Chapter 15

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"You know I don't like walking home this late." Calista had her arms wrapped around Adam's waist as they stumbled towards their small apartment.

"We're almost there." Adam chuckled. "You're the one who wanted to go to Janelle's party."

"It's her birthday and I'm her best friend. Of course I'm going to go."

Adam stopped to kiss his Calista's cheek. "I love you. You know that?"

"What's this? You're being affectionate in the middle of the street?"

"We're not in the middle of the street," Adam said smugly. "And what's wrong with being affectionate with the woman I love?"

"Nothing." Calista giggled, pulling him closer.

"You two giving a free show?" a voice to their left said.

Calista and Adam both turned to see a scruffy looking man holding a gun.

"Give me your wallet and purse or my finger just might slip."

Adam cautiously stepped in front of Calista. "Now, now...don't do anything rash."

"Don't move!" the man shouted and pulled the trigger, the sound of the gunshot ricocheting around them.

Adam rubbed his shoulder as he remembered the last time he had been held up by a man holding a gun. He cleared his throat as he peered at the man in his backseat.

"Who are you?" Calista asked, her fear thick in her throat.

"Who am I?" the man asked. "I'm probably someone you never once thought about. That party back there is full of all the company's bigwigs, is that right?"

Calista nodded. "I think so but I'm not too sure. I just started working there."

"It doesn't matter," the man sneered. "I watched the valet park your precious cars in a certain section. When they weren't looking I snuck in one. It didn't matter whose car it was as long as the owner worked for Dover Industries."

"Why is that?" Adam asked, his voice calm and even.

"Let's just say it's payback."

"Payback for what?" Adam asked.

"My son was at St. Anthony's! Not to mention I lost my job at the newspaper for asking about you. Your brother took it to far by getting me fired just because I wanted the truth," he said, pointing to Calista. "This must be fate...having the precious princess of Dover Industries get into the same car as me. Yes, this is fate."

"I'm sure my brother can get you your job back. Is that what you want?" Calista asked.

"Is that what I want? That's a stupid question. I want my son back!"

She flinched at his words and closed her eyes for a moment. "I-I'm sorry for your loss but what you're doing is wrong."

"Oh, and what you did was right? You and your boyfriend ran into a church. His truck blows up and you're still alive. You're still living each day without a worry in that head of yours, right?"

"Of course not--"

"Don't lie to me!" He kicked her seat and she cringed.

"Sir, I understand you're upset...but Dover Industries has already explained that Ms. Dover wasn't in the car with the man responsible for the accident. She was there to donate a check," Adam explained.


"It's not a lie. My brother--"

"Your brother? Sebastian Dover? The man who things he's holier than thou? I said some things he didn't like outside of Hollow Oaks Hospital and he had me fired from my job! So now I've lost my family and my livelihood. You think I'm going to regret hurting you? I doubt it."

Adam didn't see how he could convince the man to calm down. He nodded at Calista, hoping she understood what he was about to do before pressing on the gas and steering the car straight into a utility pole. Calista felt the airbag slam into her as the man in the back seat jolted forward, inertia propelling him towards the windshield. The car began honking and Adam groaned before looking at her.

"Are...are you okay?"

She wanted to answer but she felt light-headed and before she could respond, her eyes rolled back and everything disappeared into the darkness.

"You're like a cat, aren't you?" his whispering voice echoed in her ear. Her eyes were closed, but she could still hear him. "Either you won't die or you keep coming back to life. I wonder why that is. What exactly are you living for, Calista? Or do you want to see how far I'll go if you upset me again?"

Moments became hours before Calista finally opened her eyes. Was it another dream? Or had someone visited her just to threaten her? Being Calista Dover was beginning to feel more dangerous than being Calista Hargrove. She shuddered as she thought of the man in the car.

Years ago, she and Adam had been held up at gunpoint. Adam had been shot in the shoulder, but they had both survived. This time the shooter wasn't so lucky. He was dead. Killed in the accident Adam caused. She felt a slight pang of guilt for him.

"What am I talking about? It's not like he'd care. He thought he killed me. What's another life to him?" she muttered.

The door to her hospital room quietly opened and Adam stepped inside. He had a bandage around his head but was dressed normally.

"You're finally awake," he said. "I came by earlier but you were still sleeping."

"Oh?" Calista mumbled. Had he been the one to threaten her earlier?

"I'm glad you're not in any serious danger. They wanted to keep you admitted since you've already been through so much physically."

"I see."

"Anyway, I wanted to apologize. It's my fault you're in the hospital again."

It was your fault I was in the hospital the first time, too. Calista pushed the thought aside and plastered a smile across her face. "It wasn't your fault. The accident saved our lives."

Adam frowned. "What are you talking about? I was responsible for the--"

The door swung open and Roger, Sebastian's assistant, stepped in. "Ms. Dover, are you alright?" He spared a glance at Adam before walking towards her. "Do you know how worried I was? How worried your brother still is?"

"W-where is he?" Calista asked.

"He's outside dealing with the reporters. You've been here overnight."

"Adam? What are you doing here?" Yvonne Barrette's voice filled the room.

"Yvonne, what are you doing here?" Adam asked.

"I was looking for you and a nurse pointed me to her room. Why were you two in an accident together?" Yvonne asked.

"When Mr. Dover finds out the security is getting lax in this hospital, he's sure to get upset," Roger said loudly as he pressed the call button for a nurse. A few seconds later, two nurses cam running towards the room.

"Is something wrong?" one of the nurses asked.

"Mr. Dover was ensured tight security," Roger said. "And yet there are two uninvited guests in the room."

The nurse looked at Adam and Yvonne, who was huffing in indignation.

"Uninvited? It's not as though I'm here to see her." She pointed a manicured finger at Calista. "I was just--"

"Leaving.  Please escort them out," Roger said before turning back to Calista.

Calista watched as the nurses led them out of the room.

"Was that really necessary?" Calista asked. Her head was pounding.

"Yes. If your brother were here instead of me, who knows what he would've done."

"The man with the gun...what happened to him?"

"Man with a gun? What are you talking about?" Roger asked.

Calista placed a hand on her forehead, "In the car...there was a man with a gun. He said he was the father of one of the victims from St. Anthony's. Is he dead?"

Roger frowned. "Calista, what are you talking about?"

"I saw him. He went through the window, didn't he?"

Roger shook his head. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. There was an accident involving you and Mr. Hargrove. He's a lawyer at our company. He said you needed a ride home."


"He offered to take you home but on the way a dog ran in front of you. He swerved to miss it and hit a pole."


"It'll be a miracle if he doesn't lose his job over this," Roger said softly. "Your brother isn't the forgiving type."

"No, there was no dog. It was a man. He had a gun. Adam had no choice but to hit that pole."

"If there wasn't a dog, why would Adam Hargrove claim there was?" Roger asked. "And what happened to the man with a gun? There was no one else there but you two when the ambulance came."

"There wasn't?" Calista felt like balloon caught in the wind, unsure if it were coming or going. "I could've sworn..."

"Perhaps you dreamt it. That sometimes happens when you've had several head injuries."

"No, he was there. I know it."

She heard Roger sighing. "Your brother won't be happy to hear this."

"He won't?"

"No, if there was a man...he disappeared and it means Adam Hargrove is lying."

"Why would he lie?" Calista asked.

"That's a very good question. Are you sure you didn't just dream this up?"

Calista closed her eyes. Had it been a dream? Had she imagined all of it? Why would Adam lie about something like that? Was she slowly going crazy? She opened her eyes and saw Roger staring intently at her, a worried expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, Roger. It must've been a dream. Did Ad-I mean Mr. Hargrove. Did Mr. Hargrove say what kind of dog it was?"

"No. I didn't think to ask."

Calista nodded before closing her eyes. She was sure there had been a man in the car with them. Why was everyone pretending otherwise?

Calista Dover. Calista Hargrove. It didn't matter who she was, Calista was sure of one thing.

Both women were in danger.

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