|| Chapter 5 ||

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"Supporting company?"

Yaya then brightens up, the term clicked on her brain. "The one who provides our technology?"

"Yes! That's them! I can't believe you don't know their name!" Ying gave an exhausted sigh.

Yaya frowned, "I didn't bother to remember them, I didn't think it was that important to remember since they didn't even include it in the tests."

Boboiboy chuckled at her cute reasoning, he really found this girl very amusing. Being excited for a test, happily receive her test paper, even relying information on her tests. Does this girl's world revolve around tests? Boboiboy couldn't help but be amused.

"Hm~" He quietly hummed.

The three walked into the cafeteria, Ying was still nagging Yaya about her cluelessness on the Azaam Corp and was now informing her about it. Boboiboy was silently listening to them, looking around the cafeteria before his eyes froze when met with eyes with the color of red. Slowly, a grin formed on his face. It seemed there was someone he knew here.

The three walked towards a table with a large boy seated, happily munching on his food. The large boy then looked at them, he then waved his hand enthusiastically. Before it stopped when he saw the boy next to them, his jaw dropped.

"The new student god?!"

Boboiboy laughed, and Yaya shook her head.

"How many times do I have to hear that today?" Yaya muttered to herself, not knowing it was in Boboiboy's earshot.

This caused the boy to smile, "Maybe a few more times."

Even though surprised that she was heard, Yaya turned to Boboiboy and said. "Does your company happen to have a technology that blocks out outside noises?"

"Hm... not yet." He answered with an amused expression.

Yaya sighed disappointingly while Ying greeted the large boy as she rolled her eyes.

"Nice to see you too, Gopal."

The three sat down, the two girls on one side while Boboiboy sat next to Gopal. Boboiboy turned to Gopal, a smile beaming on his face.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Boboiboy."

"Gopal. Nice to meet you too buddy!" Gopal smiled back. "How did you get dragged in here?"

"Dragged? Um no. I asked Yaya to let me come with." Boboiboy replied.

Gopal gasped, "And she let you?! Awesome! It seems not even Yaya can resist the charms of beauty!"

"Charms of beauty? What does that even mean?"


The two turn their heads, only to see a Raven haired boy approaching them. Gopal pointed his finger in shock, then he looked at Boboiboy.

"You know the 'Untamable Lone Wolf'?!"

"Untamable Lone Wolf...? Pfft- Hahaha! What kind of- pfft!" Boboiboy laughed as the boy snorted.

"At least mine sounds cool, unlike your 'New Student God'."

Boboiboy smiled at him, "I just came today. One of these days, I'll get a new better nickname than yours... Fang."

The boy named Fang rolled his eyes, "I doubt it." A confident smirk formed on his lips. "After all, I'm more handsome and definitely better than you."

"Oh? Better than me huh? Should we test that?" Boboiboy replied cheerfully, however his eyes were not laughing.

Around the two boys, the people could see sparks flying across them and there was a heavy aura that tensed the whole cafeteria. Gopal who sat beside one of the boys, could feel himself sweat from the tense aura directly beside him. Ying could only shake her head as she sat down with her tray of food, also muttering the few words 'popularity freak', 'arrogant hedgehog', and 'Gloomy Wolf'. Yaya, who had just came back with Ying from buying lunch, was staring at the two boys curiously.

"What happened?" Yaya asked and Boboiboy turned to her direction and smiled.

"Nothing much. Just met an awesome old friend." He answered.

Fang scoffs, "Friend? I'm pretty that's the first time I heard you call me that."

"Who would call you a friend when you keep acting like that..." Ying mumbles, rolling her eyes afterward.

Hearing what Ying said, Boboiboy nodded his head emotionlessly. "I get what you mean."

"Hey! What do you mean by that huh Pigtails?!"

Ying rolled her eyes before smirking and sticking her tongue out at him, "It means as what it exactly means."

"Why you-"

"I'm surprised you know Fang." Boboiboy said to Ying.

"Its more like because he sits behind me in class."

"Ooooooh I see! How unfortunate you are."

"I know right? He's always so stingy."

"Yeah! Also pretty narcissistic right? Right?"


"Oy! I'm right here!"

Boboiboy reached out his arm to pat Ying's shoulder, "You've suffered a lot."

"Finally... someone who gets it! Huhuhu! Boboiboy, you're the first person to understand my pain!" Ying replied with small fake tears flowing out of her eyes, though her eyes sparkled with humor.

"Hey! Are you two ignoring me?!"

Yaya sighed and shook her head in disbelief, "Ying, Boboiboy... Its not nice to pick on someone."

Boboiboy smiled innocently at her, "What do you mean, Yaya? I'm just sympathizing with your friend."

She only looked at him blankly before shaking her head once more, muttering the few phrases 'I regret letting him meet Ying' and 'How can this boy pick on someone and still smile innocently?".

Fang rolled his eyes, "Anyways... can I talk to you Boboiboy? I have a lot of questions I have to ask."

"Like what?"

"The reason you're enrolled here when you're supposed to be homeschooled."

Boboiboy stiffened, "Ah... about that..."

"Hmm... I wonder how Big Brother Kaizo would react knowing our very very VERY troublesome cousin was attending school without our permission?" Fang said, a smirk on his lips seeing the horrified look on Boboiboy's face after hearing the name 'Kaizo'.

"Urk- Don't let him know!" Boboiboy exclaimed quickly, his expression panicked which made Yaya a bit surprised, seeing this was the first time Boboiboy actually showed any signs of panic.

Fang slightly frowned at him, "And why not? He'll literally murder me for not telling him when he figures it out himself."

"Well first..." Boboiboy looked at the other three, his eyes then darting back to Fang. "Let's discuss this elsewhere..."

"Fine. Let's go, I know a place."

Boboiboy stood up and left his seat as Fang began to walk, he looked at Yaya with a smile. "I'll see you in class..."

"But you haven't-"

"I'll explain to you how I got your information later."

With that, Boboiboy looked away and ran after his edgy cousin. Yaya only stared after him, her lips slightly forming a thin smile.

"Information? What is he talking about?" Gopal asked Yaya, taking a bite out of his lunch.

Ying looked at him silently before her lips formed a playful smirk, Yaya on the other hand looked at him hesitantly. After a few moments of silence, she quietly answered...

"Boboiboy knows about us being agents..."

Gopal, who was eating peacefully minutes ago, choked.

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