19. College!!

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To my Dear busy busy but lovely readers..

Special update as my story stood #1 in painful..

You know  Iam back with what you are waiting for...

By the way.. What you are waiting for??

Haha.. Its not just story update..

Guys.. Its.. Rakesh point of view...

Being a female and writing a male point of view is too difficult.. I really appreciate all writers who show variation while writing different pov's..

I did my best to give rakesh point of view.. I hope you can find the variation between their attitude.. If you dont sorry for not reaching your expectation..

So.. This chapter is dedicated to...

All The doctors and medicos in india who are doing strike against NMC BILL..

And also to  my_illusions_25 _a_hopeless_teen_

One more thing guys..

Dont worry.. Iam not going to give long speech.. Its just, i want you to remember that words in italic implies past..

So lets get back to our story..

Rakesh pov.

Life is not what we expect.. Its not what we decide.. Its what fate decides..

Yes.. I used to thought.. What ever i want in my life i can get it..

'Nothing is less in my life. I am happy with what ever i have in my life. If i decide something for me.. Then i will chase it and grab it.' those were my words in the past.

So much of positivity. Its all because of my parents. They made everything perfect for me. They raised me in to an individual with positive spirit.

As iam the only child.. Iam highly pampered by my parents.. But it doesnt mean iam lazy arrogant ill-mannered individual.. I do have my goals.. I got in to the college i wanted and the branch i dream to chase and job.. Everything.

Being handsome, well educated, being active in all programs.. Girls used to come and chase me.. Iam not a saint but.. My parents are somewhat orthodox.. Iam not that narrowminded but still being one women man is what i like most.. I want myself to be like that..

Iam not at all interested in relationships which are like part time jobs. The girls who liked me, proposed me.. all had previous affairs.. They brokeup with their ex for silly reasons. Iam not against those who had affairs in the past. Its just i dont like those who giveup for simple reasons.

Once a girl.. I forgot her name.. Is it Harshitha?? Or hareesha?? Its some thing which starts with ' H'. Whatever it might be.. Actually.. She looks hot.. I mean iam a hot blooded guy.. Even if i want to be a onewomen man, i am not committed at that time.. And i used to look at girls.. You know.. Boys issues. I have to search for my girl right..

She is so good at looks. She indeed well educated. I met her during intercollege sports competitions.


When our college won basket ball match.. Iam the team leader.. So everyone started congratulating me. There she approached and started conversation.

"Heyy.. I heard alot about you.." she said with her captivating smile.

She wore lemon green top with dark blue jeans. She had good physique.. that attire enhanced her looks.. Her hair was loose with wavy curls. She shoved her hand for hand shake.

I took it and introduced my self.

We had few general conversations on which college which branch and all. She looked so genuine. Infact i liked how she is so adamant in getting prize for her college. She is a badminton player. She tried her maximum and got 3rd prize.

Varun and vikranth started teasing me with her.

I dont know i didnt liked it.. Like pairing her and me. Actually i liked her but i dont know why my innerself is not accepting her.

Later during conversation she said that she brokeup with her ex 1 month back. I asked the reason.. But the reason she said made me in to a state of shock.

How can she broke up with her boyfriend just because he slept while talking during phone at night 2am.


How can they breakup for silly reasons?? I just lost all the interest i have on her. She proposed after explaining everything about her past. She is not bad but she is not for me.

Some brokeup because her ex drank alcohol in party, some as they forgot its her bday.. Some are even worst.. Just because they forgot her puppy arrival anniversery..

Girls.. Impractical and difficult to deal with..

I do always wonder.. Are they like that just infront of boyfriends or to all their family members..??

I dont have any sister. So i dont know much.

I do have girl friends.. They are best friends.. Not lovers.. Namitha and priya.

Namitha.. I know her since schooling.. She is my competitor during school days. We always used to have common dreams. So atlast we both joined in same college and same branch.

She became my best friend.. We used to be so friendly.. I just didnt felt her like a women.. She is my pal in all my activities whether in fun situations or serious situations.

When she proposed me.. I was in uttershock.. I didnt expected her to propose me like that. She is good.. Not only in looks but also character everything which i ever wanted to be in my dream girl. But i didnt feel anything for her as lover. I didnt wanted to hurt her but i cant let her have expectations for me. So i said what is going in my mind.

She was hurt.. Started avoiding me.. But i didnt left her.. She is my best buddy.. How can i leave her like that.. I know the feelings she have are due to peer pressure.. All Girls in her group are having boyfriends except namitha.. So they started to encourage her, pairing her and me.. She being an immature girl started believing all those things and thought we are in love.. But noo.. We are best friends.. There is a lot of difference.. I tried explaining her everything.. She gradually realised and became asusual.

During my 3rd year.. When i went to tour with my gang.. A girl catched my attention. She is simple and calm.. She is not that great looking but her eyes and smile it made me want to watch her more.. But i didnt tried for her as she already had boyfriend..

Then i came across... Vaishali.. My love.. My life..


I know she is my junior.. I know she is goodlooking, well educated, multitalented.. She do have many proposals.. But she rejected them simply without hurting them. The way she deals with proposals is good enough to say that her character is kind.

But that made her into trouble.. One night when we came from movie and saw a group of boys.. Surrounding and harassing a girl.. She is so strong.. She is trying to deal with them

I, varun and vikranth went to look and stop them.. We three faught with 5 boys.. Of them, 2 were from our college. They were our juniors and other 3 are outsiders. We saved her.

We dropped her in hostel safely. First she didnt want to come with us. She said she will reach safely on her own. But vikranth yelled at her to stop being immature and follow us.

Next day after college, while we were leaving, at parking place she came running to us.

"Hi.. Sorry and thank you for yesterday. " she said taking rapid breaths.

"Its okay.. No need to say all those words" varun said.

I looked at her. She is looking so pleasant with her smile. No doubt.. Most of the guys are crazy for her.

"Iam vaishali nandan, CSE student " she said smiling..

"All the guys in our college knows you" vikranth said.

She throw a furious look at him.

"I gave you a complement" he said raising his hands.

"Stop ragging her vikky.. " priya came snapping vikranth's head.

"Devil entered " he said rolling his eyes.

Everyone laughed including vaishali.

"Heyy.. Why are you laughing at seniors?? Even though you are not a fresher.. Still seniors are seniors.. " namitha said seriously.

Suddenly the smile on her face went away.

"Nams.. You too.. Why are you scaring her? " priya said.

"So.. Vaishali.. Dont think about her words seriously.. She just wants to scare you nothing else. " i said.

"Rakesh..!! You too.. Let me try na.. K leave it.. Anyways.. Vaishali.. I think you know these dumbheads well, as they are well known in our college" namitha said.

"Hmm.. Actually.. I dont know well.. " she said nervously..

We all are in shocked state.

We are the team of champions for basket ball. Iam well known for my handsome features.

She sure is lying.. I dont like those who lie to me.

"Seriously.. You dont know them?? They are basket ball champions" priya asked.

"hmm.. Iam not a fan of basket ball. "she said.

" Dont you know.. Him too??" nams asked pointing towards me. I too waited for her response.

She looked confused.. And looked at three of us and tried to remember..

Doesnt she even know who rakesh is??

" Is he the one who got awarded as Mr. College person this year??" she asked.

Thankgod atleast she knows i got that award.

" Yess.. "nams nodded.

" I know just that part only.. Nothing else." she said shrugging her shoulders.

" Isnt that enough?" vikranth asked her raising his eyebrow.

" Getting an award doesnt explain his character. So i dont know well about him. " she said

Her words made a pang in my heart. I havent been unnoticed this much till now. Her way of explaination made me want to know more about her.

She looked at all three of us and said " but the way you people took care of a girl made me realise you people are good. "

There is this smile in her eyes which reaches everyones heart..

"I just wanted to say thank you for everything" she said. She turned to leave.. But i stopped her.

"Vaishali.. " i said.

She looked at me confused." Keep that smile always on your face" i said.. She smiled shaking her head and left.

Does she think iam flirting with her.. What.. No way.. But she is nice.. Her smile..

"Rakesh..!! "Nams raised her eyebrow..

"What!!?? "

"Hmm.. Nothing" all said in unison.

I was so confused with their sudden change in behaviour.

From then i started observing her daily though secretly..

She is an allrounder.. She loves to play badminton, she sings well, participates in all cultural activities. Studious enough to be in top 10 position..

Though she is well known in college, She is not like those showoff persons. She is humble and gives respect to elders, professors.. Even if people who hate her needs help, she helps them with out any grudge, i dont know how its possible for her.. I cant play cool with those whom i dont like..

Her charecter made her look more and more beautiful.

There are lots of guys who tried to propose her. But she doesnt have any boyfriend. She went to talk with them, later they stopped approaching her. I dont know what she said to them. Its same with all those guys.

These days, I dont know what happened to me. I want to see her all the time.. The smile on her face, her shining eyes.. Me, rakesh going behind a girl like stalking its totally a new thing. I think i should meet a psychiatrist.

Why my heart want to go and meet her?

I want to be with her till my last breath.

why am i feeling this way.. I always wanted to be a one women man. But why my heart craving for her??

"Is it love??"

That one word which escaped from my mouth, i felt like sudden adrenaline rush through my body.

"Yes it is.. " loud voice came from entry door.

I turned to look at smiling varun and vikranth.

I looked at them shocked and confused.

"Dont try to escape man.. We know what you are thinking" vikranth said.

I raised my brow.

"Its about vaishali right? " varun asked.

An involuntary smile escaped my lips hearing her name.

"Didnt i said varun? He always wanted the best one for him. Who else will be the best other than vaishali?" vikranth said smiling.

"But.." iam about to say but was interrupted by varun.

"Stop wasting time rakesh. You both will be the best couple. Dont delay for silly reasons. Do what your heart says not what your mind orders." varun said.

I nodded. I want to spend my life with her.. I decided to marry her.

"I will propose her soon" i said determined.

"Thats it.. All the best dude. I think she too cant say no to you" vikranth winked at me.

I smiled.

I slept peacefully then.

Next day.. During lunch break.. We all i.e, varun, vikranth, priya, nams along with me were having our lunch in canteen.

"Heyy priya.. Finally our hero got his perfect partner.. " vikranth said suddenly.

"Wahh.. Really?? Who is that lucky girl?? " priya said enthusiastically.

"Can u guess? " varun said.

"I know its vaishali for sure? " nams said smiling.. I looked at her with shock.

"Finally you realised it huh?? " priya said.

"Actually that was a question for him.. We clarified his doubt" vikranth said..

"How do you people know about it yaar? When i myself dont understand.. " i said.

"Because your eyes convey alot than your lips" priya said.

I smiled at her stupid reasoning.

"What so late?? Then go and propose her.. " nams said.

"Yess.. I will.. Soon" i said.

After college, i went to buy a card and gift.. As advised by nams.. I searched for lot.. But i felt like its all artificial.. I want to make one myself.. Then only i can feel i made something for her on my own.

Seriously rakesh.. You became crazy.. Crazy about vaishali..

I made a heart shaped card with R and V written on it.. Upon opening there are small hearts elevated.. On each heart, different emotions i wrote.. Lower on elevated edge, i wrote.. Every emotion present above, i want to share it with you for life.. Will you marry me??

After i finished making it.. I loved it.. I hope she too will like it..

Next day, i waited at library for her to come outso that i can propose her... But she didnt came.. I went inside to look for her.. But she is not inside.

Where did she went?? She should be here daily at evening.. Did she left today?? With disappointed emotion i started going back to hostel.

On the way to girls hostel, which we need to cross to reach boys hostel, I heard a sound in the vacant area.. I reached there to see a guy trying to drag vaishali.. I went towards her to protect her.. But before that, she kicked him and started running. She saw me and came behind me like iam a saviour.

He came and said.. " you said you are suffering from what.. What is that?? Haa..?? Yah.. blood cancer.. You deadly want to get married to the one who loves you like eternity right?? But I cant marry a shortlived person.. Not only me.. No one wants to marry you.. why do you waste such a beautiful body? i can give you all the enjoyment you need." i was shocked at his words. I looked at vaishali. She is crying hugging her body.

"Hello.. Boss.. Stop her.. We both will enjoy the beauty.." he said..

My blood boiled at his words. I clenched my fist and gave a punch on his cheek. He fell down with shock. He touched his cheek to look for any bleeding.. But before he regain his posture.. I gave few punches repeatedly and kicked him with my legs.

"Sorry.. Sorry.. Leave me.. Leave me please" he said.

"Leave him rakesh" she said holding my elbow from behind preventing the punch to land on his face again.

I stopped and looked at crying face of vaishali. It made my heart clench.

Blood cancer!!!


So.. Thats it for today.. And no expectations for another chapter.. Updates as usual go on tuesdays..

Do you find any difference??

If not kindly say it.. So that i will try to improve my writing skills..

And correct me if you find any gramatic errors..

Thanks for your reading and voting..

Meet you on TUESDAY..

BYBYE.. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️


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