5. Small places✔

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Sampurnaa's pov:

It was past afternoon when Sir finally called me to his cabin for a Rendez-Vous with the team. There were 7 reporters, 5 policemen, and 3 technicians who would help us with hidden cameras and recorders.

I was pretty happy with the team. I asked them to meet up again at 6 pm as I would have a detailed plan then. Returning to my desk, I resumed my work.

At 6, we all met again. Sir gestured for me to speak and I began, "Our objective is to take turns monitoring places in disguise like the red light area in Grant Road, the slums in Dharavi and Kurla, and also local colleges where drug overdose and suicides have been rampant in the recent years. We shall begin our work from this Saturday. I want Kriti and Vinay to go for a round at Dharavi, Rina, and Asifa for around near Kurla, Peter, and Diti, you can pose as admission-seeking students in any one of the colleges I have mentioned in the list and try snooping around a bit. Abhijit and I are going to be at the red light area in the evening on Saturday. We shall have requisite police protection around us. Cameras will be provided to us on our shirt buttons and recorders on our wrists like wristbands. The only precaution you have to take is to keep yourself safe. All of you must go home and tell your family members to not call you out in case they bump into you on the road. They must behave like strangers at least when we are in risky areas. When in action, the only phone calls you are going to take are mine or your colleagues'. Am I clear?"

They nodded and assured me that they would be on time on Saturday.
I returned home sometime later taking a train from Bandra again.


Indrayan's pov:

It has been two months since that Hawai rape case and I have been waiting for a proper case to come up. Over these two months, the only cases I had been approached for were cheating and thieving cases which had been staged to get compensation and insurance money.

To say I was bored would be an understatement!

Ma and Dad had been pleasantly surprised to see their son returning to their Pali Hill 2 story bungalow early in the evening. They've thus used it to their advantage, trying to convince me for marriage, inviting random girls at home who I have steadfastly ignored, and even tried emotionally blackmailing me by getting dida (my maternal grandma) to speak to me about my impending marriage and how she wanted to see her granddaughter-in-law before her inevitable death.

I just needed a damn break or a proper case that would keep me away from all this nonsense.

Adrija had called and informed me about her plans to visit Goa with Abhi, Ma- Dad, and her in-laws the upcoming weekend. She had heard from Ma about how much free time I apparently had and wanted me to accompany them. I blatantly refused but a sister's wish is always a brother's command and so I agreed after she insisted.
To be continued...

This is a filler chapter. I shall try and update the next chapter today itself. If not today, you will definitely get it by tomorrow.

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