Frostbite clash!: Y/n vs Weiss

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Y/n pov

While I stood before Hazel with his Semblance now apart of mine I held my sword out.

Y/n: You ready to continue?

Salem: That's enough i've seen everything I wanted. 

Hazel nodded at Salem's word then put his coat back on. After putting away my blade I turned to see Salem turned away from me.

Salem: You show alot of promise  Taurus....I hope to see you continue your work.  

Y/n: So you've had your fill of the show then?

Salem: Of course for the time being I no longer require your presence.I do expect you do show when I  call you in the future...Take care Y/n.

Deactivating my Semblance I sighed then walked off with Cinder until I saw a man.

Cinder: I don't need anything from you


Watts: Oh my dear you could use alot more than you could imagine.

Y/n:Cinder let's go back to Vale..before Ozpin or anyone else suspects something.

Cinder: Of course I was thinking the same thing.

Walking off with Cinder and Emerald we slowly made our back to Vale. Once we made it there I was about to head back to Beacon when Emerald grabbed my hand.

Emerald:*smiles* Hang on a second  what's the hurry?

Y/n:I did what I was asked, isn't this the part where I should head back and continue on with my mission?

Emerald: That can wait abit don't you think? 

Cinder: Emerald is right overworking yourself will make it harder for you later on.Why don't you join us and relax for a bit?

I looked at Cinder in the eyes then sighed after a minute.

Y/n: I guess your right... fine what did you girls have in mind?

Cinder: Well we are in the shopping district right? 

Y/n: Fair enough..just don't expect me to carry all of your stuff.

Cinder/Emerald:*smiles* Never dreamed on it.

After choosing to go with them we spent the next hour or two in Vale  going place to place. After Running into Neo we spent entered  a new store and bought some clothes.

Cinder: I think I can get used to this outfit.

Neo: Same here  :D

Emerald: Come on out Y/n or are you scared of showing a 3 girls you in some clothing?

Walking out I rubbed the back of my head then saw them blushing.

Y/n:  Wanna say that again Emerald I don't think I heard you.

Cinder: Well you sure dress to impress don't you?

Y/n: then what are we gonna do now?

Emerald: I got an idea. why not hit up a arcade or something.

Y/n: I guess that isn't a bad idea.

Neo: Sounds fine by me.

Buying the outfits we all left off for the arcade. No matter what we did I never trusted fully for a second. It seemed so until I found myself having fun,something  I haven't done in al long time. While we went on playing I remembered  back in the past when Blake would play alongside me and Adam. A time that was clearly behind me.

Emerald:*grins* Oh well look at this the big bad bull can smile after all.

Y/n:...Enjoy it while it lasts;because after this whole ordeal is over i'm out. I'm  going to return back to my time in the white fang.

Cinder: Why are you so determined to go back?  You have a chance to take a back a little bit of happy memories.

Neo: Yeah don't you want that? :(

Y/n: You guys wouldn't understand...This isn't a matter of me having peaceful thoughts with humans. Nor is this mere revenge's about pride.

Emerald: Pride huh? In what exactly?

Y/n: Pride in the legacy I was handed down. Adam wanted no longer be cast aside as slaves or freaks.

I'm no longer in Adam's shadow... I am the one who's taken over  dream..his memories.  In the past I was weak...relying mainly on my Semblance to go onward. Now that foolish thinking is no more.

Neo: What do you mean?

Y/n: For the years that had passed since Blake's betrayal i've trained myself. Harder than I ever did;and every single day I pushed even farther.  I  have sacrificed my weakness to get this far;and I will continue  so long as my cause is fulfilled.

Cinder: I see now your truly are a interesting one Y/n.

3rd person pov

While the 4 walked around Vale they ran into Nora who was wearing street clothes.

Nora: Oh hiya Y/n who's your friends?

Y/n: Oh Nora they are Cinder ,Emerald and Neo.

Cinder: It's nice to meet you Nora. A friend of Y/n is a friend of ours.

Nora: Nice to meet ya too.

Nora: So what are you guys doing around Vale?

Y/n: Just messing around going to random places. You wanna join us ?

Nora: *smiles* Sure! I know this really cool pancake place! Come on!

???: Mind if we join too?

Pyrrha: We don't exactly have much to do today.

Jaune: Yeah if it isn't too much trouble I mean.

Y/n: Why not I don't see the trouble. Hell the more the merrier right?

Timeskip brought to you by this

3rd person pov

Back in the dorm of team RWBY the girls goofed around.

Ruby: *sighs* Studying is sooo  exhausting!

Weiss: Come on you dolt didn't you ask me for help?! What's the point if you just give up?

Yang: Oh come on give Rubes a break Ice queen.  Not Ruby's fault she can't process everything as quick as you. It doesn't help when our teach is hyped up on coffee either.

Blake: Can one of you get Zwei away from me?

Yang: Hang on Blakey i'm coming.

Weiss:(mind) I still can't forget what Y/n said.


Y/n:Your father's labor forces have to be known to you;so don't try to morally high road me. In the end we both know what I did means nothing compared to your family's secret crimes.

(Flashback end)

Weiss:(mind) How could he have known about all of that?  Very few are actually  aware of what my father has done. I wanted nothing to do with it and so I came here....but that boy..

Ruby: Hey Weiss what are you thinking about?

Weiss: Huh? Oh nothing that concerns you Ruby. If it does i'll let you know..anyways i'm going out for a bit.

Putting on better clothes Weiss walked out and looked at her hand.

Weiss:(mind) That's it..I'm  gonna confront that boy when he comes back. I'm going to find out how exactly he knew;even if i'll have to by force.

(Back in Menagerie)

Tock and the others moved supplies in their base  while Eve walked off with her scroll.

Eve: I'm going to try and call  Y/n be back soon.

(A/n: Trifa is wearing what she is in this picture)

Trifa: Got it if you get in touch tell him that we miss him.

Yuma: Yeah and let him know we said hi.

Eve; Sure thing.

After she walked off Tock sat down then sighed.

Tock: So this iz our new place eh? I think I can get used to this.

Ilia: For now it's a pretty good place. Until Y/n gets back or gives us the word to join up.

Trifa: Gotta say  this place is pretty homey. I only wonder what Eve will do with our old place.

Yuma: Probably weapons storage or something.

Tock; Oi while we're on the topic I gotta a question about er. I wanna know why She'z so serious when your mate is gone?

Ilia:Well it's simple enough.... it's all  because Adam died.

Trifa: Adam was her and Y/n's brother. When he lead our group he was a good leader. She used to be more laid back and just like Y/n she was outwardly caring.

Tock: So cuz Adam died they grew tougher skin that it?

Yuma: You could say that.

 Back in the day  Y/n was a little more childish outside of missions. I honestly loved him like a little brother. I tried to be a shoulder he could lean on if he needed it. When Adam died though that all changed.

Ilia: He kept training;pushing himself too the brink of exhaustion and then he changed more. He became more ruthless to his enemies and became somewhat more stricter as a leader.

Trifa: Eve became the same crueler way.They did care about us but they only seemed to truly be open around each other.

Tock: I see now that makes more sense...I never that the guy was going through so much.

Yuma: They are both hurt but as their friends all we can do is only support them the best way we can.

(Back at Beacon)

Hours later Y/n returned to Beacon then went to bed. When the next day came around Y/n went to classes as normal until Weiss called him up to Combat class.

Glynda: Do you accept Y/n?

Y/n::*smirks* Sure fine by me.

Jumping up and grabbing his weapon  Y/n wondered up the the ring. Weiss got into a stance then glared at Y/n.

Weiss: I don't know what exactly you think you know about me Y/n. What I know is that your hiding something;and I plan to find out what!

Y/n: Is that right Schnee?

Weiss: Yes it is... I don't care if your a friend of one of my teammates or not. If I have to beat you in order to know I will.

Y/n:*smirks* Tch typical of you Schnees. You always think your status makes you some higher authority. That it makes you someone others should listen and bow to. Using your wealth and industrial power to cause fear in those below you.

Weiss:You don't know a thing about me! Judging me for something my father has done that's what angers me!

Glynda: That's enough you two now are you ready to begin or not?

Y/n: I am..and i'm ready to show snow white here exactly what I mean.

Weiss: If I beat are to tell me everything you've been hiding.

Y/n: *chuckles* So be it but when I'll see just how much  you're family truly matters.

Glynda: Alright then....begin!

Weiss stared off by using her glyphs to  weigh Y/n down. Speeding towards him  with a swing of her sword Weiss spoke.

Weiss: I'm not going to allow you to win this!

Y/n chuckled as he blocked her strike then spoke.

Y/n:Allow me?....

Don't make me laugh! This fight has only just begun Weiss Schnee don't let your ego cloud your judgement! 

Punching her back Y/n slashed apart of Glyph  then ran towards Weiss. Swinging their blades the two locked n a clash. Causing sparks around them the others watched with Blake being the most surprised.

Blake:(Mind) Y/n? I've never seen this side of him before...What exactly happened to him when I left?

Weiss changed her weapon's dust then  bursted at Y/n with a ice based attack,Y/n ran towards her then  wrapped his aura around his arm;forming a shield. Blocking her next strike Y/n bashed her back before he speed towards her. When Y/n and her clashed in a flurry of strikes Y/n stared on in determination.

Y/n: This has been a long time coming Weiss...your family has caused mine so much suffering and now...NOW I'LL SHOW YOU HOW STRONG OUR BITE  IS!

Slashing Weiss back Y/n watched as Ice surrounded the area.

Weiss: I'm not like the rest of my family....I  won't back down so soon! I will stand above what my father wanted me to become..I don't know what i've done to you but if you plan to deceive my teammates then I'LL KNOCK YOU DOWN!

Y/n: HAHA YOU KNOW NOTHING OF ME EITHER....I'll humor you.....come on and show me your me that your vow holds weight!

Jumping at Weiss Y/n smirked preparing to continue the battle.


Blake;(mind) Y/n.....

Y/n slammed Weiss into the ground then  jumped up and tried to stomp her. Weiss quickly jumped out of the way then saw the creature Y/n left behind.  Y/n kicked Weiss back  leaving her to block his attack.

Y/n: This  this what  a battle is....a test of might...

 My  ability....versus your skill....let's find out which will prevail.

Weiss: I agree for once Y/n.

Blake:(Mind) This fight isn't just training's settling a grudge...

To be continued

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