Cold wind blowing part 1: Frostbite (Christmas Special)!

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A/n pov

The holidays, moments of cheer and joy for all around the world. Always something to be hold especially on the world of Remnant as our tale begins with our group of heroes. Y/n  who was off from  classes. Putting on a black and red winter coat he left his dorm where he ran into Ruby who waved at Y/n with a smile.

Ruby: Oh hi Y/n! How are you doing today?

Y/n: Heh Fine Rubic's cube  was just heading out to go to a little coffee shop/Restaurant with Coco and her team.

After he said that Yang poked her head out from some boxes she was carrying with a smile.

Yang: Ooh I could totally go for some hot coffee right about now. I'm a little jealous Y/n~ How about being a pal and bringing back  a little something will ya?

Y/n: Hmmm I'll think about it. What are you guys doing?

With Weiss and Blake too entering the scene the two girls spoke.

Weiss: We agreed to have a form of Christmas movie marathon with JNPR and team CRDL.

Y/n: Geez so they were serious about being redeemed?

Blake: I know we were shocked when they came asking us if they could join. 

Ruby: Seriously and get this they even offered help setting it all up too. They should be bringing over things like speakers.

Y/n:  Wait Speakers? Where the  heck are you guys doing this thing?

???: In the gymnasium. 

Y/n turned to the man who spoke seeing Ozpin in a Santa hat drinking hot chocolate from his mug.

Ozpin: They proposed the idea to me a week ago and I was more than happy to oblige. So long as they don't cause a ruckus I give them my full authority to use the gym.

Y/n: Feeling pretty charitable huh Ozpin?

Ozpin: Naturally aren't the holidays meant to be a time of cheer? Of course i'd allow my students the chance to celebrate. They have been well behaved all year.

Y/n: I see that's quite wholesome actually.

Ruby: You wanna join us later Y/n?


Yang: Yeah come on we'd all love to have ya!

Blake: Yeah it would be more fun to have you.

Y/n: I don't know.

Weiss:*smiles* Just say yes already you dolt! You should know we aren't going to take no as a answer.

Y/n:*smiles and sighs* What the hell fine I'll show up. You girls really know how to get to me.

Ruby: Yay! We'll see you there Y/n!

Y/n smiled warmly as he walked off. He had no idea what it was about the holidays but, it always seemed to life his spirit. Only a a month ago he was the enemy of Team RWBY  acting as a spy. But now he was celebrating   the holidays with them. For one day he had chosen not to be their enemy. Walking off School grounds Y/n made his way towards the place he agreed to  meet CFVY at.While on his way he grabbed a a couple gifts for the others. 

Arriving where Coco and her team were he was greeted by Coco Adel herself. 

Coco: Well look what the cat dragged in. Glad you could finally make it. Ain't a good idea to leave a fashion diva waiting there.

Y/n: Of course i'd never think of it miss Adel~

Velvet:We're just glad to have you here Y/n.

Yatsuhashi: So shall we  head inside?

Fox: I agree I could use some food and a hot drink.

Coco: I agree let's head in guys! 

After heading in and getting a table for 5 the group waited.  After a minute two people came to the table Y/n knew all too well.

Y/n: You gotta be shitting me..

Roman: Uhhhh yeah soo this is awkward.

Neo: Hi Y/n /w/

Y/n: So.....what uh...what is this about now?

Roman: So you know how being a crime lord is what i'm namely known for?  

Y/n: Yeah...

Roman: Well this is kinda  a side know to pay the bills..

Neo: He also likes wearing German leotards. 


Neo: Cry about it >:3

Y/n:...Is the pay good atleast?

???: Oh you bet your ass it is.

Y/n turned behind him at he bar where he saw Mercury reading a book.

Y/n: Mercury....are you actually reading? 

Mercury: Yeah i'm on break right now bro. Is that weird?

Y/n: Yeah because it's not a comic book. Dude you aren't exactly known for being that much of a thinker.

Roman: Oh don't flatter him Y/n he's reading green eggs and ham right now.

Mercury;Hey! It's a very deep and complex book i'll have you know! With many twists and turns you'd never expect.

Y/n: Sure thing bro I bet it does.

Roman: Anyways..what can I get for you guys?

Coco: I'll take the house specials.

Fox: I'll take  a hot chocolate and some french toast.

Yatsuhashi: I'll have some tea and a omelette.

Velvet: I'll have some a iced coffee and some of your carrot cake waffles.

Y/n: Surprise me my roaming  Roman  brother.

Roman: Got it see you all with your drinks in a bit.come on Neo.

As Neo and Roman went off Y/n turned to Coco and the others and began to talk for a bit. While they did they laughed together when they heard things begin to shake. Looking around Y/n stood up and gazed at the window seeing something very bizarre. The window began to slowly freeze over in a manner that wasn't explainable.

Y/n: What the hell?

Timeskip brought to you by these

A/n pov

As others began to notice it they backed up in fear while Y/n clenched his fist.While he did that howling could be heard from outside.Next thing Everyone knew a giant  black arm bursted  through the building.Grabbing a knife from the table Y/n heated up the blade before slashing the hand. Causing the beast to groan in pain;Y/n was suddenly grabbed by branches. Pulled out of the building Y/n  was thrown across the street.Standing up Y/n gazed at what threw him only to stare in utter confusion.

Y/n:What the hell is that a....snow man?

Gazing back at a giant beast made of snow and ice it gazed back at Y/n with trees bursting from it's body.Rock lined it's body forming two arms as it's holes for eyes glowed yellow. Reaching for his weapon on his back Y/n drew his blade .

Y/n: This cannot be real.

The beast roared as it went to run at him. Swinging it's arm down Y/n jumped over the arm and slide across the snow. Quickly looking back Y/n noticed something shoot the icy beast. Turning back to the shop Y/n saw Roman and Neo standing outside of their uniforms.

Roman: If I were you i'd suggest leaving my dear friend there alone. 

My lovely partner Neo and I don't take too well to freaks messing with our comrades.  Least of all some overgrown chunk from our pavement this month.

The beast roared  louder before it summoned a group of snow monsters. 

Y/n: What the hell is this thing really. No way it's a Grimm. It's something completely different.

The snow monster sent branches at Y/n who dodged  them.Slashing them apart Y/n turned to Roman who bashed one of the snow monsters with his cane. When one jumped at him Roman  slide under it before shooting the grappling part of his cane. As it wrapped around a pole Roman used it as a trap to cut off the snow monster's head. 

Returning his cane to the way it was Roman flipped it around to shoot apart another snow monster. When one tried to attack him from behind it was met with Neo slicing off it's head before ducking under another snow monsters slash. Using her umbrella blade to block Neo smiled smugly before she swiftly impaled the next creature. The group attacked the ice creatures While Y/n tried to face the giant one ahead. 

(Meanwhile at Beacon)

Glynda sat in her office as professor Oobleck knocked. Ounce allowed in he spoke to miss Goodwitch.

Oobleck: Glynda do you have any idea as to the whereabouts of Professor Ozpin are? I need to discuss some matters with him.

Glynda: Unfortunately he is out at the moment. He told me he had some business to attend to.

Oobleck: I see then unfortunate indeed. Rather odd though how every year he does this.

Glynda: You know you are right about that Mr Oobleck. No matter Do you wish to tell me the matter and I can tell him when he returns?

Oobleck: Very well that'll do I suppose.

As the two talked Ruby and the others were hanging out when Jaune stared outside the window.

Jaune: Geez it's really starting to freeze out there. I hope Y/n and CFVY are doing ok.

Yang: Aww no worries Jaune i'm sure Y/n is doing just fine! After all he's a pretty strong guy even if something happened i'm sure he's dealing with it just fine.

(Back with Y/n)

Y/n was seen being punched into the ground holding back the giant snow monsters fist.

Y/n:S-Son of a....this thing is tough! Either or someone is jinxing me right now!!!

Managing to  push it's fist aside Y/n jumped out of the way and ran around the creature as it soon began to shoot a ice beam from it's mouth.

(Back with Ruby and the others)

Jaune; Maybe your right but still it looks pretty bad out there.

Pyrrha: Jaune has  a point maybe we should just call him.

Blake/Weiss: I'll try it.

The two girls looked at each other confused before agreeing one  would try to text while the other called. When both weren't able to go through the others grew suspicious. 

Ruby: Ok then everyone I guess we got one choice. Our hot coco and cookies will sadly have to wait..We gotta go see if Y/n is ok.

Nora: Awww but my hot  chocolate was just getting hot!

Ren: Come on Nora it'll have to  wait.

As the group all geared up ,getting ready to see what was wrong someone was seen from the roof watching them.

???: I hope those kids are prepared for what is coming.

(Back with Y/n)

Y/n and Coco's team assaulted the giant ice monster together causing it severe irritation. The beast  tried to freeze them with it's breath only for the ground to get out of the  way of it's attacks. Running around it Coco fired her mini gun causing it to block. While that happened Fox and Yatsuhashi rushed the beast with their blades. Slashing off a part of it's body the beast roared in pain. Y/n jumped up with Velvet holding onto his back. Covering his fist in flames Y/n  swung at the beast stunning it.


After he did it Velvet jumped off Y/n using her semblance to create a copy of Nora's hammer and smashing the beast in the head. After Y/n caught Velvet as she fell he landed on the ground and gazed back up at the thing seeing it fall over.

Y/n:Damn that thing is tough as nails...all that only to knock it out.

Coco: I still wanna know what it is.

Roman: I'll tell you what it'll be.  Melted because there's no way I'm gonna let some freak of nature like that thing live.

Y/n: Hold it Roman we don't even know if we can kill it.

Roman: Right now I don't care this  thing  now has me out of a job until the repairs are made.

Looking at a rooftop Y/n saw a giant beast causing him to sigh.

Y/n: Just great. 

Roman turned around seeing it before jumping back and moving towards Y/n.

Roman:What the hell is that and why is looking at me like that?!

As he said that RWBY and the others showed up. Just as they did another man crashed infront of them catching everyone by surprise.

???: I don't know what your doing here in Vale but this isn't your territory.

???2:I've come for Roman's soul!

Roman: MY WHAT!?

To be continued

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