The Bloody Loner

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(Warning: Mention of Blood and Guts)

It was a dark and windy night, a little girl was roaming through the woods, lost. She was seeking shelter before she got a cold. Finally, she saw a wooden cabin. It seemed abandon by the way it looked. She went in, looking around to see if anything could warm her up. There was a small bed, a rocking chair, and a fireplace. She started up a fire and sat down in the rocking chair, warming herself up.

She started to get tired so she climbed onto the bed, making herself cozy and fell asleep. (Growl) She woke up quickly and scanned the entire room. She saw nothing has changed and fell asleep. (Scream) She looked and saw the fireplace went out, but she was so tired she fell asleep. (Loud cry) Terrified she fell out of bed. This time the chair moved across the room. She was paralyzed with fear! (Hiss) Something was under the bed, she could feel it, crawling out. She saw monster-ish hand slowly coming out, the claws were sharper than a diamond blade. She sees the hand was moving toward her, but she still was paralyzed. The claws came to her cheek, and in flash, it left three large scratch marks across her whole face, then she blacked out!

Dawn came, she awoke and checked her face. The marks were not there, so she thought it was a nightmare. Sunshine lit up the woods and she found her way home. Her family was happy she was safe and alive, they threw a wonderful feast. She went to bed feeling great, but as she woke up the next morning and went downstairs, she found blood and organs everywhere outside her room. All of her family was dead! Millions of thoughts were racing through her head, but out of all of them, the most she wondered is, why wasn't she harmed? Not wanting to be alone again, she then went to the neighbour's house.

Once again it happens, she woke and everything was dead and bloody. Night after night, day after day, house after house; Seeking a place to sleep and waking up to death and blood.

She got tired of wondering so, that night before she went to bed, she stuck a camera in front of her bed. The next morning, she awoke and the same thing happened. She watches the camera when it showed the time was midnight she was the monster leave her room and before dawn, it returned, it crawled in the bed, but the girl wasn't there. The monster lad there, and it turn back to the girl. She was the monster, the one who murder those people, spilled blood, the lonely monster, she was the, "Bloody Loner".

For the safety of others, she returned to the abandon cabin, and lived there for the rest of her days.

The End!

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