Chapter 26: Trust (2/2)

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Ladybug's POV: (present)  

I looked down at my watch. 10:04pm. Chat better have a good reason for making me wait in this cold weather this late at night. I look over the beautiful scenery of moonlit Paris and marvel at it. Everywhere around the base of the Eiffel Tower was dimly lit with orange and the landing where I stood was no different. I contemplate the stars and as one shoots by my eyes follow it to catch a glimpse of an Adrien ad. My hands relax and my heads falls onto them as I sigh into the air; my breath condescending momentarily after leaving my lips. 

"Beautiful view M'Lady," I hear a far too familiar voice behind me. I whip my head around to see chat and a transformed Emma stood behind me. 

"It doesn't make up for making me wait out here in the cold. You're late chaton." I playfully say back. As much as I hate to admit I enjoy the nicknames that chat gives me. The sassy quips I give back to his flirtatious jokes make me feel tingly inside. I get distracted from my thoughts when Emma let's out a giggle. "What's so funny." I ask harshly: I still don't trust her. 

"Nothing,"  "Sorry." Emma adds. We pause and chat shifts uncomfortably, I know why. She knows chat's identity and I need to know if we can trust her with his secret. "Do you know why I'm here also?" She sounds nervous; even more so than chat. Which is odd because she has all the cards here. At any moment she could tell the news about chat's true identity and then he'd be at the mercy of hawkmoth! 

"Yes I do." I  paused. "A..and I have some questions for you. After that we'll know if we can trust you." Emma perched on a table slightly ahead of me on the landing and chat stood awkwardly between us both. He was scared, but not for his safety. When I first met chat I thought he was uncontrollably flirty, with no respect for anyone and saw me only as an attractive women. Now I realise he isn't afraid to be himself around the one he loves. Me. He only acts that way around me and master fu chose him because he is kind, brave, considerate. To chat it seems like he's only himself when he's transformed: to take his miraculous away would be a huge blow of his happiness. That's pretty much the only reason I'm asking Emma some questions and not just distrusting her automatically. 

"Are we going to start or am I just going to talk....I don't really know how this works." She gave a nervous laugher and I asked her my first question.

"I want you to answer me honestly for every question I ask. Does anyone else know about chat's identity ?" 

I expected a simple yes or no answer but Emma had to think about what she was going to say. "I.... He...." she paused to think again. "I haven't told anyone." Her face told me that someone else knew but it was clear to me she hadn't told them. 

"Emma, this is a serious threat. If someone other than you knows, we need to speak to them as well." Chat looked at her, a sadden expression on his face. 

"Ok." She breathed. "My siblings know, b..but I didn't tell them! No, own-one did. Knownone. AH! NO-ONE DID! They knew, I knew but other than that no-ones or will know about chat's identity." 

That was suspicious. How did all three of them found out about one hero's identity without telling the other. They must have all figured it out at the same time or they all witnessed something together? Nonetheless I asked the next question. "Does anyone or anything know that you know chat's identity?" 

"Other than you and chat, no. As far as I'm aware." 

"What does that mean, 'as far as I'm aware?' Does someone know or not?!" I was getting a little aggravated by her avoidance of answering them properly. She was hiding something 

"The only people that know I know are my siblings you and... chat." She looked at him as saddened as he was "I'm so sorry I got you in this mess chat, I've messed everything up for you." 

"Don't beat yourself up pup, it's better to be safe than sorry right?" He chuckled half heartedly and I felt guilt start to rise in me. I might have to take away his miraculous. 

"How did you find out about chat's identity?" Emma tensed up. I saw her fingers clench tightly her knees.

"I just sorta knew, next question please." She spoke quickly and answered vaguely. 

All my suspicions about Emma rose again. I continued to pester her. "Did someone tell you, did you see him transform or did you find out some other way?" 

"Some other way." 


Even chat was intrigued at this point. He almost looked scared of what she might say; how she found out. "I just figured it out, I guess..." "can we move on now." 

Chat interrupted us. "Hold on a minute. If I'm understanding correctly. You and your sibling know my identity, none of you told each other or was told be someone or something else and you all just happened to figured it out at exactly the same time?!" He looked at her desperate ply trying to get a reasonable answer from her but she stayed silent and looked away. Chat started panicking. Pacing the path infront of us. " it THAT obvious that I'm chat noir?" He laughed "next you're going to tell me you know ladybugs identity too." 

Me and chat looked at Emma at the same time. Her expression said it all. She knew my identity, she knew chat's identity. One of us had to give up our miraculous and it can't be me. Master fu is training  me to be a guardian and letting an entirely new ladybug start fighting a 2 year old war between an increasingly power hawkmoth and a couple of untrained teens dissent seem like the best bet. 

I looked at chat, he knew what I was going to say. "Chat...." 

"Save it. Just let me spend one more night with plagg, send master fu to bring me my miraculous in the morning." He leapt away in his baton as Emma cried after him. She looked at me with tears in her eyes for help from me but this was for our safety. 

"I'm so sorry," she sobbed to me. I gave her a half hearted grimace and launched away on my yo-yo. Leaving her stood alone on the Eiffel Tower. 

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