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Jaden started to crawl out his window then sat on the roof with his hand out for Mackenzie.

As Mackenzie took his hand and started to climb out the window she said "Jaden I'm terrified of heights".

"You'll be fine" the boy laughed as she sat beside him.

They both stares at the stars while sitting in silence.

Jaden wanted to figure out why she was on her phone her phone all night, as much as he trusted her, he kept reminding himself he has been cheated on before.

"So why'd you decide to tell Javon?".

"Well I had to think about you, I know you wanted to tell everyone so Javon's a start I guess".

"It's fine you didn't have to, I just wish I knew why you didn't want to tell anyone".

Mackenzie thought if she really wanted to tell Jaden the reason why she doesn't want to tell anyone. She looked over at him and admired the way the starts shined on his face.

"Ok so you remember when those people at that pizza place didn't want anything to do with me?"


"well I think it's because people think we're dating, so their mad at me because "I took you"".

Jaden wrapped his arms around Makenzie "they're just jealous".

"yeah I know, and the reason I was on my phone all night is because I couldn't help myself from reading all those hate comments and dms".

Jaden shook his head, he felt bad for the girl "hey" with her in his arms, he lifted her chin to look up at him "don't listen to them, all those people would never say that shit to your face".

"your right" Mackenzie mumbled.

"And it's completely fine to me if you want to keep our relationship private, I understand".

The two looked up at the stars above them. Even thought Mackenzie was happy, Jaden couldn't help but feel a lot of regret. If he hadn't of said anything about her not posting the picture of them together she probably wouldn't get so much hate towards her, he thought.

"well, Let's go inside and get some sleep" Jaden suggested.

"ok" Mackenzie softly said getting up, right when she got up she stumbled a bit.

"Shit dont fall".

She looked back at him and rolled her eyes "thanks for the advice".


"Yeah we're dating" Mackenzie said to Jayla and Kylee over breakfast.

"Really?" Kylee gasped sarcastically.

Daleo walked into Jayla's room where the teenagers where eating "who's dating?".

The couple looked at each other and laughed "Me and Mackezie are dating".

"ew" The little boy said and walked out of the room.

"So are you guys gonna tell the fans?" Kylee asked.

Jaden shook his head "no we aren't really comfortable telling everyone yet".

Mackenzie smiled "Yeah I think it's to soon right now, maybe in a few weeks".

"We should go live" Javon requested.

"Ok just don't say anything" the curly haired boy said refiring to their relationship.

"We won't" Javon, Jayla, and Kylee said in unison.

Javon set up his phone to where most of the room could be seen in the camera.

"Hey guys, as usual ask questions".

"When is Mackenzie going back to California?" a random Instagram user asked.

Javon saw it, "Hey Mackenzie when are you going back to California?".

The girl looked over at Javon "uh we have that thing scheduled in two days" she was refiring to the photoshoot but couldn't say it because it was a surprise "sooo probably in like four days".

Javon looked at the camera "well there's your answer whoever asked that".

Jaden walked over to Jayla's desk, where mackezie was sitting "your leaving in four days?".

She sat her phone down and looked up at Jaden who was standing in front of her, "yeah".

The boy looked at Javon's phone and saw him and Mackenzie where both in the camera frame, he whispered "but I thought you said since we're dating you would stay longer".

Mackenzie whispered back "yeah but I miss my mom".

Jaden couldn't argue with that. "I should go with you".

She quickly shook her head "no Jaden you have baseball, I don't want you missing games 'cause your in California with me".

"Fuck baseball" Jaden definitely didn't mean that.

"Jaden shut the fuck up you know you don't mean that" laughing the girl got up from the chair she was sitting in and walked over to where Javon was sitting.

Javon noticed and leaned close to Mackenzie ear and whispered "I'm pretty sure everyone could hear you and Jaden talking".

She looked at Javon then at the camera. Thinking about everything they said she realized they didn't really say anything about them dating, so she's good.

"Are we doing a meet and great?" Javon asked someone's question "I don't know should we?".

Jayla yelled "yes, we should"

"I'm down" Jaden walked over to where his brother and girlfriend where sitting.

"if you guys do, do one I'm going to be with you" Kylee laughed.

"Yeah and Mackenzie you should do a meet and great with us" Javon suggested "Everyone loves you".

Mackenzie laughed "I don't know about that" she mumbled.

"it's official we're doing a meet and great" Javon joked.

"Anywaysss I'm gonna end this live" He picked up his phone.

"everyone say bye at the same time" Javon whispered "one, two, three".

Everyone said "bye" at completely different times.

Javon ended the live and rolled his eyes "fuck you all".

Everyone but Javon laughed.

"should we actually do a meet and greet?" Jayla asked.

"Yea" The twins both said.

"I'll ask my manager to set one up here in Georgia, Mackenzie do you want to be in it?".

She silently thought about it, she wanted to say no. She felt like most of The Walton's fans would harass her or something if she went. But at the same time she didn't want to see rude.

"uhh I don't know, I may be in California when you do it".

"no, we can do it when you come down again".

The rest of the group was all looking at Mackenzie for an answer.

Jaden knew how she felt about their fans, but it's not like he could say anything about it.

"yeah, sure, I guess".


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