Chapter 14 - Death.

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Preston's POV


'-so let me get this straight,Mitch and Jerome already know Seto because they used to be in a group together,then Seto left?' Rob asked,trying to make things clear.

'Yep,the group was called Team Crafted,and Seto didn't exactly leave,more he was kicked out,Mitch made a vote to kick him out and everyone but Ty,AKA Deadlox,agreed,then the Team just fell apart after that' Luna explained.

We were sitting in her kitchen (for some reason) Mitch and Jerome were back at The Pack house,and Seto was upstairs,probably reading Quoth The Raven.


'But why did they want him gone?' I questioned,and the girl shrugged 'I don't know,I always thought it was because he never did any facecam videos or fan meet ups but now that I've actually met him,I can see it's more than tha-' she was cut off by an explosion from outside,followed by a scream.

'Kenny!' I ran out the door to see Kenny slamming into a tree,and Choco surrounded by creepers 'you two get Kenny,I'll help Choco,and MAKE SURE HE DOESN'T BLOODY DIE!'

'Kenny? Kenny,I need you to open your eyes' Rob said,and the American's (is Kenny from 'Murica?) eyes fluttered open 'huh...? What...what happened? Where's Choco? Is he okay?!' I cleared some dirt blocks from around him 'Choco's fine,you took the brunt of the impact because the creeper was after you'

'As long as Choco's okay,I'll be fine' even when he was hurt,he still cared for the chocobo.

I found that adorable.

'Chocobocoloco's fine,I'm gonna get some healing potions from the house' Luna ran inside yelling random stuff,things about evil cows (lil shout out to my friend Aidan XD EVIL COWS AIDAN) and zombie pineapples.

'I will never understand that girl' Kenny joked,and Choco rushed over 'are you okay?! Where does it hurt?!' The bird hybrid fired at him,worry in his eyes 'I'm fine Choco,it was just an explosion'

'Just an explosion?!' I sighed and facepalmed 'Choco,he's going to be fine,just relax,okay? Don't get stressed out'

'...wish we could turn back time' Kenny sang.

'To the good old days' I added,grinning.

'When our Mama sang us to sleep' Rob continued,and everyone looked at Choco.

'Fine...but now we're Stressed Out!' We cheered,and Luna come back with the red potions 'what did I miss?'


Lachlan's POV


'Lachlan,for the hundredth time today,you look fine!' Vikk sighed 'no I don't!' I protested,banging my head against the wall (BANG MAH HEAD AGAINST THE WALLLLLL XD)

'Look,come here and I'll fix it' I raised an eyebrow and looked at the Brit who had his arms crossed and was mirroring my look 'fine...' I whined.

'Yay! Now c'mere' he started playing with my hair and I pouted 'Vikk,stahhpppp'

He giggled 'no! I like messing your hair up,it looks cute' I blushed and he giggled again 'there,now it's perfect'

I looked in the mirror and back at him 'it looks exactly the same mate' he shrugged 'I know,because it looked fine the first time'

'I hate you'

'You love me really' I shoved him playfully and we laughed,walking out the door 'I'm still trying to get my head around this while Minecraft thing...' He sighed,and I put my arm around his shoulders 'hey,it's a lot to take in'

'Yeah,yeah...' There was something on his mind,I could tell 'what's up Vikkstar? You keep zoning out' I pointed out,and he shook his head 'I do? Sorry Lachlan'

'Vikk,what's wrong?' He looked down 'what if we never get out of here...I want to go home!' He started walking towards the forest and broke into a run 'Vikk,wait up!'

He kept running and I lost him in the maze of birch and oak *seriously?!* 'where the heck are you?!'

There was a short scream,then silence filled the air 'Vikk?!'

'Lachlan!' I froze before sprinting towards the shout,pushing myself to go faster than I ever had before 'sh-- up -ag-ot!' A different voice hollered,and there was a loud crack,echoing through the forest like a fire.

'V-Vikk?' I came to a clearing and gasped at what I saw,tears filling my eyes 'great,you've killed him,now what's Notch gonna say Maverick?!' A boy with a cheesecake shirt yelled 'he's probably gonna kill us,let's try and find someone else' they left and I ran over to his limp frame,holding him close.

'Oh my god Vikk,please be okay!' I sobbed,and his cocoa orbs fluttered open ''s going to b-be okay' he whispered,and a tear fell to the floor 'please Vikky,please...' (The Maze Runner - The Death Cure - Page 250 ;-;)

He slipped his hand into mine and smiled weakly 'it's going t-to be okay' his breathing became shallow and his eyes closed 'V-Vikk?'

His chest stopped moving and I shook my head '' I sobbed,and his body turned red before disappearing in a mix of brown,blue and red particles.

Vikkstar123 died while fighting Captain_Cheesecake

Vikkstar123 left the game

'NO!' I screamed,and someone jumped out of a tree 'Lachlan? What's wrong?' Jerome asked tentatively,but I ignored him and cried into my hoodie 'what happened?'

'V-Vikk's dead!' I cried,and the bacca gasped before hugging me ''s going to be okay Lachy' I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped that it was all Just A Dream.

But it wasn't.




'H-he left so qui-quickly' I sobbed quietly,shaking uncontrollably as someone stepped through the bushes 'Jerome? Lachlan? What's up?'

'It's Vikk,he's...gone' Jerome reported,and I took a shaky breath 'he was' I paused before blurting it out 'murdered'

'What?!' I looked up and saw Mitchstanding there,a scared,shocked and confused look on his face 'yeah...'

'I heard screams,what's up?' Luna asked,coming from another bush 'everyone's in the Bush' I joked quietly,wiping my eyes with my sleeve

'Dude,you look a mess,what happened?' I bit my lip and stood up,staring at the ground 'I...I need some time to think' Mitch and Jerome nodded while Luna still looked confused 'something bad's happened...' Her eyes darkened with realisation and her gaze locked onto where Vikk was 'oh...'

'Yep' I slowly walked behind a tree and broke into a run,dodging trees and bushes to slide to a halt at a river.

'I couldn't stopped him...why didn't I do anything?!' I yelled at the sky,and it started raining 'fuck you Notch'

'You can tell him that yourself' I turned to see Cheesecake-Shirt and Curly-Hair 'you' I growled 'you killed Vikk'

'Oh yeah,he was that Vikkstar one two three guy your sister was talking about on Earth...well,not anymore!' Curly-Hair said.

'Oh yeah,she would always ship him with that "Lachlan" guy' my left eye started twitching 'that "Lachlan Guy" just happens to be me,and you flat-out murdered Vikk!'

'He was weird anyway' something inside of me snapped and lightning crashed down to create an arena surrounding me and them 'you must be a hybrid then...interesting'

'No,he just has powers' Luna shot at them,stepping through the arena walls and brandishing an enchanted iron sword 'Amelia?!'

'Sup boys,what's all this about you killing Vikk? ' she asked sweetly 'mate,she's a little girl,you can take her!' Curly encouraged 'shut it Maverick,I won't hesitate to avenge Vikk with your life'

Cheesecake nodded and pulled out a diamond sword 'you're going down Amelia!'

'Wouldn't count on it Oliver!' Their swords clashed,and I turned to "Maverick" 'so,you want a fight mate?' I asked,my accent thicker than usual 'oh,I was born ready,mate'

I felt my eyes light up with electricity as I lunged towards him,sparks flying from my hands 'you killed Vikk,do you know what it feels like,to have your heart broken?

I'll tell you,imagine a blunt knife being buried into your chest and someone pulling your heart out,then they crush it into little pieces right infront of your eyes' my attacks started getting slower and weaker,and he took his chance to catch me in a headlock.

'Ready to die Pretty Boy?'

'Step the fuck away from the bloody Aussie Marmite' Luna snarled,punching Cheesecake's neck and making him pass out before stalking towards us 'why should I? You don't scare me!' Maverick's grip tightened and I gave up,hanging my head.

'Just kill me already,I've got nothing to lose'

'Gladly!' He pulled out a dagger and there was a loud 'No!'

Maverick dropped me in surprise and I yelped as my arm hit a rock,turning around to see Preston with his eyes literally blazing 'don't you dare lay a finger on him!'

'Why shouldn't I?' He lifted the dagger again and I backed away,my back connecting with a tree 'say goodnight Sunshine' everything went dark as something big hovered above us 'what the...'

'I was wrong,Crazy Craft is in here!' Luna squeaked,and the dagger sliced my cheek 'I told you not to do that' a blast of fire incinerated the blade as I yelped again,blood trickling down my face.

'It's a fricking King Mav,run!' The two boys scattered as the white dragon landed,raring and shooting a fireball into the sky 'should we run? I think we should run' Preston warned,pulling me up 'I agree with Cactus Jones,let's go!' An iceball hit the ground a few blocks away and froze the area I had been in 'same here!'

I started running,not looking back despite the roars and growls of the flying lizard behind us *keep running,don't look back...hopefully that dragon gets the boys for what they did for Vikk

No,don't think about it just yet

Shut up mind*

'Gah!' I yelled out loud,and three seconds later I ran into a tree 'Jesus Lachlan,you alright?' Preston asked,and I shook my head 'no...'

'Where's Vikk? Maybe he could help' I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes as fresh tears threatened to rise 'Preston,Vikk's gone' Luna hissed 'what do you-WHAT?!'

'The boys,they...' I sniffed and wiped my eyes,getting blood on my hoodie again 'we should get going,I don't want any more deaths today' they both nodded in understanding before another ice ball was shot,brushing past my arm.

'Lachlan!' Luna shouted,and I screamed as frost and ice covered my arm,rendering it useless and heavy 'Preston,get Lachlan outta here,I'll deal with Overgrown Winged Lizard'

'No way! You're gonna get yourself killed!'

'Just go! I'll be right behind you!' An enchanted bow landed in her hands,and she smiled 'taste the rainbow mother fucker' she added quietly,and Preston guided me away 'that girl's crazy...let me see your arm'

I nodded and awkwardly held it up,and the Texan grimaced 'ohhh,that's not good,I should be able to get rid of most of it though' small flames danced across his hand and jumped onto my arm,spreading across the frost 'is it hurting you?'

'Surprisingly,no' he smiled and the fire diminished 'can you move your arm? Just to see if it's okay'

'Yep,thanks Preston' an arrow buried itself into the ground,followed by a small white and gold thing 'don't touch the egg yet' Luna said,rifling through a chest where the dragon had been.

'Y-you killed it? How?!' She shrugged and pulled out a huge purple and red axe 'good aim I,you guys can have these' she handed me the axe and gave Preston a cream-coloured bow 'looks like the Mobs Can't Handle Us stuff' I commented,swinging the axe around.




Sorry guys.

It had to be done.

Sacrifices must be made




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