Chapter 13: I have to 'distract' him.

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Adrien's POV: 

"Louis!" I heard a familiar voice scream. I turn my head and see Emma; holding Hugo in the rain. Charlotte was leering over them holding my umbrella. I saw Louis begin to sprint over there so I followed. I had no idea what was going on but Emma looked fearful. 

Once we reached them, Louis kneeled on the wet floor next to Hugo. I saw him whisper something to Emma. She looked surprised; then she nodded and got up. "Hey Adrien." Emma walked over to me and grabbed ahold of my arm. She linked my arm with hers and began taking us away from her brother. 

"Um...Emma." I was about to question her. Why she was leaving her brother in the hands of Louis but something about being next to Emma made me feel happy. She looked up at me with her emerald eyes and hummed. Like a questioning hum; telling me to continue with whatever I was saying. I didn't want to. "Never mind."

 I looked down at her; she had tears in her eyes but she was silent. No matter how much I liked it being just the two of us; she was upset and I needed to comfort her. "Emma... are you oka...." 

"I'm fine." She uttered as her voice broke. She clearly wasn't fine. I didn't like this. I needed answers. What's wrong with Hugo? Why is Emma taking me away from them? And why is she saying that everything is fine when she is crying? 

"Emma..." I exhaled "you are clearly not fine." I held her hands in front of me, caressing them in my own. I looked up at her and pleaded "please, tell me what's wrong, I can help" 

Then Emma did something.... unexpected. She shoved my hands aside and wrapped her arms around me- giving me the biggest hug I think I've ever had. I was taken aback at first but then I sent the hug back and squeezed her tightly. I nuzzled my head into the top of her hair. I felt her move beneath me so I let her go. "I'm sorry." She cried into my chest. 

"Hey, it's ok." I stroked her hair as she cried. She put her arms between us and pushed me off of her. 

"No it's not, this is all my fault." She flung her arm to the side and then cradled herself. 

"Hey, no it's not." To be honest I had no idea what was wrong but I assmumed she meant the whole 'homeless' thing. "It's not your fault." 

Emma was not convinced "yes it is. I hadn't come here, that would've happened." She gestured over to where Louis and Hugo were. They were quite far away but I thought I saw a kwami for a second. I shoved that thought to the back of my mind and focused on Emma. "If I hadn't been the same age as you this wouldn't happened." She gestured to me; flailing her arm around. I felt somewhat offended but I didn't know why. I didn't even know what she meant by 'this'. "IF I WASN'T BORN THEN...... then everyone would be fine." 

I had snapped. 

"Emma, you are amazing. I haven't even known you for that long but what I do know is that you are an intelligent, brave, bold and definitely pretty girl." I paused. I saw her tense up as I walked over to her. "I'm not going to stand by and let you doubt yourself like that." I hugged from behind with all the passion I had. It was subtle but I felt a her rest her head on my arm. 

I then felt a buzz on my leg, Emma looked down and grabbed a phone from her back pocket. I couldn't quite read what it said but it looked important. Emma spoke up-for the first time in a while- "let's go to your house, Louis will meet us there." 

Emma's POV: 

Charlotte had lent him the umbrella to hold and we were walking a fair distance behind the boys. Hugo enjoyed holding the umbrella but all of a sudden it fell behind us. I turned around and Hugo's arm wasn't there. It had vanished. I was so scared. This must have been what Louis meant when he said 'prevent our existence.' Our mum and dad never got together; meaning we never exist! I wish I had listened to him sooner. I just wanted Louis to help so I screamed for him...

"Louis!" I screamed. I gently placed Hugo in my arms. My head shot up and I saw Louis begin to sprint over. I had no idea what was going on but I was scared. "Hugo... Hugo!" My voice trembled as I shook my brothers head back and forth. 

Once  they reached us, Louis kneeled on the wet floor next to Hugo. I saw him examine Hugo's lack of an arm and he looked as scared as I was. He leaned in and whispered something to me. "We'll talk about this later but if Adrien sees that he's missing an arm out secret is blown. DISTRACT HIM. I don't care how." 

I was surprised at first. Hugo shouldn't trust me with that sort of stuff. I'd probably make matters worse if I'm being honest.  "Hey Adrien." I walked over to Adrien and grabbed ahold of his arm. I linked my arm with his and began taking us away from my brother 

"Um...Emma." Adrien started. I didn't give a direct response. I feared that if I talked I would start to cry and then give bombarded with questions - so I hummed. I was trying to sound interested in what he was saying but right now all my mind could focus on was Hugo. "Never mind." He finished. 

I could feel him staring at me. I pretended not to notice. I was unaware that I was crying until Adrien asked me "Emma... are you oka...."

"I'm fine." I cut him off and my voice broke. I clearly wasn't fine but I hoped he wouldn't notice. I didn't like this. I needed answers. What's wrong with Hugo? Why is he disappearing? Then darker thoughts started to cloud my mind, is this all my fault? If I disappeared would all of this be solved?

"Emma..." Adrien interrupted me from my thoughts'.  "you are clearly not fine." He held my hands in front of me caressing them in his own . I looked up at him and he and pleaded "please, tell me what's wrong, I can help"

I couldn't take it anymore. I shoved his hands aside and wrapped my arms around him. I gave him the biggest hug I could. I just wanted to feel better; Feel comforted. I could tell he was taken aback at first but then he responded by squeezing me tightly like he had done as my dad. He nuzzled his head into the top of my hair. That's not good, I thought so I wriggled undernaeath him and he let me go. "I'm sorry." I cried into his chest.

"Hey, it's ok." He stroked my hair as i cried. I knew this would only make matters worse so I pushed my arms between us and shoved me off him. 

"No it's not, this is all my fault." I flung my  arm to the side and then cradled it in my other one. 

"Hey, no it's not." He didn't even know what I was talking about. "It's not your fault." He said comfortingly. Normally it would've made me feel better but I was convinced. 

"yes it is. I hadn't come here, that would've happened." I gestured over to where Louis and Hugo were. They were quite far away but I thought I saw a kwami for a second. I remembered that Louis also got a miraculous for his birthday and I knew from then that things were going bad with Hugo. That made me feel worse so I kept venting. "If I hadn't been the same age as you this wouldn't happened." I gestured to me; flailing my arm around to convey I meant all of him. I felt so angry; not angry at him- angry at myself that I didn't do anything sooner. Plus, now my brother might die. MY BABY BROTHER MIGHT DIE AND ITS ALL MY FAULT! "IF I WASN'T BORN THEN...... then everyone would be fine." It was true. Everything would be better. 

"Emma, you are amazing. I haven't even known you for that long but what I do know is that you are an intelligent, brave, bold and definitely pretty girl." Adrien paused. I tensed up as he walked over to me. I didn't want us to get closer, that was only going to get us killed.  "I'm not going to stand by and let you doubt yourself like that." He hugged from behind and I felt my worries melt away. I hated it but  It was nice. I felt bad but I rested my head on his arm to show I appreciated it. 

I then felt a buzz on my leg, I looked down and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. I unlocked it and read the messages from Louis. 

Louis: Emma, get us a place to stay. I'll meet you at Agreste's. It's serious. 

"Let's go to your house, Louis will meet us there." I said. Still unsure on wether my brother was ok. 

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