Gone Forever

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It was the big game! Tyler and his team were in the semi-finals. They need to win this game so they can get into the finals. If they lost, the season would be over for them. No one like to lose so the competition was going to be fierce. Tyler was certain that his team was gonna win! ...If it wasn't for his little brother Henry tagging along.

~Flash Back~

"But mom!" Tyler complained when she told him that he had to babysit his little brother Henry. "Today's the game and I have to be in it! I can't let down my team!"

"Then take Henry with you," she said as she was putting stuff into her purse.

"I can't take him with me to the game! He'll embarrass me in front of my friends!" He said hoping his mom would change her mind and call a babysitter. Instead, she turned to him and looked at him sympathetically.

"Honey, you have a great brother who you should be proud to have." She told him in a caring matter. "It's just this one time. We'll call for a sitter next time beforehand so you don't have to do it again if you don't want to."

Tyler finally gave in, he couldn't say 'no' to mom. Although he couldn't help but have this feeling that he was going to regret something later.

~Back to the Present~

"Henry sit down!" Tyler called his brother who was running around the field. The game hasn't even started and Henry was already making himself look like a fool. Tyler groaned and went over to his brother. "HENRY!"

His brother immediately came to a stop and walked in front of his brother. "Yes, Tyler?" Henry asked nervously. He could tell he was in trouble by the look of his brother's face.

"Go sit down!" Tyler told him in a stern tone and pointed towards the bleachers. Henry sighed sadly and walked to the bleachers then sat down. He just wanted to have fun with his brother, like they did any other day at the field. Was that too much to ask?

The other team soon arrived and the game started. Both teams were pushing their hardest, neither of them wanted to come home as failures now when they were so close to the top. The game was eventually stuck with a tie so far and a tie-breaker was needed. The next goal would determine, who would win and who would go home with dreading defeat.

The teams were currently making a game plan. Tyler, however, notices his brother wasn't at the bleachers. "I'll be right back coach," he said to his instructor and went to find Henry. He searches the field and saw his brother climbing up one of the goals. "Henry, what you doing? Get down from there!" Henry started to make his way down and landed on the carpet grass. "Henry, we're about to go back in the game and I can't have you climbing the goal post!"

"But I was just wanting to have fun like we do the other times we're here," the little brother replied.

Tyler shook his head. "This isn't like the other times. Now go sit on the bleachers." Tyler began to drag his brother back to the bleachers. Henry sighed of boredom when he was put back into his spot. "Now stay here," Tyler said before he headed back to his teammates. Although when he got back, the whistle blew and the game began. 'Great,' he thought to himself. 'Thanks to my brother, I missed hearing the game plan! Guess I'll have to wing it.' With that being said, Tyler went into the game.

Even though Tyler never heard the game plan, he actually picked up what the plan was. They were doing well and seemed to be winning. Tyler had the ball, he was heading to the goal. Everything seemed to be going well for his team.

Suddenly Tyler looked over at the bleachers and saw Henry wasn't there. He looked back at the goal he was heading towards. Henry was on top on the goal, sitting on the metal bar with legs dangling, cheering for his brother.

Tyler knew that if he tried to score, Henry might fall down from the impact the ball might've made. He kicked the ball away and the other team got it and headed to the other side then scored.

The game was over. They lost and the season has ended for them. Tyler's teammates gave him cold glares as they walked to their parents frustrated because they lost. Even the coach came over and shook his head at Tyler before heading home.

As if it wasn't enough, rain clouds started to come so it was going to rain soon. Tyler felt so angry with himself but he was more angry at Henry.

"What happened?" Henry asked when he came down. "Did you win?"

"No! We didn't!" Tyler spat at him. "And it's your fault!"

Henry was confused. How could it have been his fault if he wasn't in the game?

"How is it my fault?" Henry asked innocently as they started to walk home by the town apartments make of bricks.

"How is it your fault?! You climbed the dumb goalpost again! During the game!" Tyler snapped at him. "You always mess everything up for me!"

"What do you mean?" Henry asked him now slightly scared.

"Well, let's go down memory lane, shall we?" Tyler said then started listing things off. "You made me lose my favourite toy on the trip to the zoo! You broke my phone when you sat on the couch to watch your dumb show! You made me lose any chance I had with my crush after you embarrassed me!"

"I said I was sorry for all those things," Henry said in defence, still sounding scared.

"'SORRY' DOESN'T FIX ANYTHING!!" Tyler yelled at him for the very first time. They stopped walking and were right next to a dark alley. The wind howled as Tyler faced Henry and towered over him. "YOU'RE ALWAYS MESSING EVERYTHING UP IN MY LIFE! I WISH YOU WOULD JUST BE GONE FROM MY LIFE! GONE FOREVER!"

Henry's eyes were filled with tears. He felt horrible for making his brother feel this way.

Tyler noticed his brother's tears and immediately started to regret yelling at him. "Henry, I-"

Tyler didn't even get to finish apologizing when someone jumped out of the alley and wrapped their hands around little Henry's neck.

It was a female. She was tall and white, skinny yet strong. Her hair was black as ink and messy like a hostile wolf, her eyes were glowing red with desire. Her teeth were abnormal as they were sharp like a shark. She wore a red shoulderless shirt over a black tank top, she had black leggings and red high boots. Her expression was thrilled as she straggled the boy.

Tyler was in shock. He stared at the female who was choking his brother. "Wha-what are you doing?" he asked her with fear in his voice.

Her head turned to Tyler's direction with a crooked smile. "I thought I would do you a favour and get rid of your annoying sibling," she answered with venom in her tone. Her voice sent chills down his spine, he would've felt warmer in the middle of a blizzard located in Russia.

"Danger" was signalled to his brain but it was blocked with the amount images of what was going happen, he was paralyzed with pure fear. His memory of what he said a minute ago flashed in his mind.


Suddenly, Tyler's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a thud. He came back to reality and saw Henry laying on the concrete sidewalk. His brother was lifeless and his neck poured blood on the sidewalk, staining it to red. Tyler felt his breath shaken and he fell to his knees. He tried getting his brother to wake up as tears formed in his eyes, not accepting Henry being dead.

"Gone," the female spoke in a monotone. He looked up her to find that she was staring down at him. "He's gone forever." She leaned down to his ear. "Just like you wanted." Her cold breath was an icicle going down his ear.

Tyler stood there not knowing what to do. His brain couldn't process any of this, of what just played before him. It wasn't real... right?

A raindrop on his soft cheek broke his daze, then another, and more began to pour down. He looked up, it had started to rain. He glanced around for the female, she was long gone. He looked down, his brother was still there dead on the ground.

Tyler sat down with his back against the building behind him. He silently let his tears go down with the rain. He was broken and filled with regret.

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