2. Meeting Of Souls..??

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May be its fate that brought us together.

We dont talk to each other not even like friends. We are just strangers living in same house. Its only me who talks with him.

At first i used to ask him what he likes to eat. What he wants me to make for lunch or dinner. The answer to all my questions is.....

silence.. Pure silence.. U can call it as ignorance.

U might wonder.. didnt i have an emotion called anger. Yes.. i too am normal human being  and i too have emotions. Initially, i used to get hurt for his ignorance.

But anger..

Never.. No..

How can i get angry..??

He is the one i fell in love at first sight.

When ever i saw his face my emotion of anger if at all tries to come out will subside on its own.

His eyes, they speak a lot than his lips. There is hidden emotion in his eyes. Sadness.. which he tries to cover by making stern face.

I have seen his emotions through his eyes. Not recently but at the first time my eyes met his eyes during wedding while he tied the knot of sacred thread.



I dont know how it feels to everyone but iam so elated.. The feel of burden to my parents i gave through all this time is over.

" swetha look at ur husbands eyes while he ties the knot. Its a way that the two souls meet eachother." i do remember avi's words.

I tried to look in to his eyes from the time went on to stage for ritual of marriage. But he didnt look at me.. He is neither smiling nor expressing any emotion. He seems so calm.

During the time of tying i acted like iam in some sort of pain. So that he looks at me.. And my plan worked.. He looked through my eyes...

His eyes..

First time i met his eyes..

There lots of thought and lots of...

Sadness...??  And...


Why do i feel like he is in depressed mood??

Doesnt he liked me??

Is it a forced marriage for him??

But no.. As far as i remember.. He is the one who wanted to marry me even his parents are against it.

Why he is guilty??

Iam searching for my answers looking through his eyes.. But he looked away. May be he understood that iam opening his secret gates. 

During the ritual where arundathi star is shown to bride by groom.. He just pointed to sky. I can understand. Its not easy to talk suddenly out of blue.

After completion of all rituals we went to my parents home.. During the whole process he didnt said anything..

May be he is shy person and wants privacy to talk to me..

That night we are supposed to stay in different rooms.

Next day we went to inlaws house for puja. And evening reception. Everything happened so quickly.
Few of my friends teased me when ever i get some free time. So there is no privacy for him to talk to me

That night also we have to sleep in different rooms.

Next day, we went to my parents home.
Thats the day of first night we both will be living in one room.


Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. Tring..

I came out of my thoughts.. With the mobile ring..

I looked through the screen, display showed ammi...

"Hello.. Ammi.. How r u??.."

"Well.. Iam the one who is always calling.. And u r asking me how r u??"

"Okay.. So iam fine ammi.. Thank u for calling.."

"U idiot.. Y dont u call me? Why we always have to call u?? Dont u remember us??"

"Its not like that ammi.. U know how busy iam to take care of ur son in. Law..  U only said na.. To take agreat care of husband is the prime duty of wife"

"Ha.. Baba.. I only said.. But it doesnt mean that u can forget us completely taking care of ur husband u know."

"Sorry ammi.. Days are too fast that i didnt even realised how may days hav passed without talking to u"

"I dont know whether to feel happy that my daughter got such great love that she doesnt even remember her parents or sad that the only daughter of us forgetting us in love of her husband" tears started forming in my eyes.

"Its not like that ammi.. U are over exaggerating things.. I do love you both u know that wright.."

"Haa beti haa.. But u have to call us next time.."

"haa ammi.. This time sure will try.."

"Try....  Arrey.. U wont change.. Listen.. Ur appa here eagerly trying to talk to you.."

Harsh sound happened..

"Beti.. How r u dear??"

"Im fine appa.. How r u!?? How is ur health?? "

"We are fine dear.. How is our son in law..? "

"We are doing well.. He is sleeping appa.. Other wise he always wants to talk to u to know about my childhood naughty things to tease me u know.."

"Ha.. Ha.. My son in law is naughty like me.. "


"there is no need of us.. He will take good care of u.. I know that.."

"Hmm "

There is few seconds of silence..

"Beti.. "

"Appa..  I miss you.. "

"Do u want to come home for few days.. I will talk to rakesh.. He will not say no to me"

"Nooooo..  I dont want to leave my husband"

"Do u want us to come?? "

"No.. Appa.. Its k.."

"Arrey.. I know.. We also dont want to disturb ur privacy.. "

"Its not like that appa.. "

"I really thank god for giving my daughter such a loving husband.. K.. Beti.. Catch u later.. Good night"

"Bye appa.. Bye amma love you both.. Goodnight"

I cut the call and went to our bedroom. He is still awake doing his office work on couch beside our bed.

I arranged bedsheets and pillows neatly and went to kitchen to make buttermilk and took waterbottle from refrigerator. Got back to our room.

I stood beside him, kept buttermilk on the table infront of him and water bottle bedside. He is too busy to look at me but drank buttermilk.

I took the empty glass to place it in kitchen after getting back i sat on bed and stared at my mobile screen.

The picture of me, my ammi and appa.

A pain of tinge in my heart.. My parents dont know that here my husband treats me as stranger. I dont want them to know. I dont want them to feel bad or show sympathy.

If they know there may be a chance they might pressurise my husband.. I dont want him under pressure.. I want his true love.


Can i get his love??

So guys what do u think of todays chapter.

How many mistakes u identified

Haha.. I know how worst my english is.. Iam a new little bee trying to learn na.. So take a good care of me.

What do u think of todays chapter?

a. Like
b. Bored
c. Neutral

Give ur feed back.

So what do u feel about swetha's love for rakesh?

Do u think the assumption of swetha i.e.,  sadness and guilty in rakesh mind is true or its just her over imagination??

Sumuhorthamastu- time to tie knot of sacred thread.

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