Cold wind blowing part 2: Jingle of the bells

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A/n pov

Roman backing up stared in confusion  as did Y/n at to what exactly was going on.


Mercury: I high? What's going on?

Santa: You kids should go back this is a threat none of your can stop.

Roman: Look old man my life just got threatened by  a goat man that's the last thing i'm gonna do. Who do you think you are anyways?!

Santa: I'm Santa clause Roman Torchwick. And I'm here to save your life.

Roman:.........What? Ok....

Roman turned around before snapping back with his weapon ready to fire.

Roman:Fuck this...i've dealt with enough insanity!

Shooting Krampus in the face Roman angered him more causing Roman to back up slowly.

Roman: I see.....ok maybe I made a little lapse in judgement...

Krampus aimed his clawed finger at Roman  then spoke.

Krampus: Your soul is corrupt Roman Torchwick! I shall bring you down to suffer in hell for all eternity!

Roman stared in shock before Y/n walked infront of Roman with his blade ready.

Y/n: Yeah well sorry you sorry  horned loser..Roman ain't going anywhere. Like him or not he's a friend of mine..besides he still owes me and Team CFVY our food and drinks.

Roman and Neo:

Awwww so you do care!

Roman: I knew you were a solid guy underneath all that insecurity and mental damage!

Neo: Your so sweet Y/n <3 

Y/n: Keep that up and i'll take it back.

Roman: Right...back to the point at hand.

Roman clearing his throat walked next to Y/n placing his hand on the faunas's shoulder. 

Roman: Some demonic Santa thinks he can take Roman Torchwick without a fight? He's got another thing coming.

Ruby: What is going on here i'm so confused.

Weiss/Blake/Yang: Ditto

Krampus let out a loud roar echoing through the cold town only for more howling to be heard in response. Afterwards 5 giant wendigo like Grimm jumped into the town.

Y/n:(mind) I thought only Salem could control Grimm. What is this?!

The 5 grimm roared as Krampus jumped towards the tallest building. Laughing evilly Krampus watched onward as Roman fired at one of the Grimm.

Roman:That giant bastard thinks he's clever...We'll show him!

Ruby dodging one of the Grimm's attacks  spoke to Roman.

Ruby: "We"? Who said we are even helping your sorry butt?!

Roman dodging one's attack and taking  cover with Y/n spoke ounce again.

Roman; Oh come on Red can't we have  a little ceasefire for now? I mean it's your job as a Huntress in training to help those in need right?

Y/n: You know while we're on the subject Roman you wanna explain why the hell this guy is after you to begin with!?

Roman: Look i'm a crime lord by trade man. Neo and I have done alot of things to people! 

 Using his cane Roman fired  at a building causing  a pole to fall down and stab through one of the Grimm's hands. Y/n jumping over  their hiding spot ran at one of the Grimm and enhancing his body slashed through  one of the Grimm's arms.

Y/n: Then how about giving me an idea Roman of the kinda shit i'm saving you from going to jail for.

Roman: Theft,Extortion, Blackmail,Weapon trafficking, Grand theft auto,   I don't do human trafficking but I do sometimes kidnap for ransom. And sometimes I commit light arson and knowing my avoided arrest makes me sleep soundly at night. 

As the one Grimm Y/n cut tried to strike him Roman shot it's left eye.

Roman: So you know I live a pretty quiet life.

Ruby: Don't forget being a jerk who almost blew up an Old man!

Ruby jumped into the air then fired a shot from crescent rose.

Roman: You know thanks Red for that riveting recap oft he first time we  met. but sorry if ALMOST blowing up a old man isn't my top priority over BEING SENT TO HELL!

  Rolling out of the way of another attack Roman ran to avoid another of the Grimm's  attack. When the grimm swung at him Roman smirked.

Roman; Shouldn't of looked down on me ya schmuck! Now your left eye is too bad to be useful!

After Roman said that Santa punched the Grimm in the face knocking it down  Before finishing  it by stomping it's skull.

Roman:(Mind) Damn gramps got his DOOM stomping shoes on.

Looking up at Santa who stared  at him with minor disappointment Roman smiled awkwardly then gave him thumbs up.

Roman: Nice going big guy..

Santa walking away made Roman sigh.

Roman: Today is just not my day.

Weiss charged at one of the Grimm before piercing it's chest with her weapon. Jumping off Weiss stared back at Y/n who managed to stab one in the head. Managing to kill it finally Y/n sighed.

Y/n:(mind) Finally got one of the bastards... but still got a few left.

Seeing another running at him Y/n jumped onto a nearby building. The Grimm roared before going to smash the building only for Weiss to use her semblance to speed towards Y/n.  Helping Y//n move out of the way Weiss stared back at the Grimm.

Weiss: That was too close. These things are so strong. It's almost like their unkillable.

Y/n: Yeah..but their aren't immortal not yet. Come on we can do this we just gotta push a little more!

Turning towards the others watching as they did their best to fend off the giant Grimm. Krampus stared upon the group with a sadistic smirk on his face causing Y/n to feel irritation.

Y/n: That smug freak is enjoying this. I'm gonna enjoy punching that tongue into his head.

Weiss; Yeah well get in line I can't stand him.

Y/n: Alright let's finish these things off as quick as possible. Before they hurt any of the civilians.

Jumping off the building the two  rushed towards another Grimm. Jumping into the air using Weiss's  semblance Y/n was able to gun for the Grimm's head killing it once and for all.


Ruby/Everyone:GOT IT/RIGHT!

Not wasting anymore time the group rushed to take down the group of Grimm.

Timeskip brought to you by these

A/n pov

As the group of  Grimm were killed Y/n and the others breathed deeply then looked up at Krampus. 

Krampus: Roman your soul shall be consumed by the end of tonight!

Jumping off the building and fading away in a gust of snow and wind;Krampus vanished.

Roman: Oh thank god this whole thing is over.

Roman went to lay down only for Y/n to stop him.

Y/n: Hold it it's not over yet. This thing isn't over until we kick that kramp in the ass back to kingdom come.

Ruby:I hate to say it but Y/n is right.

Yang: Let's bring him back to Beacon for now. Maybe we can ask Ozpin what to do.

Weiss: Oh yeah great plan. " Hey Ozpin we need your help in keeping a wanted criminal from being taken by a demonic Santa. Mind helping us protect him so his soul doesn't get taken"

Coco: Look I do't like the idea as much as the rest of you but after what we saw we might as well gamble on Ozpin believing it.

Santa walked passed the kids then spoke patting Y/n on the back.

Y/n:Eck w-what was that?

Santa: You've got quite a honorable heart young man. I must congratulate you you all have my thanks.


Seeing him Smile Ruby and the others began to freak out.


Ruby,Nora,and Jaune rushed over and hugged him.




Mercury rushing over and hugging Santa screamed too.


Y/n:.....You know that Bleach under the sink is starting to seem appealing right now.

Roman/Ren: Same..

Santa:You children have the right idea. Bring him to you're academy and keep him safe. I have important things to do in preparation .

Y/n: Hold it just a minute. I think we deserve an explanation. What is going on and what was that thing really?..

Roman:And more importantly what the hell does it want with me?

Santa: Very well...I shall explain.. Roman your soul is  a massive part of the outcome to a great war.

Roman: What?

Santa: It happened years ago.

As you no doubt are already aware, my job is to give gifts and joy to all of the  good children around the world. Alongside my wonderful elves  and my wife we complete this job every single year. Overseeing their actions to see whether or not they have been bad or good.

 But as I got older it became harder and harder to do so on my own. Even worse more kids began to misbehave. It hurt my old heart but I couldn't bare to see it. The wonderful kids I wished to bring joy to had begun to turn to a naughtier and more evil side. So  at my misfortune I had my brother Nicholas come to give me his aid. He could punish those kids who misbehaved; in hopes they could change their ways.

Velvet: So that's why my mom always told me to behave or i'd get coal.

Santa; Yes at first that was it was to be. Then more kids began to misbehave. This drove Nicholas insane. And he turned to a dark means of getting to the kids.

He turned to the Queen of the Grimm for the power to stop the injustice of the naughty kids. So he could finally put in end to it. he got his wish but; at a dark cost.

Corrupted by her dark Magic my brother had turned into a demonic creature known as Krampus. Using his newfound power he created an army of monsters like him to terrorize towns and villages.

His terror left entire villages in a endless night. Filled with Demonic snow monsters,Twisted versions of the very toys I had for the children; and armies of Grimm. It was almost the end of the world. As Krampus my brother would steal the souls of the children to use as fuel for his armies of monsters. And one monster above all else he wished to reign upon the world;

An ice dragon by the name of Keizer. It's powers were so strong it in a single blast was responsible for the event you know as the ice age.

Yatsuhashi: That kind of power is truly possible?


Pyrrha: What did you do?

Santa:Having no other choice I had to due battle with my brother. Killing his armies of monsters and making my way towards him I soon found myself facing down just him and Keizer. It was a harsh fight..but I managed to win. Sealing away Krampus's  true power away with Keizer I slayed the beast leaving my brother's magical power weakened greatly.

Y/n:That's insane..

Santa: Yes but I fear the war is far from done. My brother has in the shadows been stealing more souls in order to revive Keizer as to put the world once again in an endless winter night. Now he needs one type of soul in particular. The soul of a innocent man whose been misguided and lead down a path of evil.

Everyone slowly turned towards Roman who  was trying to steal from a register that was in the snow.


Y/n: Yep that explains alot more now.

Fox: So what happens if he manages to awaken that Keizer beast again?

Santa:The world as you see it will end. Keizer will freeze over the world then; the very Universe will be in the hands of my brother and Keizer.

Y/n:Then that settles things. We can't let Roman be taken, we're taking him back to Beacon with us.

Ruby:Right everyone lets go!

Roman: This is insane..why does it have to be me? why couldn't it be anyone else?

Y/n: No use whining about it now come on we're leaving. You too Neo.


The group of hunters and huntresses took Roman away with Neo and Mercury by his side. When everyone arrived at Beacon Ozpin arrived shortly afterwards much to Glynda's disapproval.

Glynda: Sir if I may ask what exactly took you so long to return?

Ozpin: My apologizes Glynda. I had a  urgent meeting with a dear friend of mine. After the meeting I chose to pick up some cookies to go with my Hot chocolate. You do know how much I rather enjoy that this time of year.

Glynda: Regardless of that I have big news. Some of the children have brought in a criminal on to school grounds.

Ozpin: Oh?

Ozpin grabbing his mug full of Hot chocolate and grabbing 3 cookies left following Glynda. Bringing him to the place where Roman was being held Roman was seen eating German cookies with joy. With Y/n sitting on the table monitoring  him he grabbed  a cookie.


Y/n: You never got me my food Roman i'm hungry. So to protect you this is my payment.

Dipping the cookie in milk then biting it Y/n grinned.

Y/n: This stuff is pretty good.

Roman: You got that right it reminds me of the ho- I mean home.

Y/n: Wait what were you gonna say Roman?

Roman N-Nothing..

Y/n: You were gonna say homeland weren't you?

Roman: Nei-No...

Y/n;Roman are you German?

Roman: I denein those allegations. 

Y/n:....Uhuh I'm keeping an eye on ya.

A few seconds later Ozpin entered the room causing Y/n to stand tall then speak.

Y/n: Hello sir look I know this is a big request but can you not turn him into the police or Ironwood? I don't exactly know how to explain it.For now it'l suffice to say Romans' life i sat threat-

Ozpin: He can stay so long as he is under your supervision.

Y/n: Damn that quickly?

Ozpin: Like I said before young Y/n  During the holidays i'm willing to be  more charitable. So long as he causes no problems he is ok to stay here.

Roman: Is the old guy gone crazy?

Ozpin: Far from it..Happy holidays Roman...and remember to behave yourself.

As Ozpin left the room Y/n and Roman stared at each other in confusion. As did the others outside the room.

Roman: Is...Is he usually like this?

Y/n: Honestly...he's still a mystery to me..heck everyone here for that matter.

As everyone sat in wait for the possible assault that would begin.While they waited Roman spoke to them with a soft tone of voice.

Roman: Look Y/n...Red...the rest of ya I got something I got to admit.

Yang: What's up?

Roman:....I don't know why you guys are doing this for me but.....thanks alot..It' s not easy to admit it...When you spent a great part of your of life being a criminal you sorta lose something along the way..And For what it's worth...I thank you guys for going out of your way for me..

Ruby: We're Huntresses and Hunters...It's part of our job....I'm sorry for calling you a jerk without knowing everything that happened.

Roman: I guess you ain't so bad  after all Red. For the time being I'll give you my word that after this i'll do my best go on the straight and narrow.

Yang: We'll hold you to that.

Weiss: if you don't keep your word we'll have to beat the crap of you harder for lying to us.

The group laughed together before  boxes fell before them from put of nowhere. Seeing they were presents from Santa the group pulled them out seeing outfits with a not saying one simple thing "Made with love and magic" on the tag. Grinning the group went and got changed into their new gear.

Ruby; Wow it feels so warm even though my arms are visible.

Weiss: I agree it's so comfy I can't even tell it's freezing.

Blake: It looks stylish.

Yang: You got that right Blake I feel like bashing some skulls and i'm looking fine!

Nora was seen in a modified version of her uniform with Norse armor plating upon it and a helmet. Ren adored a armored ninja suit with green plating. 

Nora: Looking good Ren!

Ren: You look nice to Nora.

Jaune was seen suited up in a comfy cloak upon a more knight armored version of his normal clothes with rabbit ears on a helmet.

Jaune: It' s like  my favorite cereal mascot I don't care it's comfy.

Pyrrha walking out in her gear smiled at Jaune.

Pyrrha: I think it suits you Jaune..I approve of it.

Y/n at last walked out in his outfit upon doing so the girls all blushed at him.


Alright time we show that fool the power of Beacon...I'll promise he soon won't forget it.

After a minute they saw the snow outside growing more intense.

Y/n: looks like it's time...Everyone ready?

The others nodded before they made their way out. Ready for the battle that was to come they had no fear. Standing outside the witnessed the sounds of chains rattling with Thunder going off in the distance the children  could see the shadow of horns in the lighting strike clouds.

Y/n:Get ready..

As Krampus showed himself a army of Ice demons were seen behind him.

Krampus: Are you children really going to stand against me? How very naughty of you..It seems you seek Punishment as vell.

Y/n: Give it your best Krampussy

Krampus roared signaling his army to charge at them.  Y/n and the others charged at them with a roar. Y/n jumping at a group Snow demons heated his blade using a fire semblance. Slicing through the demons Y/n landed on the ground. Seeing  Ruby falling while shooting the snow monsters Y/n jumped up.

 Grabbing her feet Y/n threw her towards a giant snow monster. Flying towards the ice monster Ruby used her weapons scythe mode; to slice it as she approached the ground. Yang blasted through some with her gauntlets. Kicking one away Yang blasted apart another as Ren jumped infront of her shooting 5 dead. 

Yang: Nice going Ren

Nora smashed some to pulp before firing a grenade to flip her weapon  around. Firing another to blast her into the sky Nora grinned before knocking off a jaw of a bigger ice demon. Pyrrha blocked a strike from one with her shield before shooting it in the face. Turing her weapon back into a spear she threw it,piercing through 4 of them. Using her semblance she pulled over her weapon. Seeing one jumping at her she quickly turned weapon into a sword before ;stabbing the demon in the heart.

Weiss slide across the ground on her semblance before  thrusting her sword into a demon blowing it and 3 others apart with dust.

 Weiss:  Got ya!

Blake  who killed the same amount ran passed Weiss. Blake and Weiss ran together killing as many as they could. Y/n tried slashing through the horde seeing no end to them. Tanking alot of damage Y/n used stored it all up before unleashing it in a barrage of slashes.

Y/n:Step aside!

 As the army little by little was killed suddenly appeared. Crashing down killing many of the army with his arrival.

Y/n: About time you got here now what?


The only way  to stop them is to put and end to Krampus himself.

Y/n: Then I know what I gotta do heh.

Y/n without fear ran  towards Krampus causing the others to know what to do.

Jaune: We gotta clear a path for Y/n and Santa guys!

Ruby: Come on!


Santa and Y/n ran slashing through some of the demons in their path. As Santa slashed one Y/n jumped off his blade before spinning around in the air slicing apart a ground of jumping ice demons. Santa turned  his blade to flat end to catch Y/n as they ran. Seeing one with wings  aiming a weapon at them Santa flung Y/n into the air after it. Hardening his hand Y/n grabbed it by his head ripping out it's ice skull as it fell. Landing on the ground Y/n stood tall next to Santa before the 2 stood before Krampus. Heating up his blade Y/n smirked the spoke.

Y/n: Time for us to slice you like butter. I wonder what goat man meat taste like? Guess i'm about to find out when I turn you into dinner!

The 2 rushed at Krampus who swung his chains a them. Y/n jumped and spun over the chains. Kicking Krampus in the chest Y/n jumped off him before Santa swung his tree blade  forcing Krampus to block.  Krampus punched Santa in the face only for Y/n to return the favor by punching Krampus in the genitals stunning the beast.Continuing his assault with a uppercut to the giant monster; Y/n grabbed onto it's horn.

 Pulling his blade out to try and  stab the beastman in the heart Y/n was stopped when Krampus knocked away him and his sword. Standing up Y/n  cracked his knuckles before charging towards the beast.  Jumping with a knee to Krampus's chest Y/n grabbed his beard. Following up by ramming both of his feet into the demon Santa's stomach Y/n jumped down with a smirk.

Y/n: Too small for ya to handle huh?

Santa  Swung his blades at Krampus who dodged. Using his Chains to whip Santa's blades from his hands forced the 2 into a fist fight.



Santa  punched Krampus in the face only to have the favor returned. Y/n  jumped up and kicked Krampus in the jaw only for Santa to keep up the pressure;with a tackle. Letting a barrage of punches upon the demon. Soon enough Krampus broke out before knocking Y/n and Santa off him. The 3 continued in their struggle  neither side letting up. The battle was brutal but with time it seemed as though Y/n and Santa began to break through.



Krampus tried to  stab Santa with his horns only for Y/n using a strength enhancing Semblance to break the horns apart.Causing Krampus immense pain being driven wild.  Leaving an opening for the two. With a final strike Y/n and Santa finally killed Krampus once and   for all. With Krampus's death the sky ripped apart revealing a bright sunny sky and ending the ice demons. Before Y/n knew it he passed out leaving the others to bring him back.

After a hour he woke up causing Teams RWBY,JNPR,and CFVY to hug him.

Y/n:W-Wait where is Roman and Neo?

Ruby: The  vanished after everything...but they seemed grateful.

Weiss:We're happy  your still alive.

Y/n: Yeah same here...did anyone see where Santa went?

Everyone shrugged unaware of where he went to. However in Ozpin's office he stood eating cookies as 2 certain people were behind him.

Qrow: So that whole cookies and milk thing is a lie made by marketing companies?

Raven: why would he want cold milk when he's outside in the freezing cold giving kids gifts?

Ozpin: Let alone when Santa has to do it all night.

Qrow: Ok ok fair enough atleast this time ya didn't have to turn us into deer this Sant- I mean. Ozpin.....

Ozpin:Very true......Ho..ho ho.....Atleast the children won't know the truth...Happy Holidays everyone.

To be continued

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