39. Anticipating things

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"I knew when my eyes met yours. You are the one; the only stranger I can trust."


Sampurnaa's pov:

I walked out of the room into the living room. Dida was overexcited.
She came and hugged me happily. Aunty followed her mother's suit.
I was feeling really overwhelmed.

Boudi pushed her brother forward and then told me, "You both can go and talk to each other first."

I wanted to speak to him but I had no idea what I had to say.
Maa suggested us to go to the balcony.

I walked ahead and he followed.
I decided to get done with the discussion than to procastrinate it.
"I agreed for this marriage after a lot of thought. I'll be honest with you. You are a trustworthy person. After all that has happened in the last few months, I know one thing for sure; you'll never treat me with disrespect or breach my professional space. I agreed for this because our family feels optimistic about us."

He smiled.

Even though the conversation is actually pretty awkward, it is better to discuss all that we have on our minds openly. Maybe that would help to develop our relationship in the near future.

I fell silent after that. The sun had not set. It was gradually going down the horizon. He broke the serene silence and turned to look at me.
"I do not doubt the fact that you and I would be compatible when it comes to our thoughts and our expectations. However, there are some things I would like to tell you.
1. I am not keen on leaving my parents and going anywhere
2. I will always support you when it comes to your dreams and jobs. I will always trust you.
3. Your money and my money won't be something we'll be arguing over. If we get married, then at the end of the day everything will be ours.
4. A husband and a wife share their entire lives. They know one another better than anyone else. I am always going to be transparent with you.
5. We know one another on professional grounds. Things don't change all of a sudden. Let us take our own time to accept one another
6. I am not a mind reader, so I won't understand you unless you make me understand.
7. This is just the beginning. I don't know what my future holds for me. I'll try honestly to be the husband you want, without losing my originality and individuality."

I nodded once he was done. He had valid points and I agreed with them. My turn came after that.

"I am ready to marry you. Honestly, like you said, we just know one another now, professionally and we are friends or acquaintances whatever you'd like to say.
I do not expect anything extraordinary from you. I am not a believer of fairy tales. I believe in a practical life and I am ready to take one day at a given time."

"I have had two girlfriends at university in the UK." he blurted out

"I don't mind as long as you don't cheat me after marriage."

"I wouldn't"

There was something on my mind... But I was hesitating to tell him.
I began fidgeting with my fingers. A clear indication that I had suppressed queries.

He took my hand in his very carefully and hesitatingly.
I looked up.
"Speak up whatever you have on your mind!" he told me

I took a deep breath and then spoke out, "You know what happened with me at the... brothel. Is there... Anything... About... I mean... I was wondering if... you... had anything to say about... I mean..."

My voice trailed off but I couldn't bring it upon myself to finish asking him that question.
He abruptly let go of my hand and looked at me in an eerily calm way, "Why did you stop? What were you about to ask? Did you ask yourself that?"

I looked down in embarrassment and guilt.

He asked me to look up at him.

I did.

"Listen to one thing and listen good. It wasn't your fault! What happened that day was a criminal's sin and I promise I'll get them behind bars. Even if it wasn't me today, Sampurnaa, no man ever has the right to question your chastity and purity! This isn't the vedic age.
Moreover, anyone who thinks that victims of molestation and rape are at fault, deserve to die. They are societal parasites... You don't allow me or anyone else to ever question you. And most importantly, you must always respect yourself. You and I, both know what happened there. I cannot even think of something like that... You were strong, so you survived. Now, you need to develop more strength so that you accept everything that happened."

His tone was sincere.
I don't really know what will happen in the future, but the beginning for now is a good one.


We walked inside after that.
Dida was the first one to ask us both if we were clear about our decision.
I nodded in affirmation and so did he.

The mood in the room instantly brightened up. It was 5.30 pm.

Dida immediately asked Baba to call the local priest for looking up wedding dates.

Before his arrival, Boudi asked me when I wanted to get married.
I replied to her casually because honestly I haven't given it all much thought, "I will marry when you want me to."

Indrayan was asked the same question by Dada. His reply was similar to mine.

Dida was keen on getting us married within a few months. Maa, Baba, Uncle and Aunty were fine with it too.
Boudi and Dada were concerned about their baby and Boudi's pregnancy.

Things would become difficult after she entered her second trimester in December.

Eventually, I decided to speak up because they were going too far with wedding dates, destination, honeymoon and what not.
"If he doesn't have a problem, we would just like to get married for now. The rest of the stuff, trips and destinations will be only after the final verdict is given by the judge at the court."

Indrayan voiced his approval at my decision too.

"Dida, Maa, Baba, Aunty and Uncle; I don't know about him, but I would prefer getting married in Mumbai. Since I joined my job recently, I cannot afford more than 15 PL s. As it is I have used 9. It will be really convenient for me if you allow me to go on leave from the day before the wedding till bou-bhaat. The only way I may get to keep my job is by joining work the day after the wedding reception."

Indrayan spoke up before anyone else could react, "Her career comes first. I don't have any issue with any of her requests."

The others nodded after analysing the situation from my point of view.
We decided to stall the discussions till the priest's arrival.

I went of to take a shower again. I have to pack up my things as well. Indrayan and I have an early morning flight to catch.


Indrayan's pov:

I really don't get Sampurnaa.
She was about to ask me if I think anything about what happened with her at the brothel. How can I as a random man ever question her about it? It was an unfortunate incidence that happened with her. Neither I nor any other man has the right to question a woman's character or even think about purity and chastity tests!

Marriage is a bond between two people... Not legalized prostitution that I would simply ask her personal questions about her body.... Did she really think that I would reject her because she is considered 'impure' according to the narrow-minded society?

I was a bit angry at her baseless assumptions and doubts; maybe that is a part of the trauma that is still fresh on her mind.
We decided to talk about the details of the wedding programme after the dates were finalized.

The priest arrived at 6. He lives nearby.

We greeted him and asked him to take his seat.
No one in our family believed much in astrology, so horoscope and birth chart compatibility was something we chose to ignore.
The priest asked us, "When do you want the wedding dates?"

Sampurnaa's parents were keen on next year while Dida and Adrija wanted the wedding this year. I looked at Sampurnaa.
Her face gave nothing away. Looks like she knows that Dida is well capable of getting us married in an hour's time if that works out!

Finally, the priest gave us three dates for the wedding: 28th November, 2nd December and 12th December.
We Bengalis don't have the engagement ceremony.
Instead we have an Aashirbad.
Aashirbad ceremony: This is a ceremony where the bride and groom are formally accepted by both the families. All the family members shower the blessings on the would-be Bengali bride and groom. They put husked rice and trefoil leaves on their head. They also give gifts like gold jewelry, clothes, sweets and other things to the bride and groom.

Text credit: lovevivah.com

Dida asked for aashirbad dates. The priest informed that 28th November would be the perfect date for the marriage and that 27th is the perfect date for aashirbad. Moreover it was Dida's birthday on the 27th.
Maa listened to whatever thakurmoshai had to say and then asked Sampurnaa's parents if they were okay with the wedding being conducted that early. The priest left then after Sampurnaa's father gave him his dakshina for his help.

Sampurnaa's mother voiced her concerns, "Arranging a wedding ceremony isn't a problem. We are okay with it. I just want to know my daughter's opinion."

Sampurnaa had been quite silent. Her mother asked her if she was alright with the wedding being held earlier.
She looked up without hesitation and said, "I have no problem, Maa. Be it today or be it tomorrow... It is all the same."

"But child, you are leaving tomorrow! We have sarees to shop for! I am not buying my daughter's wedding dress from Mumbai! I am going to Triangular Park tomorrow and buying you the sarees for the wedding." her mother exclaimed

My mother also cut in between, "I am shopping for my son's wedding attire over here as well."

Sampurnaa spoke only after the mothers were done with discussing which shop they wanted to visit and what they had to buy.
"Maa! I have to go tomorrow and join work! I am not going to be involved in the saree shopping. You can choose my wedding attire for me. I just want it to be red in colour; like a traditional bride's."

Dida heard that and teased her about becoming a bride soon. She blushed red and looked down at her lap.
The rest of the evening passed like this.

Maa and Dad wanted to stay back as it would be convenient to discuss wedding plans. I took the key to our house in Ballygunge circular road and went there to pack my stuff in the suitcase. I returned back to Adrija's in-laws' place which will soon become my in-laws' too at 9 pm.

The excitement was comparatively under control and things seemed normal.
During dinner, we talked about the guests. Sampurnaa's father was more concerned about where the wedding rituals would be held.
In the end, it was decided that the Ashirbad, the bou-bhaat and the reception would be held at our place and the marriage will be held at Sampurnaa's house.
The discussion continued till 11pm. It was then that Sampurnaa and I got up simultaneously because we had to wake up early.


11th October

Sampurnaa's pov:

Today is the next hearing of the case. With Frieda or Anya's first appearance at the court, drama and revelations are solicitated.
My parents are not back yet; so there has been no discussion about the impending wedding. Indrayan and I did meet yesterday, but it was only because I had to interview him about the case.
Maa called me up in high spirits. She said that she had purchased my wedding saree and that Aunty had also selected the lojja bostro.
She also instructed me to speak to my senior once and get my leave approved for a week.
I am yet to meet my boss ever since I returned because he was in New York for the Prime Minister's official tour and also the UN conference for the world leaders.
He is supposed to be back in the office today... So I will be meeting him in the evening.

The hearing is scheduled at 12 noon.

The Maharashtra state government elections are on October 21. We reporters are as busy as bees. I have been assigned the job of covering the political rallies in Navi Mumbai and Thane. So far, so good!

The main concern however is always the case!

I reached the court at 11.45. Zakir had just heard the news about our betrothal. He congratulated me and I smiled.
There is a much more serious issue on our hands right now!

Indrayan was going through a few files. I went and greeted him. He asked me to take my seat.
The files as I discovered were from some international company that Mr. Sequira's company, Sourire had tie-ups with in the past.
"What exactly are you looking for in there?"

He replied without looking up, "For someone who has a reason to destroy the Sequiras."

I rolled my eyes.
"For starters... I am one of them!"

He looked up, annoyed at my stupid comparison.
I smiled and then said quickly to escape, "I need to speak to Sridha! Bye!"

I went and spoke to Sridha about her recently concluded examinations and her health. Her mother informed me that she has almost stopped getting nightmares.
I informed them that I have been engaged to get married soon. I also told them the wedding date.
Sridha asked me like a kid for an invitation to my wedding and I smiled at her telling her that she would be my chief guest if she wants!
Her mother was asking me about my fiancé when the bailiff announced the judge's entry. We all rose up and the conversation was forgotten momentarily.


The judge asked us all to take our seats. Mr. Sequira a.k.a. Ibrahim Siddiqui, his sister Anya, the men and the women who had been caught that night were brought in by the police.
I don't know why, but I really feel a sense of satisfaction and relief when I see these fugitives restrained.

The judge asked the prosecutor to begin the trial.
Indrayan rose to his full height and sought permission from the judge to summon Ms. Anya Siddiqui to the witness box.
She walked and stood there, her expression was impassive. She was sworn in and the session progressed.

"Ms. Siddiqui, please tell the court where and how did you run away from Jannah even after the police had the area surrounded?"

She looked defiantly, almost like she was being questioned by someone beneath her dignity; but Indrayan matched her glare and the entire courtroom watched the silent exchange of words between the two.

He repeated his question and after a stern warning from the justice, she finally bothered to answer.
"It isn't very difficult to buy some money hungry police officer. I received the information after tipping him of and arranged for disguises that would help."

"Could you elaborate on the description of your disguise and your brother's?"

She smirked in a way that made me want to slap her and then answered in an infuriating way.
"I could have shot Ms. Reporter too" she looked at me and continued, "I chose to injure her slightly because I needed a way to escape and some time for prepping myself."
I clenched my fist. Why the hell did I have to lose my senses???

She continued, "While the police was capturing people, we, that is my brother and I, sneaked out with the help of the officer on our side and hid in the ambulance that carried Zeenat for the post-mortem."

There were audible gasps at that!

She was so close yet so far! How the hell did we miss her there???

She had a triumphant look on her face, "Maybe I would have been caught had the tipped off officer not been assigned the duty of travelling in the same ambulance."

I almost lost all of it when she uttered that one line. The bribed officer was the special forces chief??!! How low can people stoop for money?

Indrayan's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Are you implying that Col. Abraham Collins, who has served 10 years in the army; was the one who you bribed?"

Anya nodded her head.

I can really not digest this fact! I am positive that there is something more into all this... We can't just blindly take a fugitive's words seriously without proof!

I am guessing that Indrayan thinks the same because he changed the course of questions.
"Ms. Siddiqui, would you care to tell the court where you hid after escaping?"

She gave a victorious and high pitched laugh and then decided to enlighten us.

"I wasn't exactly hiding in my own home! You see, sometimes illusions and mirages conceal reality and guides you on the wrong path."

"Come straight to the point, Ms. Siddiqui! Do not talk in riddles!" Indrayan seethed losing a bit of his patience

The woman then looked at the judge in a menacing way and then answered, "Your honour! I just stated facts. I was in my own house in Palghar and then at my farmhouse in Panvel. The police and the investigating team happens to be quite incompetent! They never looked for me in places where I could be found! Ms. Reporter, unfortunately had brains and the time to look at things in a different way."

She glared at me once she was done speaking. I maintained strict eye-contact with her.
She continued, "I was planning to flee the country the night I was caught. But then all that happened! I haven't any clue who tried to destroy me."

The next question shot at her was about Zeenat's murder.
"Honestly, it was an accident; but she genuinely knew a lot more than she should have. Had I known that she had passed on her knowledge to some outsider...." she paused and looked at me; "I would have shot her too."

Sridha gasped aloud. She knew it was me who Anya was referring to.
Indrayan looked at me once in order to check how I was taking her words.
I nodded reassuringly and patted Sridha's shoulder.
Why should I be scared of a fugitive anyways?

The other questions asked were the drugs that Anya traded with. She admitted in the court that she had tie-ups with several illegal organisations across Europe and South America. The drugs she primarily traded in were cocaine, morphine, heroin and opium.
She was asked about the abandoned factory outlets which she had turned into bases for her trade.

The main question that had been in everyone's mind was finally asked by Indrayan.

"Why was Vijay Desai's death not reported?"

I looked closely at her for any speck of sadness or remorse. For a moment, I felt I saw a flicker of human hurt and repentance in her eyes... But that could have been my hallucination.

She looked straight without answering the asked question.
The question was repeated twice... And at the third time, an entire dam broke out!

All the bundled up human emotions seeped through the woman's eyes and she fell down crying. The entire courtroom was stunned!

Indrayan turned to me and I nodded. He should go ahead with the knowledge we had on our hands.

"He was your son. Wasn't he?" I heard Indrayan ask Anya softly

She was in a bad state.

If someone looked at her at that instant, no one would ever be able to guess that she was a criminal mastermind!

She nodded in affirmation in reply, unable to say much.

Everyone gasped in surprise. And the media representatives who stand at the back initiated a total chaos.

The justice despairingly tried to demand order in the courtroom by banging his gavel over and over again; but to no avail.

In the end, the justice threatened to arrest people. That caught everyone's attention and silence was soon restored.


Indrayan's pov:

It is kind of unbelievable to see that witch of a woman cry inconsolably. The entire court witnessed the drama unfold in silence. The judge had managed to calm the courtroom... But not this fugitive; standing in the witness box.

A couple of female officers requested for some time off, in order to get the situation under control and the justice granted them the requisite time.

The court went on break for half an hour.

Almost everyone walked out. The female officers led Anya out of the courtroom and Mr. Sequira followed close behind.
I looked around the courtroom.
My darling fiancée was sitting in her seat and shouting at someone on the phone.
"I told you that I am not available now! I will report to the studio on time! I will read the news for the evening!"

She tapped the floor with her feet impatiently while the person spoke from the other side.

"If Abhijit is reading the news tonight... Then what will I be doing?" she asked calming down a bit.

"Okay. I will host the show at 11. Yes. I have no problem. And I will be at the studio half an hour after the trial at the court ends."

She disconnected the call after that and I went to speak to her.

"Hi." she smiled when she noticed me.

She had files in her hand and seemed to be busy.

"You can continue with your work, I won't disturb you." I told her

She shook her head and kept the files away.
"I just came to know that I am not going to read the news at 7. Apparently, the Chinese President is here for a meeting and there will be a live press conference tonight. I obviously can't leave for the city now... So they want me to be at the studio; so I can correspond with the reporter there."

I nod.
"So it is at 11? The conference."..

She nodded and then asked me about the trial, "She confessed. What are you going to ask her after this?"

"I am going to ask her about Minister Desai's death and then stop questioning. Let's see what she does."

She nodded and told me about our parents' shopping expeditions. They had purchased so much! Adrija was more excited than ever before and had purchased enough sarees for her to attend 20 weddings!

A few minutes after we started conversing, Sridha came and interrupted us.

"Didi! You were telling me about your fiancé! I wanna meet him. Tell me something about him please." she requested Sampurnaa like a kid.

She looked at me and smiled.
"This is my fiancé, Sridha."
Sridha's eyes widened.
"You are marrying him???"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at her reaction.

"But Aishwarya wanted to marry him!" she blurted out

I looked at Sampurnaa for an explanation.
"Aishwarya is her classmate in college." she told me

"I don't even know who she is! Why would she want to marry me? Moreover since she is your classmate, it is obvious that she is only 20!" I asked Sridha

She giggled.
"She loves men in suits! And she liked you and your way of questioning the very first day."

I shook my head. Immature!

The bailiff entered the courtroom just then and asked everyone to rise as the judge was re-entering.
I walked back to my seat after nodding at Sampurnaa once.

The trial proceeded.

To be continued...


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