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Try and figure out what that title is XD if you want,comment your answer ^-^


Jerome's POV


'I can't believe how much paperwork it takes to get people out of there!' Mitch said as we walked to the car 'yeah...' I replied,staring at the ground.

He noticed my silence and put an arm around my shoulders 'what's wrong biggums? You've been really quiet today, it's not like you' I smiled 'sorry Benja, I've just got stuff on my mind'

'Care to elaborate?' I shook my head 'aw, please?' I looked away 'sometimes people have to keep secrets to save friendships Mitch' muttering something under his breath, he looked into my eyes 'okay, I can't hide this from you anymore. I love you Jerome'

I stared at him in shock as his caramel orbs filled with tears 'you...what?' He started running into the forest 'Mitch, wait!' I caught up to him and grabbed his hand 'I love you too!' I stopped and pulled him into my arms 'Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes, don't you ever do that again, okay? You could have been run over or killed!'

'...don't use my full name you jag' we sat down 'I'm not the jag, Lachlan's a Jagbattleduty, Preston's a Cactus, Rob's the Flower King, Vikk's a Star, I'm the Bacca and you're my BenjaCanada who I love more than Nutella' his eyes sparkled 'r-really?' I nodded and he hugged me tightly 'this is why I love you'

'But do you love me more than Nutella?' He thought about it 'more than Nutella yes, but cereal's still my favourite' I feigned heartbreak as something yellow flashed by us, folowed by neon green and blue 'Adam, come back!' I looked at Mitch 'It's Adam, Ty and Jason!' I mouthed 'do we follow them?' He nodded and stood up.

'They've become way faster than when we last saw them!' He shouted 'which way did they go?' I closed my eyes and saw multicoloured trails pointing right 'we go right, trust me on this' he shrugged and followed me, stopping at a hill 'where are the-'

'Sky, please just stop, can't we talk about this?!' They appeared on top of the hill 'no, I nearly killed you guys!' *yeesh, what did we miss?* 'no you didn't, tell him Jason'

The space-obsessed boy agreed 'it was an accident, and we shouldn't really be talking about this right now'

'Why not?' Jason pointed in our direction 'Mitch and Jerome, I saw them on the way here' we waved sheepishly 'hey guys, long time no see' Sky and Jason waved while Ty looked away and crossed his arms.

'It's a wild Benja and Bacca!' Adam shouted, bounding over to us 'hi!'


Rob's POV


'Where are they? They should have been back ages ago, what if something happened to them?!' I said, pacing around the living room (do Americans/Canadians call them lounges? Idk because IMMA BRITISH PERSHON XD) 'Rob, they're fine, I just got a text from them saying they met up with some old friends -,Old friends being Team Crafted'

'Well that won't be awkward at all for them will it' Lachlan yelled from the kitchen as Vikk drank a Death Cup 'What the frick did you put in there?! I'm gonna throw up...' The shortie groaned 'heh, sorry Icky Vikky' I pulled a face at Preston 'they would make such a cute couple!' He said, loud enough for them to hear 'we're not a couple!' They shouted simultaneously 'yep, I think Vikklan is sailing boys'

'I just remembered,I've got to record a video with Choco and Kenny at three, I have to set everything up and I really can't be bothered' Preston complained as his Skype call went off 'that'll be them, see you later!' He went to his room and I flopped on the sofa 'I'm bored'

Preston shot back out of his room and out the door, grabbing his phone on the way 'Preston? The fudge's wrong?' He ran back in 'Choco's been hurt, bad, I'm going to his house' I gasped 'I'm coming with, who did it?'

We jumped in my car 'Kenny said a gang dragged them into an alleyway, that's all I heard before nearly flaming up and running out' we drove to their place in silence and knocked on the door 'Kenoco? It's us, Poofless!'

Kenny opened the door 'h-hey guys' he smiled wearily 'what the fudge happened, who did it, I'm gonna punch their faces' Preston said, and I nudged him 'calm down Cactus' I whispered 'you might want to sit down, a lot's happened'

'How's Choco? Is he okay?' I asked anxiously 'he was knocked out, I put him in his room when we got back' he bit his lip 'I'm sure he's gonna be fine Kenny,I raised him as a fine chocobo' Preston said 'I'm still worried though, I mean, they had knives!' My eyes widened 'what?!'

'Uh Rob? You've surrounded by snowflakes' I cursed quietly 'Preston, can you explain what happened? You saw more of it than me' he nodded 'can I go see Choco?'

'Sure, just try to be quiet' I gave him a small thumbs up and walked upstairs to Choco's room and poked my head around the door,seeing him asleep 'aw' 

His usually-bright-blue-now-grey eyes opened slightly 'R...Rob? What're you doing here? Where's Kenny?! Is he okay?!' I shushed him 'Kenny's fine, but he said you got beaten up, badly' he shrugged and winced 'as long as Kenny's okay I don't give a damn'

I smiled 'do I sense some Kenoco going on here?' He blushed 'no! Err, I mean,uhh...' I laughed 'wait, you actually like him?' He stayed quiet, then nodded slightly 'yeah... but please don't tell him, he'll hate me forever!' I mentally squealed and started chanting 'OTP OTP OTP'

'Shh! He could hear you!' I put my hands up and stopped 'okay, didn't mean to ruffle your feathers' I grinned 'oh come on, even Preston hasn't made that pun yet!'

'I haven't made what pun yet?' We turned and saw the Texan with an amusing look in his eyes 'I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers Choco' I said again, giggling 'you're all jags, y'know that?'

'Who's a jag?' Kenny walked in 'everyone in this room according to Choco' Preston said 'even me?' The green-eyed boy faked crying 'naw,you're a good Kenny' I wriggled my eyebrows 'a good Kenny ay?' They all groaned 'just no,I'm done,one thousand percent done' Choco got out of bed and walked out.

'Choco, get back into bed right now!' I nearly burst out laughing 'n-not in that way!' Kenny added 'but I'm hungry, I want snacks!' The chocobo yelled from downstairs 'I want Oreo's' I remembered an Oreo prank Preston did with his siblings once and grinned 'make sure it doesn't have any toothpaste in it, you never trust Preston with Oreo's!' He shrugged 'they were asking for it'


Lil Lachy's POV sponsored by Generic O's


'Vikk I took pity on you with my Death Cup, what the actual fudge was in yours!' I yelled between coughs 'chilli, vinegar, mango chutney, chocolate milk and chocolate drops, I didn't think it would be that bad' he replied, giving me a bottle of water 'I think Mitch and Jerome were nicer with their ones...' I muttered before throwing up.

'Okay I take that back, looking at it now it looks disgusting' he apologised 'well of course it does' I cleaned the sick up and sat on the sofa,drinking the water 'sorry about that Lachy'

I said nothing 'Lachlan,it was a joke, I didn't know it would make you throw up' he sat next to me and I turned away,slowly turning invisible and putting the water down 'don't turn invisible Lachlan, it's not polite' I snorted 'and making someone throw up is? Thanks a lot mate'

Walking around the room, I sat on the sideboard 'come on Lachlan, I said I was sorry!' He tried to find me and I laughed 'you won't find me Vikk'

'Bet I will' he started running around 'wait, don't run, you might hurt yourself!' I called anxiously 'I'll be fine Powers, now give me a clue to where you are' I went outside to the pool 'it's quiet wet outside' I gave him an easy one 'hot tub?'



'Yep, but where?' He started running faster around the pool, trying to find me 'don't run Vikk, I'm serious this time' he ignored me and slipped, falling in *wait...VIKK'S A TERRIBLE SWIMMER!* I looked in and saw him at the bottom, struggling to get up.

I took my hoodie off and jumped in,t rying to grab his arms, but he was flailing too much - until he was still *VIKK?!?!?!* I grabbed him and swam up,taking deep breaths of air 'come one Vikk, wake up!' I shook him,nothing 'Vikram I swear to God if you die... please...'

'...don't c-call me that Powers' he said weakly, and I sighed in relief 'I though y-you were going to die!'

'Can you at least turn visible? I can't see you' I did so and hugged him tightly 'I fudging told you not to run' he nodded and shivered 'I'm cold...' I gave him my hoodie 'thanks Lachy, you're literally a life saver' he tried to stand but fell over, nearly going in the pool again 'you're not walking anywhere mate' I picked him up and took him into the house despite his protests, putting him on his bed.

'You're a jag, but you're an awesome ja-we never got rid of the spider did we' my eyes turned towards the bucket and my heart rate increased 'I'll do it' he got a plastic bag and carefully lifted the bucket 'it's dead!' He scooped it into the bag and swung it in my direction 'scared of a little spider Lachlan?' He teased as I bolted out the room,using my super speed.

I found a hiding spot and jumped in, locking the door and breathing heavily, my hiding place you ask? Jerome's closet (there goes the fourth wall Lachlan, smashed into it while you were running ay?) 

'Not again Lachlan, I wasn't actually going to throw it at you, please come out!' I shivered and hugged my knees tightly, hearing footsteps nearing my location 'you in there Lachy?' There was a knock and I whimpered 'I'll take that as a yes, you coming out?'

'No' I would probably go when he left because it was fudging freezing in here, so cold I didn't even notice Vikk had started singing quietly.

'Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everythiny
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing
Hello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet
There's such a difference between us
And a million miles
Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done

But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside

At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

But it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Hello, how are you?

It's so typical of me to talk about myself. I'm sorry

I hope that you're well

Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?

And it's no secret that the both of us

Are running out of time

So hello from the other side (other side)

I must have called a thousand times (thousand times)

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done

But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside (outside)

At least I can say that I've tried (I've tried)

To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

But it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore


Hello from the other side (other side)

I must have called a thousand times (thousand times)

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done

But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside (outside)

At least I can say that I've tried (I've tried)

To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

But it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore...' I had joined in halfway through, feeling really guilty 'I'll leave you alone...' I heard him stand up and walk away before I unlocked the door and tackle-hugged him 'I'm-sorry-for-being-such-a-wimp-and-running-away-all-the-time' I said quickly, and he hugged me back 'I'm sorry for trying to scare you all the time,I  just get really, really bored'

'Most of the time I deserve it though, I'm a real jag aren't I' he nodded 'but I threw a spider at your face, which I didn't actually get rid of, I just put it by the door' I went to throw the bag in the bin, but it was empty 'oh no... Vikk, we have a problem!' He jogged in 'wassup?' I pointed at the empty bag 'that means it's still in the house, Vikk. We need to find it, Vikk. It wants to be chucked in the bin to die a painful death'

'Already found it' I sighed 'where?'

'On your back' I felt something crawling up my shirt (I actually just felt that too 0-0 HELP MEEEEEEE) and I screamed 'getitoffgetitoffgetitoff!' I started running around and had an idea 'I'm gonna jump in the pool!' I cannonballed in and turned around, seeing it floating beside me 'hell no!' I rocketed out and into my room, slamming the door and diving under my bed covers.

 Vikk came in after me 'did you kill it?' I glared at him 'no, I smothered it in hugs and kisses, what do you think I did?!' He put his hands up in surrender 'I got you something earlier anyway' I perked up 'What is it?'

'Nothing much,but I know you like snowmen,so...' He pulled a Minecraft snowman plushie from behind him 'you think I like snowmen? I think you're mistaken' his face fell 'I love snowmen,thanks Vikky!' He gave it to me and I hugged him,again (XD)

'Wait... So you like it?' I nodded eagerly 'good, because they banned me from the store for accidently knocking over a shelf' he blushed slightly *god damnit he's so adorable when he blus-WAIT WHAT?! Nahhhh I'm going insane* 'I'm not even gonna ask how you did that'

'It's because I'm too short to reach anything!' He huffed 'you're not that short Vikkstar one, two and three'

'It's okay for you, you're tall' he muttered, and random objects started floating in the air 'who's using The Force?' I asked as I slowly started rising too 'what do you m-oh my God you're flying!'

I looked around and felt something start to constrict my breathing 'I would never have *cough* noticed' I said sarcastically, trying to get down 'I'm gonna try and pull you, okay?' I don't really have any choice Vikk, but thanks for telling me 'ready?' I nodded as best as I could and he grabbed my hand.

'It's not working' it started becoming harder to breath 'Are you okay?'

'Can't... breathe...' I wheezed, and a panicked look smacked him in the face 'is there any way to get you down?! I'm too fucking short!' The objects and I all crashed to the ground at this sudden outburst, and I banged my head on my desk (I keep hurting you... I'm sorry ;( )  

'Lachlan?! Lachlan,say something, anything!' He shook me 'Try to stay awake, I'll call an ambulance' I motioned "no" 'you might have a concussion, I can't let you be hurt' my eyes asked why not 'because... because... because I love you!' I froze.

His eyes closed 'I always have, but I knew you would hate me if I told you' I crawled over to him weakly 'I don't hate you Vikk, you're my shooting star' I whispered, kissing him softly.

He dropped the phone in shock, but kissed back 'I love you Lachy' he said, pulling away 'I love you too Icky Vikky...' I started getting dizzy 'stay awake Lachlan, please' nodding, I found the plushie he had given me earlier and hugged it tightly 'remember the first time we met? It was a PAX panel, we both thought we were going in and argued about it but then Pete walked on like a boss' I smiled 'and we looked at each other like "what just happened" then started laughing, the audience had no idea what was so funny when we went on stage, that was a good day'

'Hey, hey Vikk, guess what?' He tilted his head 'what?' I grinned 'today-'

'Lachlan no'

'Is a-'

'I swear to God Lachlan if you finish that sentence'

'...GOOD DAY!' I screamed, probably messing up my vocal cords 'oh my God Lachlan, I can't even' he laughed, rolling around on the floor 'jUSt my AcE PersONAlitY' I shut my mouth immediately 'you seriously messed up your vocal cords didn't you... I told you not to quote, this is what happens when you quote!' He still laughed, even though there were tears in his eyes.

'DoN'T cRy VIkKy' I put an arm around his shoulders 'but if I didn't do that telekinesis thing then you wouldn't be hurt!' 

'thAt WaS YOu?' He nodded 'I got it when you got zapped, some electricity hit my head' I looked at him worriedly 'diD yOu GEt hUrT?' He shook his head 'not as bad as you could have been'

*so you still got hurt* I pulled a "-3-" face 'don't look at me like that Lachlan' I raised an eyebrow and grabbed a notebook "it's my job to worry" I wrote, showing him the paper and crossing my arms "anyway, when are the others gonna get back? I'm booooooooooooooooooooored" he rolled his eyes 'so I'm not fun enough?'

"No no, I didn't mean it like that!'" He smiled 'I know, just messing with you' I glared at him playfully as someone put their head around the door 'hey guys! We're back!' Jerome chirped 'hi Jerome! Vikk said,and I waved "hai Jerome!"

'Why're you writing instead of talking?' I tried to talk to show him, but no noise came out "NOW I'VE COMPLETELY LOST MY VOICE >:c

'How did you lose your voice? I can't take my eyes off you for one minute!' He joked "Vikk has telekinesis and accidentally made some stuff including me float, things get a little complicated after that" it took me ages to write, but Jerome got the message 'I'll tell Mitch, do Rob and Preston already know?'

'they went over to Kenny and Choco's house, apparently a gang got them in an alleyway' Vikk shuddered 'who got beaten up?' Mitch asked 'Choco and Kenny, I'm texting them now' they both walked out the room and I sighed, leaning my head on Vikk's arm 'tired?'

"What do you think? I wanna sleep" he smiled again and picked me up 'you're really light,you know that?' I shrugged and rolled off his arms into bed 'g'night Lil Lachy, see you later' he whispered,kissing my forehead "night Vikky"


Ehhhhhh I'm sorry I had to do fluff,WHEN I'M BORED I DO FLUFF XD let's pretend that Mitch and Jerome recorded the "Team Crafted reunion - Cops 'n' Robbers!" While they were away,okay? Okay c:


That sounded terrible


Does anyone want butterscotch-cinnamon pie?

0-0 okaayyyyy bai!

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