Chapter 11 - Freedom

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Kenny's POV


It's been seven days.

Seven days since Choco became a hybrid

Seven days since he's been awake.

I'm scared for him. What if he never wakes up? I'll never get to tell him how-

'Kenny? You okay?' Luna asked, and I grinned softly in the dim light 'yep, I'm fine... how is he? Any signs of waking up?' Pete shook his head 'not yet, the transformation must have been too much for him, resulting in a shutdown' I sighed and started stroking Choco's head.

'He'll wake up soon, don't worry about it. Choco's a fighter' Mat said,even though his eyes were dull *then why hasn't he woken up yet* I just nodded in reply.

All I wanted at that moment was for everything to be okay, but I knew this wasn't going to happen.

'Hey, Kenny, don't beat yourself up over what happened, we just... didn't get there in time' Luna put her arms around me as I curled into a ball.

'I was t-too slow to s-stop it' I choked out 'No you weren't. He's still alive, that's what matters, but so do you. You haven't slept in seven days!' She said,started to rock me back and forth.

'I'm too scared to sleep. What if something happens? I need to be awake at all times' I replied, and she raised an eyebrow 'I'll tell you when he wakes up, now close your eyes and sleep'

I tried protesting weakly but she shook her head and started playing with my hair 'do you want a story?' I nodded childishly and she giggled.

'Okay... once upon a time,there was a prince named Kenworth-' I narrowed my eyes '-and a village boy called Choco' he shifted a little in his deep sleep.

'Kenworth was a good prince, he never wanted his servants to do anything for him and would often sneak into the village to help out the villagers.

One day, he was running around a field when he crashed into someone, and they both fell to the floor

"Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going" the prince apologised, and the village boy shook his head "no, it was my fault"' my eyes started drooping as I yawned.

'Tired?' Someone asked,and I nodded sheepishly 'g'night Kenny'

I closed my eyes 'night guys' and fell asleep...


Time skip 4 hours because I can XD


'I should wake him up...'

'But he looks so peaceful'

'I promised though, I said "when Choco wakes up I'll tell you" and now look, you're awake!!' *Choco's okay?!* I shot up and launched myself towards the chocobo, wrapping my arms around him tightly 'Choco!'

He hugged me back and tears filled my eyes 'I-I thought you w-were going to die!' I sobbed, burying my head in his shoulder 'hey, hey, it's okay' he soothed.

'I didn't get there in time to save you...' I trailed off, and he sighed 'yes you did, a few minutes later and I probably would've been dead' I gasped and hugged him even tighter, silently vowing to always protect him.

'You don't have to' he whispered *gosh darnit I said that out loud* I thought, shaking slightly 'but I do, you could get hurt again or worse!'

The hybrid sighed again,stroking my hair 'Kenny, look' he started 'no Choco, this is all my fault and you know it!' A sad look flashed in his eyes 'no it's not'

'It is!' I protested, and he grabbed my hands 'Kenny, stop,you're going to hurt yourself'

'I already have!'

Everyone went silent and looked at me 'what... do you mean?' Choco asked in a hushed whisper 'it doesn't matter' I said, looking away.

'Kenny, please don't tell me you've...' He struggled to find the right words 'then I won't tell you' I conceded.

He gasped and hugged me tightly again 'please don't ever do that again, okay? Promise me Kenny' he begged 'I... okay' he smiled,but it quickly faded as another voice was heard.

'Amelia and Kenny? You guys are up next' a girl announced, unlocking the cell door 'welp, this is gonna be fun' Luna said, standing up and walking over 'don't go' Choco muttered 'I've got to go or they'll hurt you, I'll be back before you know it, but if I'm not just know this - I've always loved you'

His eyes filled with tears as he nodded slowly, so I quickly kissed his forehead 'good l-luck' he murmured *I'm gonna need it*

'Ugh, you two are gay? Gross!' The girl said,prodding me with a stick 'leave them alone Sophie' (NOT DIAMOND-SOPHIE THIS IS A DIFFERENT SOPHIE,my arch-enemy XD) Luna growled 'no way! He's gonna be fun to "play" with, if you know what I mean'

'Don't you dare, Carter'

'Oh, but I do' we were split up and I was stuck with Sophie 'so Cutie, are you ready for a good time?' I shivered and looked straight ahead 'I'm talking to you!' She snapped, slapping me across the face 'and I'm not listening so I guess we're even'

She made a disgusted noise and shoved me in a room filled with needles and syringes scattered across the floor 'I'm give you a choice, you either inject yourself with one of these or...' Choco was thrown in 'you can watch your boyfriend die'

'Don't do it Kenny' he whispered 'I can't watch you get hurt again, I'm sorry' I muttered before picking up a black one *just do it and this'll all be over* I closed my eyes and jabbed it in my arm, blocking out the protests of Choco.

At first I didn't feel anything, then it felt like a million knives were stabbing my back, making me gasp and drop to the floor 'Kenny! Oh my god, are you okay?!' Choco screamed 'n-no' I whimpered, feeling another surge of pain go up my back 'they're going to pay for doing this to you' he growled, and I laughed slightly 'you always were an overprotective chocobo weren't you'

He smiled sadly 'I never wanted you to get hurt, I was so worried when that gang attacked us in the alleyway because I didn't want you to get stabbed' nodding, I yelped quietly and a look of fear hit him in the face 'where does it hurt? And don't lie to me because I've known you for too long to know when you're lying'

'I'm not gonna lie Choco... I'm fine!' He raised an eyebrow and facepalmed 'lies,  everywhere' he said, poking my back 'agh!' I shouted, and he snatched his hand away 'sorry, sorry!'

'T-that hurt...' I whimpered,and he started stroking my hair absent-mindedly 'it's okay, nothing can hurt you now'

'The big bird's lying to you' someone in a white cheesecake shirt said, stepping through the door like he owned the place, which he probably did.

'Stay down, I'll handle this' Choco whispered,standing up and clenching his fists 'don't do it, he could hurt you' I begged 'nope, his ass is mine!' A blue blur yelled, running through the door door and tackling Cheesecake to the ground.

'Bloody Hell Amelia!' He shouted, throwing punches at her 'nice to see you too Oliver' Luna replied, dodging blows and kicking his legs from beneath him *best siblingship ever*

'You two get out of here, I'll handle this. Choco,take Kenny and NoochZahHutt and run!' Choco nodded and picked me up carefully, making sure not to touch my back and rushing out 'tell me if you need to stop, okay?' I nodded and suddenly felt myself falling.

I eventually hit the ground and screeched as all pain intensified 'Kenny! Are you down there?!' Choco yelled 'y-yeah!' I shouted back, standing up wobbily and taking in my surroundings.

'I'll try and get you out of there, just stay still and don't move!' My back started itching and I shot into the air 'holy-!' I crashed into the ground again and groaned 'what's going on down there?' Choco asked, and I looked up to see him abseiling down the rocky walls.

'I have no idea, but I don't like it' I said, not moving from my spot 'what do you-ohh' he said, jumping off the last ledge and walking over to me 'what?' I asked 'not important...'

'Choco' I warned 'you're got black angel wings' he said quickly, and I laughed 'really Choco? You've got to be kidding me' he raised an eyebrow and pointed behind me as I stood up 'there's nothing the-HOLY FUDGI-' he clamped a hand over my mouth and put a finger in the air 'zombies' he whispered.

There were some loud groans, and the undead creatures started pouring out of holes and crevices 'welp, we're toast' I said,looking around fearfully 'no, you can fly out of here'

'What about you? You can fly, right?' He sighed 'chocobo's can't fly' and threw me into the air as a zombie lunged at us 'Choco no!'

My wings snapped open and I hovered over the cave *no,let me down,I've got to help him so let me down!* I dropped a few feet and tried to grab his hand,but he pulled away 'I'll just weigh you down,go!'

'I won't leave you here' I caught his hand again and pulled him onto a ledge,away from the mobs 'you could hurt yourself by doing that,but thanks anyway' he said,holding his right arm 'did a zombie get you?'

'No,I scraped my arm in the way down,it's fine' blood was soaking through his creamy-yellow feathers as he said that,and I facepalmed 'lies!'

Gently taking his good arm,I flew us back up to the topnand set him down before flopping onto the floor 'I never thought flying would be this hard...' I muttered into the stone 'I wish I could do it,you're lucky'

'I thought I told you guys to get the others and run' I looked up and saw Kuna holding a sword,smiling 'wait,,what the fudge happened to you guys?! You look like you're been attacked!'

'Long story short I accidently dropped Kenny down a hole full of zombies,yeah...' Choco said,pulling a face 'and then he hurt himself so I flew us out' I added.

'Seems legit,you stay here and I'll go get Pete and Mat' she walked away and I faceplanted into the ground again 'tired?'

'Yup,I didn't sleep for seven days' he gasped 'what?! Why the heck didn't you?!' I shrugged 'I wanted to be awake when you woke up,but you decided to be a jag and get up while I was asleep' I teased,poking his arm 'not the arm!' He hissed,holding it tighter.

'Sorry Choco!'

'It,s okay' we grinned at each other as he sat next to me,sighing and waving his good arm in the air 'I'm sooooooooo bored' he whined 'same here,but we can't go anywhere or we're gonna have an angry Luna yelling at us'

He started laughing and my eyes stared into his *I love you so much* he froze and turned towards me 'w-what?'

'I said that out loud didn't I' he nodded,still in shock,then he smiled brightly 'seriously? Y-you like me?' It was my turn to nod.

He laughed and hugged me tightly 'I love you too,and you have no idea how long I've wanted to say those words to you'

'Now I don't feel as awkward' I lightly kissed his cheek and he blushed 'oh my God I knew it!' Pete cheered,running around 'you saw nothing' Choco said 'yes we did!'

'You saw nothing...' The hybrid next to me looked at me worriedly 'are you alright Kenny? You look a bit pale' I honestly felt sick,but he didn't need to know 'well yeah,I just fell down a hole'

'No,you were fine a few minutes ago,what's up?'

'I...I don't know I just don't feel too good...' He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist,pulling me up 'we should get you out of here,you could be sick' I nodded sleepily and he moved me around so that he was carrying me bridal style.

I yawned 'I can still...walk y'know...' He a laughed softly 'if I put you down you would fall asleep,fall being the operative word' we started walking down the corridor 'I agree with Choco on this one,you need rest' Mat replied.

'I've found the way out!' Luna yelled,pointing to a door 'how do you know? It might lead to one of the rooms'

'It has exit written all over it' she had a point,but Choco still didn't seem convinced 'I've got a bad feeling about this' he said,holding me tighter 'I know,but we don't have a choice'

'I'll go' everyone turned to me 'what?! No,I'm not losing you,I'll go instead' Choco protested,and I jumped out of his arms 'if I'm not back in one minute them I'm in trouble' I said before running over and opening the heavy metal door,poking my head outside 'unless the forest is a trap then it's fine,let's go!'

'Kenny,wait! You might get hurt!' I ignored their calls and ran out,breathing in the fresh air 'that,s so much better' I sighed,spinning around slowly and leaning against a tree as tiredness struck.

'Is it safe?' Pete shouted,and I nodded in reply as they all came out 'finally free!'

Choco jogged over to me 'you look tired Kenny' he pointed out 'not *yawn* tired...' I whispered,and he raised an eyebrow again 'here's the deal;I carry you,you fall asleep okay?'

'I-I'm not tired...' I sat on the floor and hugged my knees,staring into the sunset *wait,sunset means dark,darkness means mobs,mobs mean death SHOOT!* I explained the situation and started punching trees.

'Guys,my house it about ten minutes away,we can make it there before anyone gets hurt' Luna said,and I leaned against Choco 'seems like a good idea'

'I'm carrying Kenny!' He yelled,picking me up again 'Choco!' I squeaked,even though j was glad 'you two are so cute together!' Mat squealed 'what about NoochZahHutt ay boys?' Choco teased,and the both blushed.

'S-shaddap' Pete stuttered,and we all laughed 'you're so adorable when you stutter'


'What?' Mat put his arms around Brandon 'mine' I laughed again before yawning 'close your eyes and rest Kenny,no one's stopping you'

I nodded and buried my head in Choco's shoulder,shutting my eyes and letting darkness consume me,but I didn't sleep 'is he already asleep?' Luna whispered 'yep,out like a light'

'Aww,he looks so cute!'

'Shh! You'll wake him up!'

'Wait,are you sure you should be carrying him? Your arms bleeding' I was moved around a bit 'we're nearly there,good thing we left when we did'

The sound of a door opening echoed around the forest and a blast of warm air made me even more tired 'Pete,you and Mat can go to your room,same with Kenoco,I can't be arsed to sleep,night!' Luna said,walking away.

'G'night guys,see you tomorrow' Choco muttered,opening another door somewhere 'night guys,remember to use protection!' Mat replied,and I nearly said "hi" to the floor.


'Are you actually fudging serious?!'


'No point,I was never asleep I said,opening my eyes 'shi...oot' Pete grinned sheepishly 'you guys are all crazy,y'know that?'

'Correction;we're all mentally insane!' Luna yelled from down the corridor 'I wonder about that girls's sanity'

'So do I!' She shouted again 'Choco,catch!' A light blue peice of fabric was thrown at his face and I caught it,finding a hoodie 'Merry Christmas!'

'But it's nearly Easter'

'Merry Eastmas then!' I facepalmed and rolled onto the sofa 'since when have they had sofas? I thought this was Vanilla'

'It's got some mods in,but nothing fun like Crazy Craft,so that sucks'

'Yeah,like everyone here wants to die while fighting a Queen'

There was a bright orange glow from outside,and a knock on the door 'Luna? You in here?'

'Yeah!' She shouted,motioning for us to hide going to the door 'oh hiya Preston!'

'None of us have seen you,Kenoco or Pete in a while,where were you?' The girl pulled the lava mob inside,closing the door.

'We've been...uhh...busy...?' He facepalmed 'you're a terrible liar,where are they?' She sighed and pointed in our direction 'Choco and Kenny are in there,Nooch and Pete are in that room over there' I stepped out and waved shyly 'h-hey Preston!'

'Kenny! The others are seriously worried about you,well so am I obviously but you know what I mean,where are the others? And more importantly,are any of you hurt?'

'Choco hit his arm on a wall a few hours ago' I admitted 'and everyone's here,they're hiding'


'They were changed into their Minecrfat skins' I blurted out 'so Mat's a robot,Pete's a slime and Choco's a chocobo? Cool'

'You can come out now guys' Luna opened the door with Pete and Mat behind it 'Choco,you can come out too'

'I don't want to!' He shouted,and I out my head around the door to see him trying to put the hoodie on.

Keyword trying.

'Really Choco' I facepalmed and pulled it over his head 'why're they so hard to put on?!'

'Because it's Minecraft logic,now c'mere' I held his hand and guided him out 'I now present to you the one and only Choco!'

'Finally! What took you so long,The Pack are worried sick!' Preston exclaimed and I sat on the sofa again,rubbing my eyes in an attempt to stay awake.

'Mat can explain it better than any of us since he was there the longest' Pete said,sitting on the other side of the couch.

'Basically we were taken to a lab where they turned us all into hybrids,Kenny got lucky though' I shook my head and stood up,extending my wings.

'Surprise' I said weakly,before falling into someone's arms 'Kenny?!'

I closed my eyes and felt myself being shaken 'Kenny,wake up!'

'But I'm tired'

'Choco,let him rest'

'What if he goes into a coma and dies?! I can't let him die!' Reluctantly opening my eyes,I locked on to his bright blue orbs 'you worry too much,I'm just going to sleep'

'I know...' I smiled and kissed him softly 'I love you Choco'

'I love you too' everything went dark...

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