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Mackenzie woke up to the loud beeping of her alarm clock. Her eyes widened when she realized she hit the snooze button several times and slept till 4:30 when she was actually supposed to get up at 4:00.

The girl jumped up and put on her casual airport outfit, Sweats, a baby-t, and a hoodie over it. After brushing her teeth and putting her toothbrush in her suitcase she zipped it up and ran downstairs.

As quietly as possible she opened her mom's door to see if she was awake. She wasn't. "Bye mom" she whispered after kissing her cheek lightly.

Her mom had already paid for an Uber the night before so her daughter didn't have to worry about finding a ride.

Mackenzie ran outside after realizing the Uber had just pulled up. After getting in the Uber she got a call from her Agent, Stephanie. "Hey Stephanie" the young girl said.

"Hey girl I just wanted to tell you after you leave Georgia you have an event to go to it's the signing for your new movie and you can bring a plus one. If you do brings plus one I will need to know who it is in about three to four days. Your gonna be in Georgia for a week right?".

"Yes" she mumbled slightly asleep. "Ok so maybe you can find someone down there to go with you. Anyways I gotta go, Bye Mackenzie". "Bye".

Shortly after arriving at the airport Mackenzie texted Javon.

"Hey I'm at the airport getting ready to leave for my flight to Georgia I should be in Georgia by 8:30 or 9:00" she texted.

Obviously Javon didn't text back before Mackenzie got on her flight because it was five in the morning.

"Omg your Mackenzie May, right?" A high pitched voice yelled on the airplane. Mackenzie turned her head to the person that said that. The person was sitting in the seat across from her.

"Uhh yeah" Mackenzie faked a smile. "can I have a picture?" the girl asked while still talking quite loudly.

"um-" before the child star could say anything else the girl cut her off with a "ok" and quickly took a picture. "I'm gonna post this as soon as we get off" the girl said and squealed.

Mackenzie then laid her head back and closed her eyes.

"We are about to land" Said one of the flight attendants. That woke Mackenzie up. She checked her phone to see what time it was, 8:43.

Once the airplane landed and everyone got off the plane Mackenzie checked her phone. "We are here near Starbucks". Mackenzie made her way threw the crowd of people and found the Starbucks.

She saw a few people in a circle. "That must be where they are" she thought. She was right.

After pushing her way threw the people making the circle she made eye contact with Jayla.

"Mackenzie!" Jayla yelled as she wrapped her arms around the shorter girl. "Hey Jayla".

Right when Mackenzie turned around to give Javon a hug she heard a girl say "oh my gosh Mackenzie's friends with the Walton's".

"We better get out of here before everyone things you and Wanna are dating" Jayla mumbled. "your right".

The three got in the car. DJ driving, Jayla in the passenger seat, and Javon and Mackenzie in the back seats.

"Where's Jaden?" Mackenzie asked. "He's at baseball practice" DJ responded. "oh".

"You know what's weird he actually begged not to go to practice today because he wanted to be here when we pick you up" Javon said looking at Mackenzie.

Jayla turned around and smirked at Mackenzie "Yeah looks like someones got a cruuusshhh". Mackenzie blushed "You don't know that's, how can you have a crush on someone you never met. Yeah we met once but that was once".

"Why so defensive?" Jayla said and laughed. Mackenzie knew she would tease her for the rest week over this.

"What about Daleo? Where's he?". "He went with his mom to Jaden's baseball practice".

Once the four arrived at the Walton household Javon yelled "I'm starving!". "Mackenzie are you hungry? did you have breakfast yet?" DJ asked in a calmly manner.

Mackenzie smiled "No I haven't ate breakfast yet". "Great can we pancakes" Jayla asked.

"Yeah I'll start cooking them right now and when your brothers and mom get back we can all eat together" DJ said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Come on Mackenzie we'll give you a tour of the house" Jayla pulled Mackenzie by the arm and ran into the living room.

"This is the living room and right over here is the kitchen". Mackenzie looked on the tall living room walls and saw framed picture of all the Walton kids. There was a picture of Javon and Jaden when they where little, they looked exactly the same.

The three walked up the stairs. Again there was framed picture on the wall next to the stairs. "Who's room do you want to see first?" Jayla asked. "um how about Javon's?" Mackenzie laughed and turned her body to face Javon.

"My rooms not clean" He said. "That fine let's go" Jayla said and marched down the hall.

"This is Javon's room" The girl said while opening a door. The room was huge. It had led light all around the frames of the ceiling. "Wow you got a big room" Mackenzie said as she turned in a circle looking at the whole room while standing in one place".

"I know, how about we got to Jaden's now it's right next to my room" "Ok".

After looking at everyone room the three walked into the kitchen and smelt maple syrup. "They should be back anytime now, could you guys set up the table?".

Jaden sat down seven plates, Jayla sat down seven glasses with orange juice, and Mackenzie sat down the silverware.

Right when the kids finished setting the table they heard the front door open. "We're home!" Jessica said.

Javon, Jayla, and Mackenzie walked into the living room. "Mackenzie meet my mom" The two smiled at each and then both of them went in for a hug. "Hello".

"Here's Daleo" Mackenzie squatted down and gave Daleo a hug as well. "Hey Mackenzie" "Hi Daleo".

Then after Daleo and Jessica walked into the kitchen Jaden walked up to Javon, Jayla, and Mackenzie.

"Jaden meet Mackenzie".

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