found herself surrounded by a clear hospital atmosphere.. Though she is in the house only, she can see a doctor and a nurse are checking her pulses and temperature..

The doctor takes a deep breath and felt relieved, as Pragya has opened her eyes finally.. If not, she would have been gone to a long sleep and who knows, it would have taken months or years for her to come back from her deep sleep..

The doctor's pale face clearly explained Pragya that her Nugget would have ripped the doctor mercilessly , to do something to bring her back to normal and would have troubled the doctor, till she wakes up...

Pragya slightly moves her eyes and spots her husband is sleeping near by her, with dried tears... His one hand is holding her hand and other hand is behind her head, as if he is caressing it for a long time... She hears the light murmurs from his side and when she sharpens her ears to hear it, tears oozes out uncontrollably from her eyes..

The nurse panicks and asked Pragya to calm down... She gives her water and is about to wake up, Pragya's husband... But Pragya quickly shook her head in negative and pleads the nurse not to wake him up..

The words of the nurse is killing the soul of Pragya into pieces and all she feels is that she is giving only problems to her husband always...

The tears of Pragya falls on the lips of her husband and he quickly opens his eyes, as if he has got back his lost breath and soul.. With teary eyes, he hugs Pragya tightly and kisses her forehead... Giving privacy to the duo, the doctor and nurse goes out...

Nugget: Baby... You are okay na.. I'm really scared, till you wake up.. Please, don't do this to me again.. What would I have answered Papa, mumma, uncle and aunty, if anything happens to you..

You never cared that you are cheating the trust your bunny has on you and is doing everything against the promise, you made to him... Is this what your so called love, haan???

Why cupcake??? Did I troubled you ever??? Are you scared of me, baby??? Are you thinking of me, as a lusty monster or do you think I will take advantage as that of a husband???

I'm really very sorry, if any of my actions or behaviors hurt you, at any cost... Nothing is done intentional, dear... Even I'm feeling way too guilty and that's the reason, I was running away from you, darling...

Please... Forgive me, sweet heart... Day before yesterday, my friends had spiked my juice, without my knowledge and I never knew that it's mixed with some wierd tablets... Sorry for the inconveniences caused by me...

I seriously don't know, what I did to you.. But I'm damn sure that I would have never did anything that spoils your dignity or your virginity... See... You too nodding your head...

I know very well that I would have talked something silly only na... Huh... Thank God...

Trust me, my little muffin, I will never and ever take the Advantage of a husband and I know very well that this marriage is nothing, but a compromise for the unknown mistake done by you...

But, I beg you.. Please... Don't do any stupid stunts and kill my soul again... Is this for the reason, you saved me??? Remember, this heart was beating only for you, all these years... Now too this   is beating only for your happiness and will be beating only for you, till the heart stop it's beat...

Better, you kill me with your hands, cup cake... I can't see you like this... It's terribly paining here... (Shows his heart and rubs it gently with teary eyes)... 😭😭😭😭😭

Five years have gone.. Rather than being your name sake husband, I didn't expect anything from you... Atleast, I want my cup cake to come back to me... Please na, baby... Your sadness is ripping me into pieces... 😭😭😭😭😭

Sorry, if I hurt you, by any means... I don't know what else to do.. I have booked your tickets to our city.. I brought you here, as I thought that this new place will divert your mind set.. But I never knew that you will do suicide attempt and all...  😭😭😭😭

Pragya glares at her husband murderously: Will you please keep quiet ******... Who the hell told you that I've tried to commit suicide... Don't draw conclusions on your own, You stupid Mehra..

Now a days, you are talking too much and eating my head, for silly reasons too... Just don't annoy and irritate me, Giraffe... Don't glare at me... Go and send the doctor and nurse...

You are doing too much*****... How stupid of you to think that I will attempt suicide and all... Irritating idiot... Always thinking the unbelievable... Senseless Orangutan....

Nugget grits his teeth angrily: Then May I know, what important thing you are doing inside the pool haan??? Are you doing any research under the chilled water????

If I'm a minute late too, You would have died for sure... Thank God, I found you and brought you out from the water, in a pathetic state ...

I have saved you in a nick of time and I was bothered and worried, till you open your eyes... But you are showing attitude to me and scolding me, unnecessarily.. You have changed a lot, cup cake...

Pragya in a sarcastic and painful voice says: Yeah, I have changed a lot... I'm not your darling cupcake, who wished to see your smile always and can go to any extreme, for your happiness.... Your cupcake is dead, long back...

This is the heartless and emotionless Pragya, who knows only to hurt her whole family... I know only to drown in my misery and I never care for anyone.... 😭😭😭😭...

Who the hell, asked you to save me??? I would have died peacefully, without hurting you again and again... Enough is enough *****... Better, we will get divorced..

I spoiled all your happiness and being with me, will give only pain to you... You have a life to live and I being a stupid, has used you for my selfish reasons, without minding about your future too...

I'm really so sorry...  😭😭😭😭...
You are a good human being ******* and a really a gem of a person... I'm an unlucky fellow, as I can't make you happy and can't give the least happiness, which a wife can give to her husband..

Please... Let's put a big full stop to this dramatic marriage, which is nothing but a curse, to a lovable soul like you... Go and find a girl, who will give you all the love and happiness, you deserve... Let's end all these, asap...

Pragya gasps in shock, as her Nugget has broken the glass vase, in full of anger... Pragya's breathe hitched, as her husband, without thinking about anything, is about to pierce the broken glass piece in his heart....

Pragya screams aloud ******* and pushed the broken glass piece from his hand... She slaps hardly in her husband's cheeks and tears started to ooze out from her eyes... She shook the collar of her husband in full of anger and buries her face in his heart....

The lub tub sound of the heart beat is like a healing medicine to Pragya and slowly it calms down the anger, frustration, misery and pain in the heart of Pragya.... Her wavering breaths are calming down and a smile creeps up in her face, after a long time....

She caress the heart with full of love and kisses it with teary eyes, as if she is doing a devotional pooja for the heart... Her Nugget too with teary eyes, cocooned her in his embrace and kisses her forehead, as if conveying her that he won't leave her at any cost....

Both looks at the photo kept in the wall, with teary eyes... The smiling face of Pragya's Bunny along with the duo is adoring the wall and it indirectly conveys them that he is wishing to see the happy union of the duo and wanna see them happy always...


⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙🔙🔙

Pragya and Nugget had an argument to go out... Not able to see the hurt in the face of her Nugget, Pragya decide to skip her long awaited date too with her Bunny...

Nugget: Baby, Are you sure??? I know that busy bee would have agreed to take you out, after a long time na... We will go some other day, cup cake...

Pragya pouts: Nothing doing Mr. Mehra... You are also a busy bee only... Now a days, you are too much busy and not finding time to meet me na... Both brothers are purposely avoiding me na...

Nugget: Arrey no, no... Why will I do so??? I agree, I'm little bit busy only... But you have to agree Madam ji that my day start and end after kissing your forehead na...

Pragya giggles: 😂😂😂😂😂 yeah... You know what, Bunny used to complain that you are snatching this right from him... That dumbo is protesting not to give my kuchikoo (💏💏💏), if I didn't let him to kiss me on the forehead...

But I said to him that it's reserved for my Nugget only... Even my Papa, mumma, Uncle and Aunty are arguing with me for that only... I said to everyone that it's for my Nugget only....

Nugget: Love you so much, my little muffin... So, the whole family is jealous on me haan...  😂😂😂😂😂 Crazy family... Ahem ahem... Baby, don't look at there quickly and open your water falls..

Just look at there slowly... Arrey I'm saying na... Your Bunny is looking so hot hey na... Hoye Don't nod your head like this... Accept that I'm only hot and happening than him...

Pragya looks at her Nugget with a teasing smirk...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... A joker is comparing to the hero... Biggest joke of the era...

Pragya shows her tongue out and runs as fast as she could and hides behind her Bunny and pleads him to save her... Her Bunny too hugs her tightly and signals his brother to come soon... Both hits lightly on her head and the trio smiles happily and shared a group hug...

But, little did they know that their happiness gonna be snatched away from them, very soon....



How is the first shot...

Alright alright... Don't scold me.... No... No... No bad words please...

Wanna know who is Bunny and Nugget na....

I swear, I will say who is that in the next shot....

Why did Pragya forced her Nugget to marry her???

What has happened to Bunny???

Is it possible for Pragya to forget the past and focus on the future???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

A long update given... 
Words used: 3150+

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Pen down your valuble views, comments and reviews....


Yours Cliffy Buddy,

Crazy Mahiz

Signing Off....

Will be



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