Chapter 12 - Worry and Relief

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Lachlan's POV


'Why's he taking so long?! What if he got hurt?! We should never have sent him out there at night!' Rob panicked for the hundredth time this evening 'Dood,chill out,he's going to be fine'

'What if he's not?!'

'What if who's not?' Preston said,leaning against one of the stone brick walls of his house 'Preston! You're back!' The Canadian launched himself towards him and wrapped his arms around the lava creeper tightly,not wanting to let go 'hey Rob'

'I missed you,I thought you got hurt!' He laughed 'Rob,I was gonna be okay'

I smiled at the two being adorable,then turned to Vikk who was asleep on my shoulder *how did I ever get so lucky to find someone like you* I thought,playing with his hair 'mmf...oh,hey Lachy' he murmured,opening one beautiful brown eye 'hey Vikky' I whispered.

'-so yeah,basically Mat,Choco,Pete and Kenny are hybrids'

'Wait,you found Mat?'

'Yeah,didn't I say that?' Jerome facepalmed 'nop-'

'Guys! I've figured out a really really really cool trick!' Mitch yelled,running downstairs 'what is it Benja?'

'Watch! sword,fire aspect:10' he said,and an iron sword appeared in his hand 'what the...I call hacks!'

'That's so cool! But how did you figure out how to do it?'

'I can't remember' he lied 'mate,you're a terrible liar' Vikk pointed out,and the Canadian sighed 'it was weird,I was asleep then a little voice in the back of my head told me what to do'

*not weird at all Mitch*

I suddenly felt something like two knives in the back of my neck and I yelped,turning around to see a pair of glowing white eyes 'Lachlan? What's'

The owner of the eyes grinned wickedly before pulling a red and grey sword out of nowhere 'you' he said,pointing at me 'shouldn't be here' he prepared to bring the blade down on my head,but I was pushed out of the way by someone at the last minute.

'No...' I muttered 'no,no,NO!' The god teleported away as I tried frantically to stop the bleeding 'L-Lachlan,it,s too late f-for me' he started coughing up blood 'I won't let you leave,please Vikk' I sobbed,ripping my hoodie off and pressing it against the wound 'please...'

His breathing became shallow and I shook uncontrollably,holding him tighter than I have had before 'what's going on? I could hear yelling from my house...holy shit what happened?!' Luna shouted,running in 'H-Herobrine,he s-stabbed Vikk and I-I...'

Vikk held me hand weakly 'don't cry Lachlan,you're going to be fine' he sounded better already,it was confusing 'he just ate food didn't he? That's why he,s still alive,he's got full hunger meaning he can regenerate! Thank god for Minecraft logic'

It started raining outside and I shivered,making Vikk put his arms around me 'cold?' I nodded and he pulled a blanket around my shoulders 'who's the one that nearly died here,me or you' I joked.

Luna left and I snuggled into the Brit's chest,trying to calm down as the others left too 'you guys can stay here for the night' Preston offered 'thanks Preston,I think Lil Lachy needs a lil rest'

'...' I blushed slightly,closing my eyes as Vikk picked me up 'he's so adorable when he's sleeping!' Preston squealed 'shh! You could wake him!' Vikk hissed 'damn he's light,does he ever eat?!'

Chipotle mate, Chipotle.

'Maybe it's because we're in Minecraft?' The Texan suggested 'no,he's really light in the real world too,I'm worried about him...' I was placed in a bed and the covers were pulled over me 'g'night Lachlan,I love you'

I waited until they both left the room before whispering 'I love you too' and jumping out of bed,staring out the window.

*stupid had to play up tonight?! Seriously?!* 'I thought you were asleep' I froze and turned to see a certain Brit standing in the doorway,eyebrow raised and arms crossed.

'I woke up' I lied 'you can't lie to me Powers' the nickname reminded me of the day he nearly drowned and I winced,trying to erase the memory 'fine,I've got a slight case of insomnia,okay? Call me a freak all you want,it's what all the others did'

He slipped his arms around me 'what others? The Pack?' I shook my head 'Ali,Jay,the Sidemen when JJ found out and told everyone...yeah' he growled slightly 'I can't believe them! I mean with Ali and Jay it might just be banter but JJ's dead'

'Oi,Vikk,don't do anything crazy' I warned,but he started rambling in about it 'is that why you're so light? Because they're teasing you you're not eating?' He finished as thunder boomed outside 'no,that's not it'

'Then what is it? I'm worried about you Lachy' the thunder became louder as lightning struck a few blocks away from the house 'I'm just really not that hard to pick up'

The redstone lamps went out and there was a loud 'fudge!' From Preston downstairs,making Vikk sigh 'I'd better go check if the redstone's disconnected'

'I'll go with you' we went outside and I shivered as the rain pelted my skin 'we won't be out here for long,just got to che-' I shoved him out of the way as lightning hit where he had been standing,now where I was.

Pain erupted from my body and I screamed,falling to the ground 'shit Lachlan! Oh my fucking God,you fucking idiotic bastard why the hell did you did that?!' Jesus Vikk 'I-I don't want y-you to get hurt' I coughed.

'Jesus Vikk,what's with all th-HOLY BULLSHRIMP!' Preston yelled as he ran out,closely followed by Rob 'we were trying to fix the lights then he pushed me out the way like he did in the real world!'

'This has happened before?!' Rob screeched,and I groaned as I opened one eye 'y-yep' my left eye felt weird,I didn't know why.

Vikk pulled my head into his lap and touched my hair,jolting away 'static!' He yelped,before stroking it again 'everyone needs to get inside incase the weather gets worse' the Brit nodded and picked me up bridal style into the house.

'I never knew you knew so many swears Vikkstar' I joked,and he grinned apologetically 'sorry Lachy,I was really scared for you' I giggled and opened my other eye,locking on to his dark brown orbs as something blue illuminated them 'your eye's glowing again'

'What?!' He nodded again and I started hyperventilating,walking around to try and cool off 'Lachlan,you've turned invisible!' I collapsed somewhere near the door as black spots invaded my sight.

I'm too weak to handle this...I blacked out.


3 hours later


'Lachlan! Where are you!'

'Vikk,if he's invisible and unconscious then he's not gonna reply' I was vaguely aware of footsteps and voices,but I couldn't move or make a noise.

 'We've searched everywhere,he can't be in here' I opened my eyes and saw everyone rapidly looking around,heck even Kenoco,NoochZahHutt and Luna were here 'wait,didn't you say his eyes was glowing earlier?'

'Y-yeah' someone crouched next to me 'I think I found him' Mat said,staring at me intently 'it's r-rude to sta-stare' my voice sounded weird again and I sighed 'definitely Lachlan'

'Lachlan?!' The most adorable man in the world,Vikk,pushed through the small crowd and flopped next to me as I sat up,putting a hand on the back of my head and taking it away,feeling a warm,sticky substance *great,just great*

'Can you turn visible? None of us can see you'

'Okay' I closed my eyes again,and a few moments later there were some loud gasps 'L-Lachlan...'

'What?' Choco pointed at a mirror and  I looked at it,nearly screaming at what I saw.

My hair had turned white,and now my eyes had silver-grey zigzags spreading from the iris 'how...I...' I stuttered,staring at it in shock.

'It doesn't matter,you're still the same Lachlan that everyone knows and loves' Luna said,smiling sadly as I dragged a sleeve across my face,silently begging for none of this to be real.

'Yes it does! Look at him,he's a freak!' Mitch hollered 'h-he's right' I said before pushing past everyone and sprinting outside,gaining speed with every step.

I eventually came to a halt in a jungle biome as the sun started to rise,holding onto a vine as everything that just happened caught up to me 'o-oh God...'

Starting to sob quietly,I slid down the tree trunk and put my head on my knees 'why did this happen to me...why?!'



Lachlan,please say you can hear me Even using telepathy I could tell me was crying loud and clear,what's up?

Where the frick are you?! We know why Mitch said that,he's under Herobrine's control,he didn't mean it,please come back

I don't know how

Well shit...Luna has an idea,stay still I did so and a moment later I was standing next to Vikk again 'yas! Buckit-commands actually work!' Luna cheered as Vikk hugged me tightly 'don't you ever do that again,okay?'

'Okay' a sword was thrown at his head and I quickly grabbed the hilt 'you shouldn't be here' Mitch-Brine snarled 'shit the fudge up,you're really annoying!' Preston shouted.

'You shouldn't be-'

'Chit chat' Luna interrupted,and he pulled a face 'you shoul-'

'Chit chaaaat'


'Chitty chitty chat chat' Jerome snuck up behind him and hit his head with the handle of a diamond axe,knocking him out 'sorry Biggums' the bacca sighed,and a white smoke came from Mitch's eyes.

'You think you can stop me?! I hold more power than you could ever dream of!' 

'Will someone p-lease shut him up!' Pete complained,throwing a bucket of water of the smoke and making it disappear 'damn that was weird' Rob commented,keeling over Mitch and poking his face.

'I-is he okay? I didn't hit him that hard' Jerome asked anxiously,fiddling with the axe 'he's fine,but he's gonna have a headache when he wakes up'

As he finished the sentence,the checkered Canadian groaned and sat up 'ack,headache...what happened? All I remember is Lachlan waking up with white hair-' I ducked down behind Vikk '-and then...I...I can't remember,sorry if I hurt anyone'

'You called Lachlan a freak,do you know how upset he was?!' Vikk yelled in outrage 'yes,because Herobrine made me watch the whole thing' Mitch snapped back,reaching for a sword 'no fighting guys,nobody needs it at any time,especially not now' Kenny said,glancing between the two anxiously 'Brit-Boy here started it!'

Oh no.

Did he actually just...?

No one's ever called Vikk Brit-Boy.

Never since that one day...


Flashback 3 years


'Vikk?! Come on mate,where are you?!' I yelled,trying to find my best friend 'h-here...' He whispered.

It sounded like he was crying,which made me even more worried 'but whe-oh...what's wrong?' He shook his head 'it,s nothing,r-really'

'You can't lie to me Vikk' I said,wrapping my arms around him 'it's just this name the Sidemen gave me'

'What is it?' I felt small bumps on his arms and a dark feeling grew in my heart 'Vikk,don't tell me you've done anything stupid' I whispered into his hair 'I-I haven't...'

*lies* 'what's the name? Is everyone calling you it?' He nodded slightly 'yes...the name,s stupid though,I don't know why I'm acting like this'

'Hey,if they're teasing you too much just let me know,okay?' His eyes started watering as he buried his head into my chest,nodding again 'B-it -oy' He muttered 'what?'

'Brit Boy' he said louder 'why're they calling you that?'

'Isn't it obvious?!' He snapped,before bursting into tears 'don't cry Vikk,it's okay' I soothed,playing with his hair 'I'll tell the guys'

'No! Please,don't say anything about this' he begged,eyes wide with sadness,dear and despair 'fine,I won't tell anyone on one condition'

He tilted his head 'what?'

'Promise me you'll never do this-' I gestured to his rolled-up sleeves 'ever again,alright?' Looking at the floor,he nodded again 'good' 


Flashback end 


'Do you know what you just did?!' I growled 'oh boo hoo,I called him Brit Boy,who the Hell cares?!' The Canadian sang.

'I do' a dagger narrowly missed Mitch's head,and everyone turned to see someone at the window 'hey Vikk'

'Simon? H-how did you get here?'

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