Chapter 14 - Sorcerer

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Another beam of light came down from the sky a few chunks away and I sighed,standing up and adjusting my headphones 'we got a code green guys,looks like it's in the Jungle Biome,I'm gonna go check it out' Pete and Choco nodded as I went out the door.

*of all the places,it had the be the Jungle Biome,it couldn't have been the Tundra could it?! Nooooo,it had to be hot,stuffy,mob-filled and the chance of getting lost is extremely hi-* I ran into a tree and yelped,jumping back 'mother fudging trees' I muttered,walking around it and spotting the tops of jungle trees in the distance.

'Hello? Is anyone there? If you are,you can come out!' I yelled,looking around as a few ocelots spawned infront of me 'anyone?'

I saw a flash of purple from the corner of my eye and stopped,walking backwards to try and get a better view *I've seen that Minecraft skin somewhere before...but where?* as I got closer I could see the person had a red creeper amulet,grey trousers and a grey top *whoooo issss iiiiiiiit...I'm such an idiot aren't I? Yes I am' he was unconscious obviously,and it was started to get dark so I quickly got some wood and made a small shelter,lighting up the area and making a small fire.

'And now we wait until you wake up' I said,poking the fire with a stick and making up stories in my head 'ugh...w-where am I?' I jumped and saw him struggling to sit up,looking around with wide eyes 'long story short,you must've been playing Minecraft and got kidnapped,somehow ending up in here' I explained.

'So you're s-saying that I'm in Minecraft?!' I nodded and a thought hit me *well this is gonna be awkward,how do I tell him Team Crafted are here?! MOSTLY THAT MITCH IS HERE?!* 'yup,and there are a few others too,but I'll explain that later'

'Please don't tell me Mitch is here' he said,and I pulled a face 'about that...all of Team Crafted are here,same with The Pack,The Sidemen,a few other groups then non-famous Minecrafters' he looked at the dirt underneath him and sighed 'well this is gonna be fun...'

'Yea,but he spends most of his time with Jerome so you should be alright' the sorcerer nodded 'oh,I'm Luna by the way'

'S-Seto...' He stammered,still staring at the ground 'hey,you don't need to be shy,I'm not that bad' I joked,and he gave a small smile 'sorry,I don't talk to people much'

I nodded in understanding and a crackling noise came through my headphones 'just be a sec Seto,someone's trying to call me' I pulled a face and he laughed as I flicked the microphone down 'who is it?'

'Luna! Where the fudge are you? Kenny's starting to get really worried' Mat said on the other end,and I facepalmed 'I'm at the Jungle Biome,it started getting dark when I found the new person so I made a shelter'

'Are they up yet? What's their name?' I put the microphone up quickly 'can I tell them that you're Seto? They want to know' he nodded and I spoke into the microphone again 'his name's Seto,he has a bit of history with Mitch and Jerome though,so don't tell them just yet'

'Little bit hard since they're both here' I froze and started pacing around 'riiiiiiight right right right...did they hear anything?'

'Yeah' Seto's eyes widened as he started panicking 'I'll call you back,something just came up' I hung up and sat next to him,putting my hands on his shoulders 'Seto,look at me,everything's gonna be fine,trust me' I soothed,and he buried his head in my shoulder 'I-I can't do th-this' he whimpered.

'Yes you can,you're SetoSorcerer,I know you can do this' I hugged him gently as he started shaking 'I can't! N-not after what Mitch said,I j-just...' He trailed off and took some deep breaths,trying to calm himself down 'you're going to be fine Seto'

The sorcerer eventually stopped shaking 'I-I'm sorry' he apologised 'for what? After what he did you've got every right to be nervous,I would do the same'

'H-how do you know?' I shrugged 'if there's one thing I'm good at,it's knowing about YouTubers' I started playing with his hair and he giggled slightly 'that tickles'

'You mean this?' I tickled his sides and he squealed,standing up and running around 'no please I fan!' He yelled,and I laughed as I caught up to him 'gotcha!' I grabbed his hand and swung him around 'I can't even...' He laughed,rolling around on the floor 'just my ace personality' I said derpily.

The static noise in my headphones came back and I sighed,flicking the microphone down again 'what is it now Mat' there was a laugh from the other end 'do I sound like Mat to you?' The Texan said,and I could hear the smile in his voice 'heh,sorry Preston,what's up?'

'The others sent out a search party for you and the new guy,Mitch and Jerome are there too,didn't you say the newbie had experience with them?' I closed my eyes 'you could say that,why did you let them come?! I could've just used commands to teleport home'

'There's no point,we're already here' I turned and saw the lava creeper grinning cheekily 'hello!' I facepalmed again and turned the headphones off,making my way back over to him and Seto 'hey Preston,where's Mitch?'

'Right here' I heard Seto squeak behind me so I sat next to him 'well this is fun,everyone,this is Seto for those who don't know him,but I know two people here who do' Mitch's glare solidified on Seto as he slowly reached for his iron sword 'don't you bloody dare Mitchell,I know what happened and I'm not impressed,so don't mess with me or Seto'

His fingers uncurled from around the handle and Seto let out a small sigh of relief 'what did I miss?' Pete asked,titling his head in confusion 'I...I don't want to talk about it...' Seto whispered,and I put an arm around his waist 'come on,let's get back to my house' he nodded slightly and we stood up 'to Narnia!' I yelled,rushing ahead while holding Seto's hand 'trust me,I'll show you something cool...turn left now!' I pulled him behind a big tree and imagined a keyboard infront of me *okay,take me home; .teleport Lunawolf41/SetoSorcerer to set-home*

The world disintegrated for a second,then the walls of my house appeared around us 'there's a spare room across from mine if you want' I offered,and he nodded 'thanks Luna' I smiled and pushed his door open 'no problem! Now get some rest,the teleportation lag will catch up to you soon' he looked around the purple room in awe 'this room's huge! How did you make it?!'

'I'm one of the best house-builders on PlugPE Seto,it's simple when you get used to the controls' I guided him to the bed and sat him down 'now sleeeeeeeeeep,I'll be across the hallway if you need anything'

Backing out of the room,I heard another muffled 'thank you' and smiled again 'you're welcome Seto' 




'Goooooooood morning everyone!' I yelled,dragging out the "oo" and bounding downstairs 'someone's hyper today,what's the occasion?' Choco laughed 'life is the occasion my dear sir,plus it's Seto's first full day so I'm gonna show him around' I grabbed some pieces of steak and munched at one as I went back up to the sorcerer's room 'Seto? You up yet?'

'Y-yeah!' I poked my head around the door and saw him holding a book,looking half asleep 'did you get any sleep last night?' I asked,and he looked down 'm-maybe...' The book title was "Quoth The Raven"

*that'll fudge you up mate* 'Seto,you need rest' he put the book down and turned towards me again 'I'm not tired though' he whined,and I bit back a laugh 'believe me Seto,tiredness is gonna catch up with you someday...anyway,want to look around? I can show you the nearby villages,mines,fishing spots,biomes,basically everything' he looked impressed 'you can remember where it all is? How?' I shrugged 'it gets boring being the only player for a few days,villagers aren't good conversationalists'

'You were the first one here? Seriously?' I nodded 'I don't know why,maybe it's based on what you do,like I'm a roleplayer and pixel artist'

He nodded slowly,trying to take it all in 'here,I got you some breakfast' I gave him a few pieces of steak and he grinned 'thanks Luna'

'Dude,you don't have to say thanks,I do this for my friends all the time' he nearly choked on his steak 'y-you mean I'm your friend?'

'Well yeah,if you want me to be' he smiled brightly 'yes!' And I laughed 'come on,we've got a lot of exploring to do,we'll start at the village'




'-and this is where I came with the others to a singing contest,it was...entertaining to say the least' I pulled a face at the memory of some of the acts and he laughed 'wait,you actually competed?'

'No shit Sherlock,I love singing! even though I'm terrible at it' he raised his eyebrows and playfully punched my shoulder 'I don't think that would be true'

'If you say s-' I froze at the sight of Drew kissing another girl,then shrugged 'eh,should've known it wouldn't last' Seto followed my gaze 'was he your boyfriend?'

'Well,he was' I walked away,breaking into a run as I reached the forest edge and heading towards a lake 'Luna! Come back!' Seto yelled,but I kept running until I got there and climbed a dark oak tree 'where the frick are you?!'

I sighed and looked through the leaves to see him running around the lake,looking around 'you won't find me in the lake mate' I said,and he paused 'where are you?'

'I'm Tarzan' he looked at the tree I was in and narrowed his eyes before walking away 'birch trees!'he shouted,disappearing *nice one Set* I jumped down and someone tackled me from behind 'found you!'

'Bejeezus mother trucking fudge ducks!' I squealed,and he pulled me up 'that sentence made no sense so I'm just gonna nod' he said as I rubbed my arm 'I didn't hurt you did I?'

'No,I'm okay' I wiped the dirt from his cheeks and he smiled apologetically 'sorry about that,I wanted to cheer you up' I sighed and sat on a log,staring at a flower 'I should've learnt,anyone I go out with breaks my heart' the cape-wearing boy copied my actions and I closed my eyes,hearing the wind rustle the leaves around us 'he shouldn't have done that to you,you're too nice for that to happen'

I smiled and he put an arm around me 'thanks for sticking up for me yesterday,you did t have to do that' he said,and I opened my eyes to look into his caramel orbs 'yes I did,when I saw all the haters on the Internet and the look in Mitch's eyes,I knew I had to do something'

'You're an amazing friend,y'know that?' I crossed my eyes 'just my ace personality' and he laughed 'we should start getting back though,Mat probably broke something again' I sighed,standing up and stretching 'that,and you need some sleep' he groaned and started faceplanting into a tree trunk 'but I'm not tiiiiiired'

'Too bad,I'll race you back!'

'You're on' I started running but he caught up to me and sped past 'show off!' I yelled,laughing.

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