48. Juncture

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"Junctures, conjunctions and turning points are a part and parcel of every story. Some junctures leave impressions deeper than the rest; those are what we call true turning points... Because they change the entire scenario."

21st November

Indrayan's pov:

With the wedding inching closer, the house has been getting filled with wrapped gifts, lose gift items, giftwrapping-paper, cellotape and scissors! I have been tripping about the living room for a long time!
I had to go to the police station today. Raj Matthews, the man from the pharmacy said that he wanted to speak to me. I left the house at 10 a.m as I had to go to Byculla jail where he was held captive.


The inspector allowed me a supervised audience of 30 minutes. I set a timer in order to intimidate the man and to get answers. I also switched on the recorder on my phone as I needed audio evidence of his statements.

He gulped down the glass of water and looked at me visibly scared.
"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked him

"Sir. I am really a poor man. I am uneducated. I was given this job by the government! I told you all that I could... Please get me out of here!" he said in a meek voice

"Tell me who offered you the job. If you sent in an application through the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, then there must be records. And yes, you may have been uneducated, but are you that naive that you didn't understand that the things you were selling to the youth happen to be lethal!"

His voice quivered and he shivered at my voice.
"Ssii..rr I... Don't know who... Employed me! I had sent... In a ... Special request through the sarpanch of our village as I badly... Needed the job!"

"Why did you need the job badly?"

"Sir! My wife was pregnant with our 4th child! The first three are anyways starving at home! I needed the money to keep them alive!" he was on the verge of crying

"Who is the village head?" I asked him

"Mr. Aadesh Tripathi."

That caught my attention!

"You mean the Health Minister, Ramlal Tripathi's brother?"

He nodded vigorously.

I looked at the timer. There were 15 minutes in hand.

"Answer these questions quickly for me! Did you know anyone at the court when you came that day? Have you ever met the Health Minister? Who did you receive the medicines and the orders from?" I asked him in a hurry

He recalled for a minute and then said, "I knew Anya, Arpita maushi (aunt in Marathi), Arvind (Jena; the man arrested from Khopoli) and Ibrahim. I knew Anya's brother from newspapers.
For your other questions, I haven't met the Health Minister and the orders I received came from Anya. Sometimes, the sarpanch would pass on a few messages that he said came from a higher authority. And the medicines were delivered by Arvind every Friday."

Out of all this, only one thing caught my attention. Arpita maushi?

"Arpita maushi refers to Arpita Karune, right?" I asked him to confirm my suspicion.

He nodded.

There were just 10 minutes in hand. I had to utilise them wisely!

"How do you know Arpita?"

"Sir, my wife is a nurse. Arpita maushi has severe burn injuries on her body. They are years old but very sensitive. Once in a while, when she hurts herself in the burnt areas, she comes to visit my wife for a dressing. In fact, my wife is very fond of her and even sends the children to her when she needs rest."

And the half an hour I had been allotted was up! I thanked the inspector and told him that I had to speak to him outside.
He asked me to wait for him in his cabin while he went to lock up the man in prison.


The inspector joined me in his cabin 5 minutes later.
I briefed him about the exchange of words between the man and I. I requested him to get an arrest warrant issued against Aadesh Tripathi. He needs to be presented at the court during the next hearing without fail.
The inspector expressed his concern. What if the Health Minister intervenes and makes things difficult?

"A few problems have to be faced in order to be solved. Let us see what happens in the future! But for now, just get that arrest warrant issued! It is necessary." I told the inspector.

"He can apply for bail and escape. And the top politicians can even take action against us if we do something that isn't in their best interest."

His concerns are justified, but the situation is way more complex and needs to be simplified.
After some more reassuring, he finally agreed and I left the police station.


Sampurnaa's pov:

I didn't get the leave approved for the 24th like Maa wanted, but I did manage to get my day off sanctioned today. Boudi immediately applied for a leave today the moment she heard I had the day off.
She arranged for an appointment at the salon as she wanted me to get services done on my skin and hair.

"Why? It is an unnecessary waste of money!" I protested

She sighed helplessly and looked at Maa for help.
"All brides get services done to look special for their special day. Trust me it will make your groom stare at you all day." She spoke the last line teasingly

"Maa! I look like a homeless witch when I wake up in the morning with my hair representing a bird's nest, my eyes swollen and tired like some drunkard's and obviously with a lethargy that doesn't match a princess' grace or dignity! These things are not going to change after marriage, no matter how 'artificially' beautiful I am made to look on my wedding day!" I explained

Maa and Boudi exchanged looks that were clear indications that I was going to get dragged to the salon anyways!
What a life! The only day off I get has to be spent 'increasing my beauty quotient "artificially"'!

Okay! I have actually spent 4 hours at the salon.
Fortunately, I didn't have to get much waxing done as I had got permanent laser hair removal done the moment I had turned 18! Right now, I was getting a manicure and pedicure done simultaneously. I don't know about the relaxation, Boudi had assured me about; but I sure did feel restless! Maa was insisting on me getting a hair smoothening treatment done, but this is where I put my foot down and firmly refused. My hair is great the way it is! I like it long! And I know it is wavy and unruly, but it is natural and I am not allowing anything or anyone to destroy it in any way!

I actually spent freaking 5 hours at the salon, spending money like water. The bill amounted to Rs. 20,000! I insisted on paying it but Maa asked me to shut up and utilise the money I earned somewhere else. She told me clearly that it was her right to pay for her daughter! Her only daughter at that!

Emotional oldie! But that sort of made me realise the truth... I am going to get married in a week!!!


Indrayan's pov:

I went to the office straight from Byculla. I had a severe headache due to all the contradicting thoughts in my head. One look at me, I am sure no one would be able to guess that I am going to get married in a week!
I reviewed all the files related to the case and also referred to the copies of the court records that the stenographers took. There are three things absolutely clear to everyone now:

1. Anya and Ibrahim were a part of the dark world of human trafficking, child trafficking, forced prostitution and rape.

2. Anya was equally involved in a drug racket that very conveniently sold drugs openly all these years. Not only that, the business wasn't limited to drugs, it also involved adulterated medicines!

3. Vijay Desai was the Late Minister Desai's son with Anya. His wife had committed suicide years ago because of his infedility and that her death had been staged.
Two people had attempted to kill the Minister as was perceptible from his post mortem and there were strong reasons why his death had been anticipated and wanted by the assasin.

I had all these thoughts running in my head and I was totally engrossed in drawing flow charts and writing a list of questions that had to be asked at the court. I altered the list of witnesses and suspects.

At around 6 p.m., someone called me. I picked up the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone tiredly

"Hi! Colonel Abraham Collins has been arrested." The voice spoke earnestly on the phone.

I was alarmed.
"Who's speaking? How do I believe you?" I asked

"Are you drunk? I am Sampurnaa! You are unable to recognise my voice! And yes, you can check for the genuineness of the news I shared by switching on the television! And yes, you don't need to go about anywhere in your tired state or wasted state or whatever state you are in right now!!" the voice spoke angrily and then got disconnected abruptly.

God! I did not drink a drop today! The only thing I drank was coffee and water and I don't think it is possible to get drunk with that stuff in your system!

What the hell??!!

I went to the washroom and splashed water on my face and requested the peon for some strong coffee. My head is surely oversaturated!

I switched on the television and tuned in to India Today. Sampurnaa wasn't there on TV. It's her day off... Right!

The footage showed the Colonel being hauled by the police from some railway platform and into the police van waiting outside the station. The footage was captioned in bold letters:

The reporter on television was saying simultaneously as the footage was being played with the sound muted,

This is phenomenal! Finally the key to all locked doors was in our hand!

This is the juncture I had been looking for all along in this case! Right now, it is all about getting answers out of him!

I felt a new energy rushing through my veins. All the fatigue vanished with this one piece of information!

Just at that moment, my peon entered the office with the coffee I had asked for.
Damn it!
I have to sort things out with Sampurnaa!


Sampurnaa's pov:

He wasn't able to recognise my voice! I had called him up in high spirits just after I received the news of the Colonel's arrest from the Information and Broadcast team... And he just dampened my spirits!

And I am not forgiving him this time... Let me see what he does to earn that forgiveness.

22nd November

I have kept my phone switched off since yesterday as I did not want him to apologise over the phone. No matter how tired I have been... I have always answered his calls on time and have been helpful! He really deserves my coolness this time!

It was 10 a.m. when I reached the office. The Colonel's arrest was still hot news that was trending. I had several people tagging me on Twitter with tweets related to the case. I spent 3 hours answering tweets and debating with people through tweets.

It was around 1 when I went out of the office for a breather. What surprised me was a man standing outside the gate.

It was Indrayan!

"What are you doing here? Don't tell me you've been standing here all day!"

"Umm. Actually I just arrived here. Maa sent me here when she heard what happened yesterday. Moreover you weren't picking up my calls... What do you expect?" he clarified

I hid my smile and then looked at him sternly with my arms folded.

"I am sorry, Sampurnaa. I just had a lot on my mind back then and I was so engrossed in other things mentally that I did not pay attention to your voice. Moreover, the news was so bizarre that I couldn't help but ask if it was genuine." he explained himself and apologised

I nodded and was about to walk away when he asked, "Can coffee sort this?"

I looked at my watch. It was 1.15 p.m.
Let's trouble him a bit!

"Coffee at 1 p.m.? No thank you! But I am really hungry, so lunch would do! I pay for yours and you pay mine. Deal?" I asked him

He nodded and we both went for lunch at one of the many restaurants around.


Why is BKC so expensive?
I am feeling really guilty even asking about lunch now! One single dish costs Rs. 300! How do I even ask for that?

I was sitting with the menu card in my hand, scanning the prices for the cheapest dish on the menu. I can't possibly allow someone to pay more for me than I could afford.

"Don't look at the prices! I know you like being independent, but need I remind you what I said when our marriage was fixed?"

I tried recalling.
"Umm. The fact that your money and mine won't be something we'll quarrel over. That it will be our money." I said softly, remembering.

He nodded.
"So just go for it."

We were eating lunch and talking about the case when he said, "Let's rest the case for a moment. Can we talk normally? I mean we are getting married and we still behave like thorough professionals while talking. The only time we don't behave like professionals is when we have an argument and I think there needs to be a change. What say?"

I nodded and began,, "Do you drink?"

Wow! What a first question to ask!

"Yes, I do. But occasionally. You have any problem with that?" he asked me

"No. In fact I drink too. Only wine and beer though! Beer is way too bitter for my taste, so it is mostly wine." I confessed

"Cool. I drink more of scotch and single malt... But not regularly. Okay, next question; How do you prefer to spend your day-offs?"

Good question.
"Reading mostly. Sometimes watching a proper movie either at the cinema or at home. But I love reading and sometimes writing too. You?"

"I like catching up on football matches on Sundays. I watch the highlights and even repeat telecasts of Tennis matches and obviously movies too. I like reading as well. Okay, preferred genre of reading?" he asked.

"Thriller, psychological, mystery, romance; NOT CLICHÉ ROMANCE! That is way too cheesy!" I declared

He laughed.
His preferences were thrillers, non-fiction and science fiction.
That is how we continued our lunch, gradually trying to know one another, beyond professional walls.


To be continued...

Sorry if you found the chapter to be boring and stupid. The actual discovery in the chapter was very crucial to the progressing story and the plot. I had to fill up the rest of the chapter and that is what I did.


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