|| Chapter 7 ||

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"Classes are now dismissed! Enjoy the rest of your day!"

After greeting their teacher goodbye, students rushed towards Boboiboy and greeted him.

"Bye Boboiboy! See you tomorrow!"

"Eeeek! Goodbye!"

"Let's hangout next time!"

"You want to go to Karaoke with us? Its fun!"

"Boboiboy! Boboiboy! Wanna walk back home with us?"

Boboiboy smiled at them, his simple lip movement caused his classmates to fawn over him. Girls squealed in joy while boys had their eyes sparkling at the sight of him, Yaya was impressed on how easy he won over their classmates, on second thought, maybe it wasn't impressive seeing his sparkling aura.

Continuing on, Boboiboy looked at some of his classmates apologetically. "Ah I'll have to decline joining you." He paused as his eyes gazed at Yaya, his smile growing bigger but to Yaya it looked more like a smirk. "I have plans... with Yaya."

You! Are you planning to get me murdered in school?! Yaya thought in annoyance as she felt the envious glares from her classmates burning through her skull. "What are you talking about Boboiboy?  I don't reme-"

"Shouldn't we be going Yaya? We still have a lot to discuss." Boboiboy held Yaya's hand and dragged her outside, making Yaya and the whole class shocked with the sudden movement.

"Hey wait! My bag-"

Boboiboy glanced at her with a small smile, "I'm carrying it with mine."

She only looked at him blankly, then saying "Give it to me then."

"Hnn~ here you go." He stopped walking shortly and handed back her bag, a gentle smile perfectly etching on his lips.

Yaya was about to happily take her bag, but then she stopped and looked at him with a brow raised. Boboiboy only stared back at her cluelessly, causing her to sigh.

"My hand."

Boboiboy tilted his head, "What about it?"

She pointedly glare at his hand holding hers, "You haven't let go."

"Hm? A-ah so-sorry!" A blush appears on Boboiboy's face, his expression flushed in embarrassment. "I didn't realize until now!"

The students around the corridor gaped at the sight, the New Student God was blushing! 'How beautiful!' Were what they were probably thinking. Yaya, on the other hand, blinked at him questionably, what was with this change of personality? Was Boboiboy this easy to embarrass? Wasn't he the one being shameless for most of the day?

"Its fine. Just... let go of me now." Yaya said, her eyebrows furrowing.

Boboiboy immediately let go. His face still flushed as he scratched the back of his neck. What's with that embarrassed(more like flushed) look you have?! Your acting out of character! Did you switch personalities or something?! Yaya thought as they began walking again, whispers from other students following them.

"Anyway..." Boboiboy cleared his throat, "...you already know the reason why I dragged you with me?"

Yaya nodded, "Its about earlier right? The reason why you have information on us."

He smiled, "Yup."

"Well then... should we discuss this now? I still have to report to headquarters and I still have to meet up with Ying and Gopal." Yaya whispered to him as her honey brown eyes looked at him, she stared at him for a while, her lips then formed into a frown.

Noticing her frown, Boboiboy looked at her curiously. "What?"

"Are you wearing contact lenses? Your eyes really look like their golden yellow."

Boboiboy only remained silent in response, causing Yaya to raise a brow at him.

"Well... you could say that their color are real." He finally said, a look of seriousness on his face. "But I guess you could count them as... fake."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Yaya asked, confusion laced in her tone.

He sighed quietly, "First of all, I'm not exactly 'Boboiboy'. I'm more of a... part of him. A clone."

A questioning look showed in her features, a quiet signal from her eyes urged him to further explain. It was understandable. Considering that Yaya knew nothing of him, just a few basic things like his name, while he knew almost everything about her.

"To tell you the truth, I'm a very important agent back in Branch No.1 but you probably haven't heard of me judging from your lack of reaction when I told you my agent names. The thing is I'm a-"

"Prodigy agent? A genius? The best of the best? While you were gone, your fanboy Gopal already filled me in all about Space." Yaya told him, her brow quirking up.

Boboiboy stared at her.


He began to laugh, his laughter attracting the ears of the people around them. Yaya seeing him laugh, she looked at him weirdly. The boy only continued to laugh, students and teachers alike in the hallways stared at him like he was a god descending down to the earth from the heavens.

"Yaya... you are really amusing." He then said, causing the girl to raise an eyebrow at him. "Your the first person I heard boldly say that straight to my face."

Yaya shrugs at him and replied, "You can say I have no shame."

"Hn~" Boboiboy looked at her and laughed. "But anyway, your half right."


He nodded, "Being a prodigy agent and as you know a heir of the Azaam Corp is only two things but the real reason is because I create new technology." He paused. "One of them being my android Ochobot and well... your 'G-0' gear."

"Huh?" Yaya asked out of impulse. "Wait. You created my gear?"

Boboiboy nodded, "Along with Ying's and Gopal's and some others..."

Yaya looked at him dumbfounded, "You created our gear? All of it? Then that explains why you-"

"Have information on you three." Boboiboy smiled at her. "Yup. It's also the reason why I know that your an agent and some of your personal information like when you first tried to use G-0 you almost destroyed the-"

"S-shush it!" Yaya's face grew slightly red from embarrassment as she recalled the memories from the past. "How is that information even included? There were only a few witnesses like the group of scientists, two of the TAPOPS leader, Ying and Gopal."

Boboiboy smiled at her, "Hn~ I have my ways." He then chuckled to himself while giving Yaya an amused expression.

Yaya groaned at him, "I swear if you tell anyone about that..." her face went sour for a moment. "incident. I'll choke you."

"I'll keep that in mind." Boboiboy smiled brightly at her before muttering a few phrases similar to 'Is this blackmail material?'

Yaya, pretending to not have heard his muttering then said, "Back to the topic, you had information on us because you collected them from our gears. How does that work exactly?"

Boboiboy hummed, "Well to begin with, TAPOPS' technology is specially created to adapt to the performance of every agent. To be able to match an agent with the most compatible tech, I gather a few information about them."

"For example?"

"Hmm... info I specifically look for is their psychological information." Boboiboy answered as his lips curved upwards. "Like for example the way they behave among family and peers."

Yaya looked at him with a brow raised, "Really? Psychological information? Then what led me to the gear 'G-0'?"

Boboiboy looked at her for a moment, his bright golden yellow eyes stared at hers, and then he smiled. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

"Why can't I-"

"Oh look! There's Ying and Gopal! Oh! You're going to headquarters right?" Boboiboy interrupted her. "I plan on heading there too. I guess I'll come along with you there." A small smile played on his lips as his gaze landed on her, "Unless you have any problems with that?"

Yaya huffed at him, "Do whatever you want." She began to walk faster towards the other two, leaving Boboiboy who stood there, to watch her. He chuckled to himself.

"She's a lot more different than I expected."

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