The Golden Lion Of Haven: Arslan Altan

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Y/n pov 

The next day I woke up in my dorm shaking my head.. trying to get over the hangover I got from the night before. Sighing then getting out of my bed I put my clothes on then went to leave my room. Opening the door I was met with Team CFVY standing before me.

Y/n: Well now what brings you 4 here?

Coco: Word through the grape vine is you went ahead and beat down Team CRDL  down Again a few days ago.  Since we went on a mission After our match we only got around to hearing it today.

Y/n: It's nothing really..It's my job as a respectable member of society to take care of trash when I see it. Can't have any litter ruining this schools image can I?

Velvet: *smiles shyly*That was pretty cool of you Y/n.

Fox: Pretty cool of you  I just hope you know that they don't learn from it.

Y/n: I don't care too much in all honesty. If they do it again i'll simply beat them down again. I'll do it until they start thinking twice.

Yatsuhashi: How admirable I hope that you manage to succeed where others here have not.

Coco: Same here For a new kid you certainly are showing some promise here.

Y/n: Well that means alot coming from you lot. Anyways what can I do for you?

Coco: Came by to give you our thanks and we had a mission coming up 2 weeks from now. So if you want to tag along we could arrange it.

Y/n: Hmm tempting.

I thought it over knowing that they may be hiding possible strategies from me it may be crucial to do so. They are some of Beacon's bigger hitters. Aside from the main staff themselves. There was no way that they had showed me everything in that fight. Besides I need to work on gaining their trust more. Seeing no other way I agreed to it causing Coco to grin.

Coco:Right on! Alright then I'll go give them the staff a heads up then.

Y/n; Alright then see you later then peace!

Heading out towards class I reached the end of the hall. When I did I accidentally ran into Pyrrha who chuckled then spoke. 

Pyrrha: Sorry about that Y/n I hope everything is ok.

Y/n: Don't sweat it Pyrrha your good.  So where are the others?

Pyrrha: They are coming . they are just a bit behind is all.

Y/n: I see oh well then. Wanna sit in class together for the time being?

Pyrrha: Why not.

Heading into class we sat down together and chatted for a bit until the others arrived. After a few minutes the others arrived with RWBY.

Ruby: Hey you guys! 

Jaune: Sorry if we kept you guys waiting long.

Ren: Nora caused a bit of a mess and we had to help clean it.

Nora: I said I was sorry!

Blake: How are you feeling Y/n?

Y/n: *Winks* Just fine Blakey thanks for asking!~

I saw Blake blush slightly at my comment before Yang  spoke to me.

Yang: Yo Y/n you got any plans after classes?

Thinking it over I responded to her.

Y/n: Hmm not really why? 

Yang:*grins* Well Nora and I were thinking about hitting this new gym that opened up in town. We thought maybe you could tag along and Yang with us if ya want~

Ignoring her pun and chuckled I   pumped my fist with a smile.

Y/n; What the hell sure thing! Been a bit since I got to go to one.

Yang: Right on here's my scroll number! I'll send you the address and after classes we can go.

Nora: Ooh in that case here's mine too!

Saving them in my scroll I went on with things. just as class was starting I saw Weiss staring at me from the corner of her eye, Every time she noticed she quickly stared away. She clearly had something she wished to tell me. Ignoring it for the time being I simply continued to go on with class. After class ended professor Oobleck took a sip of his coffee than let us go.

Oobleck: Alright everyone remember our assignment is due by the 5th.

Just as I left the room Weiss approached me and spoke.

Weiss: Hello Y-Y/n..

Y/n:What's up Weiss you need something?

I could hear in her voice how nervous she was at this moment. 

Weiss:I....I would like you to come with me for a minute.

Y/n: Ok sure thing. 

Weiss  and I walked into a empty room before she took a deep breath. Turning to me she seemed to finally compose herself.

Weiss:Now then...since I have you alone;there's something I need to get off my chest.

Y/n:(mind) She's acting weirder than usual. It seems for once  she's dropping her usual attitude aswell.

Weiss: I....I know this is going to be very blunt....but I have to ask.You knew so much about my family's history...and I could  feel your disgust for me since day one...You were a slave of my family when you were younger;weren't you?

Y/n:....And let's say for argument's sake I was what then?

Weiss: A lot begins to make sense...I know I have no right to do this to you...After everything you must've endured  as a kid.  I know how much horrendous things my family did and...I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to express my  sorry I am..

I could feel my anger boiling but managed to keep it hidden.

Y/n: Your family has hurt many families  Weiss Schnee. Many were left broken...dead...and suffering due in part to your family's company.  

Weiss: I know....I only wish I'd knew that much sooner.. I grew up ignorant to it all and by the time I learned the truth it was too late to question. 

Y/n: The sins of the family  run deep Weiss....years of discrimination and pain..Scars you can't hope to fix in the hearts of the Faunas.

Weiss:I know that very well.. but I can't allow the sins of the Schnee consume us forever. I want to help bring back  what once made us a respectable..

Y/n: think you can obtain redemption then?

Weiss: I want to free my family of it's corruption Y/ helped prove to me how hard that path truly is.

Y/n: And that doesn't scare you Weiss?

Weiss:Yes it does.....but what good will running do?

I gazed into deeply into her eyes leaving me with shock how genuine she seemed. Smiling slowly I  spoke to her.

Y/n: You know...usually things like forgiving sins are meant for the priests but; maybe  I can make a exception just this once..

Weiss seemed to be in utter shock at my words as  some tears fell down her face.

Y/n: HOWEVER.. you have a lot of work to do if you don't want me to regret my choice.

Wiping away her tears she stared into my eyes as I relaxed.

Y/n: I'll be watching you closely...if you fall of that path of yours i'll help push you back on it.  I hope your ready Snow Queen.

I  saw her blush before she wiped away the rest of her tears.I  watched her smile at me with a relaxed heart and a smile full of kindness for the first time since I came.

Weiss: You know....for the first time I don't think I mind if someone calls me that stupid nickname...if only it's a dolt like you.

Laughing at her I patted her back then spoke.

Y/n: So then let's get going already. Don't want anyone having any ideas do we?

Weiss: Good point.

Walking out we headed to our next class.

Timeskip brought to you by these

Y/n pov

After the day was done I headed out to the Gym Yang and Nora said to go. With a bag of clothes I waited for a second until I saw the girls walking over to me.

Yang: Yo sorry to keep you waiting.

Nora: Took me awhile to find some good clothes.

Y/n: Your cool so then are you guys ready to go?

Yang/Nora: Yeah!

Heading in we changed into our gym clothes in which I wore a red Tank top with some black shorts. When I entered the gym I saw the girls already using the equipment. Causing me to whistle.

Y/n:(Mind) I know they are supposed to be the enemy but damn! The abs don't lie..a woman with abs is a gift for men of class.

Yang stared at me then whistled with a smirk.

Yang: Looking good there Y/n! I figured you were built but I didn't expect you to be this well.

Y/n: Well what can I say I like to try and take care of myself.

Nora:vOOOH  I know I know let's see which one of us can bench more!

Yang: I'm game!

Y/n: I'm down!

After a hour passed I noticed someone come into the gym. Getting a better look at them I saw they were a woman who gazed at everyone in the gym. They way she gazed was as though she was predator looking for prey. 

Yang: Whose she?

Y/n: No clue..

 When two guys approached her she looked at them un amused. With a sense of arrogance they spoke to her.

Man 1: Look at what we got here!~ 

Man 2: What's a girl as good looking as you doing in a gym like this?

???: It's obvious isn't it? Isn't a  gym for working out and training oneself?

Man 2: Well not everyone who steps inside comes with that in mind.

???:  Is that right?  Then I pity those who are pathetic enough to waste the space. 

I watched as the girl tried to walk pass them only for them to try and stop her.

Man 1: Come on now that's rude we're still having a conversation here lady.

???: I don't think so.. I'm here to train so I'm leaving to do just that.

A third man talked to the other 2 trying to stop them only to be ignored. 

Man 2: Atleast let us spot ya huh what do ya say?

???: I'd say to quit wasting my time. I'm here for self improvement  not to waste time with idiots looking to admire themselves.

Seeing the anger on their faces I was about to try and intervene until I saw what came next. As one went to swing at her she  grabbed his arm.  Shocking him as he tried to break free the woman continued on by punching the air from his lunges. Dropping him she turned to the other as he rushed at her. Without any effort she flipped him over her shoulder;into a wall with weights.

Y/n:(mind) doesn't take a genius to say she's got some great hand to hand combat..

Man 1: W-Who the hell are Y-you?

Arslan: Arslan...Arslan Altan a Huntress  from Haven Academy. I've come a long way to see just what  Vale has to offer.

Y/n: (mind) Interesting...Haven...

I noticed Yang walking over to her with a smirk on her face.

Yang; You looking for a training partner I think I can help you with that.

Arslan: Who are you? 

Yang: The names Yang Xaio Long from Beacon Academy. 

Arslan: I see  so your training to be a huntress too huh?

Yang: You got it so  if you wanna fight how about try me on for size?

Arslan stared at Yang as I observed  them both. Arslan smirked before nodding.

Arslan: Ok then let's see what you can do..

Going to change Arslan came out in training gear .

Arslan: Now then let's try the ring out.

Seeing her pointing to the  boxing ring in the corner I followed as the two entered the ring. I took interest in seeing how Yang would do against her. This caused me to observe as the fight began between the two peaking even my own curiosity to fight her myself.

Y/n:(Mind) So this is it.....the Golden dragon of Beacon...versus the Golden Lion of Haven.

To be continued

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