3. Revenge??

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Tuttuttu.. Tuttuttu.. Tuttuttu..

I woke up to sound of alarm.
My hands searched for my mobile underpillow and i turn off it.

I went to open the curtains of window to welcome the sunrays..

I turn to see his calm sleeping face. Before marriage the first thing i used to see is god but after marriage its my husband. For every wife husband is first god. I sat on couch to see his face.

He is sleeping like a small baby with pleasantness. I love watching his face.  But if he is awake i dont have guts to look. So i only watch when iam sure that he doesnt know.

Few Hair follicles over his head make his face look more hand some.

Did i mention his hair is soft and thick. I love his hair too.

His eyebrows thick as forest.

His sharp nose..

Sharp chin with light stubbles of beard.

Perfect lips.  I dont know when they will touch mine.. I always want to know how  soft they would feel when they touch mine.


"Swetha!  Dont get tensed.. He is ur husband. Wife must fullfill husband needs. Its a normal thing between couples. Till now u havent been touched by any male. But now when he touches you dont be apprehensive. Sexual intimation is purest form of love that happens between husband and wife. It improves faith and love. So dont go against his wishes" ammi said trying to decrease my anxiety. I blushed deeper.

Today is the first night we are going to sleep in one room. May be he is waiting for this privacy to talk to me. If iam a fair skinned girl my cheeks might have been tomato red.

"Oyyy oyy sweth! Store ur shyness for ur husband. U know lots of guys like shyness of girls. But some like wild girls. I dont know how rakesh will be. U have to describe it fully tomorrow" avi teased.

"Shut uppp avi.." I blushed and slapped avi's shoulder, covered my face with palms.

"U know. Those cool calm guys are too wild in bed. So be prepared" avi winked

"Ahhh! Please avi! Stop it" this time closed my ears blushing.

"Hahaha.. K.. U are ready for war.. There rakesh might be waiting enthusiastically. Lets go " all lady gang giggled.

They sent me inside my bedroom now our bed room and locked it outside.

I stood at door with glass of milk in my hand. My nervousness is at peaks.

He is sitting on the bed. Upon watching me he stood.

I went near him to give milk. When he didnt take it. I looked at him.

He had serious look. Not the one with love.

"Hmm.. Ammi said. We have to share this milk. " i said with hesitation.

Fear replaced my nervousness.

He frowned and said

"I dont like you.. I married you just because of force from parents. Nothing else. Dont get high hopes. Because i wont even touch you. "

My heart crushed to 1000 times

"Appa said u wanted this marriage despite ur parents unwilling " i asked unable to believe what he said.

"My parents forced me to marry, so i wanted to marry someone who they dont like. So its u." he stated casually.

"Am i part of revenge?? "

"Sorry.. But u have freedom. I mean u can love anyone, i wont bother you. I will make sure that u can marry the one u love. I will give u divorce  when ever u want. Till then we are strangers living under one roof"

I laughed at my luck.

Tears started to fall. I tried to control. I dont want to look as a weak person.

'We are strangers living underone roof'

His words repeating in my mind.

He turned to sleep on floor.

I made a wall of pillows at the centre of bed.

"U can sleep there. No need to sleep on floor. I can assure u that i wont touch you." i said controlling the falling tears.

He didnt said anything he slept on bed facing the other side.

I slept on my side of bed facing his back. Flood of Tears fell on its own. I cried whole night for my fate. Nothing can change the fact that iam unwanted.

My cheeks felt wet. When i touched it i realised it as tears.

He turned to other side during sleep.

Hmm.. Time for my routine. I went to freshup and do my routine chores.

After prayer, i made coffee and kept it on table along with newspaper and waited.

His alarm started ringing.

He wokeup. Took coffee from table and went to balcony to read newspaper.

I made sure that his dress is ironed and placed it on table and kept towel in bathroom.

I went to prepare breakfast and lunch.

Time ran fastly. I prepared lunch box and placed breakfast on table waited for him. He came and ate it and left to office.

After he went i made sure locked the door.

Started cleaning the kitchen.

Tring tring tring..

I ran to take my mobile to see avi calling..

I cut her call.

It started ringing again.

Again i cut her call

It started ringing again this time i switched off my mobile.

How dare she.. I love my bestie.. But not her advise.. Her advise of me giving divorce to my husband.


After the tearful night, my eyes became red and swollen. Not iam afraid what my parents will think. So washed my face and didnt open door till late.

When he woke up, i asked him to stay for some time.

" can u do me a favour by staying here for some more time. I dont want my parents to see me in this dreadful state. Can u please tell them that there is an important meeting so have to go today itself as emergency."

He watched my face i know there is guilty but he just nodded.

At 10am there is a knock on the door. I stiffened. I went to washroom to look in mirror. Its better than before.

" Beti.. Wakeup.. Beti.. "

I took the wall of pillows in middle and kept it aside.

Then opened the door acting shyness.
I cant look in to my ammi eyes. I looked down.

"Haha.. Okay beti! Come for breakfast." she kissed my forehead and smiled towards rakesh "Rakesh beta! u too come fast, its already late. Relatives are Waiting to see you".

He nodded.

With that she left.

I locked the door and turned to him

" i really hope u consider my request" He nodded.

After getting ready we went down.

After having breakfast, ammi asked rakesh to talk with my relatives. While i stood away from them.

Suddenly someone hugged me from behind. I stiffened.

"Arey! Cool baby cool its me.. Not ur hubby. He is busy with interview of cousins. " avi teased and made turn to her.

I looked down.

"Okay baby, can u tell me the details of last night. How it.... "She lifted my chin

" Swetha!!! What  happenedd..?? "  tears started filling

" what..?? " i tried to act innocent and divert the topic.

" What happened?? Why did you cry??" she is so worried for me

" No.. I didnt" swallowing the hard lump formed in my throat.

"Dont lie. Iam sure. U cried. Did he tortured u like an animal?? Any physical assault??"  she looked scary

"No.. No..  He didnt.. Its... Its.. just i feel sad that i have to leave you all " i covered

"Hmm.." she nodded but i know Avi didnt believe me. She is looking through my eyes.

I shifted my eyes here and there. I cant lie by looking through her eyes.

"Okay sweth. If thats how u want to cover its okay. I will wait till u tell me the truth."  she hugged me and rubbed my back.

The control i have till now. Bursted.

"Its okay. Its okay.. Iam there when ever u want. " she comforted me.

"Whatt happened beti!! Whyyy aree u crying??" appa shout aloud.

Ammi and my relatives came running. I saw from the corner rakesh came and stood.

"Beti... Your eyes.. So swollen.. How come i havent seen you?? " ammi horrified.

I looked towards him. He looked guilty and sorry.

"Sorry uncle and aunty.. Its just i got a call yesterday night that i have to attend an important meeting. Iam appointed as manager for new project so we have to go to bangalore today itself." 

Appa and ammi shocked.

"But beta! Its just yesterday u came. U have to stay 3 days here."

" Iam extremely sorry aunty, its.. its.. an emergency. I already booked flight tickets. Have to start at 2pm"

He looked towards me and went to our bed room.

"Poor beti! U r crying for this? Its k dear  you can come when ever u want. We also will come to see you" ammi hugged me.

I nodded and hugged ammi.

I left to pack my luggage.

Avi came to help me. While iam packing my luggage, she is looking at me continuously.

"I dont believe you both" i stopped packing and looked through her.

"Whyy.. "

"Because i know u.. U always used to say u will not cry during bidai" she stated.

I started packing ignoring her comment. She will not believe me. I know.

"My husband is getting transferred to bangalore in 2 wks.. U know that right?"  she said


"So we will meet there. I hope u will tell each and everything to me" she said hopefully.

I nodded.

After bidding good bye. To my parents and my friends.  I and rakesh entered cab.

I miss you ammi.. appa..

I cried in cab.

He didnt said any word.

He gave his hand kerchief.

"Its okay." i opened my handbag and took my kerchief to clean my wet face.

Through out our journey we didnt talk.

He listened to songs.

But my mind is full of his words.

'I dont like you'

'i married you because my parents are unwilling'

' we are two strangers living under one roof'

'U will have freedom'

'U can love whomever u want'

' I will divorce you when ever u want'


Life is full of surprises.. Isnt it so..

Love is not what we take. Its all about what we give.

I will give all my love to my husband. I have no expectations and its not a buisiness to give and take.

Open the door please..

I came out of my thoughts and opened the door.

Courier boy.

"Excuse me madam. Are u swetha mehra?"

"Yess.. "

" well madam. This is for u can u sign it here." he showed me paper to sign

I signed and returned it to him. "Thank you" i smiled.

He left.

"What it might be and who might have sent it?" i mumured.

After opening it. There is a greeting card with love symbols. And a box on opening it, it showed a gold bangle.

I gave seen this bangle.. Actually i loved to buy it. But..

Who is this person.?

Upon opening the greeting it said

Secret admirer.


Well guys..

What do you think about todays chapter.

Is it a justifiable reason for rakesh to marry swetha?

Can avika able to find the reason behind swetha's cries?

What do u think about rakesh charector??

Who is this secret admirer??

I hope i wasted ur time well

Next update..

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