Kill Them All

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There once was a girl who lived a happy life, until she had to go to school. Elementary was simple but as years went on and when she got to higher grades, she was beginning to be filled with annoyance and rage. It didn't help that she was hated upon, the most hated in the entire school. Kids made start to make fun of her, but she wasn't affected that much. At least that's what she thought.

Nighttime came, she yawned and got in bed. She dozed off and fell asleep. As she was sleeping the girl began to have a strange dream.

The girl was in the middle of a dark forest, gray fog surrounded her. A mist feeling was in the air, blackness was all that was left. The girl was confused and didn't know what to do in this dream. She saw a black hooded figure.

The hooded covered the figure's face, the hood was also attached to a black robe. It stood there breathing, it's breathe rung in her ears, it sounded very creepy. It looked up, the girl felt its eyes staring at her. It began mumbling something under its breath in a creepy manner. The girl was puzzled by this and curious at what it was saying. Then the girl faintly heard something the figure said.

"kill them all."

The girl then woke up, she was sitting up. She wasn't scared was just full of confusion. She kept wondering what did it mean? The girl thought about her dream all day during school, which got her in trouble from the teacher. Kids then start laughing at her, irritated her more. She began to hate them and wish they'd shut up.

The girl had an even more terrible day that day. Nighttime came once more, she rubbed her before climbing into bed and falling asleep. Once more the girl started to have the same dream.

She looked around, she was in the middle of a dark forest, with that gray fog surrounded her. The air was misty and darkness was all that was left. She then saw the hooded figure, standing them mumbling under its breath in that creepy haunting voice.

The figure fully looked up, but darkness filled the hood so she couldn't see their face. Only its glowing eyes.

"kill them all."

"What?" The girl asked it confused.

"Kill them all." It repeated, this time louder. It's hand moved, and a knife came visible in its hand.

"Kill them all."

The girl sat up with a rush awaking from the nightmare. She was panting and sweating, terrified of what just happened. It felt so real to the girl. But who was that person under the hood? 

Her eyes were bloodshot and had heavy bags under them. She sat there in class, the words kept haunting her mind.

'kill them all.'

'Kill them all.'

'Kill Them All!'

Each time getting louder and it kept repeating, like an endless haunting.

The teacher slammed their ruler on the girl's desk, waking her from the trans. She was in big trouble and got detention. Kids laughed at her as she walked out of the classroom. She sat in the detention room with anger filled inside her. She hated the kids, the teacher, everyone! That night the girl went to bed with rage-filled inside her.

The girl was in the same foggy forest. The figure was there but this time closer than she remembered. It held out the knife and said the famous words:

"kill them all" and began coming closer. "Kill them all." The girl started to slowly back up but then she tripped on a tree stump and landed on her back. The figure stood over her, looking down at its victim. "Kill Them All!"

She woke up startled and terrified! She went to get out of bed but leg shot a small pain through her body. She wondered why. She went to the doctor to get her leg checked, they said it was a small twist that she most likely got when she was running. How could it have happened? It wasn't there the night before.

She went to school after lunch, she walked slower due to her leg which made her curse under her breath. Kids yelled at her to move quicker and end up pushing her to the ground. The girl had enough bullying and teasing. She got up and punched one of them in the nose, causing it to bleed. A teacher saw and gave her detention, letting the other kids get away with murder.

All through the rest of the day, the girl was just wanting to torture them, make them feel pain, to kill them all!
The girl went to bed with a cold heart wanting them all dead!

The girl was in the dream again, dark forest, gray fog surrounded her. The ghostly mist air, black darkness was all that was left.

The dark hooded figure appeared once more, standing there creepily, knife in hand. She could feel its eyes, burning through herself. But she never saw the face, just the glowing eyes. Then it spoke the words.

"Kill them all!"

Then it began to chase her as she ran, chanting the words over and over again. It felt like knives to the ears and caused them to bleed as she ran for her life.

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

"Kill Them All!"

The girl tripped as she ran, due to her leg, but got up and kept running from the figure. The branches scratched her skin as she passed through them, causing her to bleed and become weaker. At last, she tripped and got her foot stuck, so she awaited her faint.

The hoodie figure stood over her, knife in hand. It smirked and lifted its hood. The girl was shocked at who she saw, it was herself but with glowing evil eyes filled with murder. It lifted up its knife and yelled one last time:


And with that, it brought down the knife and killed her!

It awoke in the girl's body, morning had come and the figure knew what to do. It got up and went to see all the people that harmed the girl. Those people never saw it coming, the school was soon stained with blood and death.

The figure went out and murdered people, the town was soon dead. Insanity was everywhere in its mind. They never stopped, always murdering. Out to...




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