|| Chapter 6 ||

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Knowing how Gopal would react, Ying handed him a glass of water. Receiving the water, Gopal immediately drank it. After drinking it in one go, Gopal coughed and looked at the two girls in shock. His eyes were as wide as saucers as the two girls sighed.

"He knows?! What? When? And how?!"

Ying tilted her head and tapped her chin in thought, "Honestly we don't know when or how he found out..."

Gopal's jaw drop, he then looked at Yaya for answers, who only shot him a look of 'i-don't-know'. This caused Gopal to gape even more, he could only open his mouth open and close as he tried to form words.

"I- wh- this- Wow... he knows? Then he's an agent too right? I mean there's no way he could find out without being discovered by TAPOPS. Well he is related to Fang and Captain Kaizo... but that would mean they broke the organization's oath." Gopal fumble with his words.

Yaya shook head, "No you're right. He is an agent."

"Also the heir of the Azaam Corp." Ying added.

"Azaam Corp...?"

"TAPOPS' supporting/supplier company."

"Oh I see." Gopal nodded his head in understanding.

Ying rolled her eyes, muttering to herself afterwards. "Why do you guys keep forgetting them?"

"He's an agent right? What's his Branch? He can't be from our Branch, I would remember seeing someone with his handsome looks after all." Gopal said, nodding his head as if he was currently thinking about Boboiboy.

"He's from Branch No.1..." Yaya told him, drinking from her own cup later on.

"Branch No.1 huh? So he's a field trigger agent like Yaya... I wonder how his face is still perfect since he's from that brutal Branch..."

Ying shrugged, "Maybe he's some kind of pro? He did mention he knows all of the agents' information."

"Boboiboy told me he was a special case." Yaya informed them, her eyes locked on her food. "So he must be."

"As expected of Fang's cousin."

"Speaking of which... Hey Yaya, what else did Boboiboy tell you?" Ying asked, her eyes shimmering with curiosity.

"Let's see... he has two agent names." Yaya told them.

"Two? Then he must be really important!"

Ying nodded her head in agreement, "So what's his agent names?"

"I think it was B.B.B and what was it again? Hm..."

Gopal rubbed his chin, "B.B.B? That sounds oddly familiar."

Yaya then clicked her fingers, "Ah! I now remember! His second agent name was Space!"

"Space? That's a cool agent name." Ying commented with a grin.

"Wait... Space?! You mean the Space?!"

"Huh? Yeah. That's what Boboiboy told me." Yaya answered Gopal cluelessly causing him to drop his jaw.

"You mean I just shook hands with the Legend?!"

Ying gave him a look, "Legend? What are you on about?"

Gopal looked at them with disbelief, "You haven't heard about the prodigy agent?!"

"Prodigy agent?" Yaya asked with confusion evident on her tone.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! How uncultured are you two? Do you even listen to gossip?"

Ying snorts in reply.

"Space is said to be the best of the best! The perfect agent among the perfect agents! A solo agent who finished over 10,000 missions with a percentage of 100%! The agent who broke all records in a single month!" Gopal gushed, his eyes sparkling. "The inventor of CL073! Android Ochobot's chosen master! Gah!"

Yaya raised a brow, "So you've heard of him?"

Gopal nodded his head enthusiastically, "Of course! He's the idolized by numerous of agents! He's incredibly famous!"

"That's amazing! He achieved all that despite being the same age as us? Woooah!" Ying said.

"Hehehe! That's not even most of it!"

"There's more?!"

"Yes! A lot more! A hundred- no a thousand more!"

Yaya smiled at the two's banter, her honey brown eyes glistened in peace, watching Gopal and Ying discuss about her classmate's other identity. Her eyes then flickered to the spot next to Gopal, the one in front of her, where Boboiboy sat moments ago. She squinted at it. This boy had just entered her life a few hours ago and yet... he had such an impact, befriending her out of nowhere. A god in the eyes of the students and an idol for multiple agents, was her peaceful life gone?

"-Hey! Yaya-"

For now, she hoped that he wouldn't stick to her for too long. His halo spotlight would bring attention to her, and that, would create disasters. She sighed.


"Huh?" Her eyes blinked in confusion.

Ying frowned, "Finally! I've been calling your name over and over again! The bell rung a few seconds ago."

"Oh... shall we get going then?" Yaya asked, standing up from her seat.

"Yup! Gopal already went ahead by the way!"

Yaya chuckled, "I'm surprised he left earlier than us, I thought he would be busy telling us all about Space's achievements."

Ying grinned, "Do you mean... Boboiboy's?"

"They're the same person."

Ying only giggled as the two began to leave the cafeteria, not noticing the students behind them whispering among themselves. A group of girls in peculiar, were giving them envious and nasty glares.

With a few more minutes before class begun, Yaya walked into the classroom with her eyes darting around the room, checking if the orange themed boy was already there. Seeing that he was not there, Yaya walked towards her seat while ignoring her peers' stares.

She sat down wordlessly, placing her wallet back into her bag then after.


Yaya turned her head sideways to look at the person who called her name, only to see a group of angry girls coming towards her. She sighed tiredly, she knew this was coming sooner or later.

"What?" She asked them politely, an empty smile on her lips as she said so.

One of the girls stepped closer to her, a mocking smirk visible on her face as she crossed her arms. "Where's Boboiboy? Did he leave you because he was so bored with discussing stupid historians?"

"Maybe he did." Another girl said, then giggling afterwards.

Yaya rolled her eyes, "First of all, Boboiboy was the one discussing different topics to me. Shouldn't I be the one who left him? Second of all, if I did discuss about different historians, Boboiboy would probably be more enthusiastic than me if you haven't noticed him in class. Lastly, Boboiboy left me to talk with his cousin about private matters. What was I supposed to do? Tell him to stay? Well I'm not as desperate(stupid) as a group of girls bullying one single girls who's done nothing except talk to a friend."

The girls fumed, seeing that their supposed-to-be attack did not work. This girl even insulted them!

"At least we aren't clinging on to him!" One of the girls yelled.

Yaya could feel she needed to puke, her, clinging on a boy? That was nearly next to impossible! No matter how handsome and amazing they were, Yaya hated them! She didn't want to be some weak heroine who had to rely on handsome men to protect her!

"Me? Clinging unto Boboiboy? Are you even serious?" Yaya said with a frown on her face. "If you haven't noticed, I'm not interested in pretty boys. I even rejected the popular flower prince months ago remember?"

The flower prince was another idol in the school, a boy with beautiful golden hair and eyes as green as newborn leaves. He was given the nickname 'flower prince' because of his love for plants and his charming looks, in fact you would often see him in the school's greenhouse smiling at his plants warmly. And in one peculiar day, this flower prince encountered a beautiful girl reading a book peacefully underneath a tree, he was entranced with her and soon fell in love. Unfortunately for him, the girl he fell in love with was clearly only interested in studies and nothing else. This girl was Yaya Yah, the school's strict president. So when this poor soul went to confess to her, he was rejected with no hesitation.

"Uuuuh the poor flower prince! He still hasn't move on until now! Huhuhu!" The other girls in the class began to weep quietly.

The group of girls scowled at Yaya, while she stared at them blankly.

"So? You probably want Boboiboy because he's perfect! You weren't satisfied with the flower prince because he was only average in academics!" One replied.

Yaya sighed once more, "You think I'm that low? I may be a girl like you but don't mush me up with your kind."


"I'm pretty sure the only thing Yaya is attracted to is tests." Someone cut in.

Heads turned towards the door, only to see their student god leaning in the doorway with a bright smile. They all gasped as he made his way to his seat, the group of girls who were so hostile were now sparkling in joy. Boboiboy's eyes looked at the girls, before thinning in a cheery way.

"What business do you have with Yaya?" Though his face was bright and happy, his aura seemed to release such a threatening one.

"We- uh were just-"

Boboiboy ignored the girls and turned to Yaya, his eyes shimmering in way of... amusement?

Yaya squinted at him, what did this boy find so amusing? Her cliche scenario was clearly his fault! Her honey brown eyes flared at his golden yellow eyes... wait a minute. Yaya looked at his eyes carefully, her eye brow then raising up in question. Wasn't his eye color brown?

Seeing that she noticed his eyes, Boboiboy mouthed I'll explain it later.

Yaya only nodded her head in answer as she looked at him peculiarly.

This day was going to be filled with surprises.

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