Chapter 4:Minecraft and More! (I had to XD)

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Mitch's POV


'Guys, we need to record, all the fans think we're dead!' Rob yelled, looking up from his computer 'what? It's only been a we-okay that's a long time for us, how about some Mad Pack?' I suggested.

They all looked at me 'Never again, I'm never playing Mad Pack at your house ever again Mitch!' Preston said 'I didn't know there was a storm, the news said nothing!'

'You watch the news biggums?'

'' they all groaned and facepalmed 'okay, what about Crazy Craft? We can Skype the others, like a mega episode!' We agreed and I ran into my recording room, pulling Skype and Minecraft up to call everyone 'this is gonna lag like crazy with all the facecams!' Jerome shouted from down the corridor 'who's hosting?'

'Nose goes!' I screamed,and various others copied me 'Vikk's hosting the entire call, may the odds forever be in your favour' we joined the call and waited for Brandon, Mat, Kenny and Choco.

'Wait, is Lachlan recording?' The Aussie shook his head 'he says "I don't want my fans to hear my voice like this and I am a jag"' Vikk translated 'oI! NoT COOl ViKk, I dID noT wrITe tHat' Nooch and Pete joined 'everyone think's you're dead!' Pete said as soon as he joined.

I grinned 'nice to see you too Brandon, there were some... technical difficulties during the last recording and it broke all our equipment, we had to wait for a shipment of new ones'

He narrowed his eyes 'it looks exactly the same, are you lying?' Kenny and Choco appeared on screen 'hiya guys!' Choco chirped (heh,geddit? Because he's a chocobo? No? Okay XD) 'hey Choco! How's your leg?' When they went to the hospital it turned out he had sprained it 'it's better than it was a few days ago, thanks for asking guys'

'Okay, shall I do the intro?' The Pack started screaming at me not to 'okay, what happened? Usually Mitch does the intro and now you guys are acting like if he does you'll die or something' Mat said,crossing his arms 'uhh... he's been jinxed' Preston said lamely 'what really happened?'

'You wouldn't believe us if we told you' they all exchanged glances 'we would, trust m-'

'Kenny told us about Rob and Preston's powers' Choco blurted out 'oh... well there's more, Lachlan's got lightning powers and I have telekinesis' Vikk said 'this is unbelievable, I'm sorry but it's true, you don't have any proof!' We looked at each other 'Okay, people with powers do their stuff, everyone watch carefully'

They leaned into their screens and Lachlan zipped into Rob's room, making a snowman with snow Rob made, then Vikk used telekinesis to put it in Preston's room where he melted it 'believe us now?' 

Mat still didn't seem convinced, Pete had his jaw wide open, and Kenny and Choco just laughed 'we told you!'

'...special effects!' Mat yelled suddenly 'Dood, it's a live call, this is the real deal!' I quickly texted Lachlan, telling him to run to Mat's house 'why are you smiling like that?' We all saw Lachlan sneak up behind him 'bElieVe US nOW?'

The Canadian screeched, punching Lachlan in the face 'shit, sorry Lachlan! I believe you now, just don't do that ever again' he nodded and ran back into Vikk's room 'are you okay? Does it hurt much?'

'Hashtag Vikklan!' Preston screamed 'OTP, OTP, OTP' Rob added 'guys, stopm Me and Lachlan are just good friends okay? End of discussion, now let's play Minecraft' everyone was shocked at the tiny Brit's sudden outburst, but started recording anyway.

'Hey guys, Rob here for some Crazy Craft with Preston, Lachlan, Mitch, Jerome, Vikk, Pete, Kenny, Choco and Mat!' He said in one breath, and we clapped 'oh yeah, before anyone asks I spawned a King a few episodes ago, it went near Jay's house' Pete said.

'It's at my house now,thanks a lot Pete!' Jerome protested, and he shrugged 'I don't control the King, the King controls the thing you need to kill the King, the thing!' Everyone stared at the slimy youtuber 

'Oh and by the way, me and Preston are going to the hospital to get an arm sling' Rob said, joining in with the "ing"ing and rapidly clicking 'if you want to know what happened, I'll make a Vlog later' 


2 hours later


'-and that's why I'm never trusting Kenny with spawn eggs, well I hope you enjoyed this episode of Crazy Cra-'

All of The Pack (with the exception of Lachlan) decided to yell 'AND WE'RE NOT DEAD!' Halfway through Choco's outro, causing Mat to nearly flip his desk 'oh sweet Jesus, did you have to be so loud? Rest In Peace In Pepperoni's my ears' Preston complained 'you were yelling too' 

'Touché, but Lachlan didn't say anything, mind me asking why?'

'He lost his voice during a yelling match, that and he kept screaming because there was a tarantula in my room' Vikk explained 'he was in your room ay?' Kenny teased, and Vikk stood up 'one hundred percent done, I'm out, asta la vista! Bonjour, whatever it is'

'Bonjour's French for hello' I said,trying not to laugh 'I don't language good' he replied simply 'it's still recording Vikk, all the audience can see this' we slowly turned our chairs to the cameras and switched them off, started to laugh uncontrollably.

Mat and Brandon left the call,saying they had to go and see Mat's relatives (yes I made NoochZahHutt cannon,you're welcome XD) 'so, how's stuff going over there? Apart from a power cut and Mitch's fuse box' Kenny asked, and I sighed 'it's not my fault guys, stop saying it is' leaving the call and exiting Minecraft, I flopped onto my bed.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door 'biggums? You okay in there?' I pretended to be asleep as he opened the door 'aww...none of this was your fault Benja,I believe you' he kissed my forehead and left, quietly closing the door behind him as tears filled my eyes.

'Why do they all think it's my fault, at least Jerome believes me, but why don't the others?!' I cried, punching the pillow.

I missed and hit the wall, sending flakes of paint and blood everywhere 'fuck' I muttered, sneaking into the bathroom and grabbing some bandages 'Mitch?' I froze 'Jerome, this isn't what it looks like, I accidently-on-purpose punched the wall'

'I know, I was watching through your door' I turned and saw him 'not stalkerish at all Fluffy' he grinned sheepishly 'sorry, but I was worried about you' I kissed him softly 'one of the many reasons I love you'


Preston's POV


'Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob,hey Rob, Rob, Ro-' he slapped my hand away 'what?! I'm kind of busy right now' I gave him a sad look 's-sorry Woofless' I walked into the back garden and sighed, feeling the wind ruffle my hair.

*why am I such a screw would be better for everyone if I just disappeared* I tried summoning a small flame and ended up with a huge one in both hands 'shootshootshootshootshoot' I said, trying to put it out.

It became bigger and started spreading to my arms 'no, not bigger, smaller, a teeny tiny flame, please?' 

'Preston, what are you doing?!' Vikk yelled, running out with Lachlan 'I-I can't stop it!' Lachlan tackled me into the pool, and it went out 'thanks Lachlan' I said when we got out, and he gave me a small thumbs up 'what happened? Usually you can control your powers' Vikk asked.

'I don't know, I just came out after accidentally and seriously annoying Rob and tried to make a small one then BOOM oh hi Preston I'm a huge fire that could possibly kill your friends' they thought about it, then Lachlan grabbed his notebook "maybe it was because you were upset about Rob? I don't know, but I've figured that most of the time powers follow your emotions" he wrote 'that would make sense, like when you're scared you turn invisible, and when you're angry or sad you make stuff float'

'True... but how did you annoy Rob? Usually he's a calm guy' I sighed 'I was going to ask him if he wanted to go swimming or something, but it's the way I did it I guess' 

'How did you do it?' I looked away 'come on, say I'm Rob' I gave in and started poking Vikk-Rob's face 'Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, hey Rob,Ro-' then he slapped my hand away and said 'what?! I'm kind of busy right now' so I came out and you know the rest'

"Maybe because he doesn't like hospitals? At least that's what you said when Jerome was in there, why does he hate them anyway?"

'I think it's because he was in a car crash when he was a kid, his sitter was admitted in but she never came out, he kind of blames them for that' they looked at each other 'he never mentioned that... oh,you're going in today aren't you?'

I nodded 'yeah, they eventually got me to agree to go check my arm out, but it's fine!' Lachlan narrowed his eyes and squeezed it 'I take that back, not fine,not fine at all!' "Sorry! I just wanted to test it, you're a good liar but I'm a detective"

'I thought you were a jag' he rolled his eyes "ha ha, very funny smart guy" it started raining 'really?! I hate rain' I whined 'the door's literally right there Plebston'

We went inside 'I'm not a pleb, you're a pleb, pleb!' I playfully punched them both in the shoulders and bounded upstairs to my room as the rain turned into snow *maybe Rob?* I knocked on his door softly 'Robbie? You in there?' There was a muffled cry 'Rob?' Okay, now I'm worried.


'Can I come in?'

'No! I mean,uh...' I tried to open the door but it was frozen shut 'Rob, don't do an Elsa, open the door' I heard him coming over and rattling the handle 'it's frozen shut!' He said from the other side 'can't you budge it? I would try and warm it up but I could burn the whole house down,anyway, why the fudge is it frozen?'

'I don't know, it was after you left...' He trailed off and sighed 'I shouldn't have snapped at you, I was just nervous because we were going to the hospital' 

'Rob, you've got every right to be nervous,now stand back because I'm gonna barge the door' I heard shuffling 'okay, I'm away' I stood back and ran into it, landing with my legs against the wall and with my back on the floor 'hi Rob, nice day today'

He ran over and helped me up 'are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Is your arm sore? This is all my fault, I shouldn't have snapped an-' I put a finger in his lips 'shush Robert'

'But I-'



'Robert Aaron Latsky, shush the fudge up, this. is. not. your. fault, okay? Good' he bit his lip and opened his mouth to say something 'listen, you're only human, we all make mistakes'

He stayed silent, but snowflakes started falling in the room 'you're making it snow, don't let Lachlan see' I joked,and he looked up 'again? Ugh, why can't I control it?!' Snow turned to hail 'and now it's hailing, calm down and think happy thoughts,like flowers!' He closed his eyes and started muttering stuff as the hail slowly stopped.

'See? It stopped, Lachlan said the powers are controlled by emotion so... Yeah' I shrugged and picked up a stray peice of frozen ice,throwing it up and down in the air 'should you really be doing that? That's your bad arm'

'But I'm bored, and the appointment's not until six' I complained 'We don't have that long, it's only...three o clock now. This is gonna take forever'

'And the rain outside still hasn't stopped'


Vikk's POV


"Vikk, can we go out somewhere? I'm bored" Lachlan wrote 'but what if you get a cold? Cold means pneumonia, pneumonia means death, death equals sadness, sadness is not good - well neither's death or pneumonia but-' he looked around and quickly kissed me 'I was rambling wasn't I'

He nodded 'okay I agree with you, let's go even though it's freezing cold out there' telling me to stay here, he ran into his room *okay, not weird at all* a light blue blur (#THEBLURRRRRR XD) shoved a black hoodie over my head 'I got you a prESenT' His voice still twitched sometimes, but overall he was good 'aw, thanks Lachy!' I slid my arms into the sleeves and grabbed his hand 'come on!'

We ran outside and I put my hood down, spinning around 'just like Britain!' I laughed, and loud booms sounded across the area 'thunder?'

'LOOK OUT!' He shoved me to the left as lightning hit where I was just a few seconds ago, where Lachlan now was 'o-oh my God, Lachlan?!' He stood up slowly and turned towards me, a slight buzz in the air 'that was... weird'

'Your left eye is glowing' I said shakily, trying to take in what just happened 'what?!' He looked in a puddle and squeaked, small thunderbolts shooting from his fingers *he must have been supercharged again, he needs to get rid of the excess energy or he could die!*

'Wait, because I've been struck by lightning, I could die because I have too much energy?!' I looked at him weirdly 'I didn't say that, how did you know?'

'You did,I heard you' I shook my head *guess I did say it out loud... wait, Lachlan can you read my mind?* 'ye-you were thinking that, not saying it?!'

'Apparently so, looks like your abilities have been boosted again' his eyes widened 'how do I get rid of excess energy?' I thought about it 'try shooting lightning into the sky, it would make you a little bit tired but should work' he pointed his hand at the sky and multi-coloured lights shot into the sky 'okay, now what?'

I looked around 'wait until you can't do that anymore?' Just as I said that, the beams started getting dimmer and smaller until they disappeared 'you were right about feeling tired, is my eye still glowing though?' I shook my head again 'they look a little lighter than before, just a tiny bit, but no, they're fine' I smiled 'thanks for saving me again by the way'

'No problem bae now can we go and see a movie?' He seemed more like he was before the power cut which was cool 'sure what do you wanna see?'

We started walking into town 'how about... Deadpool? I haven't seen that yet' I shrugged 'I don't see why not'


*suddenly a wild Luna appears* Hellooooooooo!

Why her of all people?

Shaddap Crystal

Oh God it's you two again XD

Ignore them,they're just me OC's arguing about what Crystal did in THT XD

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