Chapter 13 - Sidemen (and girl)

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Vikk's POV





'Simon? h-how did you get here?' I asked,confused as anything 'well my young Vikkstar,all shall be revealed as soon as I get you back to the others'

I froze and clung to Lachlan tightly,not letting go 'I...I don't want to leave Lachlan...'

'That's not Lachlan! He's a blondie,this guy's obviously not him' Simon said,grabbing my arm and pulling me to the tree line outside the house 'the Sidemen are seriously worried,when we got here we couldn't find you anywhere!'

'Because I was with The Pack,a lot of stuff's happened,I mean Lachlan was struck by lightning and Preston fell into a pool of lava!'I protested,pulling away 'and that boy was Lachlan'

'Lachlan had blonde hair Vikk' he tried to reason,but I shook my head 'he was hit by lightning Simon,don't you think he would look a little bit different? For once in your life,let me do something without you guys "protecting" me,I'm not a kid anymore!'

'Ethan and the others are worried about you,can't you at least see them?' He said,and I bit my lip 'you know I want to see them,it's just really hectic right now'

He nodded in understanding 'I get it,a lot of stuff's happened and you're not thinking straight' I raised an eyebrow 'not thinking straight? I would do anything for my friends,you know that'

'So the Sidemen aren't your friends? Choose wisely Vikk,who do you think you can trust?' He ran off and I was left in the middle of a clearing,wondering what the Hell just happened.

'Vikk? What was all that about?' Lachlan asked,jogging up to me 'I...Have no idea,he wanted me to go with him to see the Sidemen but it was like he didn't want me to be around you guys...what if he knows about us?!' I panicked,pacing around the trees 'look,even if they did know,why would it matter?'

'I don't know,but it would!' Slipping an arm around me,he whispered sweet nothings into my ear until I calmed down a bit 'hey,it's alright,they wouldn't have found out just yet,you're going to be fine' he soothed.

I took a deep breath and nodded,so he pulled away a little 'now look,you can go and see Simon and the others if you want to' my eyes sparkled as I started jumping up and down 'really? You would let me do that?'

'Well yeah,it's what you want' I squealed and hugged him tightly 'thank you thank you thank you!' He grinned and ruffled my hair 'no problem,but you're gonna have to run to catch up with Simon' I nodded and sped off in the direction Simon left in.

I eventually came to a pretty well-made house with the letters "SDMN" hovering above it *nice touch guys* I giggled silently and knocked on the door,almost immediately being pulled in 'Vikk!' Josh yelled,squeezing the life out of me 'Josh I can't breathe!' I laughed,and he pulled away 'we were so worried when you disappeared,you were there one second then POOF you were gone,Lachlan was screaming and then Preston went too'

Harry and Ethan poked their heads around the door,cheering when they saw me 'Vikk! You're here!' Harry shouted,rushing over 'I would never have known' I yelled back sarcastically,and Simon looked out of a window 'looks like somebody knows who their friends are...' He muttered,and a girl shoved him 'Shaddap Simon,at least he's here now'

She looked a bit like Luna,which was kind of weird 'who's the girl? Don't tell me Josh's finally got himself a girlfriend' I joked 'kinda,she may or may not have saved his life' the girl walked out and over to us,waving 'hi! You must be Vikk,I'm Maddie!'

'Yep,the one and only Vikkstar' we smiled at each other,then her facial expression changed to one of shock 'no...way...' She whispered,and I turned to see Luna mirroring the look.

'Do those two know each other?' I muttered to Ethan 'nah mate,at least not from here'

'We do know each other actually,Lunawolf41 right?' Maddie said 'Madsta04,I haven't seen you in a while' Luna replied,narrowing her eyes before running towards Maddie and hugging her tightly 'oh my god Maddie!'

'I think they know each other Vikk' Tobi said 'wait,Vikk? When the fuck did you get here dude?'

'Shh! Small children present!' I hissed 'oh nah,did he actually just call me a small child? I'm taller than you in real life mate' Luna said,and I felt my face flood crimson 'just kidding,I'm a bit shorter than you but I'm a tall twelve-year-old so yeah...if it's any help,another short thing here is Harry's dick' I burst out laughing as I heard the last bit and fell on the floor,rolling around 'annnnnd we've killed Vikk,congratulations whoever you are' Josh said,stifling a laugh as Harry's face turned red.

'Rest In Peace In Pepperonis Vikk,you shall be sorely missed' Maddie laughed.


Jerome's POV


'Biggums? Are you okay?' I waved a hand infront of Mitch's face and his head jolted 'huh? Oh,sorry J-ree,I've just got stuff on my mind'

' to elaborate?' I asked,referencing the day we got together 'I'm just trying to figure out a way home,I don't want to be stuck here forever!'

'We won't be here forever Mitch,we'll find a way out' I sighed and out an arm around the Canadian,feeling him shake 'promise?'

'I promise' he snuggled into my chest and made a weird noise 'I-I miss my f-family' he choked out 'so do I Benja,but we'll get out of here soon,don't worry' he nodded and tried to stop shaking 'I'm t-trying to stay s-strong for everyone,but I always mess it up somehow'

'Hey,it's okay,but you should,not keep all of your emotions bottled up like this' he nodded again before bursting into tears 'I c-can't do t-thi-this for any l-longer!' He cried,and I hugged him tightly 'you won't have to,we're going to find a way out' I repeated softly.rubbing his back 'J-Jerome?'

'Yes Benja?'

'H-how're you s-so sure that we'll ge-get out if h-here?' I smiled sadly 'because you're here,and when I'm with you anything is possible'

He made another weird noise that sounded like a laugh crossed with a sob 'y-you're so c-cheesy'

'I'm a cheese sandwich Mitch'

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