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"are you guys ready?" Javon asked Mackenzie and Jaden who just got done eating breakfast.

It was Mackenzie's birthday, June 2nd. And Javon and Jaden had to keep Mackenzie out of the house for most of the day.

"Yeah we're ready" Jaden said.

The three got in the car, DJ was driving, Jaden in the passenger seat, and Javon and Mackenzie in the back.

"I don't know why you can't help us train dad" Javon wined. DJ rolled his eyes.

"I don't know why your forcing me to go to the gym with you on my birthday wanna" Mackenzie mocked him.

Javon laughed "you never know there could be another party tonight, and God knows you cant fight".

Mackenzie glared at the boy "fuck off".


"Okay Kylee we got eight hours to get the house decorated" Jayla said setting her phone down.

Kylee opened Jayla's closet to reveal all of the supplies they bought "where are we starting first?".

"So we're gonna block off upstairs so I think we should hang streamers from the ceiling down to show it's blocked off, we can do that first".

The two brought all the supplies into the living room. "Kylee you do the streamers on the stairs and I'm gonna go into the shed and get some extra tables".


"Dad is gonna go find an extra punching bag for us to use, but right now just stretch".

Javon left the two in a random room of the gym.

"that kid is way to passionate about the gym" Mackenzie and Jaden laughed.

"Happy birthday by the way".

"thanks" She smiled "Jaden I just wanted you to know-"

Javon interrupted her by running into the room the two where in and saying "Dad found a punching bag to use, come on" he then walked back out of the room.

Jaden looked at Mackenzie "what where you saying?".

"Uhh never mind I'll tell you later".


Jayla came back with two big tables. Kylee looked confused "Jayla you do realizes there's several counters and an island".

"mom said not to get her counters dirty.....so we may have to block of the kitchen too" Jayla turned around and started setting up a table.

"wait so we are just gonna have the party in your living room? Jayla you have a big living room but that guest list you made is bigger".

"Kylee it's summer".

"your point?".

Jayla faced Kylee and smiled "pool party".


"ok so what your gonna do is punch this how I told you, twist your fist" Javon said holding the punching bag "who's first?".

Jaden looked at Mackenzie "you can go".

She put the boxing gloves on then stepped up to the punching bag and we'll, punched it.

"ok that was good but do it a little harder".

When she punched it a second time, it wasn't much harder.

"ok, who do you hate?" Javon let go of the bag and looked at Mackenzie.

"what?" she awkwardly laughed.

"who do you hate?".

"hates a strong wor-"

"think of someone you hate and punch the bag, go".

Javon grabbed back onto the punching bag and Mackenzie got back into position.

Who do I hate? she thought. Sarah? Tyler?

She bottles up all her emotions she had for those two and then punched the bag.

"There you go?" Javon said then high fived her "Your turn Jaden".

"remember think about someone you hate then, punch" Mackenzie repeat Javon's advice.

Jaden knew who he was gonna imagine, I mean he actually wanted to punch him, Tyler.

"Any time now Ja-".

Jaden punched the bag and it actually hit Javon in the chest.

"wow" Javon applauded while Mackenzie stood beside the two and blushed.


"all done" Kylee said finishing putting up the streamers for the stairs.

Jayla looked at them "they look great I'm gonna go get the old baby gait to make sure no one actually comes up stairs, we know streamers aren't gonna stop no one".

Kylee looked around and saw a new table in the living room and light that where set up around the house.

"Jayla when is the food gonna get here?".

Jayla dropped the gait "dude you told me you were gonna order food".

"And then you said you where gonna get it because we couldn't decide on what to get".

Jayla shook her head then grabbed the keys to the cars.

"where are you going?".

"To go find some food".

"Jayla we can just order pizza".

"This is one of the years biggest teen actresses birthday Kylee, go big or go home" She then ran out the door.

Kylee stood there for a second to process what just happened then continued to set up.


"Do you guys want to go out and eat after this?" Jaden asked the other two.

Javon looked at Mackenzie.

The brunette shook her head "I don't feel like dealing with paparazzi today. I just want to get back to your house and take a nap".

Jaden and Javon looked at each other and quietly laughed.

"What are you two laughing at?".

"Nothing Mackenzie, I'm gonna order some food, what do you guys want?" Javon said getting up.

"Im not really hungry" Mackenzie heald her head in her hands.

"Get me Canes, and get Mackenzie some too" Jaden said.

Javon teased Jaden "your so cute Jaden".

Mackenzie got up "I agree" she said then walked to the bathroom.

Javon got a huge smile on his face "she thinks your cute dudeee".

Jaden shook his head and laughed "she was probably just playing". He didn't want her to be "just playing" though.

A few hours later after eating Javon texted Jayla and Kylee "you guys almost ready for us to bring Mackenzie back to the house?".


Jayla was finally back with pizza, sushi, sliders, chicken, and different desserts.

When she got back Kylee was almost done decorating the house.

"Wow Kylee this looks amazing".

"Go big or go home, right?" She winked.

"Right. How much longer do we have?".

Kylee looked at her phone and saw a text message from Javon "Shit we have an hour and a half till people are supposed to show up" .

Jayla's eyes winded "what else do we have to do?".

"ok so we need to organize food in the backyard, you can do that. And I'm gonna put confetti everywhere and hang up for streamers".



"how much longer do we have to stay here?" Mackenzie wined.

"About another hour" Javon said.

"I'm gonna take a nap". Since it was only them three in that room Mackenzie took a Clorox wipe then wiped off a bench.

Meanwhile Jaden could stop thinking about what she said a few hours ago, she agrees with Javon calling him cute? Yeah Javon was joking, but was she?


"Kylee Javon just texted me they're on their way!" Jayla ran back into the house.

She stopped in her tracks and looked around "wow".

The light where off but there was led lights lighting up the entire living room. There was neon streamers hanging down everywhere and neon confetti everywhere.

"Jayla I set out dresses for the three of us to pick from so it doesn't take a long time to get ready".

Jayla and Kylee jumped up when they heard a knock at the door "shit".

Jayla looked through the window and realized it wasn't them, it was a delivery.

She opened the door and saw a bouquet of flowers, the note attached to the bouquet read "For Mackenzie from Mom".

Jayla smiled as she picked up the bouquet and sat it on the dining room table.

"Ok now we actually have to hide because Javon said they are fixing to pull up".


"I'm am so ready to get in the house and take a nap" Mackenzie said rubbing her eyes.

"Dude you literally slept on that one bench for like thirty minutes".

DJ parked the car and gave Javon the keys "we trust you guys, don't wreck our house, we'll be back around midnight".

The parents where gonna go out to dinner with Daleo then take him to sky zone since the place was doing a new night time thing.

Javon acknowledged him then went to open the door "Mackenzie open this, I can't unlock it".

She rolled her eyes then unlocked the door "that was so easy" she mumbled.

Javon scoffed but before he could say anything Mackenzie opened the door to Jayla and Kylee jumping out from behind the couch yelling "surprise!".

The house didn't have any lights on but was light up with strobe lights.

"what the heck" Mackenzie said while smiling at Jaden who was standing beside her.

The girl ran up to Jayla and Kylee and gave them both a big hug.

"Party starts in about thirty minutes so we need to get ready" Kylee said breaking away from the hug.

"What? you guys are throwing a party?".

"yup, for you. But let's not waste any time". The three girls ran up stairs into Jaylas room to get ready.

Once they finished getting ready they all walked down stairs and saw Javon and Jaden already dressed looking around the living room.

"We also set up the back yard for a pool party" Jayla said filling up her cup with punch.

There was a knock at the door followed with a few other knocks.

Mackenzie looked at the door then at Jayla and Kylee "wait who did you all invite?".

The two girls walked over to the door "pretty much all of our friends".

The door was opened "hey guys, welcome".

About thirty minutes later the house and backyard where full, several people came up to Mackenzie and told her "Happy birthday", but she didn't know any of those people.

She recognized a few from Jaden's baseball team, but didn't know their names.

"hey wanna, do you want to get in the pool or something?" the birthday girl asked.

Jayla walked up to Mackenzie and grabbed her arm pulling her into the hallway "you can't get in the pool until after we take pictures".

Kylee put her phone in the ringlight that was infront of a wall cover with purple and gold streamers.

"three, two, one".

The girls took multiple pictures, "send those to me so I can post them" Jayla said looking at the pictures they took.

"I look hot in that one, you better post that one" Mackenzie said.

Kylee immediately sent all the pictures they took to Jayla.

Jayla posted five pictures with the caption "I adore u, happy birthday Mackenzie".

Two hours went by, everyone ate, now it was time for cake.

Jayla got a chair from up stairs and sat it down in front of the table that was in the living room, then she cleared the table so Kylee could set down the cake.

"Everyone, time for cake!".

Mackenzie made her way through the crowd and stood in front of the cake.

The cake was two layered with purple flowers all around it.

"you guys are the best" Mackenzie hugged Jayla and Kylee once again.

Kylee lit the candles then turned to everyone and yelled "sing".

Everyone started singing "Happy birthday" while Mackenzie laughed.

When everyone was done Mackenzie already had a wish and blew her candles out immediately.

"what'd you wish for" someone yelled.

"I can't tell you" the girl laughed and got up "everyone get a piece of cake".

Softcore by the neighborhood started playing, Mackenzie listened to that song almost every night. The song reminded her of how she felt about Jaden in a way.

What a coincidence because when the lyric "I might need you or I'll break" Jaden bumped into Mackenzie.

"uhh Mackenzie can I talk to you?". Those words made Mackenzie freeze.


"great let's go upstairs i cant really hear down here".

Javon, Jayla, and Kylee smile as they watched the two walked up the stairs.

"I think he finally realized" Kylee squeezed Jayla's arm and jumped up and down with her.


"so what do you wanna talk about?" Mackenzie asked as she sat on his bed.

Jaden was still standing up, a few feet from his bed "Ok so I don't know how to say this, but I um like you".

Mackenzie was about to say something but Jaden didn't let her.

"before you say anything I want you to know when I first saw you I thought you where the prettiest girl in the world and then you came to Georgia and I didn't know it but I had a crush on you. Then you left and I got together with Ava cause she was there and you weren't. And now I realize I actually like you....wow that was really cringy".

Mackenzie was blushing the whole time "Yeah Jaden that what I was gonna tell you when we first got to the gym but I guess it wasn't really the right time".

The two stared at each other for a few seconds then laughed "so what now?"

Jaden looked at the ground then back up Mackenzie "do you want to be my girlfriend Kenzie?".

She stood up and walked closer to Jaden "of course".

Mackenzie held her hand out for Jaden to take it "let's go dance".


After another hour of the party Jaden and Mackenzie where getting ready to get in the pool when they heard someone yell "Sorry I'm late".

They both turned around and saw the one and only Tyler.

"why the fuck are you everywhere" Mackenzie sarcastic mumbled.

"Happy birthday Mackenzie" Tyler walked up to her and tried to hug her, but she backed up "I'm good".

"I got you a present" Tyler smirked.

Mackenzie gave him a disgusted look "well you can leave it inside, then go".

"oh come on, you know you want me here".

Mackenzie looked up at Jaden then back at Tyler "what gave you that idea?".

He rolled his eyes.

"It's my party and I don't want you here, so please just leave" Mackenzie grabbed Jaden's hand and turned around, they started walking away from Tyler, closer to the pool.

Tyler followed them "Come on let's go dance" he referred to the last time they where at a party.

"dude leave her alone" Jaden finally spoke up.

"stay out of this Walton".

Tyler grabbed Mackenzie's hand and started pulling her away from Jaden. She pulled her hand back from Tyler and slapped him.

He laughed "you really think that's gonna do anythin-"

Tyler didn't get the chance to finish his sentence because someone punched him and caused him to fall back into the pool. It was Jaden.

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