Chapter 23

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"You're going to die tonight," he muttered.

Her eyes widened as she struggled to speak. A lump of fear in the back of her throat clogged the words wanting to escape past her lips.

"I wonder what you did to have someone hire a hit man," he said.

The truck sped up and he cursed before spinning the steering wheel. He gave a strangled cry. She screamed, shutting her eyes and bracing herself for the impact as they approached the double doors of St. Anthony's church.

Calista's own scream woke her. She quickly sat up as the door to her bedroom burst open.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked, flipping on the lights and looking around the room. He was wearing maroon silk pajamas.

"I-I'm sorry. I just had a bad dream," Calista said, covering her face with her hands. She was still trying to make sense of what she had dreamt. Was it a dream? Or a memory?

"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked, his voice full of worry. He sat on her bed and frowned. "You look pale."

"I'm fine."

"No, you look sick. Is this because of what happened at the children's home?"

Calista felt her face flush as she thought of being caught kissing by Sebastian, Yvonne Barrette, and three children.

"No, I told you...we didn't really kiss. It was more like two people's faces colliding."

His expression told her he wasn't buying it.

"I swear!" Calista held up a hand as if she were about to testify in court.

"Calista, you don't have to lie on my account. You're my sister."

"I'm not lying," Calista said. She had expected Sebastian to blow up after catching her in the closet with Adam but he hadn't. Instead, he went along with her story and made sure that the kids understood that she had been getting CPR. The only person who didn't buy the story was Yvonne, who looked ready to claw Calista's eyes out.

"Fine, whatever you say," Sebastian said. "Now tell me about this nightmare. What's got you screaming in the middle of the night?"

"Nothing. I just thought I saw the car crash again from the other night," Calista lied. "It was pretty scary."

She felt Sebastian's hand on her shoulder. He gave her a light squeeze before saying, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Calista raised an eyebrow. "You're a lot nicer than I thought you were."


"Men like you are supposed to be cold and only care about business."

Sebastian smiled. "Who told you that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Isn't that what young businessmen are like in all the movies on Lifetime?"

"I don't watch Lifetime."

"Then how do you know Lifetime is something you watch?" Calista giggled. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone if you like to watch Lifetime Movies."

"I can't believe I'm having a conversation like this in the middle of the night," Sebastian murmured.

"Did you know that the police interviewed Adam Hargrove about the car crash? I told you he said it was a dog that caused him to swerve but it was a man pointing a gun at us."

"Calista, I'm already looking into this. I don't want you to mention it to anyone else. If the media finds out--"

"I know. It's just strange."

"I should probably get back to bed. Are you sure you're okay?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm fine." Calista nodded and began plucking her blanket.

"Duckie, are you okay?" Pop Pop's voice cried out from the hall. "I'm armed and ready to harm!"

Sebastian and Calista watched as Anthony Dover pushed open her bedroom door and held up a walking stick. "Tell me where he's at! I'll knock out his dentures!"

"Pop Pop!" Sebastian stood up. "What do you think you're doing? What if there really was an intruder? You'd be the one getting his dentures knocked out."

"I don't wear dentures, boy! These pearly whites are all mine."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Put your cane down. You're going to hurt someone and most likely it'll be yourself you hurt."

"I'd hurt anyone who scared my Duckie." Pop Pop peered over at Calista who was trying hard not to giggle. "Are you okay, Duckie?"

"I'm fine, Pop Pop. Thank you for coming to my rescue. I just had a bad dream. Sebastian already calmed me down."

Pop Pop lightly slammed his cane against Sebastian's left leg. "He's your brother. I'd expect nothing less."

Sebastian leaned down, rubbing his leg. "Pop Pop, why are you hitting me?"

Pop Pop scowled. "I didn't hit you!"

"So, your cane just hit me all on its own?"

Pop Pop leaned forward, an eyebrow raised. "You getting senile on me? Should I call Janelle?"

"Janelle's probably sleeping," Calista said loudly. "She won't like it if you wake her up in the middle of the night."

Pop Pop grinned. "She's a feisty one. I like that. Fine. I'll wait thirty minutes before I call her."

Calista watched in horror as Pop Pop made his way out of her room and turned to Sebastian. "He does realize it's two in the morning and thirty minutes from now would only be two-thirty, right?"

Sebastian continued rubbing his leg. "I swear he's getting crazier by the day." Sebastian held up a hand to Calista in farewell before reaching for the lights switch.


He turned towards her and she took a deep breath.

"Thank you...for coming in to see what was wrong."

The corner of his mouth tugged upward. "You're my sister. Of course I'd come check on you."

"I know but not every brother would want to help his sister."

"Calista, we're family. For better or worse. We agreed, remember? I'm your brother now and I'll always be watching over you. I won't let anyone hurt you."

He flipped the light switch, cloaking her in darkness. Calista thought about her dream and shivered.

"I wonder what you did to have someone hire a hit man."

It had to have been a memory...which meant someone really did want her dead.

The next morning, Calista walked to her desk to see an arrangement of cream-colored roses, small pink carnations, and pink roses on her desk. Her heart thudded in her chest as memories of her wedding to Adam Hargrove flashed in her mind.

The bouquet of flowers on her desk was similar to the one she had on her wedding day. They had a small ceremony at the Justice of the Peace but she insisted on having a beautiful flower arrangement. Her fingers trembled as she lifted the small pink card stashed between the roses.

Meet me in the break room at 9AM.

She nervously licked her lips as she glanced at the time on her phone. It was almost nine. Calista quickly buzzed Sebastian to tell him she would be stepping out for a few moments.

Adam was waiting for her once she arrived. She tossed the flowers at him and sat down. "Is this for kissing me without permission yesterday?"


"Then why are you sending me flowers?" Calista leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms at her chest. "I don't think your girlfriend will like it."

"Did you like them?" Adam asked, referring to the bouquet.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not really interested in men who are already in relationship," Calista said. "So save yourself some money and don't buy me flowers."

"Did you like them?" Adam asked again.

Calista felt her hands tighten into fists. "Why are you doing this? Don't you care that you have a girlfriend? Or is this some ploy on your part? You're dating a rich woman but you found an even richer one so it's time to move on?"

He flinched at her words but shook his head. "No, that's not it."

"Then what is it? Why are you doing this?"

Adam looked around and leaned forward before whispering, "You know why I'm doing this."

Calista swallowed the lump of nervousness stuck in her throat. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Fine. Even if you don't know will eventually. I'll make you remember."

She didn't say anything. Instead, she stared at him as he smirked.

"You're Calista."

"I know that."

"We kissed. Did you honestly think I wouldn't recognize you? Even if you had plastic surgery. Hell, even if you had a sex change. I'd know."

She could hear her heart pounding in her ears. It was getting more difficult to breathe.

"Know what?" she whispered, the words almost inaudible.

"That you're Calista Hargrove, my wife."

Calista raised her eyes to meet his. This was the man she had believed herself to be in love with for years. The man who had moved on and was now dating some rich woman. The man she believed was behind her attempted murder. She forced herself to take a deep breath before responding.

"Calista Hargrove is dead."

"No." Adam shook his head. "She's very much alive and she's sitting across from me."

"You're crazy."

"Crazy with grief. Do you know how much I missed you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Calista shook her head.

"Do you honestly not remember who I am? I'm your husband."

She stood up. "I'm sure you miss your wife but what you're doing is wrong."

Adam grabbed her hand. "I know I sound crazy, but I'm not. I can't be. You're my wife."

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are. Calista, I love you."

Calista couldn't stop herself. The words tumbled out of her mouth, "Then why did you try to have me killed?"

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