First applicant: @Khionewrites

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[ Purple Wolf] by whitewolf11357 on Pinterest

[Purple Eyes and Flowers] by HayatSama on DeviantArt

First applicant: Khionewrites

Book: Epsilon

Amethyst: Hey guys! Welcome to another interview! Before we begin, I want to congratulate you on winning 1st place in the award! How are you feeling?

Khionewrites: I feel pretty ecstatic about it.

Q: Why do some people lack decency and respect toward others? Like how Jane poured wine all over Kyra and made a snarky remark about her grandmother.

Khionewrites: I feel that some people do that in order to hide/cope with their own insecurities. It's like the saying, "hurt people hurt people." No one who is truly content with themselves would go out of their way to hurt someone else.

Q: Is it Azriel's habit to call someone dear, or is it because Kyra is special to him since they met?

Khionewrites: Azriel's habit!

Q: How did you come up with the storyline for Epsilon?

Khionewrites: It's actually based loosely on a book called Shadow and Bone. I was inspired by a few aspects of that book, but overall I just came up with a lot of the scenes and stuff. It took hours staring at a blank screen, but I got it out eventually.

Amethyst: Ooo. I'll make sure to find the time to watch Shadow and Bone! I searched and saw that there was a movie. It is inspiring how you could create unique storylines and write them in detail!

Q: What gave Kyra the courage to have a banter session with Zion like in chapter 27?

Khionewrites: I feel like that was just to showcase her character development. At the start, she was very timid, but gradually grew braver as the events of the werewolf world changed her. I also think her getting more comfortable with Zion played a part in it.

Amethyst: I love how their relationship gradually grew in the end ❤️

Q: In your story, you mention that a werewolf can have multiple mates. Is it possible for those mates who know they won't end up with their significant other and reject their mate to break these feelings they felt for that person?

Khionewrites: Yes -- so werewolves can be mated to each other spontaneously. However, every werewolf only has one true mate or one true pairing in which both wolves are mated to each other. A wolf won't know it is a dud bond, but usually, if the other wolf has not mated back after an extended time, they can assume it is. And yes, they can break the bond and their feelings for that person.

Amethyst: If you see this question of mine, you may answer it through commenting XD. Since Azriel and Kyra aren't true mates, but mated to each other, does that mean that it is not possible for Kyra to be mated to her true mate anymore?

Q: Is Azriel telling the truth about how he will be able to locate Alia through a scent that has already faded months ago? Or is it possible because Alia could also be Azriel's mate?

Khionewrites: Azriel was able to locate Alia through scent. Maplewood is a pretty small town. It wouldn't have been too difficult. That is an interesting thought though!

Amethyst: I'm relieved to hear that Azriel didn't completely deceive Kyra.

Q: Your story about werewolves is quite different from other werewolves' stories. Where did you get the idea of one wolf having multiple mates, and how one bite from an Alpha can turn a human into an Epsilon?

Khionewrites: I honestly don't know how I thought up the idea of multiple mates, but I knew I needed to have it so I could add more tension to the story. And a bite from an Alpha works like this. Alpha wolves are black-blooded and have a magic affinity of their own, which is linked to psyche control (this isn't expanded on in book 1). Anyways, should this magic touch a human heart, it can 'corrupt' it and create new magic of its own (emotional magic) and create an Epsilon if the transformation is successful.

Amethyst: Thanks for the explanation! It took me a while to fully comprehend the message XD

Q: Who is the Delta and why did they want to save Kyra?

Khionewrites: The Delta is another werewolf variant. He hails from the Northern Court, and is the oldest and most powerful of living werewolves. Like Kyra, he can wield emotional magic, however he is more volatile. He wanted to save Kyra because he knew that, if he left her with Azriel, he would just create a bigger army to conquer them all.

Amethyst: And I hope that Kyra didn't end up in another kingdom that only cares about using her! She has suffered enough because of Azriel T_T

Q: What's the moral of the story that you would like to portray in Epsilon?

Khionewrites: I think the moral of the story is to be careful who you trust. Kyra threw herself at Azriel without thinking about the consequences.

Amethyst: ❤️

Q: What's your goal as a writer?

Khionewrites: My goal is to get published, but I'm a long way off yet. I hope to get there one day though!

Amethyst: And I wish you the best journey in achieving your goal! That concludes our interview. Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, and I hope you have a great day!

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