56. Proximate

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"Sometimes clouds take us close to heaven... As they bring us showers.. And sometimes they take us closer to one another; filling life with the sunshine that peeks through them."


14th December
Sampurnaa's pov:

I returned home at 8.30. Maa, Dad and Dida were in the living room when I walked in.
"You are home really early today! Planning on going somewhere?" Dida asked me with her eyebrows raised and a teasing smirk on her face
She's 70... But she is a total sport!

I nodded in affirmation.

"See, I told you they are planning on going somewhere... Why else do you think both of them returned home early?" Maa said triumphantly

I didn't know I was such a great source of entertainment!

"Now, go quickly, curfew's at 1 a.m.!" Dad told me sternly

"Curfew? You know that we are adults and married... I mean I don't think we'll take that long... But still!" I protested

"Take the key and go. I can't assure you that I'll be up and about to open the door." Dad said and I nodded

I went up to our room for freshening up and changing.

"Hi! How was your day?" Indrayan asked me just as I entered the room

"It was fine. We have a program coming up soon... Campus Talks. We will be assigned a college, anywhere in India. Senior said that he will tell us which college or university we will be assigned, on Monday. How was your day?" I asked after replying to his question

"I had a good day too. Two people approached me with their cases. The thing is that I was planning on waiting for the current case to get a closure, before taking up a new case; but I am actually inclined on taking the two cases. I was wondering what I should do."

I listened to him and then walked to the wardrobe to take out my clothes for the evening.

"Don't worry, you will figure something out." I told him and made my way to the washroom for freshening up.

I got ready in a casual dress.

I brushed my hair and left it open , after reapplying liquid vermilion. I applied some kohl and lip balm; that's it, I am ready!

Indrayan was also ready. He was wearing a casual shirt with jeans.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked him while clasping my watch on my wrist.

"We are going to Smoke House Deli. Hope that is fine?" 

"Perfect! And I guess I am definitely drinking tonight... The restaurant is well within walking distance, so I guess I don't have to worry. We are walking there, right?" I asked him

"Yes, we are walking there. I guess I would like some in my system too. It's been days!" he muttered while rubbing the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed. 

I laughed at his reaction.

"You and I happen to be on the same page!"

I grabbed my clutch and he took his wallet; we both left home after informing Maa, Dad and Dida that we were going out for dinner.


We both reached the restaurant. There is a lot of rush since it's a Saturday. The manager asked us to wait for sometime as the tables were all occupied.
We had to wait for 45 minutes.

The table that was allotted to us was outdoor. We both took our places and the waiter handed us menu cards.

"Drinks first! Please!" he requested
I laughed at his expression.
"Sure! I would like some Seagram's Nine Hills Cabernet sauvignon. And you?"

"Was that Greek that you just spoke?" he asked me incredulously
I glared at him.
"It was a brand! Red wine..." I explained

He nodded and beckoned the waiter to come over.
"I would like some Glenfiddich, On the Rocks and I don't know what she wants." he told the waiter

I raised my eyebrows but then he smirked playfully.
I told the waiter what I wanted and he went away with the orders, asking us to call him once we had decided on the food.

"Why did you ask me out all of a sudden?" I asked him while sipping my wine

"I asked you out tonight because I wanted to. Ever since we got married, we both are busy in our own jobs... The only time we talk at home happens to be regarding maids, food and clothes... And we barely talk at court unless or until I am questioning you... And obviously during car rides to the court, we are discussing the case. I guess I wanted to spend some time with my wife." he told me

I blushed a bit... Am I really that domestic that I don't talk of anything else at home?

"Okay. So are we talking anything?" I asked him

"Sure we are. There's one question that I had on my mind... Are you comfortable with me being your husband? Do I meet your expectations?" he asked me

I thought for a moment and then replied, "You meet my expectations when it comes to your mindset and thinking... And I sort of liked men with a well trimmed beard and moustache... So you meet that too... You are normal when it comes to eating food and not some fitness freak... So I guess I am happy."

He asked me in a teasing way, "You like men with a trimmed beard and moustache? So am I handsome to you?"

I rolled my eyes.
"Well since I married you, I guess you are. Anyways I have a question. Do I meet your expectations as a wife? In the sense, let's be realistic and practical... Movie stars and celebs generally have flawless skin, a fabulous physique and 'milky skin and silky hair' and 'hourglass figures' etc. I am a normal girl... Whose waist size was 36 in high school and is 30 now... I neither have flawless skin nor do I look like a 'fresh flower' when I wake up. I face normal issues like everyone else does... Are you ever disappointed that I am neither glitz nor glam?" I asked him

He glared at me.
"Is anyone glitz or glam in reality? I don't look like some 'Greek God' either! We are the way we are... And I have told you this before and I am telling this again... I did not marry you for your body or looks... However you are, I accept you... And however I am, you accept me."

We spent the night talking away over our lives as students, our likes, dislikes and expectations.... It was around 11.00 at night when we left the restaurant and commenced walking towards the house.

Indrayan's pov:

We had a good time talking over random things. I guess I got to know her better.
We walked back home as we both had drunk.
No, we did not get 'drunk' like people in books, daily soaps and movies generally do!
While walking back home, we came across a man who was selling flowers. Sampurnaa purchased some yellow, red and white roses.

"I'll keep these in a vase on the center table in the living room. They are beautiful flowers... And anyone who comes home can see that!" she told me excitedly

"You like decorating things?" I asked her curiously

"Well, I enjoy keeping my house, I mean your house clean and organised. And decor that adds to the beauty of a household is always welcome."

"Actually, it is 'our' house. The last time I checked, we both live under the same roof." I corrected her

She smiled in reply. She has a beautiful smile...

"You have a beautiful smile." I told her

"Thank you. So do you." she replied

"By the way, I forgot to tell you... But the food you cooked on Bou-bhaat was really good."

"Thank you. I am honoured!" she told me with an indifferent look on her face

The rest of the walk back home was in a comfortable silence. We both did look at one another once or twice, but we did not have anything to say.

We reached home by 11.30.
Maa, Dad and Dida were watching some Bengali movie in the living room.

"Bela sheshe? I loved the movie! It is genuinely the work and story of a genius! The actors were superb..." I heard Sampurnaa say as she went and took her place next to Dida.
Maa and Dad were seated next to one another.
I went and took my seat silently, letting the sincere movie watchers enjoy their privacy. The last 45 minutes of the movie was the part we saw and Sampurnaa was in tears when the movie ended. Maa was crying too and she made Dad promise that he won't divorce her... I don't even know what the entire story is... What the hell do I do with these crying women?

Dida beckoned me to take Sampurnaa back to our room while Dad pacified Maa and led her away.
I switched off the television and helped her to our room, upstairs.

"Are you drunk? Do you have low alcohol resistance?" I asked her baffled at her teary state

She glared at me fiercely.
"I am not drunk. It's just that the movie... It was a beautiful one! You didn't see that elderly man divorced his wife?"

"Yes. But he did that for preparing her to stand on her own feet... To step out and become independent. Moreover, they reunited in the end! They celebrated 50 years of togetherness... That is something to be happy about... Think of that and smile!" I explained her

She wiped her tears and then got up from bed.
"I am going to freshen up first, if you don't mind." she told me
"Go ahead." I shrugged

She returned back after 15 minutes in her home clothes.
"Don't worry... I wasn't crying in there."

I hid a smile and took my own nightclothes and went to freshen up.

Sampurnaa was adjusting the pillows and the duvet when I came back.
"Did you enjoy today evening?" I asked her

"I guess I did. Thank you for taking me to dinner." she told me, still focused on tucking the bed sheets properly

I sighed.
"No one who knows you from the professional front, will ever be able to guess that you are this crazy when it comes to keeping things in order."

"You wouldn't have said this had you known me 5 or 6 years ago... Maa was there at home then, so my things were always at the mercy of getting lost somewhere. I guess when I started living outside India alone, left to do all the household work and everything; that is when I became a bit crazy." she confessed

I laughed and then sat on the bed.
She sat down on her side with a book in hand.

"What are the two cases you were talking about then?" she asked me

"An elderly couple lodged a complaint against their son and daughter in-law for cheating them and extracting money from them. And the second, a lady happens to be pregnant with her estranged husband's child. She lodged a complaint of rape, abuse and cheating against her husband."

"I don't know if my opinion matters much... But I believe you should take up both of them." she told me softly before returning back to her book

I took of my spectacles and kept them on the bedside table. And I took away her book from her hands.

"Hey! I want to read that!" she protested
"Your opinion matters which is why I cared to share this with you. You get it?" I asked her

She nodded and gestured towards her book.
I handed it back to her and told her before lying down, "Switch off the light once you are done. Good night!"

The light was on only for a few minutes. She switched the light off and then lied down on the bed beside me.
"I know you are awake. Listen now!" she told me sternly

I opened my eyes and gestured her to continue.
"You know I think I know who killed the Minister. I believe it was his sister in-law."

I rolled my eyes.
"Genius! We don't even know who she is!"

"We'll find out soon enough! I feel it in my guts... We'll surely know in a few days' time." she told me confidently

"You better go to sleep... The alcohol is getting to you!" I told her teasingly

She punched my chest lightly.

I looked at her face and she looked back.
I leaned forward slightly and pecked her forehead, softly.

"Good night. You need to rest." I told her

Her eyes widened in surprise. And then upon realisation, she looked down in embarrassment.
"Good night." she told me and turned to the other side.

I don't know how long she took to fall asleep, but I was out in no time.

The next morning was a pretty slow one as Sampurnaa and I, both had leaves.

"Maa, I want to go home today. Can I?" Sampurnaa asked Maa at the breakfast table

"Obviously you can! Moreover you don't need to seek my permission or anyone else's."

"Dida, will you come with me?" she asked Dida, who nodded in yes

"Okay. We'll leave at 11 a.m.? Is that fine?" she asked Dida

What the hell! I am nowhere in the scenario!

"How do you plan on going?" I asked her deliberately

"Didn't give it much thought. Don't worry, I'll ensure that Dida remains and returns safe." she assured me

"I'll drop you both." I told her

"Drop us? If you are going there, then you know the drill! You have to be there with us."

Dida decided to speak then,
"Absolutely! I'll be ready by 11, hope you two will be here on time too."


Sampurnaa's pov:

Dida, me and Indrayan went to visit my parents, Dada and Boudi.
Maa looked really happy to see me again and Baba looked glad too. Boudi was excited to see Dida.

Dada had gone for some work. Boudi told me that he would be back in half an hour. I went to my old room in order to look for some books that I had left behind.
My old notepad was on my study table. I had left it behind and had to use a new one that day at the court, during the hearing.
I took it along with a few novels that I wanted to take back home.

Dada was back by the time Maa made lunch. I greeted him with a hug. He looked a bit tired.

"Why do you look so tired?" I asked him

"Your Boudi didn't tell you what she did?" he asked me

I shook my head.
"She woke me up at 2 at night and told me that her ring was missing. She asked me to help her look for it.
I went to look all over the house for it till 4 a.m., and when I returned back, she was asleep on the bed and she had the ring in her finger.
When I asked her where she found it, she told me that she had found it in the washroom and had forgotten to inform me."

Dida and I both started laughing at his plight while Indrayan looked away in order to hide his amusement. Maa and Baba must have heard of this incident earlier, yet their laughter was as fresh as ours!

Poor Dada!

We spent the afternoon together and talked to one another after lunch. Maa asked me if I was happy there and was jubilant when I answered positively.

Family is a boon that I'll always cherish!


We returned home at 6 p.m.
Dida went to her room and the two of us went up to our room.
I took out the books that I had got from home and began arranging them on the bookshelf. I kept the notepad on the study table.

I turned and saw Maa there at the door.

"Come in, Maa! Why are you at the door?"

She came in and handed me a bag.
"Your Dad had gone to pick up my sarees at the laundry. One of your sarees had mixed up with mine... Here you go." she told me

"Thank you, Maa! I am so careless!"
She patted my cheek and walked away.

I opened the bag.
It was my wedding saree! How the hell could I be so careless?
Indrayan walked in just then. He had gone to make coffee for the two of us.

"Did someone deliver the laundry? Did my suit come with it?" he asked me while handing my coffee

"Thank you for the coffee. And to answer your question, this is last week's laundry which Dad went to pick up. Apparently, my saree had gotten mixed up with Maa's sarees... She had come to return it."

He nodded and the two of us went and sat down in the balcony, attached to our bedroom.

"I need to go to New Delhi." he told me out of the blue

"New Delhi? When? And why?" I asked him

"I need to meet the Health Minister. He did not turn up for the previous hearing and no one could tell me if he would be along on the next date."

I thought for sometime.
"You don't go alone. The Health Minister is supposed to go to Abu Dhabi next week. Given the current situation, ideally he shouldn't be allowed to go out of the country... What if he becomes like those runaway fugitives? Moreover, he is a powerful man, what if he does something to you...  He is even a suspected murderer! Please don't go!"

He looked at me surprised.
"I am a lawyer, Sampurnaa, not one of his political rivals. He wouldn't do anything to me! Moreover, I will be going with the police agents only. I am just supposed to present the Court's summon order to him!"

I chose to remain silent then about the topic. The Health Minister is bad news! Indrayan shouldn't be meeting him at all!


To be continued...

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