20. Love ->break up

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Helloo.. My dear busy busy but lovely readers.. Back with our story..

Do you know.. It crossed 10k reads and 1 k votes..

About my last request.. Thanks to those who spent sometime to know regarding the issue.. Anyways nothing can be done now.. Bill was notified by honourable president and asked to make few changes in the bill.. Finalisation of Rules of  bill to be done in 6 months.. Lets hope for best..

So.. This part iam going to dedicate to

'All the lovers who love one another alot but broke due to circumstances.. '

Lets back to story..
(italic =past)

Rakesh pov.


Blood cancer!!!

"Is that all true?? what he said" i asked her hesitating.

She looked at me widening her eyes. Shook her head horizantally and ran from me.

I felt like my heart stopped beating looking at the crying and helpless figure running away from me.

I went to hostel and lie down on bed. I tried to sleep but sleep was far away from reach.

I havent slept through out night with constant words running in my head.

'you said you are having blood cancer right.'

'You deadly want to get married right? '

'I dont want a shortlived person'

I went to college early.. But i havent talked with my friends. Iam unable to listen to classes so i left the class and went to basket ball court to relieve my mind..

I tried several times to throw ball on to basket but not even once it went on to it.. I left the ball helplessly and sat on the steps beside the court.

What the hell is happening to me..? To this world..?

Cant it be cured??

Why she is having such deadly disease..?

Why didnt she say it? May be she doesnt want sympathy.

I rubbed my head to relieve the throbing headache..

What should i do now?? I dont want to leave her.. I want to support her.. I do love her.. Her condition wont change my love towards her.

"What if she thinks that my love is just a sympathy? " i doubted myself.

"Sympathy??" i was frozen and raised my head.

"For what?? " nams with worry on her face sat beside me.

"No.. Nothing" i said looking away from her.

"Rakesh.. I know.. Something is bothering you.. You are acting different.. Bunking class.. Unable to concentrate on your favourate sport.. Do you think i will believe your nothing as answer?" nams asked keeping a hand on my shoulder.

I stood to go away..

" Rakesh.. Its a promise on our friendship.. Do you think i will leave you like that.. Iam your bestie right? " i nodded.

" So.. Share your problem.. May be.. It might decrease your pain.. Even if you cant get solution" nams said with assurance.

I looked at her.. "its about vaishali right??" i nodded.

"Did you propose her? "

"no... I went to propose her yesterday.. But i got to know that she is.." i couldnt complete it.. I took deep breath and continued, "She is suffering from blood cancer" my voice muffled at last two words.. I dont know why my heart doesnt want to believe it.. There is this pain in my heart..

"Whatt!!?? " nams shouted with shock.

I said what happened last night..

"What do you want to do now? " nams asked.

"I dont know nams.. I love her.. I cant leave her in such situation.. I want to be with her and support her till her last breath. " i said.

"But rakesh.. Are you sure do you want to marry her? "

"Yes.. I will.. But the problem is.. Will she accept me?? " i said.

"No one can reject you rakesh.. I know she will accept you" nams assured me.

"Thank you nams for the support"

"You know rakesh.. She is so lucky.. Iam not jealous.. Iam so proud of your love.. I understood what true love is looking at you.. Do what your heart says.." nams said with admiration.

I decided to propose her today itself. I dont want waste time anymore..

At evening i went to search for her. She went to canteen with her friend. I went inside and requested her friend to give privacy for us. She smiled and went away.

I sat infront of her.

She seemed to be nervous. Didnt dare to look at me.

I waited for her to look at me. When she didnt i cleared my throat and said.

"Vaishali.. Will you marry me" i said straight without wasting time on any unnecessary words.

She looked at me shocked "ra-" she is about to say simething but i interrupted her.

"I know what you might me thinking. Iam saying all these words out of sympathy right? " i said.

"No.. What i wa-" she again about to say something but i stopped her.

" first let me continue vaishali.." she nodded keeping her right palm on her mouth. "I know it might look like sympathy, but its not so. I dont know whether you observed or not.. I became crazy now a days.. Without looking at your smiling face my day felt like
Moody day. I want to spend everyday with you. I havent felt like this with everyone. Its only you" she is looking at me intently like searching for truth.

" yesterday after hearing his words. I dont want to waste the limited time i have. I want to be with you till the rest of your life.. I really want to marry you.. I know its shocking to you. I dont want to pressurise you.. Take your time.. Decide what your heart feels.. I said what my heart wants to say.. Everything is up to you.. But i will wait for you. " i said. She is looking at me.. But she is in deep thoughts.

I wrote my number on tissue paper and gave it to her." If you are ready to talk, this is my number." she looked at the number i gave. I stood and went out.

After saying everything to her. I felt like my heart is at ease. Even if she rejects me, my love for her wont change. I love you vaishali. Love you till my last breath.

Next day.. I waited for her call.. But i didnt get it.. I havent seen her in college too..

I asked her friend about her.. She said.. Vaishali went to her home due to emergency.

I started getting worry.. What might be the emergency?? Is her health condition good? I asked about her health condition.. She said she is fine.. Its about her family..

I asked her number and called her. But she didnt lift her call.

After 2 days.. I got a call from her..

"Hello.. " i said with enthusiasm.

"Hello.. Rakesh" she said..

"I want to meet you.. Will you come to pizzahut in 30 minutes.. " she asked.

"Yess.. Sure" i said.

I went there to look at vaishali already sitting on the table deeply thinking

"Hi.. " i said smiling.

"Hi.. " she said with out her shining smile..

"As i said already.. Always keep your smile.. Which shines your surroundings. " i said.

She looked at me for few seconds and said " are you sure about your opinion on marrying me??"

I nodded smiling.. I dont want to show sympathy with sad face.. Because.. It will make her remember her deadly condition and she might forget to smile as like now.. I want her to enjoy every moment..

"if i die.. You will be left alone.. What is the use of marrying me..?" she said with plain emotion.

"Love and marriage is not a buisiness vaishali.. I want to marry you because i love you not because i can gain something.. And if i got to know about your health condition after i got married to you.. Do i leave you?? No.. never.. I love you vaishali " i said.

She was silent.. She looked at me for a long minute and heaved a deep sigh..

"Sorry.. Rakesh.. " she said looking down.

I didnt say anything.. May be she didnt like me..

"i respect your opinion vaishali.. Just because i love you.. It doesnt mean you too have to love me.. But my love will never fade.. Because.. You are the only girl i felt like this.. I will wait for you but you dont need to change your opinion through pressure. " i said and was about to stand up.

She catched my wrist and stopped me.

I looked at her..

" Sorry.. Rakesh.." she said once again.." Its okay vaishali" i said but deep within there is pain, which i want to cover it with fake smile.

"Noo.. Rakesh.. Not that.. " she shaked her head with sadness.

"i dont believe in love.." she said but i interrupted her.. "i can understand"

"First let me explain rakesh" she said with guilty.

"I.. I.. I dont have any health problem" she said closing her eyes tightly.

I looked at her.. I think i mistook her words..

"I didnt get you"

She opened her eyes and looked at me..

"I lied to all those who proposed me.. So that they will leave me alone.." she said.

Should i feel happy that she dont have any health issue or.. Do i need to feel bad that she lied to me..

"I tried to explain it to you last time when you proposed me.. But you didnt give me a chance" she reasoned.

Yah.. She might be correct..

"Why do you have to lie? " i asked unable to relate.

"My friend loved a guy.. She faught with her parents for him.. But he cheated on her.. She attempted suicide unable to face her parents.. That incident haunts me.. So i decided to never love any guy.." she explained

What the hell.. Does she thinks all guys are same..? Why cant she give chance..?

" So.. Dont you marry ever? " i asked seriously.

" i dont know.. May be i will.. But Whom ever my parents ask me to marry" she said.

"Are you sure that guy.. Whom you dont know even a little bit will never cheat you?? "

She stood silent.. May be thinking..

"why dont you give it a chance.. If you dont, may be you will miss a good person.." i said.

She narrowed her eyes and arched her right eyebrow.

"Heyy.. Its not about me.. Iam asking you to be open minded. May be you will like someone.." i looked at her like i gave a wonderful suggestion.

"I already started liking" she said smiling.

There is a pang in my heart..

"Who!!?? " i asked in a loud whisper.

She blushed looking down.

My heart started to beat louder.

She raised her eyes and looked at me.. " the moment you said you want to marry me despite health issues"

I felt like iam flying..


She nodded smiling..

"I went home to tell my opinion to my parents.. They gave me freedom.. But asked me to be cautious" she said.

I smiled.. "Cautious about me?? "

"Ofcourse.. You are a guy right??" she mocked.

We both laughed.

"I love you vaishali.. " i said.

She stopped laughing and looked at me seriously.. " rakesh.. I want to clarify something to you"

"What..? "

"I started liking you.. I dont love you at present.. And i need time for me to understand you.. " she said.

"Okay.. " i said.

" and one more thing.. There should not be any.. Physical intimacy between us.. Otherwise.. Leave me alone" she said.

"Do you think, i loved you for physical needs? " i asked.

"No.. I just want to make sure that you wont try till our marriage" she said.

"Okay.. Madam ji.. " i said.

I felt happy as there is nothing that can seperate us..

Since then we started chatting and calling eachother till late..she became so friendly with nams and other members of the group.. During exams i used to explain her and clarify her doubts..

If a guy neglects his girlfriend while enjoying with his friends, That girl will start fighting and always complain that he is neglecting her with his friends..

But here vaishali is quite opposite.. She wants me to enjoy my time with friends.. "We can spend our rest of time together
. But friends will be there only for sometime.. Make memories with them.. " i felt so lucky to have such a great understanding girl.

When she joined MNC, there was an issue in her hostel.. Some one kept video camera in some girl's washroom..  it got viral and that girl committed suicide.. But issue was not investigated properly.. There is a rumour that some higher hands are involved..

I felt like there is no safety there.. I wanted her to move in with me..

First she said no.. But i tried till she agree..

" do you trust me?? Do your parents believe you??" i asked her. She nodded for my questions.

"There is no need to think about others.. If you love me enough to trust me, move in with me. I assure you that i will never ever take advantage of the situation" i said

"I trust you rakesh.. But living together is.. " she said.

"Then lets get married" i said..

"Rakesh.. " she narrowed her eyes..

"Haha.. I know vaishali.. You want to become successful first.." i said smiling.

"I need time rakesh.. dont want to take family responsibilities till i reach my goal" she said sadly..

"Why do you think you can't ?? " i asked the same question i always ask her.

"Life changes after marriage Rakesh.. You wont understand.. Even you too will taunt me to take responsibility.."

"Okay.. Vaishu.. Leave it.. We will get married only after you became successful in your project.. But.. I dont want you to stay in hostel anymore.. " i said seriously

She was in deep thought.. Later she said " i trust you rakesh... I will move in with you"

Trust is what is needed in any relation ship.. She trusts me.. Isnt that enough for me to be peaceful..

We started living in same house.. Though as roommates.. I loved every moment i spend with her.. Her smile.. Her eyes.. Her voice.. Her cooking.. Its like we are already married.. But i dont understand why she is so adamant in not getting married till she succeed

One day, i got a call from mom..

Shocked is a small word to describe..

She said.. Meghana wants to marry me..

Meghana.. Seriously.. I dont like such girls.. Who will change boyfriends like a hair band.. I love vaishali and no one else..

I said no instantly.. Even if iam not in love with vaishali.. I dont like meghana ever.

I said about meghana to vaishali.. " no rakesh.. Never blame a girl about her charecter.. She is indecisive it seems.. But she is not characterless.." vaishali supported her..

I dont know what vaishali think about meghana.. But i stopped talking and thinking about meghana.. But meghana started calling and started saying.. She is in love with me since childhood..

Am i such a fool to believe her.. I said iam already in relation and leave me. With in few days after my warning, my parents came to our home and made an issue.. They started blaming vaishali's charector.. Its my fault.. I pressured her to live with me.. She is an angel..

I dont know what happened to my parents suddenly.. I know they are orthodox.. But i thought they respect my opinion.. They will accept the girl i love.. But suddently everything was blank..

Vaishali's parents took her to her home.. I tried to explain to my parents but.. It was like someone modified their mindset.. I tried to talk with vaishali and her parents but... They never allowed me to talk with her.. They said.. I left vaishali for my parents and they dont have any belief in me that i can protect their daughter..

I tried every possible way.. I asked nams to talk with vaishali.. But.. Suddenly one day i came to know that my love got married to abhinav pande.. Her uncle's son. She left me.. Noo.. i lost her.. I lost her because iam unfit to love her.. She trusted me.. But i didnt protect her.. She chose me but i left her behind chosing my parents.


So.. How do you like today's chapter??

👏👏👏 Applause to the people who guessed that vaishali has no health problem..

What do you think of vaishali??

What do you think about our rakesh??

Do you miss our swetha??

Not everyone's dream is getting married and have a family.. Some have different interests.. Vaishali has more priority towards her goal.. Swetha's dream is to have a loving family and husband..

Meet u on next tuesday..😀😛😍


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