It's a team effort part 3: The fallen's worthy

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Cinder pov

Walking around the city of Vale I took in the sights of the town. 

Cinder:(mind) I hope you don't forget your mission..Y/n..

As we headed onward I noticed a man of interest  walking. Staring at Emerald I saw her and Mercury nod. As the man walked into a alley I observed as Emerald pulled out her weapons on him.

Emerald: Hey there partner going somewhere?

Man: W-Who are you?

Emerald: Oh my name doesn't matter how about you just hand over everything you own now like a good boy?

The man was about to try and cry for help before Mercury kicked him to the ground then put his foot in his neck. Smirking Mercury gazed down at him.

Mercury: Not so fast my friend.  I'll tell ya nicely now it would be better for everyone if you just did as we said.

The man stared in fear for a minute until I walked into his vision.Gazing down at him I spoke with a bit of malice in my voice. This caused him to hand over everything he owned. Standing up I let Mercury knock him out before we continued on.

Cinder: Now then I think it's high time we checked on Roman.

Mercury: Your the boss Cinder.

Emerald: So  you think Y/n is taking care of things smoothly Cinder?

Cinder: I'd say so..he has his own goals here and it would be best for him to remember who is on his side..that being said I highly doubt he'd be so foolish.

As the three of us continued on our way we arrived at Roman's HQ. Upon arriving we were greeted by Neo who was eating ice cream outside. Turning to face us Neo smiled and waved.

Cinder: Great to see you as cheerful as usual Neo tell me is Torchwick home?

Pulling out here scroll she messaged us to respond.

Neo: Yeah Roman's in his office what do you want with him ?

Cinder: We have to reassure his shipment has arrived. 

Mercury: Can't have the guy lacking can we?

Neo: 'K i'll lead the way then. Follow me :)

Following Neo we heard the sound of Roman grunting. Heading deeper in we saw a Faunas girl speaking to him.

Roman: Look girly I don't know what's wrong with it. 

Deery: What can you really not see how racist it is to just call me "Deery" just because i'm a deer faunas?!

Roman: No because as a matter of fact i'm not racist. I'll have you know I hate everyone's just some days I hate some more than others.

Deery: It's still very racist to assume that's my name!

Roman: Well isn't it your name?

Deery;....Ok yeah you got me but still don't just call me Deery because of my race?

Roman: Ok ok I get it don't get your fawn tail in a twist now can you leave the room? I'm trying to get as much as I can of Cyberpunk 2077 done before it crashes on me again.

As Deery walked away Neo entered the room first then we did seeing Roman pausing his game then standing up.

Roman: Well if it isn't my favorite slave driver Miss Cinder Falls To what can I honor your interrupting of my good vibes?

Cinder; Now now Roman it won't kill you to atleast ACT like your happy to see me. After all I AM the one PAYING you to get this job done.

Roman: True but then again what's the point of paying me if your gonna keep dropping by unannounced as if you don't trust me to get the job done?

Mercury: He's gotta point.

Roman: I'm glad someone is seeing things my way! Aside from Y- I mean Adam Taurus  You ain't such  a bad guy Mercury.

Mercury: Back at ya bro.

Emerald; How about you both just shut up and tell us what we wanna know.

Roman sighed then lite a cigar before speaking with a nod.

Roman: Yeah yeah if you gotta know the weapons shipment just came in a few minutes before you guys showed up.

Cinder: Good thats exactly what I wanted to hear. When was the last time you got word from Y/n?

Roman: Just the other day he stopped by on our the little White Fang relays. And because of that we got some new meat.

Cinder: Very good.

Roman: Though I gotta ask  what's got ya more interested in our little crimson bull huh?

Neo: Did something happen? 

Biting my lip I turned to leave before speaking.

Cinder: That is none of your business.

Walking off I began to remember what happened among us only 4 days ago.


3rd person pov

As Y/n walked towards Cinder in a isolated forest the 2 stared at each other.

Cinder: So you said you wanted to see me Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah I did...I want something from you.

Cinder:*smirks* hehe Oh don't tell me the little bull has feelings for me? 

Y/n: Fight me..

Cinder: Excuse me?

Y/n: I said to fight me Cinder Falls..prove to me you can be trusted properly.

Cinder:...You are making it sound as though you don't trust in our master..Is that what this is?

Y/n: Black hair....I can't trust it.Very few people i've met haven't been hiding something...and what connects those that color;black.

Cinder: *Smiles* You know now that I think about it we haven't properly fought before.

Forming fire in her hands Cinder gazed at Y/n licking the corner of her lip.

Cinder: Allow me to fix that.

Drawing his brothers weapon Y/n walked around Cinder. When he stopped he bursted towards her in a dash. Swinging his blade Cinder stared in surprise in the killer intent behind his eyes.

Cinder:(mind) I see now so he's going to fight without holding back.

Jumping back Cinder aimed her hand at Y/n before firing a flame at him. Turning around Y/n slashed it apart before jumping to the side as she fired another at him.Continuing to run Y/n saw her forming a weapon in her hand.

Cinder: Last time Emerald and Mercury did the fighting for me..Because I wanted to see just how well you can handle yourself against them.

Y/n jumped at her with a swing of his blade only for her to block it with her flaming construct.

Cinder: Then recently you have proven to catch even mistress Salem's interests..and that's not something I can so easily ignore. So now it's time you show me the kinda strength you have Taurus.

Y/n broke through her weapon before going to impale her. Before his blade could land Cinder jumped back summoning more flames. Y/n slamming his blade into the ground used a semblance to create a ice wall. Following up by using Ruby's semblance  Y/n charged at Cinder then  aimed his gun Sheathe at her. Pulling the trigger Y/n shot at her only; for  her to block and melt the bullets with her hand.

Cinder: Not bad we aren't done yet.

 Seeing the ground around him glowing Y/n quickly looked at Cinder who began to blow it apart.

Y/n:(mind) So this is the kinda power one of the four maidens were capable of? With how little she has Cinder is skilled I'll give her that. Even so...I'm not going to back down.

Jumping out of the way Y/n flipped over molten chunks of the ground beneath him.

Cinder: So hows this my little bull? Is this what you wanted? Is this not the kinda power you can put your trust into?

Y/n:This fight isn't over is it? Then what do you think!

Using a muscle enhancing Semblance Y/n jumped at Cinder. Spinning down at her with a ax kick Y/n noticed her dodge the attack.

Staring at Y/n with shock Cinder gazed into his eyes seeing his distrust. For a second she felt her stomach sink.  Shooting more blast at him Cinder dashed  around Y/n stomped the ground with enough force to kick up rocks to  block her strikes.

Y/n:(Mind) I'm not going down so easily...not to someone with that hair again!

Last time I was too weak to do anything about it..but now things are far too different.

I've clawed my way to the top using my power and my own comrades!  I'm stronger than I ever could've dreamed back then! 

Rushing at Cinder with a speed Semblance Y/n punched her in the face knocking her into the ground. Cinder's eyes widened as memories of her past swelled through her head. Standing up slowly Cinder gritted her teeth in anger.

Cinder:(mind) Things aren't the same as they were back 'then'....I have power now.

I've killed to survive and to gain my place in this world! And The only reason i'm still breathing on this planet is because of Salem! I'm not going to lose...I won't allow people to stare down upon me again!!! I'll show every last one of them...

Y/n(Mind) I'll show every last one of them....

Forming 2 swords out of her power Cinder glared at Y/n who aimed his blade at her charging with power.

Y/n/Cinder: I AM STRONG!!!!!!!

The two bolted towards each other with lightening speed clashing their blades. Cinder swung one of her blades at Y/n who used a skin hardening Semblance to block it. Met with a kick in the gut from Cinder Y/n blocked her next sword strike with his sheathe before following up  by bashing her in the head with his swords hilt. The two stunned for a second fell to their knees  breathing deeply. 

Y/n: Hah....hah....I think it's time we finish this..

Cinder: Hah...Hah..You know what...I was thinking the same thing... But don't think I won't come at you to kill.

Y/n: The s-sentiment ...

Standing tall glaring down at their opponent....earning the utmost respect amongst each other as rivals and allies alike. The twos glare was no longer one of hatred or malice..But that of 2 demons.

2 demons locked in a battle of conquest to which all that mattered was victory. Running at  the other they swung their blades. Y/n breaking one of Cinder's in half caught her of guard before the 2 spun around leaving a rain of sparks as their blades danced in a duel . Knocking their blades out of each others hand the 2 punched each other.

 Y/n smashed the back of his hand into her face causing her to knock out one of Y/n's teeth. Grabbing each other the 2 headbutt the other with everything they had left. knocking each other two the ground. Laying down out of breath the 2 breathed deeply. Before turning their heads to face one another.

Cinder:I...I understand now why everyone seems to gravitate around you...

Y/n:I...I can see why Cinder holds you in high value....You really are strong as hell Cinder.. I guess it was the right call to put my trust in someone so unyielding and strong...I guess we are both victims of fate...but together we can change that..if your still willing to put your faith in me...then I will you.

Cinder's face slowly formed into a warming smile before nodding. Laying back the 2 waited awhile before getting up and returning back to where they were supposed to be. With a newfound sense of respect for the other.

(Flashback end)

As Mercury and Emerald followed Cinder Neo and Roman stared in confusion Before Roman smirked. 

Roman; I see  now. I think I see things clearly now. 

Neo: What ????

Roman: Don't you worry my friend. I think things are gonna be a little easier on us now.

Putting on his jacket and grabbing his cane Roman walked out with Neo by his side.

Roman: Come along Neo we got work to do.

As the shining of yet another star of destiny changed  Everyone moved one step closer towards the moment everything would change forever.

To be continued

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