4. Rainy Days ✔

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Sampurnaa's pov:

I woke up early in the morning following a loud rumble of thunder.

It has been two months since I began working here in Mumbai. I am still just a studio correspondent running around for news, behind celebrities, policemen, lawyers, and politicians.

I certainly do enjoy my work no doubt, but in the rains, it is a real pain. While the people we run behind for news have others who hold umbrellas overhead for them, we have to run in the mud, stand in the pouring rain for hours to get the citizens to know about things happening around them. That's life for us reporters... But I guess all of us in the profession thoroughly enjoy these moments as well.
Despite all this, I totally love the rain and monsoon. The drops that make their way so delicately, sometimes harshly from those thick, dark clouds. The monsoon is after all the only time during which heaven meets the earth.

Brushing away all the poetic thoughts, I got up and went to the balcony for some fresh air and also for allowing the rain to fall on my face. Non-acidic, fresh rain is better than any face wash you'd ever find.
I enjoy the rare tranquility in the city of Mumbai reminiscing the old days.

I was born in Kolkata and I grew up there till Baba was transferred here to Mumbai when I was 11 years old. Dada was 16 then. It's been 13 years now and this has become home gradually, although Kolkata is still where our hearts would always reside.

Initially, we lived in a 3 BHK flat in Chembur. After Dada's employment and marriage, he bought the other two 1 BHK flats on the same floor as ours, and now we own the floor. It is like a house for us; just all on one floor: 3 bedrooms, 2 guestrooms, and the other two kitchens have been rebuilt into a small gym. The only person yet to be established independently is me and I had full intentions of coming all out into my profession, guns blazing.

Glancing at my watch, the clock ticked 6.30 a.m. Yawning one last time, I looked around at the few fitness freaks who had come out of their homes in this lazy weather for a jog. I scanned the sky for dark clouds and found few in the distance. But the loveliest sight my eyes ever met in the 24 years of my existence was a brilliant rainbow. Sprawled across the horizon, it met the eye to bring out just one word: mesmerizing.

I just wanted to look at it all day but I had a job!
Washing up and dressing quickly, I rushed downstairs where everyone was already at the breakfast table.

Dada and Boudi were planning to go out for the weekend to Goa and were trying to convince Ma and Baba to accompany them.

Ma: "We have spent enough years together. We don't have to go to Goa. You two can go and have fun instead."

Baba: "Thik bolche( she's right)! I have spent a long time with her. She's boring and cranky now so I don't want to visit a youthful place like Goa only to get scolded by her. She will not even allow me to drink beer at the beach!"

I was stifling my giggles while trying to finish my food fast.

Ma: "I am cranky now? You are the one who always says that after retirement, you've barely got money to spend on me. I asked you to get me that necklace that day! You said you will buy it for me only during Sampurnaa's wedding!!!"

That caught my attention and I glared at Baba.

He smiled a bit awkwardly and then said in a defensive tone, "That was an expensive one! I don't want her to waste such jewelry by wearing it at the temple or during Durga Puja. I simply wanted a major occasion and that is the only thing which came on my mind then!"

I raised my eyebrows and replied mischievously, "How about Dada and Boudi's first child's annaprashan (rice ceremony)? Or even better, your 30th wedding anniversary?"

Dada choked on his coffee while Boudi turned red and Ma and Baba looked ready to burst! No matter how hard they try, I can always catch them when they are indirectly asking me about my marriage!
Rolling my eyes at them, I rose from my seat and grabbed my purse to leave.

"Oh yes! Please do go to Goa both of you so you can have some fun together before having any knee pain or back pain or let me rephrase it: before you both become older. I will be fine here. Don't worry I am neither meeting anyone secretly nor do I have plans of getting hitched in your absence. Moreover, I have work during the weekend so I'll be busy. So Dada- Boudi, you can surely take them with you! You have my permission."
Winking at the two couples and waving goodbye at them I left for the studio.

At the studio:

"Sampurnaa!", my senior called out.
Me: "Good morning Sir! What do we do today?"

Sir: " That is what I wanted to talk to you about! I spoke to the other reporters, the sponsors, and the CEO about the proposal you kept on your first day. You have my nod for a go-ahead and a small team at your disposal. The policemen who are going to be involved for security reasons have been called today and you will be meeting them in the conference hall with me and the rest of the team at about 1 pm. Do not go for on-field reporting today as you are going to be in charge of the mission and survey and you will be reporting to me. I need you to shortlist places in Mumbai where you want us to make arrangements at and also submit a detailed plan. Am I clear?"

Me: "Sir, you want me to be in charge?"

Sir: "Yes, we want you to be in charge! Since this was your idea and it is quite perceptible from the enthusiastic way in which you presented the idea that you have some idea about the situation there at the slums. So can you present me with a pre-mission report by 6?"

Me: "Yes sir, I can. When can I meet the team?"

Sir: "Some correspondents are out on the field. You can meet them all together when you meet the police. There are only 7 people who agreed to be a part of this considering the risks and dangers. I also would like you to compile a list of what kind of crimes and criminals you may come across. Am I clear?"

Me: "Crystal clear Sir! This shall be one of the most successful exposing missions of all time!"

Senior did seem impressed by my confidence and I knew one thing for sure: this shall be the first major report I would be heading and this had no place for error. One mistake and we could ourselves be trapped in a labyrinth of crime. This was a do-or-die situation!
The moment these thoughts ran in my mind, thunder roared aloud, punctuating my fiery thoughts on a rainy day.
To be continued...

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