The Bull meets the Dark Queen

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3rd person pov

The next day Team RWBY prepared for the day as usual. While they prepared  Blake thought about what Y/n did for her the previous night. Blushing slightly Blake remembered his words to her during their outing.

Yang:*Grins* What's up with you Blake? Thinking about your little prince Y/n?~

Blake: And what if I am? I told you we aren't a thing Yang.

Yang: Well the way he carried you back in his arms says otherwise hehe~

Ruby: Enough Yang Blake's love life isn't our business!

Weiss: For once Ruby is right,besides she can do better than I bet.

Taken aback by that Blake raised a eyebrow at Weiss.

Blake:What do you mean by that Weiss? 

Weiss: I don't trust that Faunas, his eyes seem sketchy to me.

Yang:Aw come on Ice Queen you sure your not just jealous? 

Weiss: What? Why would I be jealous of him?!

Blake: He did beat Team CVFY  by himself.

Ruby:Blake has a point I mean you couldn't even beat 1 of them in a one on one spar.

Weiss: H-HE JUST GOT LUCKY THAT'S ALL! I bet it was all a fluke you'll see!

Yang: Whatever you say Ice Queen!

Blake pov

 While I chuckled with the others my thoughts went back towards Y/n. Back in Menagerie he always had my back when I needed him. Adam was right when he would speak about how amazing Y/n was;as both a brother and a friend.

Y/n was extremely loyal to everyone around him. His Semblance made him a great threat in battle but;never once did he let the power get to his head. I adored how naive he could be at times. That feeling  extended even farther with his compassion. He wouldn't just treat those who followed him and Adam with respect; but he never killed a human if he didn't need too.

When Adam and I began to date Y/n never felt anger or jealousy. I only learned a little later that he had feelings for me aswell.  If i'm being honest I also had feelings for him too,but Adam ended up the first to confess to me. 

Blake:(Mind) Y/n...I wonder how things would've turned out if I confessed my love to you. Would things have been different? Would Adam have never turned to the extremist ways he did? I only wish I could've told Adam how sorry I was to abandon him.

My thoughts were cut off when Ruby spoke to me.

Ruby: Blake um are you sure your ok?

Blake:Yeah i'm fine let's go.

When I exited the halls I saw Y/n talking with Team JNPR.

Jaune: Wow Y/n I had no idea you were that cool!

Y/n:*Grins* Well there is alot of things you don't know about me Jaune.

Pyrrha:*smiles* Your certainly a very skilled boy Y/n.  I hope you wouldn't mind if I pick you to spar with in Miss Goodwitch's class.

Y/n: Not at all Ms. Nikos it be my honor to fight ya. Even before I knew who you are I'd  offer you a spar.

Ruby: Hey there you guys! How are you all doing?

Nora:  Amazing Y/n made us all pancakes and their the best i've ever eaten!

Ren: For once I actually agree with Nora.

Blake: You were always a good cook Y/n.

Y/n: Well it's a handy skill when you had to feed alot of people. Stuff like 4-star meals ain't exactly common place where I came from. So well I had to find a way to encourage the people.

Weiss: Did you grow up poor or something?

Y/n: You could say that...Humans never really made my life easy. I had to settle with what I could get..and I made the best I could with what I had.

Yang: Well I heard that punk Cardin and his team were put in the nurse's office by someone. 

Ruby: Yeah so you shouldn't get a hard time for being a Faunas.....well for now.

Y/n: Cardin?  Tall dude with slick backed hair? Has a complex with messing with Velvet the bunny faunas?

Blake:That's the guy.

Y/n: Well the one who did that was me so no worries.

Weiss: Huh?! It was you who did that how are you not in trouble?

Y/n: Because what I did was right. I've never seen anyone else here try and stand up to him.

Weiss: Put you hospitalized him!

Y/n: And i'd do it again a Bully is a bully and unless someone pushed back;they'll keep attacking!

Weiss: But that's going too far don't you think?!

3rd person pov

Y/n stood infront of Weiss then smirked as he stared down at her.

Y/n:No...No I don't because words don't work on everyone.  A firm slap on the wrist won't  always work on scumbags.  Some grand speech about wrongs and rights means nothing to those who've never known true consequence;Just like your father and company. 

Weiss:Excuse me..what are you implying?

Y/n: You're family industry  has done some VERY questionable things in the past. Somethings even your parents would hide from you. Your father's labor forces have to be known to you;so don't try to morally high road me. In the end we both know what I did means nothing compared to your family's secret crimes.

Standing straight Y/n walked away off to his class leaving Weiss in disbelief.

Weiss: (Mind) W-Who exactly is that guy..and  how does he know so much?

After Y/n finished his class work he left Beacon to wonder Vale. While Doing so he ran into two familiar girls.

Cinder: Well if it isn't just the boy We were looking for.

Emerald: Working hard we see.

Y/n:  Well gaining trust isn't exactly an easy task. There IS a reason Ozpin is a'll take more time.

Cinder:Well we didn't come for that. Someone important wants to meet you Adam.

Y/n:(Mind) I see now...given the fact Cinder came here herself they must be her boss. *To Cinder* Alright then....let's go.

Timeskip brought to you by this

Y/n pov

When I arrived with Cinder and Emerald  to their master's castle I stared on. Seeing the armies of Grimm walking around the dead land. 

Cinder: Is something wrong Taurus? You look like your worried that the Grimm will attack. 

Y/n: I don't have fear when it comes to those mindless monsters. 

Emerald: Well I hope you feel the same way in a bit.

Walking towards the castle's entrance  I saw another Faunas jump down with a crazed smile.

???: Oh my so this is the Bull that  the Queen is so intrigued with eh?

Cinder: Tyrian do us a favor and get out of the way. Don't wanna keep our master waiting any longer than she has to.

I stood silent when we walked by the now  laughing  Tyrian. Heading deeper in I felt a great aura ahead of us. Entering a throne room I stared face to face with the owner of the Monstrous aura.

Y/n:(Mind) So this is her....the Queen of Grimm;Salem.

Salem:At last we finally meet...Y/n Taurus...or should I call you Adam?

Y/n: Do as you wish Grimm you wished to meet me?

Salem walked towards me with a calm smile on her face;as though she was in control. When she walked around me she spoke once again.

Salem: Well for starters I wished to see what kind of man you were for myself.  I was curious to see the face of a child who's grown from his hate. I wonder...just what kind of damage has Blake Belladonna  done to you?

Clenching my fist I saw her  stare from the corner of my eye. It felt as though Salem was staring through my very Soul.

Salem:I see now....your scars are deep..deeper than you care to admit.

Y/n:And what about you? I wonder why the Queen of Grimm feels so threatened by one man? Ozpin's forces surely are much smaller than why go through such effort as a all powerful queen?

Salem raised one of her eyes before she chuckled while she stroked my chin.

Salem: Your quite a bold one I see. I only wonder whether to call  you brave or suicidal..

After seeing no fear in my eyes  she let go then sat back down in her throne.

Salem: Regardless I just say you've gained my interest. I think it's time I see what you can do...Hazel.

After Salem snapped her fingers a big man entered the room.

Hazel: Yes Milady?

Salem: Please bring Y/n- i'm sorry Adam here towards our  special arena. I think it's time to see how well he can fight.

Hazel; Yes mam well follow me kid.

Left with no choice I followed the big man known as Hazel. When we made it towards the arena I put on my gear then stood before Hazel.

Y/n: So...your the one i'm gonna face? 

Hazel; That's right kid.

Y/n: I can tell just by looking your no pushover.. I'd have to guess your one of Salem's  heavy hitters?

Hazel: Pretty good for a guess..well I'll try to go easy on you at first.

3rd person pov

While Hazel cracked his knuckles Y/n got into his stance then smirked.  

Y/n: Fine by me if you want to make that mistake!

Charging at Hazel Y/n swung crying Liberty at Hazel;causing the man to block with arm. Hazel launched Y/n back then ran at Y/n with a punch making him dodge. Using his sheathe Y/n bashed Hazel in the back then followed up with the hilt to the man's jaw. Grabbing Y/n's arm Hazel smashed his fist into Y/n's chest; sending him flying by the force.

Hazel: Sorry but that's not enough force to do much to me.

Using his brother's semblance Y/n chuckled before he sent a blast at Hazel.


Hazel being pushed back by the blast was helpless when Y/n bolted towards him then smashed his knee into his face. As Hazel went to grab Y/n's leg the Bull Faunas spun his body then kicked off the human.

Y/n: Look down on me and you'll regret it big guy...that I can guarantee.

Hazel wiped some blood from his nose then cracked his neck.

Hazel: I can see that....well then let's get going.

Y/n watched as Hazel took off his coat then rammed Dust shards into his arms.

Y/n:*smirks* Heh so you think of yourself like Bane Human?  

Hazel: It's not so good of an idea to be so cocky when you don't know your enemies strength.

Y/n: Oh you misunderstand  I'm not acting cocky because of I underestimate your power.

Hazel ran at Y/n causing him to dash with a speed boosting Semblance. When Hazel smashed the ground Y/n trembled a bit. Stabilizing himself  Y/n dodged Hazel's barrage of punches.

Cinder:(Mind) Impressive I never thought he'd be able to keep up with Hazel....Y/n you truly know how to exceed my expectations...I hope you can keep that up.

When Y/n tried to shoot hazel he was met with little effect until Hazel punched him.With a crater forming beneath them Y/n smirked as Hazel stared in surprise.

Y/n: The reason i'm being so sure of myself is really simple..

 Without a chance to react Hazel was punched in the face by Y/n.  Y/n smirked with his horns changed into Dust like the one's in Hazel's arms.

Y/n: I'm acting so cocky because in the end your only adding to my Semblance's power!

Salem: (Mind) I never thought I'd meet such a young soul with such an ability...Y/n Taurus...I think your powers will allow you to go far. I look forward to seeing how your revenge goes down.

Eve pov

Y/n....I swear we'll show  Blake Belladonna the wrath of the Taurus...the wrath of Adam's legacy.

to be continued

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