Chapter 2

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The sandwich is ready and the milk is poured. Ready to present. By the time she's back, the garden seems to be almost done.

"I hope you didn't burn the toast too much."

"I'll have you know that I have never burnt a toast in my life" exclaims Kayla

"Woah. I always end up burning mine"

Suddenly, a car is heard braking and parking near the house. It's headlights are penetrating to the backyard through the glass windows. Kayla is frozen. It can't possibly be her parents. They were gonna return on the day after tomorrow. Who could it be then? Thoughts were racing in her mind. How will she explain the robot or the trashed garden or the mysterious boy?

Sensing Kayla's uncertainty on the situation, Ray enters Qestial and activates camouflage mode. Effectively becoming invisible. Kayla enters her house and waits for the door to knock.

Instead of the door being knocked like usual, it slowly creaked open. Kayla was sure that she had locked it but for it to just open like that was a sign that someone had the key to her home. It was actually her parents who were trying to sneak inside as to not awaken their daughter. But all their efforts were in vain as Kayla was sitting right in front of the door.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing up at this hour?" asked a startled Aaron

"What do you mean 'this hour'? It isn't even my bedtime yet!", Kayla was surprised.

"No, I think you're mistaken." Natlia interrupted "It's actually 2 in the morning."

"What were you doing so important that you forgot what time it was?" Aaron asks as he removes and hangs his overcoat.

"Well, I was just doing my homework." Kayla answers nervously "That must be why I lost track of time"

"That's fine but why do you seem so nervous honey? Did we interrupt your plans by coming home early?" Natlia inquires whilst kicking off her high heels.

"Plans?! What plans? I don't have any plans!" Kayla is now visibly nervous

"Oh sure." Aaron laughs "Natlia, stop teasing her! We believe you."

"Have you been cooking recently? I smell grilled cheese! Now I feel hungry too" said Aaron

"Yeah. I just made myself a sandwich to treat my hunger" Kayla answers "By the way, why are you home so early? I thought you were coming home the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, you know how corny people are, they can cancel meetings with a phone call." Aaron replies.

"Well you guys must be tired after that long trip so why don't you go ahead and rest?"

"Long trip? But we were just in town. You seem very nervous. Is something wrong?" Natlia asks

"Me? Nervous? Haha never. I'm just surprised to see you that's all."

"My, the air inside here is really heavy, I'm gonna step outside to get some fresh air."

"Outside?! There's no need to go outside. You just came. Hang on, I'll turn on the AC unit." she says as sweat poured from the poor girl's body.

"I can see you're distraught about something. What is it, honey? You can tell us."

"No, I'm perfectly fine. I'm not nervous"

"Believe me. I was wild when I was your age too. We're your parents. Don't worry you can tell us"

"Honey, she's fine. Come on I'm dying to sleep." Aaron interrupts

"Hang on just a sec, Kayla is there something in the backyard?"

"No! There is definitely nothing in backyard that I'm hiding."

"All right I'm gonna check my Eremurus just in case" she looks at Kayla to see her reaction

"Damn it! Why are you so clever mom?! I've gotta stop her somehow" Kayla is now sweating bullets.

"M-mom wait! I can't let you go there"

"Aha! I knew it! What are you hiding? Let me see."

Kayla immediately cuts off her mom's route and stops her.

"Fine! You asked for this!"

Her father also comes towards her

"Bear with me because what you're about to see is unforgivable!"

After saying this, she opens the sliding door and stands aside with her eyes closed. She's ever so ready to face the onslaught of her mom when she sees her garden.

Nothing, silence. She opens her eyes to see her parents' puzzled faces.

"I don't see how eating a grilled cheese sandwich with milk in the middle of the night in your own backyard is unforgivable." Added her dad

Kayla's jaw is traversing on the grassy ground below her feet. "RAY! YOU SMUG BASTARD!" are her present on-going thoughts.

"You had me frightened that you destroyed my garden." Natlia says "You got us good."

"But-but-but-but the garden?!"

"What about it? It's perfectly fine"

"It wasn't a moment ago!" Kayla accidentally reveals her secret

"Kayla I think you were dreaming." her dad remarks

"Pick up your jaw, honey." Natlia says to Kayla "It's been on the ground for too long"

"I'm gonna sleep now"

"Wait for me! Kayla don't forget to lock the door once you're done enjoying your sandwich."

"Y-yes mom."

Kayla is now just looking straight ahead. After a few minutes, Qestial becomes visible again and Ray emerges from it.

"Oh, my sandwich is all cold now."

"How did you fix my garden in just a few seconds?!"

"Told ya, my tech is way ahead."

"I could have died"

"But you didn't. Thanks to me. I'm just gonna finish this sandwich and I'll be out of your hair."

"I guess I'll miss you and your funky inventions"

"That's a bit sad."

Little did they know, Natlia had been watching them from her window.

She was just passing by when something caught her eye. That "something" was actually Qestial as it was becoming visible.   

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