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"Hi Jaden" the brunette girl said as she went in for a hug. Without hesitation Jaden hugged her back. "Hey" he said smiling.

"ok breakfast is ready" DJ said. Everyone took a seat at the table. At first it was kinda awkward and silent but then Jessica asked "So how have you been Mackenzie".

"I've been great, and thank you so much for allowing me to stay at your house" Mackenzie said.

"Don't mention it, and besides everyone in the family likes you and your work".

Jayla bumped Jaden's shoulder "yeah we really like you". Mackenzie noticed her gesture but just ignored it. Jaden looked at Jayla whispered "fuck off".

"how was practice Jaden?" DJ asked. "It was alright, I have a game tomorrow night".

"That's perfect we will all go" Jessica said.

Everyone made small talk until all the kids where done eating. Once everyone was done eating they went into the living room.

"We should go live" Javon said while pulling out his phone. "ok" Jayla said. "let's go into my room".

The four older kids walked up the stairs and started a live on Javon's Instagram. "hey guys". Jayla said as she sat down in front of the phone.

The comment section of the live started flooding with people saying things like "omg Mackenzie's there", "I ship Mackenzie and Javon", "Eww why is Mackenzie there".

Jaden read a comment that said "is Mackenzie there?". "No Kenzie is not here" The curly haired boy said sarcastically. Mackenzie laughed. "Hey everyone" She waved at the phone. "I'm actually here for a comic con in a few days so you all should come if you can if you would like to meet me".

A hour later they ended the live. "I'm bored" Jayla said as she laid down in her bed. "We can go to the gym" Javon said. "do you wanna go to the gym Kenz?" Jaden asked her.

Mackenzie blushed "um sure I guess, I've never been to a gym before though". Javon and Jayla looked at each other. "Well if you don't want to go I'm not going so you can stay home with me, if you want".

"Yeah I think it would be better if I stayed back with Jaden". Mackenzie said. "ok well we wont be gone for to long. Bye Mackenzie" Jayla said as she hugged Mackenzie goodbye. "Bye" Javon said and left the room with Jayla.

Mackenzie and Jaden sat in the room together awkwardly on their phones. It was silent, so silent you could hear every breath the two took.

"So have you ever done any sports?" Jaden finally said breaking the silence. Mackenzie sat her phone down "Well I did dance when I was three then I sprained my ankle and got so mad I quit. And then when I was five I played softball tell I was ten and quit because of acting".

"oh my God we should go to the baseball field and hit the ball around" Jaden said. Mackenzie laughed and shook her head "Im probably a little rusty you know, I haven't played in about five years".

Jaden jumped off the bed "Come on" he said motioning his head towards the door. Mackenzie gave in and got up "fine".

The two walked down stairs "wait do you think what I'm wearing is fine?" the girl asked still having her airport outfit on. "Yeah you should be good".

Jessica turned around to the sound of Jaden saying "mom". "Did Daleo go with them to the gym?". "Yes" "Oh well can you drop us off at the baseball field" "Sure". Jaden always asks to go practice at the baseball field so this wasn't anything new for Jessica.

Once the two got dropped off at the field they see another person there. It was one of Jadens friends on his baseball team.

"Hey Jaden what's up" the boy said running up to him. "Hey Tyler". Tyler acknowledged Mackenzie. "This is Mackenzie" "Hey".

"So what are you two doing here" Tyler smiled at Mackenzie. "Oh where just gonna play around you know and since your here you can too I guess" Jaden responded while walking with Mackenzie to first plate.

"Ok so you'll stand here" Jaden pointed to first plate "And I'll pitch the ball to you". Mackenzie stood on first plate "ok". Jaden gave Mackenzie a bat then ran over to where he would pitch.

"you ready" Jaden said getting ready to throw the ball. "um I think so" Mackenzie was nervous she hadn't played softball in almost five years and it would be embarrassing to do mess up infront of the two boys.

Jaden threw the ball and Mackenzie actually hit it. But it didn't go that far because she didn't hit it hard enough. Jaden yelled "Good job".

Tyler walked up to Mackenzie "That was pretty good but you wanna hold it more like this" He said as he put his arms around Mackenzie to fix her form "and then hit it with a little more strength".

"Ok thank you" Mackenzie smiled at Tyler. Jaden walked up to the two "Ok can we play now" He said in an angry tone. "Yeah sure but you should let me pitch you know I'm better" Tyler said holding his hand out for Jaden to give him the ball.

"No" Jaden said confused. Mackenzie knew the boys where getting aggravated with each other "here I'll just give you the bat" she said handing the bat to Jaden "And Tyler you can pitch to Jaden".

"Are you sure? cause it was supposed to be me and you playing" Jaden asked. Mackenzie shook her head "Yeah and I'll just watch you and see how I'm supposed to hit the ball".

Tyler ran up to where he was going to pitch from and Jaden got in his position "ready Walton?" Jaden shook his head.

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