Chapter 1

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Long ago, a time where monsters were above ground, but were in war. Before where many monsters lived is somewhat harmony, until war broke out. Monsters like skeletons, spiders, and other creatures tried to fight for their freedom, to be able to stay.

Alas, the monsters lost, now trapped under ground, never able to see the light again.

But the humans did not capture them all under ground, there were still the creatures of the night, vampires.

We begin our story right before the war, with a vampire offspring.

She was a pretty of girl of a 100 years old, an equivalent of a 15 year old human. Her father was drafted into King Asgore's Army.

The girl's father was at the door, getting ready to leave, but not without saying goodbye to his only daughter. She ran into his arms as he held her close.

"Will you be gone for long, father?" The girl said, with her British accent showing through as she held her father close.

"I will return before you know it. You help you're mother while I'm gone. Okay?" She held onto her father for awhile, not wanting to let go.

"Please be safe." She told him, her father smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Don't worry, King Asgore will lead us to glory." He said and he had to let her little girl go. He walked out the door, a shadow following him as he left. The vampire was protected from the sun with a pendant, but that would not protect his life.

A few months later, King Asgore himself came to the girl's house. His head hung low as he knocked on the door. King Asgore came into the house, his face held the tiredness of war.

"I have news for you, ma'am. You may want to sit down." He saw the girl, looked at her for a bit.

"Child, what is your name?" He said in his low voice.

"Violet, your majesty."

"Violet, you may not want to be out here for this news."

"If I may, I want to stay here. I'm old enough for anything." She said, with confidence.

"Very well...Ma'am...your husband was killed in action... He died an honourable death...We are very sorry for your loss..." he said, trying to not drag it out too much. Tears filled Violet's eyes, her mother held her as she cried along with her.

"Thank you, your majesty." Was all her mother said, and King Asgore went out.

A few months later, the monsters lost the war, sealing their fate to forever be trapped in the Underground.

But the vampires were left above ground. They were now forced to live the life in the above ground without the other monsters.

Violet had no family now, her mother was the first victim of the first vampire hunt in years. Violet now lived in hiding with her friend Lacy, now a fully grown vampire. The girls headed out for a midnight meal, until they were discovered.

"Violet, we need to run!" Lacy said as she ran with Violet, no where to go it seemed.

"We need to just need to get home." Violet said as she ran to the direction of the house they lived in with their friends. The girls headed that way, running.

They saw a light, a blazing fire! The house was on fire! The flames had engulfed the house, which was now a big bon fire.

"We need to find somewhere else, Lacy." Violet said, trying not to cry about the sudden demise of their home. Lacy nodded and Violet started running in another direction. She ran up a mountain, the mob of vampire hunters trailing behind her. She looked back, no Lacy. She must have somehow got separated. She was now alone with these hunters, running up a mountain and really no where else to go now.

Once they got to the top, they all circled her. She backed up every time they tried to do something to her. They yelled, chanting how they wanted her kind dead. She kept backing up until she tripped on a root and fell. They watched her fall.

"She is with her kind now, those good for nothing monsters." One of the mob people said and they walked away. Violet kept falling, watching the mob go away. Suddenly she felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest.

The Barrier... it kept monsters from entering the above ground... she had a special soul. A human-monster soul, since she was a vampire. So the monster part was trying to leave,but the human part was letting her in the barrier. She screamed, her heart seeming to rip apart. She cried, screaming in agony.

Was she going to die?

She didn't know, all she remembered was she was in pain until she fainted.

Once she fainted, a miracle happened, she passed though The Barrier. She fell into a patch of yellow flowers.

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