Epilogue ✔

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"For life is finite... It's the memories that make it immortal."


An earnest request for this last part of Calming The Storm... Please comment... This book is really special to me... And reading what my readers think of it is a really blissful feeling... Please for the last time along this journey with Calming The Storm... Please leave inline comments for me

3 years down the line
28th November
Sampurnaa's pov:

"Happy Marriage Anniversary" I heard a voice whispering in my ear

A smile appeared on my face involuntarily, even before my eyes opened to welcome the day ahead.
"Wishing you the same." I replied with a smile, sitting up in bed.
"When did you return home yesterday? I did not even realise if you had come."

"Of course you wouldn't! We have been married for 3 years now! All this waiting up for your better half etc. exists only in the first year, right?" I asked him while getting up from the bed

He sighed.
"Those aren't my words! They are Kapil's words from The Kapil Sharma Show! You know that I stay up every time... I just well fell asleep yesterday!"

I laughed at his flustered state.
"You can relax! I was just joking... Not to be taken seriously. And to answer your question, the political editor of India Today had a lot of work to do which explains why she was so late. You see, the presidential elections are coming up."

Yes, I have been promoted to the post of Political Editor. After 3 years of continuous competition and struggle, I finally had established myself as an able journalist! I had to write several articles about political strategies and the evolution of politics... Even Chanakya neeti in order to climb my way up the ladder; from Studio Correspondent to political editor! And yes, my husband helped me a lot with it! He never minded my bizarre working hours... In fact he is the one who supported me even against my parents' wishes. They had been concerned; but he convinced them.

Oh yes! I forgot to say this... But I did get to sponsor a trip to Australia, for the two of us last year... Just as he had told me!

Yeah, we still have fights and arguments... In fact the number of arguments we have just keep going up and the subject of the arguments range from monthly expenditure to how much salt there is in the food... But things are going well and the two of us are doing well, both professionally and personally.

"Why is the light in the bathroom on?" I asked him the moment I saw the switch on

He rubbed his nape guiltily.
"I forgot to switch it off..." he replied
I raised my eyebrows and said, "... Again"

He nodded and then apologised but I wasn't obviously backing out so soon.

"Do you have any idea how much the electricity bill amounted to last month?" I asked him sternly

He shook his head.

"Of course you don't! After all I pay the electricity bill! Anyways... Unless you want to start taking up the responsibility of the electricity in our household... So, beware and please for heaven's sake stop wasting resources!"

Indrayan nodded obediently and I began laughing at his reaction and he yanked me close to him by pulling me by my wrist upon realising that I had actually been joking. I hit him on his arm and then ran away...


Maa and Dad are busy playing with Saptarshi. He is 3 years old now and comes to stay here, during weekends. He is scared of Boudi as she is a strict parent and he is excessively comfortable with Dada, because he loves his son and even saves him from Boudi's scoldings. The little prince of our household!

"Pia!" I heard him call me just as I was walking to the kitchen
Yes, he calls me Pia, because Pishi was difficult to pronounce... And hence he named me Pia. Indrayan is Mama only... Sometimes with a few extra 'ma's. Boudi is mumma and Dada is Papa. Maa is thammi, Baba is Dadai, Dad is alien while Maa is Didan. Unfortunately, Dida passed away last year, succumbing to a heart attack. She died a happy soul though, because she got to see '7 generations in a lifetime'! Her words... But I seriously miss her.

"Pia! Where are you lost?" he asked me in Bengali

I kneeled down to his level, "Kothao na! Tumi bolo ki bolbe" (nowhere! You tell me what you have to)

"Will you bake some chocolate cake?" he requested me

"I would have baked anyways! And you don't have to ask me for anything... I will always try to fulfill what you ask for. Okay?"

"Okay. Why would you bake anyways?"

I smiled at his innocent query. He doesn't have any clue as to how much his maternal uncle and paternal aunt's husband likes eating cake. It is our anniversary after all... I bake a cake for him every year.

"It is Pia and Mama's marriage anniversary, baby." Maa told him softly
I smiled at her and she returned it
"Happy Marriage Anniversary, Bouma" (daughter in-law) she wished me. She always calls me Bouma because I do behave like a grandma sometimes! Talking about vastu shastra and good dates etc.
Dad wished me and I thanked the two of them.

Indrayan had some work and so he left. As for me, I had conveniently managed to get my day off scheduled for today. I do deserve one on my... No... Our anniversary, right?
Saptarshi ran inside the kitchen when I was baking.
"Pia, you know that small doll that my classmate, Leena has, it can shut and open its eyes." he told me
I nodded and hummed in reply while he continued to chatter.
I interrupted him once in order to ask, "Baby, do you not have any friends who are boys? I mean... All of them are girls. You should try being friends with boys too."

He huffed and shook his head vigorously.
"Why?" I asked him picking him up in my arms

"I will be friends only with my brother. Pia, I want a brother. Please give me one. My friend Alya just got a new brother.You just said that you will always fulfill what I ask for!"

I was taken aback. This boy thinks that children grow on trees?
I regained my composure quickly and then told him gently, "How about you tasting some chocolate ganache?" I asked him and he nodded happily

"I will take you to the park in the evening. You will get to talk to many people! Even boys!"

"I don't want to talk to boys!"

I laughed at him and tapped his nose, "You are a boy yourself. You need to learn everything and you need to talk to everyone. Right?"

He nodded this time, distracted with the sweet ganache that he was conveniently licking from his fingers.

"Mama has come home!" Saptarshi screamed out loudly
I smiled at his enthusiasm as Indrayan picked him up.

"Hi. Had a good day?" I asked him while handing him a glass of water

"Yes, I did. I hope we are going out tonight?"
That almost came out as a question.

"Yes, we are. We are going out with Saptarshi, Maa and Dad. Since the little prince will be coming along, no drinking tonight." I replied with a smirk

He sighed annoyed, Saptarshi still in his arms.

"You know Mama, Pia baked a cake for you."

"Did she? I thought she was baking for you!" Indrayan replied while raising his eyebrows

"No, she said it is your ann...annisary."

That little...!

"Is it? And it is Anniversary. Let's see then... For now, little prince, why don't you go to your grandma and get ready? We will be going out right?"

Saptarshi nodded and got down from Indrayan's arms; immediately picking up speed to run towards Maa and Dad's room.

"Be careful, baby! You might fall down!" I immediately called out after him


"What are you wearing? And where are we going?" I heard Mr. Lawyer ask me

"Why do you care? You were busy with that murder trial and the case anyways!"
I faked anger

He looked at me and then shook his head.
"Don't even try to fake anger! You seriously can't act."

I immediately sprung up in my own defense, "I can act! You know I acted as Bheema in a play adapted from the Mahabharata. It was a Bengali one... Everyone appreciated me."

"You played Bheem?"
I nodded proudly

He burst out laughing.
"We had a play adapted from Mahabharata too. I played Lord Krishna though!" he replied still laughing

"You must have been really skinny then! I was not... Okay?" I told him while going towards my wardrobe

A pair of arms conveniently found their way around my waist just as warm lips pressed against the base of my throat.
"I am sorry. I was just teasing you... And I am sorry because the trial obviously couldn't be postponed."

I smiled instantly and held his hands that were around me, "I know that. And I am never going to complain about your professional commitments."

"By the way, wear a saree tonight. Like you did at our wedding." he whispered into my ear

"I'll think about it. Go away now!" I told him while freeing myself

I brought my attention back to the wardrobe in order to select a saree.

Yeah, we both have been together for quite a few years now... Yet there is some amount of romance still there, because
1. we both know no one is going to marry us for a second time

2. We both married each other... So arguments, fights, love and everything else is always going to involve each other!

3. Because we are stuck to one another!

We came to some fancy restaurant in BKC, for dinner. Saptarshi loves eating Chinese food... Non spicy though. He was sitting in between me and Indrayan and I was feeding him.
He was talking to Maa and Dad animatedly, "You know Pia took me to the park today. She made me talk to boys too. They are good!"

I smiled at that.

He continued, "I wish one of those boys stayed home with me. Like a brother. Mumma won't listen to me... Maybe Pia will. You tell Pia to bring me a brother, please."

Maa and Dad shared glances while I looked down at my lap, not finding it in me, to look up.
Dad decided to take things in his stride and picked Saptarshi up in his lap.
"Let's go champ! We'll go and take a look at the fish in the aquarium."

There was a silence on the table that Maa finally decided to break. She was talking about buying a dishwasher and the two of us calculated the expenses then and there, while Indrayan remained silent.

We returned home after dinner and the two of us went of to our room after kissing Saptarshi good night.

I went straight to the dressing table and began taking off my earrings. I saw Indrayan locking the door to our room, through the mirror.

"You aren't what meets the eye. You are hiding something from me. Tell me what it is!" he asked me while pulling me up from my position, gently yet firmly and turning me to face him

I tried saying something but tears streamed down my eyes. How can I tell him?

Indrayan's pov:

It's been 4 years of our marriage. I am 33 now while Sampurnaa is 29. The two of us have been doing quite well.
It is our wedding anniversary today... But something happened to Sampurnaa, the moment Saptarshi mentioned a child. He doesn't have any idea about anything anyways! I am sure he did not mean anything offensive... I really want to know what is bothering her.

I locked the door to our room the moment I entered after her. There is some serious conversation that needs to be in order!
I went towards her and pulled her up by her arm. I turned her to face me and said, "You aren't what meets the eye. You are hiding something from me. Tell me what it is!"

She tried to say something but only tears streamed down. I panicked!

"Sampurnaa, what is wrong? What has happened?"

She took a deep breath and then asked me, "You remember when we decided to have a child?"

I nodded in affirmation. The two of us had mutually decided to have a baby only after our 4th wedding anniversary i.e., today. We were positive that this was all for better, since Sampurnaa had a career to build.

She sniffed once and then continued, "This week, I visited the doctor on Monday, because I was having a lot of pain in my abdomen. The doctor suggested me to get an Ultrasonography done...."

Her voice trailed off as another tear escaped her eye. I wiped it away gently with my thumb and led her to sit on the bed. I took her hands in mine and stroked them comfortingly.

She calmed herself and then resumed speaking, "The doctor looked at my reports and said that... That I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). She told me... Told me that... I have a less than 7 percent chance... Of becoming a mother."

I stilled.
Sampurnaa looked up at me with glossy eyes.
"I am sorry. I never knew this before our marriage... I would have never married you and ruined everything if I had known. I am a barren..."
I kissed her before she could complete that sentence. The two of us were still and neither of made an attempt to move our lips... It was just like silencing one another, in order to suppress feelings.

We released one another a few minutes later and I took my place beside her. I took her hands in mine and kissed her knuckles.
"Never say that! A woman is not a birthing machine! A few things happen as destiny has in store." I tried telling her

She withdrew her hands from mine and then wiped her own tears.
"All the dreams... All the hopes... Everything is shattered!"

I shook my head.
"First things first, the doctor said that there is a 7 percent chance. If that works out then we shall have our little prince or princess. And if not, we have ourselves. And we can always adopt a child." I explained her as gently as possible

She looked up at me still overwhelmed by pain and grief, "Will you seriously not leave me? I promise... I will divorce you readily if you want to remarry..."

I cut her off,
"You think this is only your marriage that you get to decide? This is our marriage... And I am not giving up on you."

She smiled faintly and kept her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin at the top of her head. A few lonely tears escaped my eyes too as the reality sank in.

"Good morning." I heard Sampurnaa wish me just as I got up from sleep

The last night had been difficult for both of us. Sampurnaa had cried in my embrace for quite a few hours before I succeeded in patting her to sleep.

"Good morning" I wished her back
She had already taken a bath and was dressed in her office clothes.

"You have work today?"

"Actually, I need to go there in order to check, edit and send in the articles for publishing ASAP. I will be back in a few hours." she told me while brushing her hair

"You are okay, right?" I asked her after a brief moment of silence

She stiffened momentarily but regained her composure soon enough.
"You need to drop Saptarshi home today. Drop him by 1 p.m. Maa said that she will cook lunch for him today." She told me mechanically and left the room

Sigh! Can not having a child be this bad that we would end up losing one another?

Two weeks later

I dropped Saptarshi home.
Sampurnaa and I haven't spoken much in these two weeks. We still share the same room and bed, but she always sleeps on one edge of the bed, as far away from me as possible.
Maa could make out that there was something off between me and Sampurnaa. She called me to speak to me.

"I can understand that there is something wrong between you both, but I am not going to intervene. No matter what the issue is, it totally depends on the two of you to either resolve it or obliterate what you share. Just deal with everything with patience, son." she told me

I nodded and walked away.

"What am I supposed to tell her? Even if I say that it's alright and that it doesn't matter, she'll think that I am concealing my true feelings. Why does she not understand that we aren't the only couples in the world with such a problem? Do people marry only for the sake of having children someday?" I muttered to myself while pulling my own hair

I don't know for how long I had been sitting in the balcony, but the sound of a car being locked brought me out of my trance.
Sampurnaa entered the room just as I shut the door to the balcony and entered myself.
She was walking lifelessly... Almost like everything had been sucked in from inside her.
"Once you freshen up, can the two of us talk?" I asked her

She nodded and walked towards the washroom. I sighed and took my place on the edge of the bed.

"Bolo." (tell me) she said the moment she walked back into the room

I gestured her to sit next to me and she obliged. She was looking down. I took a deep breath before lifting her chin up with my index finger and thumb.
She flinched.
I immediately withdrew my hand.

"What is wrong?" I asked her stunned, "You are flinching at my touch?"

She lifted her eyes and looked straight into my eyes and replied, "Each time you try to touch me, I feel like a failure... A failure as a wife! I can't even..."

I sighed helplessly.
"When you and I got married, I told you that the two of us would combat everything together. This isn't something that we can sort out just by crying! I know that I am unable to understand your point of view or your pain... But you are constantly blaming yourself and saying that 'your dreams and hopes are shattered'! It takes two people to create a life... It isn't just your dream... It is ours. There's a challenge that has been thrown our way; and you are not doing this alone! It is either you and I, both or neither of us! We got married not for you to bear me children! A child is an extra blessing... But marriage and marital bliss, peace and love is what is primary."

She was silent for a long time. I waited for her to say something but when she didn't, I got up from my place and was about to walk out, but she caught hold of my wrist.
I turned to face her and she immediately crashed into my chest. I pulled her closer to me and kissed the top of her head.

"I am sorry that I behaved so selfishly. I never thought like you did... I promise, I'll never cry over all this again. You are right! This is our challenge... And we are going to overcome it! As far as parenthood is concerned, I don't know if I'll ever get to carry a child, but I sure do want to adopt one. I want to give that child a family and make him or her a part of our family. I am not proposing something like this today... Or right now, but I promise... We'll get to experience parenthood together! Doesn't matter if he/ she is our flesh and blood... The child will surely be a piece of my heart." she told me, her voice muffled as her face was still pressed against my chest.

I lifted her face up and pecked her lips.
"A piece of our hearts."

3 months later

Things have come back to normal gradually. We visited another doctor for a second opinion. This time I accompanied her.
The doctor revealed that only one of Sampurnaa's ovaries had multiple cysts and that there was a monocyst in the other. He briefed the two of us about medicines that could be taken and that eating healthy for a healthy uterus and ovaries would help. There are chances of her getting pregnant in spite of what the previous doctor had said, but only if Sampurnaa is taken well care of. Although, things sound easy, pregnancy would still be no less than a miracle.

And she has been taking good care of herself. There are fruits, vegetables, especially avocados that she consumes everyday, without fail. I have helped her cut down on the caffeine by regulating the number of cups of black coffee that she consumes. Even though she never had a problem or any kind of addiction to alcohol, she totally quit drinking. We both haven't revealed anything to our parents yet.
I know Sampurnaa has been acting that she's all fine... But there's still a part of her that is hoping to get pregnant. She spends a long time randomly praying.

"Hi. How was your day?" she asked me while entering the room

There was a smile on her face that really reached her eyes.
"Just cut the crap and tell me already, what are you so happy about?"

She didn't reply to my question, instead she just came and hugged me tight. I reciprocated, still confused. Before I could ask the question again, I felt her shift her lips towards my ear.
"You are going to be a father soon." she told me with tears making their way down her cheeks

I wiped them, not realising her words at that instant. She nudged me on the shoulder and repeated the same words. I pushed her away slightly and then asked her, finally after comprehending her words.
"You conceived? How? Are you serious? Am I seriously going to become a father?"


Sampurnaa's pov:

The last 3 months have been like a series of nightmares. Like any other woman, I had also nurtured the idea of becoming a mother someday... But then PCOS came as a tight slap to all my dreams! The doctor had given me certain medication and had prescribed me a diet that I had to follow meticulously. He asked me to get an Ultrasonography done 2 months after taking the medicine.

I went to the clinic today in order to get the USG done. The doctor is very senior, perhaps past 40 years of experience, so there were lots of patients. There was a long queue with at least 15 pregnant women ahead of me! I had to practically wait 2 hours... But I am glad I did!
The doctor applied the electrode gel on my abdomen while I lied down, staring at the ceiling. I was hoping that he would say that I was getting cured
gradually or even that there was hope of me becoming a mother someday... And then he dropped the bomb.

"Mrs. Chakraborty, since how long have you been taking the medecine?" he asked me out of the blue

"I have been taking it for the last 2 months doctor. I have never missed my dose."

"Well, you need to stop taking the pills then."

I looked at him bewildered.
"Does that mean that I have been cured? Please tell me doctor! Is something wrong? Did the medicines not work?" I asked him in a frenzy

He chuckled at my worked up state.
The doctor then smiled and replied, "The news is actually a good one. Although the cysts are still intact in your ovaries, they have reduced in complexity and size, which means that you responded to the treatment appropriately."

I smiled involuntarily.
"Doctor, does that mean that I will be able to conceive someday? And if I have been responding to treatment then why would you ask me to stop taking the pills?"

"Actually, you have already conceived. That is the reason why I am asking you to stop taking the pills." he told me while scribbling something on the prescription

I felt like someone had emptied a bucket of ice on me... I was frozen.

"You said... That I? I conceived?" I asked the doctor hesitantly

He smiled tenderly and then replied, "Yes, child you did. You are pregnant... And you are going to become a mother soon."

I got up into a sitting position, wiping the gel of my abdomen with a tissue paper.

"But doctor, how did I conceive?" I asked him unable to hold the question in further

"Call it a miracle, child! Because your baby is certainly a lucky gift for you and your husband."

I smiled again.
"Can I... Can I get the ultrasonography plate? I just want to see my baby once!"

"You are just two weeks pregnant. The baby is just a small dot now. The placenta is visible, so I can help you understand the image on the plate."

And he did.

I was given a long list of do's and don'ts and the doctor even prescribed me with vitamin supplements.

I drove home with an excitement radiating of me! This is so surreal!

And my husband?
His question was, "You conceived? How? Are you serious? Am I seriously going to become a father?"

I nodded again, smiling and crying at the same time

He asked me the same question twice and then pulled me into a kiss.
We broke it off when I started feeling out of breath.
He kissed my forehead, my cheeks, my hands and then finally kneeled down in front of me, in order to kiss my abdomen.

"We are going to be parents?" he asked me again, tears welling up in his eyes

I pecked his lips and then said 'yes'

I proceeded to tell him everything that the doctor told me and even showed the USG plate. True to the doctor's words, the baby was just a dot embedded in my uterine wall!
We smiled at one another looking at the scan.
"When are we telling our parents?" I asked him

"Why not announce that like Abhimanyu and Adrija did?" he suggested

I nodded in agreement.

"The doctor has asked you to accompany me to the next check-up." I informed him

"Absolutely! I am becoming a father for the first time... This isn't a joke!"

"You sound like I have become a mother multiple times!" I retorted

He rubbed my arm soothingly and told me, "You and I are lucky, Sampurnaa. We have to cherish each and every moment together. Aami baba hote jacchi! Aar tumi maa (I am going to become a father and you a mother)...We will get to experience parenthood."

I rested my head on his shoulder while muttering a small 'Amen'.
If God wills, then all will turn out fine.

The doctor was talking to Indrayan while the nurse was drawing blood from my hand. They needed to check me for any kind of hormonal imbalance or nutrient deficiency.

"Mr. Chakraborty, you must understand this. Your wife has PCOS and a weak uterus at that. Conceiving was itself a myriad task... And now she needs to carry the child and give birth. For the first trimester, ensure that she takes all her vitamin supplements on time and please do take extra care about her diet and sleep. She can continue to do her work as long as it isn't on field reporting that requires long hours of standing in the sun. Strictly, no intercourse for the first trimester. The second trimester is okay and the third trimester needs to be taken one day at a time very seriously and cautiously."

Indrayan nodded determined and I hid a smile that appeared on my lips without my permission.

We were finally embarking on a journey called parenthood!

"What! You are pregnant?" Dada asked aloud as Indrayan and I told everyone over dinner

Dad and Baba were sort of stunned... Maa and Boudi were the first ones to react. Saptarshi was oblivious to the serious discussion that was going on.

"Pia, I want some ice cream!" he whined

I got up from my place at the table in order to get him his ice cream. Dada followed me.
"You were serious, bonu?" he asked me in a disbelieving tone
I nodded in affirmation.
"I am becoming a mama?" he asked me again for confirmation
I nodded again and shoved a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"Move away now, Saptarshi asked for ice cream."

By the time I returned back, everyone had absorbed the news and looked happy enough.

Indrayan and I shared a glance after looking at our family members. They had expressions of disbelief, love and happiness while the two of us felt an overwhelming sensation of satisfaction and bliss.
A month later

I have been feeling sick in the mornings but it is all pretty manageable. Maa has been really taking good care of me. She doesn't allow me to drink coffee now because caffeine is unhealthy for the baby. Instead I get milk with Mother's Horlicks everyday.

Indrayan tries to be at home with me but his working hours and mine clash severely. He has to go to court almost everyday as there are two cases going on: a double murder trial and a serial killer who had pleaded not guilty owing to insanity. I totally understand the commitments he has the same way he understands mine... But there is sometimes a loneliness that I feel. We had discussed things, yes... But we never discussed about my job after the baby's birth.

I was gazing at the stars in the balcony when someone approached me from behind.
He backhugged me immediately and I relaxed in his arms.
"How are you doing? And our baby?" he asked me placing a hand on my abdomen

I giggled. "We both are doing fine. The baby's mumma wanted to discuss something with his/her papa."

"I am all ears."

I took a deep breath before voicing my concerns, "We have not discussed this yet but what about my job after the baby?"

"I don't want you to quit because I know journalism is your passion, but I would just request you to take into consideration your own health and our child's, for the first few months. I will always support you in your job. That is a promise!"

I kissed his cheek and murmured a thanks. He smiled and pecked my forehead.

5 months later

I am in my 6th month of pregnancy. My body has honestly undergone a lot of change in these few months. I had a round and prominent baby bump that had grown in size gradually. Saptarshi had gotten to know about his new playmate who would be coming to the world soon enough.

I am dropped at my workplace generally and the staff have also been very helpful. I still host the show at 8 and sometimes the debate at 9. My colleagues have really helped me manage my things and myself when I am on Air.
My parents have come over every weekend so they could spend time with me.
Indrayan asked me a few days ago, what names I had on my mind, but I did not reveal anything. I told him that I will reveal the name of the baby only after his/her birth.


It is the last day of Durga Puja today i.e., Dashami. We are at one of the many Bengali Cultural Associations in Mumbai. The boron and sindoor khela is in full swing. Although I have been taking part in the rituals for the last 4 years or so, it is still special, every time. This time however, I had to be helped to stand in one place while performing boron.
Indrayan never left my side all the while that I had to stand. He helped me balance myself while performing the boron. We had sindoor khela soon after and I enjoyed every bit of it. All the married women smeared my parting, face and noya( worn on the left hand) with vermilion. I did the same with my mother, my mother in-law and Boudi. Maa prayed specially for her grandchild and I prayed too...

"Thakur, ei baccha take surokshito rekho... Maajhe ekta somoy chhilo jokhon mone hoechhilo je ami kono dino maa hote parbo na... Tobe aaj jokhon ei sujog diecho, tobe doya kore nijer aashirbaad shob somoy aamader saathe rekho."
(God, please keep this child safe. There was a point in my life when I had almost accepted that I would never be able to experience motherhood... But now that you have given me this opportunity, please shower me and my family, my child with your blessings always)
I prayed while keeping a hand protectively on my baby bump. Suddenly, I felt a hand over mine. I looked up to see my husband with his face smeared with vermilion too. I took some vermilion in my hand and threw it on his face. He was taken aback. I grinned sheepishly while he threw me a challenging look. Indrayan took some vermilion of his cheek and applied it on my nose. I lifted my eyes to meet his gaze, as he whispered softly only for me to hear, "You look like a perfect joker now... With a red nose."

It took me quite sometime to understand what he had been meaning to say! My temper flared up...
"I am a joker? I am..." I started hitting him on his shoulder
He shushed me by caressing my bump softly

"It is our baby's first Durga Puja with us... Don't you think he/she would become upset if his/her parents begin arguing?" he asked me

I contemplated on what he had to say and then nodded. True!
Next year, during this time the baby will be in our arms! I smiled at the thought, as he moved his hand slowly over my swollen abdomen.
"Shubho Bijoya, sweetheart."  we both murmured simultaneously

We both looked at one another... And at that moment, we realised how special our baby is to us. He looked around to see if the others were occupied in other work. They were all loading the idol of Goddess Durga on a truck, so it could be carried to for immersion. He leant forward and pecked my forehead slightly

"It all began on Dashami 5 years ago... Didn't it?" I sighed, referring to how our wedding got fixed

He hummed in reply.

The idol was then taken for immersion. I have been advised against standing for a long time at a stretch because of my weak uterus; hence Indrayan and I decided to head back home. I joined my hands and thanked the Goddess silently, before she left us for her heavenly abode; for all the wonderful blessings that she showered on me and my family.

The two of us then walked back home slowly, and he helped me whenever I felt any discomfort or pain.
I couldn't help but drown myself in various thoughts while walking on the sidewalk, with one hand resting on my abdomen.
This year's Durga Puja was slightly different for me, as I had not been allowed to fast or do much of anything... But I am sure Indrayan and I would look back at this year's Durga Puja, sometime in the near future; with fondness and satisfaction...
We would surely reminisce the happy moments when the two of us simply felt our child in my womb, when he/she responded by moving and kicking.... Becoming parents is obviously going to be new and difficult for us both, but the journey that the two of us have embarked on, seems to be the best time of our marital lives.

I was totally drowned in my own thoughts when a snap of fingers brought me out of my reverie.
"You were about to cross our home." Indrayan informed me

Oops! I had really forgotten where I had been walking to!

"What are you thinking of?" he asked me curiously

I simply smiled looking down at my bump once, before replying, "About our little world"

(This part of Bijoya Dashami was added on special demand by one of my dearest readers. I really apologise if this disappointed you... But I honestly couldn't add more or think of anything else.
For anyone who finds the terms and the rituals referred to in this part to be unfamiliar can refer to the chapter 'Bijoya' for proper explanation)
A month later

I am in the 7th month of my pregnancy. My stomach is really big now and I obviously can't bend. Saptarshi isn't liking the idea of a new sibling now, he is upset that I can't pick him up. And I am still going to work. I know that it sounds like a crazy idea, but honestly things are easy enough! I have a sedentary job that only requires me to write, type or to talk on television. And as said earlier, my colleagues are more than helpful. Indrayan and I shifted to a room on the ground floor of the house after the doctor asked me to refrain from climbing the steps over and over again.

Maa is arranging for my shaadh (baby shower) today. Boudi arrived yesterday as she wanted to cook for me.

Priyanka has come over with her husband and two year old baby boy. Sridha is here with her fiance. It just feels the same like it did 4 years ago on Boudi's baby shower. The only difference being that I am not the one cooking and this time I am the one with a baby bump. I had been given clear instructions to dress up 'like a bride' and let me tell you, draping a saree without being able to see your feet, owing to your bulging stomach, is a tedious job!

I was struggling with one end of the saree when I tripped over the other end. I was about to fall and hit the edge of the bed when I reacted quickly and ended up balancing myself while evading the nasty fall with the help of my hands. Indrayan walked in just then and saw me in a crouching position.

"What on earth are you doing there? The doctor has asked you not to crouch or bend much!"

He immediately came in order to help me up. I held onto his shoulders for support and then stuttered out, "I... I was about... about to fall."

His eyes widened and he immediately touched my bump once, as if to check on our baby. He hugged me tightly and rubbed my back.

"Be careful! You could have injured yourself! And our baby..."

I gestured him to stop. "Don't complete that! Nothing would happen to our child! Please!"

He nodded and caressed my bump. That was when I remembered how I had fallen in the first place.

"Please call in Maa or someone to help me with the saree. I wasn't able to see the floor or my feet. That is how I tripped."

"I'll help you. I know how to drape a saree, but you can instruct me too." he told me and then proceeded to help me.

He tucked in the saree in my waist, draped it around and then helped me make the pleats.

"Thank you" I told him once I was done tucking the pleats perpendicularly to the plane of my navel

Instead of replying to that, Indrayan pressed his lips against my forehead and then helped me walk to the living room.

Maa and Boudi had prepared several dishes for me; all of them being my favorites. Baba and Maa had got me a teddy bear as a gift. They said that it was for their baby(i.e., me) and my baby. Dad got me an entire pile of books; books on motherhood, bedtime story books so I could read to my baby etc. Priyanka had very kindly brought idly and sambar for me. Sridha had got me vanilla ice cream.

I was served lunch once everyone had finished gifting me things.

The lunch comprised of: phuchka (pani puri), vegetable pulao, luchi, chholar daal, fish fry, chicken curry, raita, papad and mixed fruit chatni. In case anyone found pani puri to be an odd addition to a lunch menu, let me clarify. I have been wanting to eat phuchka for the last 4 months or so... But no one allowed me to eat street food as the water could contain germs that would affect me and the baby adversely. Hence, this is my award for being an obedient girl and a responsible mother.

I returned back to the room once the function was over.

I went and sat on the edge of the bed, wincing. My feet have swollen up.
"What happened? Why did you wince?" I heard Indrayan's concerned voice

"My feet have just swollen up a bit. Could you please get me an extra pillow?" I asked him while lifting my feet to stretch them on the bed.

He brought one and kept it underneath my foot.
"I'll get some ice. Lean against the headboard and rest yourself." he told me and walked away

I smiled to myself and kept a hand on my bump.
"Your mumma can't wait to see you, hold you and to raise you. Come soon baby! You are already your mumma and Papa's world." I talked to the baby for sometime before Indrayan entered with an ice pack and some juice.
"You need to stay hydrated. And this is orange juice... My baby will get good skin if he/she receives Vitamin C in abundance." he told me sternly

I made a face.
"Where are was this extra care gone when I was your wife for 4 years?" I asked him raising my eyebrows

He laughed at my question and said, "You are carrying my child now. I need to do all that I can in order to ensure the baby's safety and health from out here."

I looked at him fondly as he was caressing my abdomen.
"What do you want? A baby girl or a baby boy?"

He was caught by surprise.
"I thought you are against sexism and for equality." he replied teasingly

I glared at him.

"Okay, wait! I obviously want a daughter. But I guess I wouldn't mind a son either." he told me honestly

"I just want the baby to be healthy and safe." I spoke softly

He smiled and dropped a kiss on my bump, "Love you, my baby." he whispered

1 month later 11th December

I was at the studio when my colleague and friend, Asifa came to talk to me.
"When are you going on leave, Sampurnaa? You seem to be close to your due date."

I smiled and replied, "I will be going on leave from next week. The doctor said on my last visit that I am expected to deliver by the third week of January. As of now, the tentative due date is 20th January."

"Are you hosting the debate tonight?" she asked me

"Yes, I am. The topic is an interesting one tonight. It is on legalisation of Active Euthanasia in India. The representatives of the ruling and opposition are both going to be joining us through video conference."

"The topic was selected by you?"

I grinned sheepishly. "Guilty as charged."

The debate was all set to begin and I was sitting at my usual desk. The technicians checked if the panelists were with us on video conference and the camera person asked me to gesture if I was ready. I gestured with my thumb that we could be on AIR now.

"Good evening viewers! You are watching the debate at 9 with me, Sampurnaa. The matter that we will be debating on is an interesting one and is related to international law. Should active euthanasia be legalised in India? For those who have no idea what Euthanasia is... Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering. It can be of two types: Active and passive. Passive euthanasia was legalised in India, following the Aruna Shanbaug case. The details of the case and the related terms to the debate are being displayed on the panel in your television sets. You can also tweet with #ActiveEuthanasia. Joining us on the debate tonight are Mr. Rudy D'Mello, representative Bharatiya Janata Party, Mr. D.K. Palit, chancellor Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Ms. Waheeda Shaikh, representative Indian National Congress and Mr. K.L. Desai, senior journalist, India Today. For the debate to begin, I would like to ask Mr. D'Mello to give his opening statement. Sir, do you think that active Euthanasia should be legalised in India?" I spoke my opening lines at one breath

The moment the panelists began talking among themselves, I reached forward to grab a glass of water. My throat had gone dry from speaking at one go. I felt a sudden pain in my abdomen. Assuming it to be just a regular contraction, I just shifted and adjusted my position.
Once the first panelist had made his point, I was supposed to introduce the second panelist.

"Ms. Shaikh, you heard what your rival party has to say. What is your opi... Aah!" I exclaimed in pain, mid speech

Regaining my composure, I quickly apologised and completed my statement. The second panelist got involved in a pretty heated argument with the first panelist. I had to intervene of course.

"Ms. Shaikh and Mr. D'Mello! Please refrain from bringing in your parties' personal grudges on television. Mr. Palit, students of your university have always been actively involved in.... Aaahhh!" I gasped in pain and a tear escaped my eye

The panelists were arguing when I was doubled over by pain. Asifa was standing outside the frame and she rushed to my help when it became apparent that it wasn't a momentary contraction. The first thing she did was to make those panelists shut up. She thanked them and the audience and immediately asked the camera personnel to take us off AIR.

I had sweat beads on my forehead and there was a sharp pain in my lower abdomen.
"Sampurnaa, what is wrong with you?"

"I... I don't... Know!!" I managed to gasp out

She asked me to wait while she called in someone to help me walk. She asked the press car drivers to help us out and gave me some water.

I was helped into one of the cars that we use to go for reporting. Asifa sat behind with me and directed the driver to take us to Leelavati. I shook my head and asked her to take me to Holy Family instead. I had been going there for my regular checkups and even Boudi had delivered there. The drive from BKC to the hospital did not take long fortunately.

I called up Indrayan but his phone was unreachable. Frustrated I called Dad and he picked up.

"Dad, I am at Holy Family. Please come. I couldn't call your son." I informed him

He asked me not to worry and disconnected the call assuring me that he would be there in no time along with Maa.

The doctor and nurse came to check me up and I could feel the contractions and pains becoming more and more severe with each passing second.

Indrayan's pov:

The past few months have been a surreal journey. To think of a life that Sampurnaa and I had created seemed so precious! And the best part... God gave us the opportunity to become parents after we had almost given up. It was unexpected... But the best unexpected news that I have ever come across! To feel the baby grow inside Sampurnaa, her abdomen increasing in size. To feel your child growing each day is a blissful and peaceful feeling. The slight movements and the random kicks of the baby would sometimes overwhelm me.

Unfortunately the two of us had professional commitments and didn't get to spend a lot of time together.
She had spoken to the doctor and asked him how long she could work. He told her to take the last month easy. She would be going on leave from next week.

I had my own work and had got involved in talking to my clients regarding a double murder trial. I was speaking to them when Dad walked into my office all of a sudden. I stood up in surprise.

"Dad, you are here?"

"Sampurnaa has been taken to the hospital right from the studio. She tried calling you and so did I. You phone was...." I didn't wait for him to complete

I immediately excused myself and walked out of the office.

"Sampurnaa? Oh God! Please let her be okay!" I prayed silently while driving. Dad said that Maa was already in the hospital.

I reached the hospital in a state of panic.
Sampurnaa's colleague was at the reception and she guided me to her room. She was in visible pain. Maa was trying to soothe her. The doctor was checking on her pulse and blood pressure.

"Maa, where is your son? Please call him!" she gasped in pain

"Sampurnaa, I am here." I told her while taking her hand in mine

She smiled feebly and told me, "The doctor said that I am in labour."

The doctor came in and asked me to step out with him.

"She has gone into early labour. As of now, she is just 3cm dilated. We are expecting a normal delivery.... But in case there are any complications due to blood pressure, then we may have to opt for another way."

I nodded blindly as if I was in a trance. The doctor simply patted my shoulder and then left me.

Sampurnaa's parents and Abhimanyu arrived an hour later. Adrija had to stay back with Saptarshi. The entire time, Sampurnaa was writhing in pain. I did try to soothe her but she ended up scolding me instead.

Finally after 3 hours; at precisely 2 a.m., 12th December, she was taken to the labour room. Maa, Baba, Maa and Dad were praying silently while Abhimanyu and I held our heads in our hands. I could feel my heartbeat quickening its pace with each passing second. It was well past 4 a.m. and the doctor had still not stepped out to inform anything.

It was finally at 5 a.m. that the doctor came out of the labour room. I stood up anxiously, waiting for him to say something.

"Congratulations! You just got a baby girl!"

I was stunned! Dad came and tapped my shoulder.
Abhimanyu asked about Sampurnaa and the doctor said that she was unconscious. Maa asked him if we could see the baby.

"The child is a bit premature, but she is a fighter. The Unbilical cord had got coiled around her neck, but she managed just fine. That is actually the reason why the baby started moving so much and that is why Sampurnaa went into labour early. The nurse has taken her for cleaning up... Once she is back, you can obviously see her, but only after cleaning your hands." he informed us

My little girl; she had to face all this all alone! But she was well and God... Thank you so much!

The nurse just got my baby wrapped in a pink cloth. She was asleep.
The nurse asked me to take her in my arms and I forwarded my hands shakily.

The moment she was lowered into my arms, I adjusted her in position just like I did 4 years ago with Saptarshi.
The feeling that overwhelms you when you hold your child in your arms is an inexpressible one. I so wanted to rush to Sampurnaa and thank her for our angel, but then, she was exhausted and unconscious! I kissed my angel's forehead as my vision became hazy owing to the tears that appeared without my permission. And then everyone took my sweetheart and held her one by one, before she woke up and started crying. I took her back in my arms and she stopped crying after a few minutes. Maa teased me about being a 'natural father' while the others laughed. A smile was pasted permanently on my face. This is honestly the best feeling I have ever experienced!

I am a father now... To my little princess.

I sent everyone home at 6 a.m.
Sampurnaa was still unconscious and our princess had fallen asleep again. She was sleeping in her small crib beside her mother's bed. I went and took a seat next to Sampurnaa. Taking her hand in mine, I kissed her knuckles and then leaned in to kiss her forehead. Sitting there, fatigue overwhelmed my senses and I nodded of to sleep, resting my head on her bed.

I was woken up by some whimpering sound. It was my daughter. Even saying so is like living a dream!

I took her in my arms and realised that she had wet herself.
I know nothing about diapers! I had to go and approach the nurse for help.

By the time she fell back asleep, Sampurnaa was trying to wake up. She half opened her eyes and her voice was almost inaudible and incoherent.

"Is my baby alright?" she asked me softly

I nodded.
"She is aright. She turned out fine and healthy... Tiny, yes... But she is beautiful."

"A daughter?"

I nodded with a smile on my face and her lips stretched into a tired smile too.
"Go back to sleep. Meet our daughter once you feel rested enough." I told her softly while running my hand in her hair.

She sighed and fell back asleep.

It is 3 p.m. now and I returned back to the hospital after bathing and changing my clothes. Maa sent a few of Sampurnaa's clothes for her use, when she would be discharged. The doctor has told me that it would be safer to keep our daughter in the hospital for a week at least... Since she's premature and more likely to get infected outside. I agreed reluctantly... I just wanted my baby with me and my wife at home already!

When I walked into Sampurnaa's room, she was feeding our daughter. She had a loving expression on her face and was looking at our daughter while she gladly took her feed.

"How does it feel, Sampurnaa?" I asked her while kissing her on the cheek

She smiled widely and then gestured to the baby.
"Holding her in my arms... I feel so fortunate!"

"So, do I get to know what my darling daughter's name is?" I asked her, unable to hold the curiosity back in

She nodded.

"She is Swarnalekha. Swarnalekha Chakraborty."

"Golden rays?"


"You really decided on this name when you were 9 years old?" I asked her in disbelief

"Yes, I did. I did not know the meaning or the significance then... But I guess I do know now." she said while planting a kiss on our baby's tiny forehead

We looked at one another for sometime, simply enjoying a silent and small moment with our baby.

"By the way, I need a brother for my daughter... And a brother for Saptarshi too." she informed me

I looked at her like she had grown two horns.

"You just gave birth... Moreover, you and I already decided that one baby is enough... You know what the complications are..." I began

"I wasn't speaking of another pregnancy."


She smiled and told me, "I know there is time... But I want the two of us to adopt a boy. That way that young boy would get a family, Swarna would get a younger brother and the two of us would get a complete world in the two of them. You and I were almost at the verge of accepting that we would never have a family of our own... I would really appreciate if the child gets a family in us. I just want you to promise my daughter, along with me that she would get a brother on her 5th birthday i.e., exactly 5 years from today."

I nodded with a smile.

In the evening, everyone came to visit Sampurnaa and our daughter.

A week later

My daughter is finally at home! We got her a crib in our room itself. Sampurnaa is still healing from the birth and the two of us are enjoying every single moment with our yawning, sleeping and crying beauty!

She keeps us awake every night with her crying and bores us the entire day by sleeping. Maa says that she is following what I did as an infant.

Sampurnaa and I took long hours to look at our daughter and decide which feature matches with whom. She has Sampurnaa's black eyes, her hair and my sharp nose. She has a round face and tiny fingers. Her lips are small and they tremble each time that she feels like crying. She has soft skin and tiny feet too.

Every time I see my daughter, I see the world's most beautiful blessing in her. She may not have looked at me properly yet, but she has an entire world and a beautiful life ahead of her along with her doting grandparents, maternal uncle, paternal aunt, older cousin brother, a younger brother in the future and of course Me and Sampurnaa.

Our daughter came into the picture when we had almost given up on everything... She brought us 'golden rays' of light when the two of felt darkness all around... She's a miracle, a fighter and a blessing!

Swarnalekha is the rainbow to the storm that Sampurnaa and I endured.

I don't know who she'll be closer to when she grows up but she surely is what I told Sampurnaa not just for now, but forever, "Our daughter maybe her mumma's girl but she is her Papa's world."

I don't know what the future heralds for us... But I believe, all that will happen would happen for the better... Just like that painful court case which brought me and Sampurnaa together.
We know that the path ahead is going to be tough... As parents, as normal people with normal lives... We know that there will be challenges ahead or as we like saying "storms"... But we are going to take one day at a time and live life...

"For every cloud has a silver lining, and because every storm is followed by a rainbow"

Author's note:

I think it is only fair for these two people to live and embark on their new journey now. No matter what happens in the future... There would always be cherishable memories in their lives. I don't know even as a writer what would happen in their lives ahead... But I do hope that they get to grow old together while raising their children well.
Life is finite... Although it seems long.

This story was such for me. Being my first, it is more than just special! It may have taken me quite a few months to complete writing... Maybe I even felt at several points that the story is just dragging on and that it is really long and time consuming, tedious for me to write, however today, when I finished writing, the journey with Calming The Storm seems to have ended just too quickly for my liking!

Thank you readers for giving this story your time and appreciation. Thank you for your constant encouragement.

With this, I would like to sign off for now... As I am a 12th grader whose board examinations are approaching... Wish me luck because I seriously need it!

Thank you again for everything!

With love, gratitude and best wishes,

Ho sake to kahaani yaad rakhna...
If possible do remember the story...

Credits: Kapoor and Sons: Since 1921

Published the epilogue on: 07.12 2019

P.S. If you think this story is good enough to be shared... Then please do😊

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