Second applicant: @romance_lover16

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Picture of the wolf in the forest is from Canva

Second applicant: romance_lover16

Book: Freeing Anvi

Amethyst: Heyyy! Welcome back to another interview 🤣. Before we begin, I would like to ask how are you feeling after seeing another book of yours winning an award?

Romance_lover16: Lol thank you! It feels amazing to win another award! To be honest I was pretty shocked, but it felt great and really boosted my spirits after a long day.

Amethyst: I can understand that, it shows how much an author grows as a writer❤️

Romance_lover16: That's definitely true!

Q: What inspired you to write Freeing Anvi?

Romance_lover16: Awesome! Freeing Anvi was inspired after I read a lot of werewolf stories where the Luna was abused. I felt like it was all either too drawn out or too quick-paced. Even then, all the characters were like cardboard. It was fun to pass the time, but the characters never really developed. So, I wrote Freeing Anvi as a way for myself to write a werewolf story where the Luna learns to become confident against her enemy!

Amethyst: Some would take a lot of chapters for the characters to develop, and I think they just want to incorporate some situations they want to see in their story. It takes a long time for a writer to master the form of writing.

And how Anvi met characters that would help her grow in just a few chapters really caught my attention, and I'm glad it happened.

Romance_lover16: That would make sense if the chapters actually had anything 😅in many of them it was just repetition. But I agree with you! It definitely takes time.

Thank you! I enjoyed having Anvi meet everyone. It gave me an opportunity to flesh her character out.

Amethyst: ❤️

The next question will be a bit deeper as it involves a person's life.

Q: How do you know if someone is drowning and wants to call it quits?

Romance_lover16: I know that feeling because I was there. A lot of my characters, especially Anvi, struggle with that feeling because it's the best feeling that I understand. It totally changed my character and even though it was a dark moment in my life, it allowed me to connect with my characters more and in real life, my family.

Amethyst: During those dark times, it is hard to save oneself as you feel like no matter how hard you are trying to survive, it seems like it's not possible. I'm glad to hear that there are people in your life who will be there for you💖

Romance_lover16: Thank you! Yes, it's very difficult, but passing through those difficult times helps me mature and I can express myself and my characters more clearly in my writing!

Amethyst: That is great to hear❤️

Q: Anvi and Hailey are siblings, but did anyone besides Banastre know that they were related to each other? Since they should have some physical features that resemble one another.

Romance_lover16: Nope. Apart from Banastre, nobody else knew that they were siblings. As you may or may not have noticed, Banastre is very good at hiding things, including himself. Nobody else knew that Anvi and Hailey were siblings...well, except for Hailey and their parents.

Amethyst: That is quite mysterious indeed, since I thought that at least a few characters who aren't part of the family would notice the resemblance. Or perhaps, Hailey changed her physical appearance that's why there is no resemblance seen 🤔but that would also make no sense as in Hailey's perspective, Banastre didn't know any of this.

Romance_lover16: Exactly. The resemblance is there, but not so much, as Hailey has lighter skin than Anvi does and is much older, so most people don't assume that they're related as siblings. Also, I was often referred to as my ex-best friend's younger sister 😅 so the resemblances didn't really mean much.

Amethyst: It is weird how people can resemble someone else who aren't in the family 🤣. I can relate to that part.

Romance_lover16: Tell me about it! 😂

Q: What is the age gap between Hailey and Anvi?

Romance_lover16: Anvi is 18 and Hailey is 43, so around a 25 year age-gap.

Amethyst: woah....

Romance_lover16: Yeah, it's kinda big lol 😅

Amethyst: I almost forgot that they're werewolves. I would have questioned if it was possible for Anvi to be born, since their parents would possibly be at an age where it would be hard to give birth.

Romance_lover16: Definitely, but even then, people have kids up to their fifties!

Amethyst: I learn something new everyday😯

Romance_lover16: Lol that's definitely true!

Amethyst: 😂

In the recent chapters

Q: It was mentioned that Hailey is a witch, does that mean that Anvi could also be one too?

Romance_lover16: Hailey's not a witch, Delia is 😅 it would be cool, but unfortunately, Hailey's just a werewolf and so is Anvi. Unless I made a typo lol.

Amethyst: let me check. I think I saw a part where Banastre revealed everything to Anvi, and how he told his wife to hold up the pregnancy so that the two of them would be the same age.

Romance_lover16: Oooh it was an ex of his who was helping with the black magic! She was the witch, not Hailey

Amethyst: OHHHH. Now that makes sense.

Romance_lover16: lol yeah I was confused for a second 😂😂

Amethyst: Oh, I thought that Anvi could be a witch too! That would have been fun to see😆

Romance_lover16: Unfortunately not, although that will be a plot in another book 👀😅


Next up!

Q: What do your characters symbolise in the story? You can choose at least 3.

Romance_lover16: Hm...that's tough. Well, Anvi definitely symbolizes strength and perseverance - that's basically her whole character and its development! Banastre is easy - greed. He's a greedy character, and his demise is led to by greed. Jackson...Jackson represents power, good power, but also a workaholic, as it is mentioned that he has a breakdown after Anvi's kidnapping and even has one when he sees her in the hospital.

Amethyst: I have another question because I got confuse again

Romance_lover16: Sure!

Amethyst: So...Anvi managed to finish off Banastre and was dragging his body in the forest. When she woke up, Oscar mentioned about him and Jackson seeing her collapse along with Banastre's dead body, and Oscar told her that Jackson is taking care of the funeral or something of Banastre. Did Jackson run back to his pack in order to finish up with the papers, since Oscar wouldn't let her run 5 hrs back because she hasn't recovered yet?

Romance_lover16: No, it was just Oscar 😅 Maybe I wrote it a bit vaguely, but it was only Oscar and his pack that saw Anvi. Jackson was always at the pack - it was when he was having a mental breakdown and still looking. He didn't see Anvi again until the hospital.

Amethyst: Got it 🤣 I was confused on why Jackson didn't stay and had to go back to his pack just to finish up with some paperworks, even though his mate is lying in the hospital bed.

Romance_lover16: Lol nope, he would have definitely stayed, if he was there 😂

Amethyst: 🤣

Q: What's the moral of the story that you would like to portray in Freeing Anvi?

Romance_lover16: The moral of Freeing Anvi is that no matter what happens to you in life, keep getting back up and keep trying. That part of a person that you lost can be found again through healing and trying - through making an effort to keep moving forward and not giving up!

Amethyst: To end this interview...

Q: Will there be a small spoiler for the upcoming chapters (I know that being an author means that chances of a spoiler will be slim, but I'm shooting my shots XD)

Romance_lover16: 🤣🤣 I can certainly give you one if you'd like. Personally I don't mind giving spoilers - I know how much of the next chapter I have to give.

Amethyst: AHAHHAHA. Just a teensy spoiler of what to expect 👉🏻👈🏻

Romance_lover16: Hm...well, I can say that, apart from the upcoming sequel, that the last ally is either someone you would expect or someone you wouldn't expect.

Amethyst: someone i would expect or someone I wouldn't expect...I'll keep that in mind while I'm reading the upcoming chapters. Thank you 😌✊

Romace_lover16: Of course! And thank you for the interview! And hosting the awards

Amethyst: And that concludes our interview! Thank you for accepting this interview, and I'm glad to talk to you again! Have a great day!

Romance_lover16: Lol you too!

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