Once upon a night in Vale

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Y/n pov

After returning to my dorm once classes were over I checked my scroll. Seeing it was one of Cinder's associates I answered.

Y/n: What is it?

Roman: Hey there Taurus old pal working hard or hardly working?

Y/n: I'm working harder than you are right now.

Roman: I-I...damn ok I see you now. I'm chilling here trying to be friendly and you go and knock me.

Y/n: Hmph please don't act like our relationship is anything more than partners. 

Roman: Well that's the reason i'm calling you. How about we change that and deepen our bond?

Y/n:....Listen..I don't swing that way,

Roman: What?! NO NO I DON'T MEAN LIKE THAT! I'm saying Neo and the rest of us are going out to get drinks at a bar I have control of. If you want me to be honest I didn't figure you'd want to even join us. 

Y/n: You were right in that assessment- 

Roman: LOOK before you go and hang up. Neo really wants you to go. And I just know Cinder will have my ass on her mantle;If I can't find a way to get you with us.

Y/n: So?

Roman: She'll have it roasted medium rare man. 

Y/n: (mind) Why won't Torchwick just back down already? I don't have any reason to bother joining them. I only agreed to join them to see Blake suffer for what she's done. They are far from friends of mine. Even so...

Looking over to the  mini fridge in my room I saw nothing was in it. Sighing with defeat I spoke to Roman.

Y/n: One condition... The drinks are all on you got it?

Roman: That's no problem you got a deal. We'll swing by in a few hours to pick you up.

Y/n: Alright see you then.

Hanging up I walked out of my room and saw Yang walking by,swinging a key around her finger.

Y/n: You heading out there Yang?

Yang: Yep just planned on going on a bike ride  while I got a chance.  Have a little fun on the town since we're done with classes.

Y/n:*smirked* Ha I knew it  I could tell the moment I saw you. You just scream wild party girl.

Yang: *grins* Oh yeah?  Something wrong with that big guy? My dad always told me Blonde's have more fun. 

Y/n:(mind) That's so damn corny but then again I suppose in a way it's fitting for her.*To Yang*  Your old man gave you some wise words heh.

Yang: What about you? You wanna tag along with me? I could use someone to hang with.

Y/n:  Ah what the hell sure been a little while since I got to let the wind blow through my hair.

Yang: Sweet well then  let's get out of here.

Following Yang to where her bike was I stared at it and whistled.

Y/n:She's quite the beaut.

Yang: You got that right...Bumblebee here is my baby. 

Rubbing the Bike seeing how shiny and clean it is I chuckled.

Y/n:  Well Hello baby I'll be gentle with you.

As it was revved Yang giggled then put on her helmet.

Yang: Guess she likes you. Welp let's ride shall we?

Y/n:*winks* By all means my dear!

The two of us drove off Yang played some rock music.

3rd person pov

Ozpin stared at Y/n and Yang as he sipped his coffee.

Ozpin:(mind) He's skilled...very much so.  Y/n your Semblance's true nature is  unknown to me and yet you're a even greater mystery.

Hearing a knock at the door Ozpin called the person who knocked in. Turning to face Glynda Ozpin sat in his chair and spoke.

Ozpin: What seems to be the issue Glynda?

Glynda: Sir I'll be frank its in regards to Y/n. You've seen for yourself how brutal he can be.

Ozpin: Yes I have and I have no doubts about him being here Miss Goodwitch. His character is what you call into question and I would not blame you. What you weren't aware of is that I'm already in the process of trying to uncover his goals...As for who he is I believe I already have come to that conclusion. 

Glynda: You Do?

Ozpin: Yes..and if I'm right it only furthers my  belief in him staying..After all...Miss Belladonna has her team to fall back on...Who does he?

(Back in Menagerie ) 

Trifa was seen hanging from the roof doing some training as Tock came in.

Trifa: Welcome back Tock anything to report?

Tock: Yep the  mission  went alright.  A bloke wasn't making it easy but he'z out of commission now. Any word from Y/n yet?

Trifa: Yeah he's confirmed he's alright.  His cover has yet to  be blown.

Tock: Good to ear!

 Sitting down Tock grabbed a drink and downed it with a smirk.

Tock: He's has some big balls trying to pull this on Beacon. But then again if anyone can pull it off It's gotta be im!

Trifa: You have a point but then again only time will tell if he can.

Tock: Ya got that right love now then  I think it's about time I enjoy a drink.

After saying those words Tock grinned as she drank the beer in her hand. Soon after Yuma came and opened up the fridge.

Trifa: So Yuma you and the others are finally back?

Yuma: Yeah and I could use a drink.

Tock: That bad eh?

Yuma:*sighs*  I don't know ...the mission went off well. It's just Eve and Ilia have been on edge it seems lately.

Tock: Natural ain't it mate? The boss m an is out and has to stay under cover...next to no word from him.

Trifa: Still it's something we need to think about. I mean even Y/n seemed a little bit off. 

Yuma: What do you mean?

Trifa: The way he spoke  earlier...and the way he stared...it felt like something was off.I just wish I knew what was going on with you.

Ilia:(mind) Y/n.....

Timeskip brought to you by this

3rd person pov

Returning to the front of Beacon as Yang rode off Y/n saw a limo pull up front. As the window went down he saw the gazes o f Roman and Neo.

Roman: Well long time no see stranger. You jumping on in?

Y/n: Shut up and make room will ya?

Neo: Roman ain't a bad guy when you get to know him Y/n. Trust me you'll have a fun time :3/

Y/n: If you say so...

Roman: Look Y/n I'm usually a man of business. 

Smoking a cigar Roman turned to Y/n and smiled before laying back.

Roman: But I can't lie I'll be frank we got off on the wrong foot.  I want you to know that tonight things are gonna be different. I got plenty of food and booze to make the night one helluva of a blast. Junior's bar is definitely the best club in all of Vale. 

Y/n: Listen...don't go thinking we're friends here Roman.

Roman:I get that but if we are gonna work together i'd say we are gonna have to work together...wouldn't it be better for us to change that. Whatever the case we'll be there soon enough.

Y/n:...I suppose  you have a point Roman. As much as I don't like the idea of having to work with humans. It may be easier to go with that.

Roman:*grins* See I knew you'd be reasonable!

Neo: I'm glad to see you guys could reach a understanding!

Y/n: Now what a minute nothing is for certain-

(a few hours later)



Neo:(mind)....They seem pretty  close when they are drunk as hell....

The two danced on the table as the twins in the bar stared at Y/n and giggled.

Melanie: Hey Militia the new guy is pretty interesting doesn't he?

Militia: He sure is Melanie..guess things will finally be interesting around here.

As the doors to the place opened Cinder followed my Mercury and Emerald entered making their way up the V.I.P room Y/n  and roman were in.  As Neo watched the two of them with a smile Cinder spoke.

Cinder: Seems like you guys are getting along just fine.

Mercury: Damn  didn't figure you were a good time when drunk their Taurus.

Y/n: There are alot of things you don't know about me their Mercy boy.

Emerald: What exactly did we miss?

Neo: It all started when we got here.


As the 3 entered Junior's bar Roman waved with a cigar in hand.

Roman: Yo Junior how's business?

Junior: Uh just great sir but we got a bit of a problem. Goldilocks is getting drunk in the corner again.. I thought we could strong arm her into leaving before you came.

Roman: Oh shit you mean that brat's big sister is still here?! And you didn't think of giving me a heads up?!

Junior: With all do respect sir  you haven't had to face her when she's drunk!

Y/n sighed then turned to see Yang  was black out drunk.


I'm surrounded by complete idiots.

Making his way behind her discretely Y/n knocked her out. Roman and the others turned to him as he proceeded to grab her unfinished drink.  Pounding it down Y/n then walked back over to them.

Y/n: She's strong but Yang is anything but smart.  Having spent several days with her and her team I learned that well. 

Junior:....My greatest men couldn't get her out today. But you just one tapped her without effort..

Y/n: There's a pretty simple explanation for that.

Walking towards him and leaning forward Y/n grabbed a bottle of booze. 

Y/n: Your best men ain't nothing but a joke. 

Junior: What gives you the right to-

Y/n: Yang maybe the greatest hand to hand fighter in Beacon but she lacks any real Experience. That can be said for nearly every student in Beacon. If  you're men can't handle a drunken teenager then I suggest you either fire them and hire better ones or make them get their shit straight.

Roman:*Smirks* I hate to say it their Junior but  Mr. Taurus here has a point. Anyways Y/n how about we get moving to the VIP room my friend?

Y/n followed Roman upstairs as the Twins smiled looking at Y/n.

Melanie/Militia:(mind) I like him.

Pouring out some booze Roman gave Y/n a glass and offered a toast.

Roman: To the future and a great partnership.

(Flashback end)

Neo: After that first drink they have been going drink after drink..and Now they are like this.

Cinder:*chuckles* Well then he's certainly full of surprises. 

Roman: Hey  Cinder! Y-You and the others gotta check this shit out ok? Y/n has this one trick that's pretty insane!  Go d-do the thing Y/n old buddy ol pal!~

Y/n using a semblance he took he made wine from a bottle flow out and fly around the room. Turning it into a small dragon he made it explode and land perfectly in the cups for everyone. The group smiled  as they proceed to enjoy the night without  a care.

??? pov

Soon I'll be arriving in Vale...I wonder if anyone will provide a challenge and a worthwhile training partner.

To be continued

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