Chapter 2

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We truly begin our story here, with the girl vampire named Violet that had just fallen down.

She was different now.

She woke up, she looked around, she wondered where she was.

"Where am I? Who am I?" She asked herself as she looked around and then looked at the ground. She saw all the flowers, the beautiful golden flowers that must have cushioned her fall. Though she wondered why. She then started looking at her hands.

They were now skeleton hands. She wasn't frightened by this fact either. She just looked at them, as if they were normal. She then stood up, wiped the dirt off her pants and jacket and started wandering.

She walked until she was near clear patch of grass.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower! Who might you be?" A golden flower cheerfully said. The girl, now turned skeleton girl thought for a moment.

"I'm not quite actually sure of that. I just woke up in that patch of flowers back there and I don't recall much. I don't remember my name." And Flowey looked puzzled.

"You don't even remember your own name? What a silly skeleton! Aren't you a little far from Snowdin?"

The skeleton girl wore a face of confusion. "What was a Snowdin?" She thought to herself.

"Where am I?" The girl asked next, still unsure.

"Well, you are in the Underground. You are near the ruins. Just up ahead there should be a house, a goat mother lives there. Maybe she can help you! Why don't you go up ahead!" Flowey smiled and cheerfully said.

"Oh, ok. Thank you, Flowey. You've been a wonderful help." She said as she waved goodbye to Flowey, who as soon as she turned around, disappeared.

She kept walking. Many weird traps later, she saw a ghost.

"Hello? Is someone out there?" She asked as she saw the ghost become even more visible.

"Oh... sorry..." the ghost said, he wore a long face and seemed a little mopey.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything. I was just trying to find my way, that's all. What is your name?" The girl skeleton asked as she looked at the visible ghost.

"My name?... oh... I'm called Nabsterblook... Do you have a name?" He asked and the girl shook her head.

"Sadly no... but I hope to have one at some point."

"Oh... that is sad... well... I better let you get on your way..." And Nabsterblook disappeared.

"Nabsterblook! You didn't have to leave!..." she felt sorry for the ghost, he was so friendly, though he didn't stay very long...

After she left where she met Nabsterblook the ghost, she walked until she got to a house. She knocked on the door, a goat monster answered it.

"Hello!" She warmly greeted the skeleton girl.

"Hello, could you possibly help me? I don't really know where I am and I need to get to a place called Snowdin?" The girl asked and the goat monster nodded.

"Of course, come in." She said as she let the skeleton girl in.

"My name is Toriel. What is yours?" The goat monster said as she led the girl skeleton into her home.

"I don't remember. I guess I don't have one." And Toriel just had a sad smile on her face.

"You poor innocent creature. So you might not have any family either."

"I don't know..." The girl said and Toriel looked at the girl.

"I do think it's best for you to go into Snowdin, I heard that's where Skeletons live, but I'm not sure. I only hear things through the door." She said as she led the girl down stairs and through the halls.

"This is the door to the rest of the Underground. I hope you find your family." She said as she opened the door and let the skeleton girl out.

"Be good, okay?" Toriel said as she waved at the skeleton girl.

She nodded and Toriel smiled as she shut the door. The girl kept walking. She heard sounds behind her, but she didn't know what it was. She turned around. Nothing there...

She kept walking and she heard footsteps now. She looked behind her and still nothing. She then got to a bridge, with bars wide enough for a whole person to get though.

She heard more noises and then turned around. She met a skeleton. He was short and somewhat stout. He wore a blue zip-up hoodie with black shorts and pink slippers.

"Hmm... I have never seen you here before. So, what do they call you?" The skeleton said as he looked at the skeleton girl.

"I don't remember having a name...mister." she said and he nodded.

"Huh, a Skeleton without a name... that's interesting. Have you thought of one? May as well." The skeleton said as he walked l thought the gate and motioned the skeleton girl to come with him.

"What's your name?" She asked, curious like.

"I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton." He said and she smiled. He seemed to always show his teeth. "Must be a skeleton thing." She thought as she walked along side her new friend Sans.

They walked a little ways, talking about how she basically woke up on a patch of flowers and didn't know really anything. She had no identity that she could recall.

"That's pretty rough, there... uh... You really do need a name, so I could at least call you something."

They thought about a name for her as they walked. It started snowing on their path now, they were entering Snowdin.

"Welcome to Snowdin." Said Sans as they went on ahead.

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