Shot. 2: I feel you, with every beat of my heart...

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She is the tune of my heartbeat...
She is the lyrics of my music...
She is the soul of my song...
She is the queen of my biggest empire...

Without you, I will not be able to live... If I lose you, I will lose everything...

If the fate didn't made you my life and soulmate, there would be no point in living my life...


Long years back,

The place were the huge mighty and Majestic M&A (Mehras and Arora's) mansion is standing now, is nothing but a vast land, adorned with a small house, which just have two rooms in the ground floor and one room in the upstairs and with a small terrace...

It has a small kitchen, a small living room, which is enough for a small family to live... The back side is adorned with a small garden and a beautifully maintained lawn, which the inhabitants of the house, used to spend their evening time to have their tea and it's the playing area for the kids of the house...

The small house is owned by the budding small business man Ram Mehra... His wife Priya Mehra is an active social worker and works in many social welfare matters... They have two cute sons namely Shabbir Mehra and Abhishek Prem Mehra...

Shabbir is the eldest one, who is four years elder to Abhi... Shabbir is a matured and understanding kid and he follows every word his father says and he is always a mumma's boy... Simply saying, he is the obedient kid, who nods his head to his parents and will do anything, even if he didn't like it too...

But the younger one Abhi is a rebellious and naughty kid... He will quickly nod his head negatively, if he is forced to do anything... He will always do everything in opposite, if he didn't like it at all...

Abhi is terribly mischievous and he brings in lot of unwanted problems and troubles and he will always get nice beatings and scoldings for his nature and behaviour... He never makes his parents happy, by any means...

But little Abhi least bother about that and he didn't mind to get beatings and won't pay heed to any of his parents advices too... Abhi is a terror kid in the whole area and the other kids are scared even to near him too...

Abhi pulls the hairs of the girls and does all kinds of naughty acts to scare those boys and girls in their area...
Abhi does all these happily, willingly and wantedly and no one knows the exact reason behind his acts...

All really believed that Abhi hates to be around kids and is purposely troubling all... But the real reason is that he is targeting those boys and girls, who bullies his calm and shy brother Shabbir, many a times...

But Abhi's world revolves only around his cupcake Pragya and all doesn't know how come Abhi likes Pragya alone this much... If Pragya's eyes teared up, he feels a pain in his heart... The bonding between them started when Pragya was in her mother's womb itself...

One such incident happens, when Abhi was of 2 years... Little Abhi rushes (walks with his baby feet slowly) inside the house happily, after returning from the park... He giggles and hugs the tummy of his aunt Sarla and keeps his ears on her baby bump... He talks something and the baby too responded to him by kicking a lot...

Sarla Arora is a distance relative of Priya Mehra... Sarla's husband Raghuveer Arora is the best buddy of Ram Mehra...  Due to the conspiracy made by some of his relatives, Raghuveer lost most of his property and it's his best friend Ram, who brings him to his house forcefully....

With the small money left with him, Raghuveer has to nod his head to Ram and accepted to do a partnership business along with him...

Ahead of anyone, Abhi loves Sarla a lot and he always runs behind her and coos the unborn baby and he keeps on saying that it must be a girl, his cupcake only.... The elders were astonished with the love and care of Abhi, in that tender age itself....

When Sarla gave birth to Pragya, Abhi becomes Pragya's everything... Whatever Pragya wañts, she will pester and nag Abhi only... Theirs is an unique bond and their relationship can't be expressed in words....

Even Shabbir is super jealous of Abhi and Pragya's bonding and he sometimes feels that he is the odd one out there.... He even didn't do anything favouring Pragya and didn't talk to their parents on her behalf too...

Shabbir lately came to know that Pragya likes him a lot too... Shabbir will melt with the way Pragya calls him as Bunny and he understands that their bonding is something soulful...

But for Pragya, her Nugget Abhi is always precious... She knows that he can do anything for her happiness... Just to make her happy, Abhi got detained in two classes and joined Pragya's class finally...

All in the house felt that Abhi has no interest in studies and his attention is only on playing football only... Only Shabbir and Pragya supported Abhi a lot, at that time and saved him from their parents wrath..

Much to everyone's shock, Abhi studied really well and got the top rank of the school in his grade 12... Both Abhi and Pragya joined the music college to pursue their degrees, protesting the whole business minded family...

But they got the needed help, finance and support from Shabbir, unaware to the elders... Shabbir had done his masters in business administration in abroad and is working in a biggest concern over there, to gain some experience, as he is going to lead the M & A group of companies after Ram & Raghuveer ....


It's a fine evening... People are roaring happily and is packed up fully to witness the most awaited football match that's played between the two top states of the country....

More than anyone, a massive crowd is gathered up there to witness, cheer and celebrate their favourite player... He is the recent sensation, the charmer, the viral hit star, who astonishes the social media with his fan followings...

The media are always praising him, as he is the one who has dragged and diverted the attention of a massive crowd's involvement and interest towards football... He brought a new life to the sport and many started to like football, after his entry only...

The whole place is echoing with only one name... "Abhi" is the breathing mantra of the crowd gathered up there and all are eagerly watching the performance happily... Their eyes are glued up completely in the legs of Abhi and wishing that he should hit the ball to the goal...

Abhi is the captain of the state team and he is having the brightest opportunity to get selected to the national team... If he get succeeded in this match, sure it will boost up his career and he will reach greater heights...

It's a do or die match... The seconds are tickling way too fast... All are tensed up completely and are nervously biting their nails... Many are praying for the victory of the team and the success of Abhi...

The camera is zooming and showing the reactions of only two people over there... More than the match, the media is focusing for the gossip and their attention is only on Pragya, who always tails behind Abhi...

The camera is eagerly catching up the reactions of Abhi and Pragya and concentrating on their eye to eye talkings... The media is trying to make a big fat lie to come true...

Many wrongly felt that Abhi and Pragya are madly in love with each other and are going to get married soon... As Pragya is also a well known, budding singer, the media is in need of a sensational news to raise up their TRPs....

But they were not aware that Pragya is in love with Shabbir, Abhi's elder brother and all the photos, she had shared in social media is of her Bunny and not of her Nugget...

As Pragya has a peculiar habit of using only nick names, all believed that it's Abhi only and many were not aware that Abhi has an elder brother, who resembles him exactly... As Shabbir was in abroad at that time, the media is not aware of this important information...

Pragya squeals in happiness and danced up crazily, as Abhi kicked the ball to the goal post... She jumps up quickly from her place and runs towards the ground, not at all bothering her reputation or stardom too....

The whole crowd is way too shocked as Pragya hugged Abhi tightly and is jumping up like a kid... Not at all minding a massive crowd is watching them, Abhi reciprocates her hug and kisses her forehead lovingly... While Pragya wetted Abhi's face fully with her lip marks and is shouting "Love you Abhi" non stoppingly...

Both were living the moment happily and cherishing Abhi's success... But they were not in a state to think that they are giving massive footages to the media to gossip and raise the trps...

Adding feather to the cap and also add fuel to the hot sensational topic, a reporter jumped out of nowhere and started to question the duo... Abhi and Pragya looked at each other, on hearing the question being asked and a naughty smile creeps up in both their faces...

Pragya: Let me answer you first... I am madly and crazily in love with my Bunny... He is my jaan and my life... Yeah... As you said, Abhi is my everything...

Abhi chuckles as Pragya has smartly answered the question and he felt relieved, as their family won't get any single doubt about their relationship... Abhi raises his brows and smirks cunningly eyeing the reporter, who is asking a wierd question to him...

Abhi: Well... To be frank, Pragya is my darling, my sweetheart, my little muffin, my cute cup cake, my baby doll... Dude... This heart is always beating for her only...

Of course... She is my.... Dot dot dot.. Fill in the blanks correctly, if you can... Come on baby... Let's go....

Both hi-fied and runs from there, like free birds... The reporters are hell confused and they couldn't match the dots too properly... As usual they filled up the blanks wrongly and spreads false  rumours about their relationship...


After some months,

The whole family is standing in the airport and is eagerly awaiting for the arrival of Shabbir Mehra in the VIP section... Pragya keeps on nagging Abhi and is asking him, how she is looking...

Pragya: Nugget... If you didn't answer me right now, I will kill you for sure..

Abhi raises his hands in defence and begs for her mercy...

Abhi: Arrey meri maa... Why this much killer attitude... Poor me... Allow me to breathe, at least now... For the past five hours, you have been repeating this question, every five minutes...

One week you have tortured me in the name of shopping, grooming, make over and a lot more... Till you got ready, you sucked my blood and drained down all my energy....

Leave me, at least now... I can't cup cake... My ears are bleeding with your non  stop rantings... Oh my sweetie...  No, no crying baby... Just teasing you only... Come on smile quickly... That's like my girl...

Just of curiosity, I'm asking... Why are you doing all these haan??? Seriously, I couldn't understand what you are trying to do ??? Don't say that you are trying to impress Shab Bhai...

Pragya: Impress my foot... That too your stupid, dumbo brother... No ways... You are a small baby... You can't understand this at all...

Abhi: Grrr... Are you calling me baby??? Stupid cupcake...  Remember, I'm elder to you...

Pragya: So, what... You are a baby in romance and love... Did you have ever admired any girl??? You are simply waste, man... These many fan girls, you have... But you never entertain them and is always looking like a burning fire...

Even Priya maa and Sarlama are worrying much and are hell scared that you shouldn't become like a sanyasi ... After I became your bhabhi, I will find a nice girl for you...  You should say yes to the girl, whom I choose... Okay...

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... Good joke, sweet heart... It's like asking Sarlama to give you a sibling in this age...

Pragya: Whaatttt... Come again...

Abhi: Hey pagal... I would have got my girlfriend or my love of life, if Sarlama has given you a sibling... She stopped with you alone... What shall I do??? So, I've decided not to get married, ever in my life...

Pragya: Don't be a fool, Nugget... You want a girl to love you... I know how much you love babies... Don't you want to have babies for you??? It will be a nice feeling for you to hear them, call you as Papa, right...

Abhi: My cupcake will love me, till my heart stops it's beat... Why I have to bother when my Bhai and cupcake are there???? They will give their baby to me... I will become a father to their kids and the baby will call me, Papa... Simple...

Before Pragya argues with Abhi further, Abhi drags her as they spot Shabbir waving his hands towards them... Pragya holds Abhi's hand tightly and rubs her heart quickly...

Pragya fills a lung full of air and takes a deep breath, as she is feeling suffocated and couldn't breathe properly.... She snuggles very closer to Abhi and let out a deep sigh....

Abhi: Hey drama queen... What happened to you, all of a sudden....

Pragya: Nugget.. Hold me properly.... I may fall unconscious, any a time... Man... I'm dead already... I can't even breathe too... Rest in peace, Pragya....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂 May I know, how come you are dead...

Pragya: How come I can be alive, after seeing my Bunny... Holy God!!!! He is so hot and alluring man.... My goodness, I'm freaking out....

I'm getting out of control.... Pragya... Take a grip, girl... Better run away from here or you will embarrasse the whole family for sure....

Abhi: Hey naughty girl... Hold on your horses.... Close your shutter... The floor is getting slippery with your water falls... Don't pounce on my Bhai... Don't pull up any stunt and make him to run away from here...

Pragya: Stop teasing me, Nugget... From now on, I'm appointing you as my personal adviser to woo your stubborn brother... Mission attacking Bunny....

Abhi: No ways... You only said na I'm a baby in romance... Try on your own, madam ji...

Pragya:  I know my Nugget is my cutie pie and he will do it for me... You wanna see the babies soon na... Then do as I say, okay...

Shabbir comes near them happily... The brothers hugged each other and were chit chatting happily... Abhi yelps in pain, as Pragya kicks his legs harshly, as Shabbir is not even sparing a glimpse towards her.... Abhi grits his teeth angrily and plasters a forced smile in his face....

Abhi: Bhai... Let's make a move... Some negative vibrations are surrounded here and some bad burning smell  is also coming.... It will attack us for sure... Come... Let's run away, before it pounce on us...

Before Pragya barges on him angrily, Abhi runs away from there and winks at his brother with a naughty smile, lingering in his face.... Shabbir nods his head with a happy smile and shows thumbs up to him...

Pragya's breathe hitched and she doesn't know, what's happening too.... She curses her whole family, as they have left her, all alone with Shabbir....

Pragya shivers with the closeness of her Bunny and his hot breathe near her neck is bringing a shrill in her spine... His manly cologne, his tickling subtle is driving her crazy and she feels a big zoo full of butterflies dancing in her belly...

She blinks her eyes , as she hears
" I love you , Pragya"....  Like a bee attracted towards the nectar, she melted completely to him... She doesn't know, what has happened too... She even doesn't know, how come she is sitting in the car too...

Pragya comes out from her trance with Abhi's teasings... Abhi wipes her face and winks at her, with a naughty smile in his face...  Pragya couldn't even let out her anger too, as both brothers are pulling up her legs and making her to blush uncontrollably....

The elders were laughing on seeing the trio.... Pragya with much difficulty faked that she is hell angry, with all of them.... As usual, it's her Nugget Abhi, who has too coo her and consoled her by saying that he will buy, whatever she wants...


It's a shock for the whole media and fans, when the news of Pragya and Shabbir's engagement came to limelight... Many can't belive that Abhi has an elder brother, who resembles him exactly.... People couldn't understand what kind of relationship Abhi and Pragya share too....

Not to make a debate or people to create any unwanted fuss, Abhi shared some snaps with his brother and Pragya... Though some people talk stupidly, Abhi and Pragya cared a least about that... Even Shabbir and the whole family, supported the duo and made it clear, in all means....

Ahead of Shabbir, Abhi helped Pragya in choosing the dresses, saree and jewels for the wedding... As Shabbir is busily working in a government project and he is facing lot of issues over there, he asked his parents to postpone the wedding too ...

But some issues in their kundali and also a warning from their family's astrologer about some negativity and bad vibes surrounding them, the elders were stubborn to make the wedding of Shabbir and Pragya to happen soon... Even they wished Abhi to get married too...

But Abhi puts a big bomb that he is not interested to marry anyone and if anyone forces him by any means, he wil run away from there and won't return back ever.... He threatened and black mailed them by saying that he won't even see their faces too after that....

Knowing very well about Abhi's stubborn and adamant nature, the elders left the topic... Shabbir and Pragya consoled them by saying that it's their responsibility to make Abhi to agree for marriage, very soon...

No one is aware of the tricky play of the fate.... The Abhishek Prem Mehra, who is not interested in marriage, got married exactly on the date , the marriage is fixed for his brother...

Moreover, the shocking twist is that Abhi got married to his cupcake Pragya, whom he treated more than a mother and cared all his life, as that of his own daughter....

Five years have gone, since the tragic incident had happened... Though Abhi and Pragya are married, they are the same Nugget and cup cake only... There is no sort of improvements in their relationship and to be frank, a big wall is build up between them...

Abhi doesn't know how to make Pragya happy and he even didn't know, how to bring out Pragya from her guilty and the tragic incident, which has happened because of a small blunder committed by her, unknowingly....


So, what has happened???

What is the tragic incident, which forces Pragya to marry Abhi, instead of Shabbir???

How come their parents agreed to this marriage ???

How did Pragya convinced Abhi to marry her and how Abhi agrees to do it???

Will Pragya be able to come out from the past and will it be possible for Abhi and Pragya to become soulmates????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


Hey peeps!!!

How are you all???

Anyone missed me....

Sorry friends... I was terribly affected by hand pain and I was prohibited not to touch my mobile in these days...

Morning only, I got back my mobile and that too I'm instructed to use it only for little time.... Have to escape from everyone's sight to come to watty.... Phew... Poor me...

Thank god!!! I had this story half written already ... I don't want you all to wait for long... So, I added  few parts and publishing it...

Don't know, how the update is... I hope you all would have got cleared about who is Bunny and who is Nugget...

Expecting all your support in the form of votes and wonderful comments to finish off this story soon, with a happy note...

As usual, given a long update...

Words used: 3500+

Not proof read... Forgive me for mistakes....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



Have a good day....

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