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The buzzing of the lights above the group got louder as the silence grew.

"can we get a picture?" one of the 'fans' asked.

Jayla looked over at Javon then nodded "sure".

The random teenagers got up from the table they where sitting at, and circled around them.

A girl with split died hair held her phone out for a selfie with everyone, then turned her phone to where Mackenzie wasn't in it.

Mackenzie noticed "oh do you wanna retake it?".

"no its good" the girl stated.

Confused everyone continued with the pictures.

"um can you take this picture?" a girl handed Mackenzie the phone.

She politely accepted.

Jayla scoffed "why wouldn't you want her in the picture? she's literally more famous then all of us".

"it's fine" Mackenzie signed the took the picture.

After the pictures where done the group sat down and got their food.

Jaden noticed his girlfriend next to him didn't get any of the pizza "are you not gonna eat?" he said with a soft whisper.

Mackenzie looked up from her phone and at Jaden "no, I'm not hungry".

Jaden shook his head then thought again, why is she on her phone so much?.

"so how is everyone?" Kylee spoke up.

With still food in his mouth Javon said "I'm good, how about you".

Jayla rolled her eyes then looked over at Jaden "You've been quit, what's up with you?".

The boy noticed she was talking to her "I'm fine". No one believed him

As soon as Mackenzie heard that sentence she sat her phone down as looked to her side at Jaden.

When everyone continued with their conversation Mackenzie put her hand on Jaden's "are you ok?".

It was almost like Jaden's heart did a backflip when she said that, he was just glad his girlfriend was paying attention enough to realize he was not "fine".

"yeah I'm ok" He smiled.

"ok". The girl didn't remove her hand, infact she heald his hand for the rest of the time at dinner. Thankfully no one noticed.

"so we're just walking around?" Javon asked as the group turned the corner to a bunch of local downtown shops.


"but they're all closed"

Jayla turned around and looked at Javon "it's for the aesthetic".

She turned back around and led the way with Kylee by her side.

Mackenzie stood in between the twins.

There was a notification on the young actresses phone, her eyes widened as she read a text from her manager "How would you like to do a photoshoot for Wonderland with Javon Walton?".

She quickly turned to her left "Javon we get to do a photoshoot together".

Javon smiled at Mackenzie "Really?".

"Yeah my manager just texted me it's for Wonderland".

"what's that?".

"A magazine".

Jayla and Kylee heard and turned around "that's so cool".

The group congratulated them, then continued to walk.

"Look there's a shop that open" the short haired twin pointed out.

The shop was across the street from where they where and the lights in the store where flickering.

"uh that looks a little sketchy" Mackenzie spoke up.

Kylee smirked "we should go in it".

"Sure" Jayla looked both ways across the road then led the way over to the store.

"what store even is this?"

"an antique shop".

Kylee and Jayla walked in side by side followed with a scared Javon and Mackenzie and Jaden side by side.

Kylee looked around and touched a plate that was randomly placed on a shelf. Jayla shook her head "how about we don't touch anything".

"I don't want to be in here" Javon spoke up.

"yeah me either" Mackenzie and Jaden said in unison.

"how about we leave" Javon suggested.

"I think this place is pretty cool, oh look there's crystals over there" Jayla continued to walk around with Kylee.

"come on" Javon said walking out of the shop "gimme the keys Jayla".

His sister threw him the keys then the twins and Mackenzie started to make their way back to the car.

"is it just me or has it gotten colder" the girl mumbled holding her arms.

Jaden noticed the goosebumps on his girlfriend's arms and started to take of his coat "here take my coat".

She looked up at Jaden as his handed her his coat "no Jaden then you'll get cold and we're already close to the car".

Jaden refused, he put his coat around her "well to bad 'cause I'm not taking it back".

It wasn't hard for Mackenzie to accept it, because she really was cold. She put the coat on and snuggled in it.

Javon looked over at Jaden then Mackenzie "you guys are so cute".

It took a few seconds for Jaden to truly accept Mackenzie wanted to keep their relationship private "What's cute? just two friends being friends?".

Makenzie shook her head and laughed "you sound so stupid Jaden".

"what are you talking about".

She looked over to Jaden to see him already looking at her "Jaden I don't care if Javon knows anymore".

"Wait, you two are actually dating?" He yelled.

"shh Javon, I have a headache".

Javon smiled ear to ear "I can't believe it, I mean I can, just, I can believe it".

"just please don't tell them fans, be and Jaden will tell Jayla and Kylee later though".


Once everyone got home they all took showers and went into their separate bedrooms.

While Mackenzie was walking upstairs from getting a drink of water she ran into Jaden.

"Hey, what are you doing?".

"oh I just went to get some water".

"cool, uh do you want to hang out on the roof?".


Jaden laughed then pulled Mackenzie into his bedroom by her hands and shut the door.

Walking over to his window he said "if you crawl out of my window you can lay on the roof".

"It's pretty dark Jaden, we can fall".

"we won't fall, come on".

A few seconds went by and she finally agreed.

"we just can't be to loud, um dad said it's pretty dangerous so he doesn't want us on the roof. But want doesn't know can hurt him".

Mackenzie walked over beside Jaden to the window "you are something else Jaden Walton".

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