Chapter 16 - Frozen?!

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Rob's POV


'Where did he go?' Choco asked stroking Kenny's head 'for once I have no idea,he left in quite a rush though' I sighed,staring out the window 'we're back!' Luna yelled,kicking the door open and walking inside 'is Preston with you?'

'Maybe' the lava creeper wrapped his arms around me from behind me and I squeaked 'Jesus Preston! You scared the life out of me,where were you?'

'Something...happened,I'll tell you later' he muttered as Lachlan came through the the door,walking to his room and locking the door 'what's up with Lachlan?'

Preston and Luna exchanged glances before looking down 'Vikk...didn't make it'

'Wha-HOW?! What the fuck happened?!' I screeched,and Luna shushed me 'he could hear! Anyway,it was my brother and his bloody best friend' the girl's eyes darkened with hatred and sadness 'I knew he was bad,but seriously? I hope the King got them' She added sourly 'hold up,there's a King here?!'

'Yeah,the server must've done an update or something' Preston sighed,and a slight ping could be heard.

PopulorMMOs was killed by The King

PopularMMOs left the game.

'Now Pat's gone too?!' Luna yelled,waving her arms in the air 'wait,you knew he was here too? Brainfreeze!' I groaned,and a pale blue wave covered my vision.

*what the Hell? Why can't I move?* The blue wave lasted for a few minutes before it faded,seeing the worried faces of my friends 'Rob! Are you okay?!'

'Y-yeah,I guess...what happened?' Preston hugged me tightly as if he was scared to let go 'you froze,you wouldn't respond to anything we did and I thought you.......nevermind'

'What do you mean I froze? I was right here'

'Yes,but ice decided to be an arse and cover your entire being with frost,or your body froze' Seto reported,sliding down the stairs and flopping on the sofa 'why did Lachlan just run into his room and started crying? Please don't tell me Vikk's dead'

'...Viik's dead'

'I told you not to tell me,is someone with Lachlan right now?' We shook our heads,well everyone event Luna did because she wasn't there 'you mean he's crying his eyes out and you guys aren't doing anything?'

'Luna went up earlier while Rob was frozen' I crossed my arms and looked away 'at least one person's with him' Choco said,going  back to stroking Kenny's hair 'we're terrible friends aren't we'

'Yes you are,and don't worry,he's asleep now' I jumped and saw the girl at the bottom of the stairs 'it's not looking good guys,he cried so much he passed out,I'm worried about him...'

'That's not like him...I'll talk to him later' I offered thanks Rob,you know him way better than I do'

'Luna,didn't you say there was a King earlier?' Seto asked,looking out the window 'yup,why?'

'Found it' he said simply,and a roar sounded from outside 'no that can't be right,I killed it!' Luna ran to the glass and peeked out,cringing 'ohhhhhh God...guys? We have a serious problem,looks like an angry Queen!'

'I've got it!' Lachlan yelled,running downstairs and outside 'it's heading towards The Pack house!'

'Mitch and Jeorme are there aren't they?' I followed the Aussie and had to quickly sidestep to avoid a fireball 'why's it angry? We didn't do anything!'

'Rob,look out!' An energy ball was shot in my direction and I flinched,an ice-like shield forming around me,but this time I could move 'I'm okay,you need to save Mitch and Jerome,go!' Preston shook his head and put a hand on the ice,only partially melting it 'I won't leave you here' 

The Queen looked in our direction and roared,charging another fireball 'just go! Please Preston,I can't let you get hurt again' The ice wall went down and I tackled the Texan out of the way as the projectile hit.

'How d'you do that anyway?' He asked as we caught up with the others 'I don't know to be honest,it just happens' He shrugged and pulled out a cream-coloured bow *damn Preston,when did you get that?*

'Luna gave it to me earli-' a fireball hit the ground near Lachkan and he fell,a small ping being heard after the ground collapsed.

CraftBattleDuty hit the ground too hard while fighting The Queen

CraftBattleDuty left the game 

'No...' I whispered,staring at the hole in horror as the Queen started gaining on us 'Rob,we've got t-to go' Mat's voice was shaking as Preston tried to drag me away 'Rob,please!'

Another fireball was shot in our direction,but I did nothing to avoid it 'Rob!' Preston screamed,and fire shot out of his hands to knock the blazing orb of death away 'nobody hurts my friends!' Flaming wings of lava sprouted from his back,and he flew up to meet the dragon.

'You've killed some of my best shouldn't have done that' a bright light surrounded him and the Boss,making it impossible for is to see anything 'ohhh god oh god oh God' I started panicking,small white flakes falling around me 'Rob,look at me,'s going to be okay,Preston's gonna get out any sec-second' Pete stuttered,and I felt my eyes water 'he...that thing...I...'

'Rob!' A snowstorm picked up around me,but I was too busy starting to cry to realise 'guys,we need to get Rob out of there' The ball of light shattered,and two dark forms fell to the ground,unmoving.

'Preston!' I screamed,running towards the Texan 'Is he-he's not a hybrid anymore?!' He was wearing black jeans,his signature flame hoodie and black trainers,but now he looked human.

'P-Preston? C'mon,wake up...please...' I put a hand on his cheek and gently stroked it,hoping for his eyelids to flicker or show any signs that he was okay 'I've got an idea,be right back!' Luna ran off,closely followed by Seto 'Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay!' Choco begged,and Kenny put his arms around the chocobo 'he's going to be fine,Preston's one of the strongest people I know'

'Please Preston,please...' I whispered, stroking his tangled locks 'guess who's back,back again!' Luna yelled, running back with a water bucket in  her hands 'usually when I want someone to wake up I scream in their ear but due to the circumstances this might be a better option' I nodded and took the bucket from her hands 'a-are you sure this is gonna work?'

'Nope! But it had a better chance than most of my other ideas' I put some of the liquid on Preston's head and he visibly relaxed before his dark brown orbs fluttered open.

'Mmph...R...Rob?' I hugged him 'you mother fudging jag,I thought you died! Why the frick did you do that?!'

'I...I didn't want you to get hurt' He coughed weakly 'but you ended up getting hurt yourself' I pointed out as he struggled to sit up 'I know...but it was wor-worth it,just to s-see you safe'

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