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"We're going to the gym if anyone wants to come" DJ said walking through the living room with Daleo.

"I would but Kylee's coming over" Jayla said getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen to get some water.

"I'm good" Jaden said scrolling through Tik tok.

Shortly after DJ left Kylee showed up.

"Hey Jayla, hi Jaden" she said as she sat down on the couch with them.



Jaden got a notification that Mackenzie posted on her story, he quickly clicked it.

Before Instagram loaded he blurted out "Guys Mackenzie posted on her story".

"Yeah I just got the notification" Jayla said with the post already on her phone.

Kylee hadn't got on her phone yet so she went over to where Jayla and Jaden where sitting so she could see.

Jaden's phone was still loading.

"Dude are you on McDonald's wifi or something, here" Jayla put her phone in between the three so everyone could see the post, with Mackenzie, Javon and Hudson.

"Dang it Kylee we should of went to the mall when she was here" Jayla suggested when she noticed mackenzie's post was them at the mall.

"With Wanna and Huddy" Jaden read out loud.

"Huddy is such a hot nickname" Kylee smiled.

Jaden looked at Kylee then back at Jayla's phone.

"Is it just me or is he literally coping me" the boy rolled his eyes.

"what do you mean?".

"The sunglasses and his hair".

"Your not the only one with brown curly hair and sunglasses buddy".

"Yeah ok but look how close he is to her" Jaden took Jayla's phone from her and zoomed into the distance between the two.

Jayla snatched her phone back, "Don't take my fucking phone, and Wanna's closer than Huddy is".

When Jayla said that last sentence she smirked and looked at Kylee "your right I love that nickname".

Jaden got up and before walking upstairs into his room he said "fuck you both".

Jayla looked over and saw Jaden on his way to his room and yelled "your just paranoid!".

Trying to get the thought of Mackenzie cheating on him out of his head he decided to text her, but what?

"Hey" he typed. The remember she said she doesn't like dry texters.

Finally deciding what to say he typed "Hey I saw you where at the mall, how's California?".

Then the boy sat his phone down and laid on his bed, realizing thinking about what to text his girlfriend gave him a horrible headache. So he decided to go downstairs and get some Tylenol.

While slowing walking down the stairs he heard Jayla quietly ask Kylee "You don't think she's cheating on him right?".

"I don't think so, but it's not her I would worry about, I would worry about Hudson making a move".

"Yeah your right" they agreed.

Jaden quickly walked down the stairs into the living room "So I'm not "paranoid"" he mocked his older sister.

Jayla and Kylee jumped up. "why the fuck where you listening".

"Well glad I did. Why would I be worried about Hudson?" he asked refiring to what Kylee said.

"Well they've been friends for a while and she's very pretty and if he was trying to copy you, which I don't think he was, it may be because he knows you two are interested in each other...".

"oh my fucking God" Jaden put his hands on his head "should I go to California?".

"Why would you go to California?" Kylee asked.

"listen I don't think anything is going on between Mackenzie and Hudson plus Wanna is there, so Jaden calm down please" Jayla send then went upstairs with Kylee following her.

"making such a big deal over nothing I swear" she sighed.


"I am so glad you came back to California" Hudson said holding both his and hers shopping bags.

"So am I".

Javon looked at Mackenzie "what do you mean by that?" he joked.

"I'm glad I came to California because I miss my mom and Hudson".

"I don't mean this in a bad way or anything, but why did you come with her" Hudson asked looking at Javon.

The three stoped walking so they could talk.

"He came with me because he's my best friend" Mackenzie side hugged Javon.

"I thought I was your best friend".

"you both are".

"Yeah but i was your best friend first" Hudson mumbled quietly.

"What was that?" Mackenzie asked now looking at sunglasses.

Hudson shook his head.

"What about Jayla, Kylee, and Jaden" Javon asked.

"Jayla and Kylee are my best friends too, and I like them more then both of you" Mackenzie said.

"And Jaden?" Javon was trying to get her to say she was dating him because he was thinking Hudson liked her.

Mackenzie's phone turned on "speaking of Jaden". There was a notification that Jaden texted her.

She smiled at the text that read "Hey I saw you where at the mall, how's California?".

"He's so sweet" the girl blushes.

"what'd he say?" Javon looked at her phone.

Mackenzie texted back "California's great, but your brothers being annoying".

Javon saw what she sent him "fuck off".

She decided to take another picture and send it to Jaden, "Wanna, Huddy, get over here and take a picture".

The two boys got on each side of her and got ready for her to take the picture.

"Who's this to?" Hudson asked.


Hudson then put his arm around Mackenzie right before she took the picture. The walked over to look at phone cases.

She noticed his arm was around her in the picture "Lets take another picture".

"I don't want to, let's go" Hudson said and started to walk away from Mackenzie and Javon.

Jaden probably won't think anything about it? She thought.

Javon noticed she went ahead and sent the picture.

The the two caught up to Hudson.

"You and Jaden are so cute Mackenzie" Javon blurted out.

Mackenzie was confused, because he never said that kind of stuff.

"You think so?".

"Who's this Jaden kid anyways?".

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